The Exterior Invasions -Dreams and Parallel Universes-Is it all True Series #31

One night when I was a kid driving to my grandparents’ lake cottage, I looked out the back window of my dad’s car and saw many strange lights swirling in the dark rural night. Even at 7 years old, I knew they were not planes because they moved in erratic ways.

At least three times in my life I’ve had dreams about that experience, but these dreams were more intense on an emotional level. In these dreams, the sky was filled with ET ships and sometimes they destroyed the world. This type of dream seems to be occurring more frequently for people around me and abductees I am in contact with. The beings of the invasion are described as reptilians and tall grays with long legs and arms. The reptilians act as savages devouring all in their paths – humans, animals and leveling all structures. The grays are more selective, battling only with our military, and doing minimum damage to our infrastructure. They are here only to enslave our population and use our world. The reptilians are bent on our total destruction creating an amazing volume of emotional energy, which they consume as their interior fuel.

Lets not panic–dreams can just be dreams and not prophecies. Though the increased frequency is a bit concerning. Also another interesting point, people who have been witnessing the 11:11 or the 111 phenomena are having these types of dreams or in some cases some very lucid mini- invasions very nearly within our reality. The 1111 folks may be visiting a parallel universe in their nightly dream world. See my 11:11 posting on January 26th 2008.

I know that world stress levels are way up. And with the possible coming cosmic nightmare (an ET invasion), the minds eye can create this reality through the quantum channel. The more we dream this dream, the more we will help create this event.

Back to my EFT posting (April 26th 2008) if more of us do these EFT techniques we can focus the quantum channel on more events of peace and prosperity for our world. We create our reality, and we are powerful beings.

Sleep tight with happy good thoughts – please.



Are these the ships of the invasion?

WHERE AM I AT… thoughts……

Today May 14, 2008, 4:34 P.M. I am sitting at the computer just staring at the white blank page on the monitor; saying to myself “what do I write about; it’s like I just have nothing to say to anyone”, then once again I begin to just reflect back on my life and more so since I last posted. “Its such as”, where has my life been? I feel as if my life has been oblivious and nothing more as the days and nights swiftly pass by me. What is my purpose, I ask of myself. Many a day I feel as in a deep stupor of disconnect with mind, body and soul. I feel like I walk around performing my life duties in this disconnected situation. The experience is unreal as I end each day feeling that someone or something is guiding me and controlling my being. I continually think who is it that has control over me and for what purpose?

I snap to reality when I experience yet another death and then another. Why so many sudden deaths? During the year I heard of many deaths of people that I knew and whom I did not know (friends or family of friends). Some people related to these phenomena and some are not related. My dearest friend Leah lost her husband Marc to cancer just recently thus bringing back the memories of my loss when my husband was taken from me too. It seems like “cancer” is all around me encircling my being. Within the last six months many friends are falling to the ills of “cancer”. A “widow” made here or a “widower” made there as this disease rules our universe. This also brings on the thoughts of all the horrific devastations taking place on our earth as I sit here pondering. The most recent devastation happened as an earthquake shook for three minutes in China. The horrendous loss of life; selfishly saying to myself my problems seem so miniscule. Why has life on our planet earth become depleted with so many recent devastations? Is Mother Earth dying? Is this what the universal aliens were warning me about that we humans are destroying our planet? …..Are we destroying ourselves? In today’s world what has happen to the respect and love for one another? Doesn’t anyone care anymore? Is this what the Grey’s and Nordics were telling me about… we, humans are not only destroying mother earth, but we are destroying ourselves, humanity? I am wondering if any alien abductee had a forewarning of these devastations? If they did what could they do about it, no one will listen to them.

I ask myself now, why is it that I seemingly cannot stay healthy this year? Out of the whole year so far, I can count just days that have been good days. Asking myself, “What is going on here”? I feel as if I am under attack and someone’s control and they have the control of my body and mind. I have allowed someone to invade my being?? Just what is their purpose to not have a healthy mind, body and soul? Their intentions are what? Is this control that I feel coming from the extraterrestrials, or governments??

