Our Senators and Psy-Ops Warfare – an Alien Connection- Is it all True Series #174

Credit Rolling Stone

As you probably read last week, our Senators were under attack in Afghanistan from our own military. But first, in Hank Worbetz’s new book “Reflections of a UFO investigator” Hank talks about our military having all kinds of advanced psychological operational methods to control and brainwash people, especially people who for the most part stumbled across major information about UFOs and alien abduction experiences.

Hank goes on to say that first you get abducted by the alien terrestrial group and then the military (US) and other countries come and abduct you and mess with your head, to extract information regarding your first abduction at the hands of the aliens. These advanced Psy-Ops methods others and I believe probably were obtained from an Alien source, maybe a Alien trade for access to more select human subjects for their happy agenda. This is closer to the truth than you may think.

So back to Afghanistan – Senators McCain, Lieberman, Reed, Franken, and Levin, also an Admiral, Ambassador, Interior Minister, and other assorted people were under a psychic attack. This three-star general Caldwell was the triggerman; he was the guy pushing for deep analysis information to work pressure points in the targeted group, to get more troops and money for the war effort in Afghanistan. So what exact methods did they use or try to use? I think maybe temporary implant devices – the organic variety that the aliens have been using on humans for over 50 years. Again, somehow we (the military) back-engineered them (the implants) from the alien abductions victims; this has happened over a 40-year period.

You say it sounds crazy, well how about this question General Caldwell asked of his staff: “What do I have to plant inside their heads?” I guess he probably found out what could be used to influence Senators to do or not do things against their WILL. I guess that explains why some of the strange things have happened in the last 15 years or so in Congress. Remember we spend more money than all the other countries in the world combined on the military. As President Eisenhower once said, “Beware of the military industrial complex.” His words ring truer everyday.

Sleep Tight – just sleep tight – enjoy the peace in your dream world, for the next morning will bring more strangeness.


Mass Bird/Fish Kills — are they Canaries in our Human Mine. Mercola Speaks:

Dr. Mercola’s Comments:

Unless you’ve been living beneath a rock for the past month or so, you couldn’t have missed the bizarre reports of birds falling from the sky and dead fish littering shores in various parts of the world, mainly in the US, but also in Canada, Sweden, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Japan, and other areas.

This interactive Google map contains 30 reports, with the earliest reports starting around the last week of December. At the time of this writing, the map had not been updated since January 5, which means there were about 30 or so reported mass die-offs worldwide within a span of about just over one week.

I make this point because authorities have been quick to reassure us all that mass die offs are “normal,” pointing out the fact that there are scores of mass deaths of various species each and every year.

While this is true, after spending some time reviewing the data on previous mass die-offs, I can’t help but scratch my head and wonder why, if this is normal, the data doesn’t support their current conclusions.

In fact, after looking at the US data for 2010 and 2009, I don’t see how current events fit comfortably within the “normal” parameters.

Personally, I believe these birds and fish are the proverbial canaries in the coal mine, and whatever is going on, whether natural or induced by man, they appear to be an indication of something or some things going awry.

Are Mass Die-Offs of Animals Normal?

Well, yes and no.

It’s easy to see how the authorities can so easily dismiss these events pointing to the fact that they’ve got scores of reports of similar events each and every month of the year.

But not so fast.

If you’re going to hinge your conclusions on the data available, then look at that data and see if there are similar patterns ASIDE FROM the fact that animals “can and do die en masse” at times, which they do. I asked myself three questions, and I’ll review each of them below.

The first question is, how common is it for hundreds or even thousands of birds to fall from the sky and not be found to have died from either poisoning or some form of viral or bacterial infection?

The answer to that is this: In the past two years that has never happened, based on the data from the USGS National Wildlife Health Center.

Three thousand Purple Gallinule and American Coots died between February and April of last year—from Avian cholera. Not from some mysterious mid-air collision with nothing, causing them to plummet to their deaths.

Six hundred snow geese also perished between February and March last year, due to lead poisoning. Some 200 robins, starlings and doves also died from suspected toxicosis.

Mass bird starvations have also occurred, but that’s clearly not what we’re looking at presently.

Going through the USGS’ lists of each quarter for 2009 and 2010, looking for a pattern of what could be considered normal (at least in recent years), it seems quite clear that the die-offs that have occurred in the past few weeks are not quite as normal as they’re trying to make them out to be…

Botulism appears to be a primary culprit when it comes to mass die-offs of birds and bats, but so far, none of the current cases have been linked to either poisoning or infection.

