Noory Speaks — William Henry – StarWalkers I.

William Henry , one of this planets most interesting authors talks Body of pure light, 2012 thought.
Also the Cern machine of Madmen ( well we are still here ) The cosmic — SAP- GOD PARTICLE . Will we find the Gateway– to become a StarWalker .

Story -Carmen and the Devil by Sister Wolf‏

As told by a uncle;

Carmen and the Devil

One after noon, Don Juan passed Carmen, who was walking hurriedly, on his way to the tavern.

Carmen! he hollered, Why are you in such a hurry? Today I plan to dance with the Devil if he asks me to! she responded! Carmen arrived at the tavern before Don Juan and sat close to the band. She watched all the girls enter with their boyfriends. Soon everyone was dancing except Carmen.

Suddenly a good looking man walked up to Carmen and sat next to her. Can I order you a drink? he asked her. After they both watched everyone dance, (clear the floor, he yelled! )

This song is meant for me and Carmen. Everyone looked at the couple and made some remarks. Carmen heard their laughter but she saw zealousy on their faces. They danced and danced, until mid- night. When the dance was over the Devil walked Carmen out side, now I have to go he told her, Im the Devil! Oh! No! she said; I don’t care if you are the Devil take me with you. I”m sure it will be a lot of fun. So The devil took her to hell, when they got to the gate, the gate keeper told him ” whats this?” The Devil replied; I was walking on earth and seen Carmen tell Don Juan tonight -she was going to dance with the Devil. So I stuck around and danced with her.

I told her I was the Devil and she hanged on to me, so here we are. You must take her back. so he did. He ended in a sheep herding camp, their they found a lonely sheepherder, who said he would take care of the Devil’s sister- until his return. But he never came back, as the gate keeper and the Devil watched from hell. The sheepherder got tired of Carmen. So one day he rubbed himself against dirty wet sheep and smelled real bad. Carmen couldn’t stand the smell so she went home. The gate keeper told the Devil why didn’t you think of that?

Journey into the Wild and Crazy-Part II-Is it all True Series #86

Whether you believe it or not the universe is inter-dimensional. How many dimensions does it have, you ask. No human probably knows how many because the sheer concept of inter-dimensionalism (I think I made up a word) is very difficult for us humans to grasp. This concept is the “key” that opens the next greatest frontier. Once you enter this amazing realm, our minds will expand a 1000 times. Our present dimension is suppressive and keeps us humans small. So how do we get to this place of “ Big”?

On my northern Washington journey 2 weeks ago, I tested a theory I formulated and dreamt about several years ago. Gateways/ portals/ vortexes to another dimension exist all over the world. They can be found by dowsing for them if you are sensitive enough to feel them. There is a second way, but I am holding that one close until I am sure of the result.

On Friday before noon, we set out scouting Sasquatch territories and gold nuggets.
Well after a long mountain ride with little luck for gold or Mr. Bigfoot, Kewaunee told me a story about a place where ‘feelings’ run strange. In my book that means a possible vortex-portal. This particular location was close to a dirt road with easy access, to shoot photos. The area was made up of rolling hills and a mixed density forest with small streams near a 7500 ft mountain peak. So I got out of the car and walked along the road and started shooting dozens of pictures with various zoom settings, long shots, low shots, close in and high shots. So what did I find on these photos? I will tell you I was amazed, but cautious after the initial excitement wore off. What I see through my eyes and mindset can be completely different from the reality of others. So until I get confirmation from my peers, I am not releasing these photos to the public.

Was what I saw a glimpse of another dimension with beings coming in and out of the gateway? Note that with the naked eye, I saw basically nothing, just a few lights and shadows. The camera speed and the zoom lens are part of the key to capturing these images.

Sleep tight – the other dimensions are waiting.



Do you see the Being ???

Whitley Strieber — Most interesting>>>The Implant

Scientist Implant: Study Shows Non-Earth Origin

Unknowncountry Exclusive –

Micrograph of unknown structure in implant.
This week’s Dreamland features a scientist discussing an implant that was placed in his body in February of 2008. This is the most exhaustively studied of all the fourteen objects that have so far been extracted from close encounter witnesses by Dr. Roger Leir and his surgical team. Prior it its being removed from Mr. Smith’s body, like a number of other similar objects, it was found to be broadcasting an FM signal. Keep reading to learn the conclusions of the lab report on this implant.