I am also reflecting back on the continued strange happenings I am experiencing in my “safe place” I call home! The most recent incidents occurred as I am just about to fall asleep during the 10:00 P. M. News. Humm…these three occurrences have happened at the same time and same place so, for three weeks. “I suddenly awaken to the sound of heavy footsteps on my balcony” on the first occurrence: I lay in bed to frighten to move because the inevitable is going to happen! Heavy footsteps means a large male is going to break through two doors and locks to get in. I eventually get up out of bed and run to the door and look out….as I heard the heavy footsteps run….no one there, did he jump off to the ground? A week later the second occurrence happens. I quickly jumped out of bed and run towards the door again, the heavy footsteps run quickly off to where I don’t know. The third occurrence a week later: I once again heard the heavy footsteps while lying awake in bed. I said to myself “I am going to catch you now” as I sprang out of bed towards the door! Quickly turning on the outside light I feared I was going to encounter this person! This person is so quick I heard a sound as if he jumped and hit the ground. Examination of the first floor premises I found no indication of a man’s large foot prints, in fact nothing had been disturbed. Memories just came back to me….of my “awakening” with these universal beings that I used to call “God awful Creatures, or Sky People.

One morning I suddenly awoke to the banging of furniture on the first level of my home. Quickly looking at the clock it was 1:30 A.M. I turned my body towards the hallway and the hall is lit up like it was day time! This light was being repeatedly turned off and on. Someone is in my house! Quietly as to not make any noise, I opened the night stand to find my neighbor’s phone number. Walking quietly to the closet with phone in hand, turning the knob quietly, the knob made a loud noise; I slipped into the closet with the light on. I grabbed the wrong paper! “Whoever is in the house is surely in the hall way by now”. Peeking through a small opening in the door, the house is dark now…maybe I can quietly go back to the night stand and retrieved the correct piece of paper that has the phone number on it. I made it back to the closet without incident. Dialing as quickly as I could, my sleepy neighbor answered (it felt like forever before he realized who was calling him) I’ll be right there Gloria, which he was. The doorbell rang, I was so afraid to trot downstairs as the “intruder” was out to get me, so I ran in the dark down the hall to the stairs and to the door. We found no one in the house and nothing had been disturbed! Another unexplained incident! I have been repeatedly asked “was it your “friends” meaning the Greys,’ or other entities who just brought you back?? I feel that all the universal entities and the government have not abducted me since my husband’s death three years ago. It has been quiet and to have a “normal” life once again, was great? If in fact I have been taken by any one of the entities I do not have any memories, except of one recent “dream” or was I allowed having this memory. The memory is I am in this room with a Grey and who walks into this room is my husband Fred! I am in shock and accused the Grey and this man who is portraying my dead husband as being an imposter, a clone…..This clone comes face to face with me and tells me that he is not a clone, but human, and yes, he is Fred and he is alive. The person who died was a clone and Fred, my husband was taken (abducted) and now lives on the mother ship! This is unacceptable information given to me. My husband Fred died. Why are the Grey’s or whoever is behind this horrific joke!! What is the purpose of this knowledge or their intentions!!

Other strange happenings have occurred over this last year, including my life had been threatened by a father of one of my clients whose involvement in this phenomenon is quite extensive on the government side. This person even admitted they were the ones that killed my husband! Realizing, yes, perhaps these universal entities are back in my life. Perhaps I am not recognizing the known symptoms? So much to “swallow” right now and am thinking “No wonder I feel so disconnected in mind, body and spirit”. I don’t know where all of this is leading to. To have had the experience of the normalcy as I thought it was a beautiful peaceful quiet time living life as a “normal human”. So…now why do I feel as I do in such a disconnected stage? I have so many questions and no answers at this point. So, I am just sitting here pondering….

Whitley Streiber 2012 -War for the Souls–Part 11

Whitley- the ear thing– a cosmic communication device in his ear- ( Bio-mechanical )

Super love for a little being– teaching the world thru holograms.

They ( the beings ) are great tricksters – yes, no, maybe.