So, although mass die-offs are indeed normal, mass die-offs without a toxic, viral or bacterial cause are NOT normal.

So, until or unless a toxic or infectious cause is ascertained, it seems remarkably irresponsible to dismiss these events off-hand as something that is “within the norm.” And then there’s the frequency of events.

Why are There So Many More Reports All of a Sudden?

That’s the second question.

Going back to that Google map, it shows a total of 15 reported events in the US within just eight days, starting with 83,000 dead fish washing up along the Arkansas River on December 29, followed by 5,000 blackbirds falling out of the sky in Beebe, Arkansas around 11.30 pm on New Year’s eve, up to January 5, which is when the map was last updated.

Compare that to the USGS records of previous events and you will find that for the first two quarters of 2010 (the last two quarters are not posted), there were a total of 45 reports for the first quarter (January through April), and a total of 29 reports for the second quarter (April through June).

That means that during the first quarter of 2010, the USGS National Wildlife Health Center received an average of about 3.5 reports of mass die-offs per week. And during the second quarter of 2010, the average was just over 2 reports per week.

The year prior, in 2009, they had a massive die-off of ducks – 1,537 of them – but again, the cause was identifiable as parasites, not flying into electrical wires or scared to death by fireworks. They also had 1,440 various birds, including geese, die in the summer of 2009 in Minnesota. But again, there was a cause: viral infections. Twenty thousand ducks died of botulism in Idaho that same summer.

But still, if you average the number of total reports turned in to the USGF each quarter of 2009, the reports averaged from 1 to 4 a week.

So once again, 15 mass deaths in one week is a bit out of the ordinary—in fact, the first week of January has between five to seven times more reports than the average week during the past year.

Is that due to increased use of technology? Are we just noticing these events because we’re more connected and news spreads faster?

Many people have proposed that as the explanation, but I’m not convinced. Didn’t people have access to smart phones and computers last year? Or the year before?

Are Animals Dying in Greater Numbers than Normal?

The third “out-of-the-proposed-norm” of animal mass-deaths is the much larger than normal number of animals dying, starting with 83,000 fish and 5,000 birds in Arkansas.

Again, going through the USGS records, these are actually extraordinarily large numbers.

Reported mass deaths are typically in the dozens for birds, and large fish deaths appear to be rather uncommon in general.

Mass deaths of sea life now include:

2 MILLION fish in the Chesapeake Bay
Between 10,000 and 20,000 gizzard shad in Lake Meredith, Texas
20 TONS of carp and red tilapia in Vietnam
100 TONS of fish (mostly sardines) in Brazil
40,000 crabs in the UK
At least in the US, the records from the USGS simply do not support the explanation that fish typically die in such great numbers.

Do some of these events have reasonable explanations?


Toxic algae bloom was found to be the culprit in the case of Lake Meredith, and the Vietnamese event was determined to be due a combination of water pollution and overcrowded fish pens, and the crabs may indeed have succumbed to cold water stress.

However, something just doesn’t feel right about shrugging all of these events off as ‘nothing out of the ordinary.’ I certainly believe they all merit thorough and rigorous investigation.

Case Solved: Birds Died from Blunt Trauma!

At first I couldn’t believe I was reading what I was reading. I thought, surely I must have misunderstood something. But no, it appears as though the official explanation to the Arkansas bird deaths is simply this: they died from blunt-force trauma. Tests for poisoning were negative. Case closed.

The official stance is that this year’s fireworks sent the birds into a never-before-heard-of panic, causing them to fly into cars, homes, and possibly straight into the ground. What this explanation ignores, however, is the fact that people started reporting the birds littering the streets around 11.30 pm, and on New Year’s Eve fireworks typically do not begin until the strike of midnight. It also ignores the fact that this does not appear to have happened before, even though the US celebrates both New Year’s and Independence Day with massive fireworks displays across the nation every year.

Perhaps an even more bizarre explanation is that of the Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana event, where about 500 red-winged blackbirds and starlings are thought to have suddenly been unable to navigate around a power line due to high winds… Personally, I believe the odds of 500 birds colliding with a power line are fairly slim.

Likewise, it seems dubious that one trucker would cause the death of nearly 100 birds in Falkoping, Sweden.

Testing has yet to identify any toxic or infectious causes to any of these bird deaths.