1. The sample consists mainly of iron, with a high carbon and oxygen content. The iron base material contains 5.2% nickel, and is highly magnetic. Traces of iridium and other precious metals, tungsten, gallium, and germanium strongly suggest the sample’s metallic portion was derived from meteoric iron and is extraterrestrial in origin.

2. The extreme differences in the isotopic ratios of the sample elements from the isotopic ratios of elements found on Earth provide evidence the sample material may be of extraterrestrial origin.

3. The sample consists of two major phases; an iron/nickel (Fe/Ni) phase and a nonmetallic phase resembling a hard biological substance, such as shell, tooth, or bone. The iridescence of the non-metallic phase, seen in light microscopy, suggests a layered microstructure similar to mother-of-pearl or opal.

4. The similarity of the non-metallic phase composition to biological material may be responsible the patient’s lack of immune response to the object.

5. This non-metallic phase is high in carbon, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, aluminum, sulfur, and phosphorus, and is present as an outer covering on the sample and as inclusions in the metallic Fe/Ni phase.

6. The non-metallic phase of the sample also contains bundles of carbon nanotubes, perhaps covered or filled, with calcium and magnesium silicates, phosphates and sulfates.

7. The inclusions of the non-metallic phase have unusual shapes which suggest artificiality and functionality. This, along with the fact the object was emitting radio signals before removal, strongly indicates this is a manufactured nanotechnological device which was inserted in patient Smith for a definite purpose.

8. The function of the device cannot be determined with certainty from the available data and the device may have had multiple functions and missions. It is possible two of its functions involved monitoring of the physiological state of Mr. Smith’s body and mood/mind control. Copyright, April 30th, 2009 depends on you for our ability to offer information like this. Subscribe today.

Sister Wolf Speaks -La Cueva DE la Culebra- the Snake caves– Snake People

Story by the storytellers-Grandpa Antonio Trujillo and retold by grand daughter Priscilla Garduno Wolf

There was a tale told by my friend Don Pepp- not real name- Grandfather said; who was a rich cattle rancher living in the Sangra De Cristo Mountain’s of Colorado. Many stories were told about the Sangra mountains with many bank and train robberies, by well known banditos. The gang of Jessie James was certainly known to most of the Spanish and Indian family’s and they were well likes, I was told by poor farmers. ( this were just story’s handed down, weather true or not, made for a good story). The gangs would always stop at the same spots and eat and rest and they would leave gold coins under their plates or to the family’s that took care of them. Don Pepp- not real name– and his gang, who had robbed a stage coach and taken a great amount of gold- They left to the Sangra De Cristo Mountains and buried the gold- it was never found.

Several Law man searched for the gang and the gold, but never found the outlaws or gold, they had vanished. One of the man was Thomas, , he claimed many years later when he got old.

he was one of the many he had managed to escape the Snake Caves but all the others had been trapped in a cave that led to their death. Thomas, had lived a very wealthy life in Santa Fe, Supposedly with the gold that came from the Snake Caves. He told the story that they planned to rob the stage coach for over a with help from a insider. Clay was the gang leader and had a cabin near Colorado.. They were heading to the cabin when they spotted several lawman on their trail- and they had to change their plans- so they hid in one of the Snake Caves. Thomas said; that Clay was worried because he had heard that the area was covered with Snake Caves, and snakes lived in them as big as 25 foot long to 100 foot long. Many old folks told legend story’s- about the time of the giants – there lived snakes over 100 foot long. and the Sangra De Cristo Mountains were their homes- within time many changes came to the snakes. and they got lazy to hunt for their food. so they would hide in the caves and open their mouth wide toward the opening of the cave- entrance- when their prey would enter the mouth of the cave- the snakes would close their mouth trapping the animal or human inside.
Thomas claimed the men took their horses and gold into the cave. – Thomas stayed behind with his horse and bags of gold -suddenly to his surprise the whole entrance closed and he saw two huge eyes looking at him. I left he said; I was so scared ! The story was told to my Grandfather in the late 1800’s. and later told to me in 1950’s. many dogs and sheep vanished in those areas. but no one knew what had took them. I visit those areas one time with my father George- in the 1970’s and as we went down we spotted so many rattle snakes crawling all over. my father claimed; he heard stories of gold in those caves guarded by the Snake people…

Criminal Lawyers – Click here.

