June 26th (Between 4:30 and 6:00 am in the morning)
I noticed that most of the detailed experiences I’ve been having are in the early morning hours from 4:00 to 7:00 am so these hours seem to be significant to when I am taken or experiencing intense dreams etc.
This particular morning I was experiencing a few things in my encounter, severe situations and conversations pertaining to my leaving New Mexico. One part of my dream that stood out was being in a car that was driving me to a veteran’s hospital. I tried to drive to the hospital in my own car but I was confused, turned around and couldn’t seem to find the right street. All of a sudden, I was being driven to the hospital within the blink of an eye, which felt odd and seemed to make no sense. I was in the back seat and realized I was in a patient’s gown and I was embarrassed wondering where my clothes were.
There were two men in the front seats of the car and I remember saying, “Oh, okay, I know where I am now. I didn’t go far enough around seeing the road circled the hospital.”
As I said this, we drove past some men who were in fatigues and running down the road. They were doing interesting turns and running sideways, singing as we passed them. The fatigues were light brown in color and they had on tee-shirts and caps. One of the men running saw me and started running fast, fast enough to catch up to the car. The car must have had a side railing on it because he jumped on the railing to talk to me as if he knew me well. He asked me how I was doing. It was then that I saw my hospital gown reflected back to me from the window and I realized that I must be sick or something was wrong with me. It was weird to have it on already because I don’t remember putting it on.
He asked me when I was moving from New Mexico and I said when the house sells. He asked me where I was going and I told him Oregon or Washington State. He asked me a weird question. He asked me if I was sure I should leave.
I started to remember that I knew him well and that we were good friends which made me sad that I wouldn’t be seeing him when I moved away. He said good-bye and he put his hand up against the window and I put my hand up against the window in a gesture of good-bye.
Second phase of experience.
I was in a room and I was tied with my wrists together from a long hook on a door or side of a wall. It was hard to see because I was waking up from being unconscious. I felt blood dripping and coming from between my legs, a lot of blood because I could see it on the floor. I realized that whatever happened to me, a male nurse in the room was not taking care of me. As a matter of fact he was looking at me with disgust and he seemed very disinterested in my compromised position. I somehow got my hand free and realized that I had to call 911 because I was hurt badly. I found a cell phone (thought it was mine for some reason) and found it really hard to get my fingers to work and hit the correct numbers. The male nurse said I didn’t need to call and tried to calm me down just as I was able to hit the last number. I said, I needed and ambulance and that I was bleeding. He made me nervous because I knew somehow he was the one who did this to me or helped others hurt me.
It didn’t take long for the ambulance to get to the building. As a matter of fact what was weird was it seemed like seconds and it was there. I looked out the window and felt relief because I knew I was in danger with whatever was happening to me in the room I was in. I remember the room was all white and I did see the hook I was hung from to bleed out, I can only assume. When the ambulance came in, they had a hard time getting the gurney in the room because there were lots of beds in the way which as I was thinking about it, why was I on a hook and not a bed? They finally got me on the gurney and I started to feel like I would hopefully live through the experience.
Third phase of experience.
Once I was in the hospital, I was placed in a room with two nurses. I saw an ex-ray of my brain and one of the nurses said it wasn’t working properly because I wasn’t raising my eyebrows correctly. I guess I wasn’t engaged enough or taking directions from them the way they thought I should be. I do remember that I was very confused and out of it the entire experience. I did find her statement odd and when I looked more closely at the ex-ray, I saw a black dot over by my right eye socket and I then saw more black dots, one further towards the middle of my brain. They looked like implants.
A blonde nurse was wearing the normal hospital attire which was a top and pants, white in color. I was sitting in a wheelchair facing the two nurses watching them talk to each other about my ex-ray. The blonde nurse turned to look at me and she asked if I had been sick, motioning to her stomach. I said I wasn’t sick in that way but that I was not feeling well obviously because I was bleeding. I told her that I felt foggy and couldn’t focus. There was no mentioning of my bleeding and I was confused because this made no sense. I could feel the blood and wondered if they were going to let me bleed to death.
I also got a hold of another cell phone, I think I saw it somewhere and when I tried to push the buttons, nothing happened, I couldn’t get the screen to work. There was an emblem on the top part of the phone that looked like a Celtic design. The name by the design was something like Selerian, Serenden or close to Selenium.
There were other parts to this experience but these stood out the most because they were very much like a Milab experience more than anything else. It was definitely a military hospital I was taken too and I think the room I woke up it was used to doing torturous things to patients and people like me. It was a very scary experience especially the blood running down my legs. I had a period