I certainly understand our officials’ needs to quench the fear that these events are in any way related. It could cause a panic. But quite frankly, the explanations offered are equally panic-inducing, simply because they do not appear to be based on any genuine understanding or scientific investigation.

Most Recent Events

It will be interesting to see what the explanations will be for some of the latest events, such as the January 14 mass death of fish reported in the Iranian sector of the Caspian Sea. According to the Iranian Gulistan Province’s Nature Conservation Department Deputy Head Mohsen Jafarnejad, analysis of the dead fish is underway.

The article also states that, “Scientists suggest that the causes of the recent events may be a global disaster or testing of biological weapons.”

Some 80 pigeons also died at a farm near Quebec City in Canada, the Toronto Sun reported on January 7. The landowner claims that wildlife officials told him not to speak to the media—a piece of advice he promptly ignored. “There’s something going on,” the landowner is quoted as saying. “This is not normal.”

One of the few cases that seem to have a plausible cause of death is the case of 200 dead cows found in a field in the Town of Stockton on January 15. According to the NY Daily News, the owner suspects the cows may have succumbed to IBR/BVD, an acute, contagious cattle virus. An investigation is currently underway.

Again, I want to emphasize that I do not claim to have any of the answers, but I believe that in order to get to the answers we need to ask the right questions, and based on the questions I asked myself while writing this piece, the conventional answers are insufficient.

It’s interesting to note that birds are quite vulnerable to chemical pollution and poisoning from natural toxins. If these animals are indeed the canaries, then we need to investigate these events properly and thoroughly, and not pretend it’s all business as usual. I believe the data suggests these events are not as normal as they would like us all to believe, and all of these events certainly warrant further investigation.

Support Dr Mercola mercola.com

Our New Banana Republic is here – Help–Is it all True Series #164

I can say straight in your eyes this is not a political website, but when things could start affecting the ability of our country to even exist, we must all stop, take a breath and look around us, take notice and maybe action.

About one week ago independent US Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont did a brave and bold move with an 8.5-hour speech in front of the Senate to stop the excessive tax breaks for the top 1% of the wealthiest who would if passed continue to receive next year. Sanders has powerful statistics on his side. Presently this top 1% earn 23% of the wealth of this country, which is more than the combined earnings of the bottom 50%, and to the top 1/10th of this 1% grabs 12 cents of every single dollar in the country. Wow, those are damn crazy numbers, but more than crazy, very dangerous. We easily now qualify as our own version of a Latin American Banana Republic. And if you don’t know, Banana Republics have a very short life span, typical less than 5 years.

The rich are clearly getting much richer and the middle class is going bye, bye. And with no strong middle class there will be no democracy, no country as we know and most of us love. And in 2008 the Wall Street gangsters/banksters with their reckless greed nearly took down the whole world economy. And we rewarded them (with a bailout) for causing millions of Americans to lose their jobs.

And now more good news: we are now ranked first for the most unequal distribution of income and wealth of any major country in the world. So I am feeling like we, as Americans and the human race in general are not capable of righting this sinking ship. Maybe there is someone in the dimensional cosmos that would give us a hand and save us from ourselves – Help.

Sleep Tight – next on their list is the Internet, because it is the vehicle of the truth seekers – seeking the Truth.

And Merry Christmas


The Coming Solar Max: Will all previous natural disasters combined pale in comparison to this super monster – and will we need to get help from the outside? Is it all True Series #152

