I have talked to many people (receivers) over the years that have had dreams or vivid memories of being told the end is near. They also hear, something negative is coming or it or they have arrived and are among us. All of these revelations leave the receiver of this information, not feeling good. They seemed to be confused and upset. It seems to disrupt their normal flow for several days. These type of dreams-memories seem to be on the increase over the last year or so. Is it because of the state of Gaia, or is it the Earth crying out and stressing out humankind to such a degree, it’s creating unstable mind sync and hence resulting in these bad dreams and thoughts.
Another probability is that Alien Beings are warning some of us of impending doom and to be prepared. The issue with this probability is that I have been hearing this for 50 years from hundreds of alien contactees and nothing to the degree of these messages has happened. Although, maybe it is still coming as all of us sane people know something on a doomsday scale is coming from Global warming and probably sooner than later. Still, in these types of visions-dreams, the disaster comes quickly and the destruction is total. Global warming is, by comparison, slow and not total destruction, millions will survive to start over.
One of the interesting ways the communication is made is through a trusted or known person, someone close to the receiver. I believe if the source is alien, this is a powerful way for them to convince the receiver that the content is real or at least needs to be considered. This would also give the receiver a bit of a visual comfort considering many aliens in their true form are less than attractive or in other words, they are damn scary looking. It may all come down to all of the above is correct. The Cosmos, Aliens, and Gaia are all warning us to prepare, physically and mentally for a shift. The ones that do prepare and realize the truth, will be deemed worthy of saving as they have sorted out truths from lies.
Sleep Truth – be prepared the thieves will come in the night and they will carry no lies.