Sister Wolf Speaks – The May Dowser Meeting

It was a two hour special by Sister Wolf, the event was filmed, 76 people attended.
Gary was real happy with the attendance to this event.
Many drove from other towns, we had one Hopi medicine man and his wife there and a Navajo medicine woman from Arizona.
and other Native American Indians prsent.
Sister Wolf started by telling the crowd about her Apache ways and Spanish ways and how she balances her life to two cultures.
storytelling- UFO’s sightings. legend story’s- and predictions of the future by her Apache Grandmother in the 1960’s.
How a black man would be our first Black President of USA. and good changes would come.
loss of homes, jobs, crime the highest it would ever be. Marriage between two men and two women.
the end of child birth, the end as we know it, end of church’s, and many cities destroyed. and starvation.
and Spirituality would be part of the new world, and beginning of a good life with God.
the respect to the earth, plants, animals, and human life would be our new world to come.
Miracle healers would rise. and at a wave of their hand would cure people.
Wolf>I’m not a seer as grandmother was. I respect those who are.
attending the event were a few Psychics who said they seen the bright aura lights around Sister Wolf.
One well known one Psychic Nancy Wallace from Chicago who moved to Las Lunas, New Mexico in April. to built a school for gifted children.
Nancy attended and she said: there was a beautiful surrounding lights around Sister wolf and on top of her head almost pink. she seen
Two Indian Elders stood by her, one a grandmother and a chief grandfather . who Wolf said were her grandparents,
Another woman said; there was a little girl dancing around Wolf and from behind she floated to top of her head and blessed her, and a alien like man -bald headed- by one side, they were Sister Wolf’s guides Rod and My baby Angel Heidi… Rod has been appearing to Wolf since her contact with a UFO in 1948. she is a UFO contactee….
also others claimed the aura around Wolf was very bright and colorful.
A Hopi man claimed that when Wolf moved her arms—
there was white feathers of an Eagle in Vision, (his vision darning the prayer blessing.)
he thought a White Eagle was going to appear.
White Eagles have appeared to people who are Shamans by gift.
It was a great event for those that came and enjoyed the old legend stories told.

photos of Wolf .. Storyteller- author-artist- Shaman by gift Apache/Spanish profile- priscilla wolf Memphis, Tennessee event of sister wolf June -13-09 at Mufon
Priscilla Wolf will be guest at UFO investigator and Editor of of Tennessee. in June-09.

A Journey into the Wild and Crazy part 1 – Is it all True Series #85

About 300 miles outside of Seattle, just south of the Canadian border, is a most unusual place of lakes, mountains, forests, BFs, UFOs and many big tales of the strange. I am speaking about my mini-expedition into Washington State this past week.

I wanted to share an adventure story from a source who is known for his trustworthiness and honor. This man, George, and his wife were winding up a trail deep in a state natural reserve when suddenly George saw a redheaded human-looking being. It’s head and shoulders were at least two feet above the six-foot high brush. It parted its hair down the center and looked like a big old Viking. Mr. Viking took one look at George and then quickly fled. This probable Sasquatch had an expression on his face, like he was getting into some bad trouble. George’s curiosity got the best of him, so he took off after the big guy. A little way down the path, George came across an opening, sort of like a room, with boughs of spruce and other soft natural bedding materials. It looked like it had fecal piles between the different layers of bedding. George figured out that this was probably the Viking BFs house and quickly realized it wasn’t a good idea to invade a house of an 8-foot being. This is just one of many interesting and wild stories we heard on this journey.