Solar max is the period of greatest solar activity in the solar cycle of the sun. During solar maximum, sunspots and solar flares occur at high frequency.
Solar maximum comes on average once every 11 years; note this period can vary between 9 to 14 years, which makes exact prediction far from a science. Solar maximum is when the sun’s magnetic field is most distorted due to the magnetic field on the solar equator rotating at a faster pace than at the solar poles. So since this last occurred 2000/2001, the next would probably occur 2011/2012, and some from the conspiracy world say it will be late 2012, but more on that later.
It is said when our Solar System formed about 4.6 billion years ago, our young sun was much smaller and very volatile, constantly shooting super solar flares into the galaxy. This is happening presently in the younger areas of our universe; stars in these corners can produce the energy equal to one billion A-bombs, almost on a daily basis from one solar flare. A super flare of one/one thousandth of that force would vaporize the earth instantly. Thank God our Sun grew up, and matured and controlled its earlier violent nature.
But here is the problem: something big is going to happen shortly, and I bet it will be a large solar flare of a magnitude not seen for thousands of years. If we were living on earth thousands of years ago, this coming event would have minimum impact on our day-to-day. But our human advancement will be our doom. With our total dependence on electricity and satellite communication, only the primitive corners of our world may survive. I say “primitive,” not with disrespect, as they could be crowned the new smart kings of the earth.
So what would happen during this doomsday flare? All communication satellites would be destroyed, crippling our ability to talk to each other. Next the world power grid would be totally destroyed on the side facing the Sun, and this powerful storm would light up the magnetosphere and the ionosphere to such an extent that it would collapse the grid worldwide within 12 hours.
And of course this event could correspond with 2012 Mayan Prophecy, yes it could, for they (the Mayans) may have known about a super-solar activity cycle, which appears beyond our perception.
But there is hope on two fronts. One, man has about two years to develop a prediction system which could give us two days of advanced warning to shut down our power grids and rotate satellites to minimize the total damage. And yes, we could survive as an advanced human race, and not be back to the Stone Age, a consequence that would kill 98% of the humans on earth.
The second hope would be a total evacuation of earth by some compassionate group who thought we were worth saving, sort of like an alien harvest or cattle round up. My gut feeling is we need to dance real fast and figure it out ourselves and don’t rely on the generosity of those other non-humans.
Sleep tight, some genius will be up all night at Los Alamos or Sandia Labs saving our butts – I hope.

How is August 6th and Modern Day Ufology Linked?- Is it all True Series #149

On August 6th 1945 all hell broke loose 1400 feet above Hiroshima Japan in the form of the most destructive force ever, ever unleashed on humans: the “Little Boy” A-bomb – great f-ing name. 140,000 people, mostly civilians, died either instantly or a painful death weeks later. Of course many will say the Japanese either deserved it or to stop this war and save lives we had to kill the innocent. And most were the innocent; Japan was ruled by an emperor or dictator, and the Japanese general population had no say in their country’s war of aggression. The dictator and their version of our military industrial complex were running the show. And yes, history would show that the Japanese killed many people and some were innocent. Chances are we knew they were coming to Pearl Harbor, but chose not to pay attention so we could be drawn into a Pacific war. Pearl Harbor for the Japanese was strictly a military target; they didn’t try to kill civilians as the US did.

So then unbelievably only 3 days later before the Japanese sort out what happened to them and possibly surrender, we the US of A dropped a little cutie called “Fat Man” on Nagasaki killing 70,000 more people. Most at ground zero were incinerated to nothingness – no body or ashes to bury. So the United States truly used the first Weapons of Mass Destruction,

And now the UFO angle and the connection to August 6th 1945 – the second that Atomic reaction started it send out a proton wave into the inner and outer space signaling we had done something very bad, beyond universal comprehension. We as humans were now able to totally destroy souls, and this outside of the earth realm is truly a no, no, and against all principles practiced throughout the universe including inter-dimensional levels. So the New Era of UFO started at that moment when that intense flash lit the sky on Japan that fateful day in 1945. The inter-dimensional beings came to stop further destruction of our own souls; up until then they had never interfered with us humans. Before 1945 we were only a curiosity and now we let the Atomic Genie out of the bottle and they had to get it back in. The death of bodies is not important, but the destruction of one soul rocks the cosmos.

The above is a very sad tale about Humans and their mission of self-destruction and the Other beings trying to save them.

Sleep Tight, get a pet from a shelter and always be loved.


Terrence Aym Via Helium.com – Is the BP disaster- an End Event ?

Ominous reports are leaking past the BP Gulf salvage operation news blackout that the disaster unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico may be about to reach biblical proportions.

251 million years ago a mammoth undersea methane bubble caused massive explosions, poisoned the atmosphere and destroyed more than 96 percent of all life on Earth. [1] Experts agree that what is known as the Permian extinction event was the greatest mass extinction event in the history of the world. [2]

55 million years later another methane bubble ruptured causing more mass extinctions during the Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum (LPTM).

The LPTM lasted 100,000 years. [3]

Those subterranean seas of methane virtually reshaped the planet when they explosively blew from deep beneath the waters of what is today called the Gulf of Mexico.

Now, worried scientists are increasingly concerned the same series of catastrophic events that led to worldwide death back then may be happening again-and no known technology can stop it.

The bottom line: BP’s Deepwater Horizon drilling operation may have triggered an irreversible, cascading geological Apocalypse that will culminate with the first mass extinction of life on Earth in many millions of years.

The oil giant drilled down miles into a geologically unstable region and may have set the stage for the eventual premature release of a methane mega-bubble.

Ryskin’s methane extinction theory

Northwestern University’s Gregory Ryskin, a bio-chemical engineer, has a theory: The oceans periodically produce massive eruptions of explosive methane gas. He has documented the scientific evidence that such an event was directly responsible for the mass extinctions that occurred 55 million years ago. [4]

Many geologists concur: “The consequences of a methane-driven oceanic eruption for marine and terrestrial life are likely to be catastrophic. Figuratively speaking, the erupting region “boils over,” ejecting a large amount of methane and other gases (e.g., CO2, H2S) into the atmosphere, and flooding large areas of land. Whereas pure methane is lighter than air, methane loaded with water droplets is much heavier, and thus spreads over the land, mixing with air in the process (and losing water as rain). The air-methane mixture is explosive at methane concentrations between 5% and 15%; as such mixtures form in different locations near the ground and are ignited by lightning, explosions and conflagrations destroy most of the terrestrial life, and also produce great amounts of smoke and of carbon dioxide…” [5]

The warning signs of an impending planetary catastrophe—of such great magnitude that the human mind has difficulty grasping it-would be the appearance of large fissures or rifts splitting open the ocean floor, a rise in the elevation of the seabed, and the massive venting of methane and other gases into the surrounding water.

Such occurrences can lead to the rupture of the methane bubble containment—it can then permit the methane to breach the subterranean depths and undergo an explosive decompression as it catapults into the Gulf waters. [6]

All three warning signs are documented to be occurring in the Gulf.

Ground zero: The Gulf Coast

The people and property located on the greater expanse of the Gulf Coast are sitting at Ground Zero. They will be the first exposed to poisonous, cancer causing chemical gases. They will be the ones that initially experience the full fury of a methane bubble exploding from the ruptured seabed.

The media has been kept away from the emergency salvage measures being taken to forestall the biggest catastrophe in human history. The federal government has warned them away from the epicenter of operations with the threat of a $40,000 fine for each infraction and the possibility of felony arrests.

Why is the press being kept away? Word is that the disaster is escalating.

Cracks and bulges

Methane is now streaming through the porous, rocky seabed at an accelerated rate and gushing from the borehole of the first relief well. The EPA is on record that Rig #1 is releasing methane, benzene, hydrogen sulfide and other toxic gases. Workers there now wear advanced protection including state-of-the-art, military-issued gas masks.

Reports, filtering through from oceanologists and salvage workers in the region, state that the upper level strata of the ocean floor is succumbing to greater and greater pressure. That pressure is causing a huge expanse of the seabed-estimated by some as spreading over thousands of square miles surrounding the BP wellhead-to bulge. Some claim the seabed in the region has risen an astounding 30 feet.

The fractured BP wellhead, site of the former Deepwater Horizon, has become the epicenter of frenetic attempts to quell the monstrous flow of methane.

The subterranean methane is pressurized at 100,000 pounds psi. According to Matt Simmons, an oil industry expert, the methane pressure at the wellhead has now skyrocketed to a terrifying 40,000 pounds psi.

Another well-respected expert, Dr. John Kessler of Texas A&M University has calculated that the ruptured well is spewing 60 percent oil and 40 percent methane. The normal methane amount that escapes from a compromised well is about 5 percent.

More evidence? A huge gash on the ocean floor—like a ragged wound hundreds of feet long—has been reported by the NOAA research ship, Thomas Jefferson. Before the curtain of the government enforced news blackout again descended abruptly, scientists aboard the ship voiced their concerns that the widening rift may go down miles into the earth.

That gash too is hemorrhaging oil and methane. It’s 10 miles away from the BP epicenter. Other, new fissures, have been spotted as far as 30 miles distant.

Measurements of the multiple oil plumes now appearing miles from the wellhead indicate that as much as a total of 124,000 barrels of oil are erupting into the Gulf waters daily-that’s about 5,208,000 gallons of oil per day.

Most disturbing of all: Methane levels in the water are now calculated as being almost one million times higher than normal. [7]

Mass death on the water

If the methane bubble—a bubble that could be as big as 20 miles wide—erupts with titanic force from the seabed into the Gulf, every ship, drilling rig and structure within the region of the bubble will immediately sink. All the workers, engineers, Coast Guard personnel and marine biologists participating in the salvage operation will die instantly.