There were also the prospectors, and the stories of the hidden gold in the hills. One person showed us a very heavy rock, which he claimed was platinum, gold and silver, a super mix of wealth. I am no expert, but it was, as I said, very heavy. He also claimed to know where a whole mountain of this rock was. He could have easily been telling us the whole truth, but I will probably never know. Usually these prospectors keep the real secrets close to their hearts. They just like to brag to get the rest of us dreaming.

Well more on this trip over the next few weeks.

Sleep tight – the inter-dimensional world is not far.



A place of beauty and strange

Sasquatch Encounter Is the time now? Is it all True Series #84

By the time you read this, I will be deep in the woods of Washington State hoping for an eyeball-to-eyeball smile with a Sasquatch person. I have gone on several wonderful mini- expeditions in search of the multi-dimensional being . the lovable Bigfoot. My partner (in crime) on these trips is the quite famous (and infamous) Kewaunee Lapersitis. See two past postings, one on March 17, 2007 and another July 12, 2008 to get further background on these adventures. I am also going to be ready for a nature close encounter like the one I had with Mr. Kewaunee as we hiked up Mt. Rainier and a large bird landed on Mr. Ks arm, and they communicated with each other (see posting dated May 12, 2007). One of my strangest wishes would be to see the Fairy Swarm, which I am told exists in the area we are going to visit; see posting dated September 13th 2008.

What are the other amazing possibilities for this trip? Maybe we will see UFOs and vortexes holding thousands, possibly millions, of strange time events and many interesting multi-dimensional beings, a place where they come and go. These portals are points on earth that lie in an interior area surrounded by high and low levels of electromagnetic activity. Whatever is to come on this trip, I will leave with profound memories, as I always do. Kewaunee will dowse these locations, and if the past is any indication of the future, this could truly be amazing.

I will be posting the details of my trip in the coming weeks.

Sleep tight, dream long enjoy life- explore the edges.



Inside scoop +more- from Dr. Mercola's Website -

Just last month I reported on the story that the American pharmaceutical company Baxter was under investigation for distributing the deadly avian flu virus to 18 different countries as part of a seasonal flu vaccine shipment. Czech reporters were probing to see if it may have been part of a deliberate attempt to start a pandemic; as such a “mistake” would be virtually impossible under the security protocols of that virus.

The H5N1 virus on its own is not very airborne. However, when combined with seasonal flu viruses, which are more easily spread, the effect could be a potent, airborne, deadly, biological weapon. If this batch of live bird flu and seasonal flu viruses had reached the public, it could have resulted in dire consequences.

There is a name for this mixing of viruses; it’s called “reassortment,” and it is one of two ways pandemic viruses are created in the lab. Some scientists say the most recent global outbreak — the 1977 Russian flu — was started by a virus created and leaked from a laboratory.

Another example of the less sterling integrity of Big Pharma is the case of Bayer, who sold millions of dollars worth of an injectable blood-clotting medicine to Asian, Latin American, and some European countries in the mid-1980s, even though they knew it was tainted with the AIDS virus.

So while it is morally unthinkable that a drug company would knowingly contaminate flu vaccines with a deadly flu virus such as the bird- or swine flu, it is certainly not impossible. It has already happened more than once.

But there seems to be no repercussions or hard feelings when industry oversteps the boundaries of morality and integrity and enters the arena of obscenity. Because, lo and behold, which company has been chosen to head up efforts, along with WHO, to produce a vaccine against the Mexican swine flu?

Baxter!11 Despite the fact that ink has barely dried on the investigative reports from their should-be-criminal “mistake” against humanity.

According to other sources,12 a top scientist for the United Nations, who has examined the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa, as well as HIV/AIDS victims, has concluded that the current swine flu virus possesses certain transmission “vectors” that suggest the new strain has been genetically-manufactured as a military biological warfare weapon.

The UN expert believes that Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and the current A-H1N1 swine flu virus are biological warfare agents.

In addition, Army criminal investigators are looking into the possibility that disease samples are missing from biolabs at Fort Detrick — the same Army research lab from which the 2001 anthrax strain was released, according to a recent article in the Fredrick News Post.13 In February, the top biodefense lab halted all its research into Ebola, anthrax, plague, and other diseases known as “select agents,” after they discovered virus samples that weren’t listed in its inventory and might have been switched with something else.

A little food for Thought