Next, the ocean bottom will collapse, instantaneously displacing up to a trillion cubic feet of water or more and creating a towering supersonic tsunami annihilating everything along the coast and well inland. Like a thermonuclear blast, a high pressure atmospheric wave could precede the tidal wave flattening everything in its path before the water arrives.

When the roaring tsunami does arrive it will scrub away all that is left.

A chemical cocktail of poisons

Some environmentalist experts are calling what’s pouring into the land, sea and air from the seabed breach ’a chemical cocktail of poisons.’

Areas of dead zones devoid of oxygen are driving species of fish into foreign waters, killing plankton and other tiny sea life that are the foundation for the entire food chain, and polluting the air with cancer-causing chemicals and poisonous rainfalls.

A report from one observer in South Carolina documents oily residue left behind after a recent thunderstorm. And before the news blackout fully descended the EPA released data that benzene levels in New Orleans had rocketed to 3,000 parts per billion.

Benzene is extremely toxic and even short term exposure can cause agonizing death from cancerous lesions years later.

The people of Louisiana have been exposed for more than two months—and the benzene levels may be much higher now. The EPA measurement was taken in early May. [8]


While some say it can’t happen because the bulk of the methane is frozen into crystalline form, others point out that the underground methane sea is gradually melting from the nearby surging oil that’s estimated to be as hot as 500 degrees Fahrenheit.

Most experts in the know, however, agree that if the world-changing event does occur it will happen suddenly and within the next 6 months.

So, if events go against Mankind and the bubble bursts in the coming months, Gregory Ryskin may become one of the most famous people in the world. Of course, he won’t have long to enjoy his new found fame because very shortly after the methane eruption civilization will collapse.

Perhaps if humanity is very, very lucky, some may find a way to avoid the mass extinction that follows and carry on the human race.



[1] The Permian extinction event, when 96% of all marine species became extinct 251 million years ago.

[2] “The Day The Earth Nearly Died,” BBC Horizon, 2002

[3] Report about the Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum (LPTM), which occurred around 55 million years ago and lasted about 100,000 years. Large undersea methane caused explosions and mass extinctions.

[4] Ryskin Theory
Huge combustible clouds produced by methane gas trapped under the seas and explosively released could have killed off the majority of marine life, land animals, and plants at the end of the Permian era—long before the dinosaurs arrived.

[5] James P. Kennett, Kevin G. Cannariato, Ingrid L. Hendy, Richard J. Behl (2000), “Carbon Isotopic Evidence for Methane Hydrate Instability During Quaternary Interstadials,” Science 288.

[6] “An awesome mix of fire and water may lie behind mass extinctions”

[7] “Methane in Gulf ‘astonishingly high’-US scientist”

[8] Report: “Air Quality – Oil Spill” TV 4WWL video


“BP engineer called doomed rig a ‘nightmare well’”

History Channel Mega Disasters – Methane Explosion

“BP Official Admits to Damage Beneath the Sea Floor”

Annoucement–The UFO Watchtower and Colorado MUFON—2010 UFO Conference September 4 and 5

For More Information Please Contact:
Judy Messoline
The UFO Watchtower and Colorado MUFON (The Mutual UFO Network) will host the 2010 UFO Conference September 4 and 5 at the UFO Watchtower, located 22 ½ miles north of Hooper on Highway 17.

Saturday speakers will include: Joe Fex, Sasquatch and Paranormal Investigator;
Gloria Hawker, Hypnotherapist and abductee; Paola Harris, from traditional Ufology to AVATAR, a New World view; Larry Porter, Remote Healing; Charles Hall, Nellis Air Force Base and the Tall Whites.
For the complete list of speakers visit www.ufowatchtower.com
Activities begin at 8:30 AM with the last speaker at 6:00 PM.

The Sunday speaker lineup includes: Jules Kennedy, Channeler of other worldly sources; Dr. Ardy Clarke, a Professor Emeritus, will share stories related to her by indigenous people in the US, Mexico, Central America, the South Pacific and Australia: Dori Alsop Paden, will speak about the impact of extraterrestrial contact both physical and telepathic; Niara Terela Isley former enlisted Airman in the U.S. Air Force with a 3 month block of missing time.
Speakers begin at 9:00 AM with the last speaker at 4:00 PM.
Cost for the conference is $25 per person. Camping is available at $10 per night.

Friday, September 3, will find a Gathering of Native American Healers beginning at 10:00 AM featuring Native American singers and drummers.
Cost for this event is $15 per person. Camping is available at $10 per night.

Reservations for both of these events may be obtained by calling Judy at