They are a super varieties of beings like us in the world.

Whitley, first experience with “Them” was very rough, finally they became friends.

Parallel universes — dimensional beings — could be the answer . — to it all.


God's creative freedom – We now can believe in Aliens (?)

VATICAN CITY (AP) – The Vatican’s chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God.

The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, says that the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones.

In an interview published Tuesday by Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, Funes says that such a notion “doesn’t contradict our faith” because aliens would still be God’s creatures.

The interview was headlined “The extraterrestrial is my brother.” Funes said that ruling out the existence of aliens would be like “putting limits” on God’s creative freedom.

Thanks —The Associated Press.

New Discussion of Depression in America — Dr. Dennis

Since writing and posting the discussion on depression, Scientific American magazine has published an excellent article reviewing depression. It goes over a lot of material which I presented but it more specifically addresses the DSM criteria for the diagnosis and also discusses the probable increased number of folks diagnosed with depression due to changes in criteria for same.

It further discusses medication in more detail than I presented and also presents a fairly cogent argument that too many Americans are medicated with antidepressants.

Here is the link: Scientific American Magazine article on Depression

Copy/ paste into your browser.–

It is well worth reading and I highly recommend it.

Dr. Dennis

Posted By Dr. Dennis to DocEarp’s Cyberspace at 5/05/2008 04:49:00 PMman-in-depression.jpg


The Interior Invasion do these Dreams tell our future ?- Is it all True Series#30

During my many years in the incredible realm of “something from other worlds”, I have found that human dreams are a profound part of the reality of it all. In the last year or so, I have been told about UFO/alien invasions in a very lucid way. These invasions come from two directions, one interior and one exterior. I will discuss in this post the interior manifestation of the alien conquest.

First there is the Walk-in phenomenon, where people are taken over by an individual being from either a parallel universe or from our same realm. I see two different outcomes here. First, the foreign being blends in and loses its old identity and only brings forward its strongest traits in the host human. This can be a positive for the host human or a negative. I will give you examples of the positive. When I lived in Georgia, I spoke with a group of people I called late bloomer prodigies who woke up one day with amazing ideas or general powerful mental abilities. A 55-year-old postman with no past interest in alternate energy put together a free-energy type device in one day, much to his family’s and his own amazement. Also a 39-year-old schoolteacher suddenly began playing the piano, as if she had been doing it all her life, but according to her family, had never played one note before she went to sleep that one strange night. Both of these examples have one thing in common; they both dreamt they had merged with beings of unknown origin, and felt quite different when they woke up.

Now the negative side–people go to sleep very normal and very stable but wake up strange, indifferent, and violent, a whole personality overhaul and not in a positive way. They scare their families, may begin abusing them, then divorce results and sometimes they even commit other crimes and then get sent to prison. All this came from one strange encounter on one strange night.

Then I have also heard about people in a deep mediated trance, stepping too close to the edge of this interior mind universe and this attracts other beings to enter their mind/ body and guess what – it happens. It you welcome something in, it will come in, but you may not always like the result.

I have been told from psychics (whom I trust) that there are many beings, some good and others bad, waiting ready and able to invade us from our own interior universe – our dreamland.

But fear not because always remember one thing, they can’t enter or change you without your invite. They may intimidate or threaten you, but you have the interior power to resist this alien invasion.

Sleep tight and be cautious as you drift off to dream in your other reality.



“They are waiting “

Whitley Streiber 2012 -War for the Souls–Part 10

Whitley on the move , Nazis – dark marks under the death gallows of a concentration camp – maybe caused by souls moving into the earth. Static electricity in Whitley’s car to an extreme level. Also implant as Whitley’s tool to communicate with the Universe. A 1998 cabin event which cause pain in his left ear — buzzing, strange noises , his implant is alive . And he still has it. It ( the implant) turns on when he looks at pictures of the Grays– “What can I say ”
Enjoy MWiz.

Phoenix Lights – 11 years past, Plus a recent strange event -Is it all True Series #29

Was the event that occurred this past Monday evening on April 21st a rerun of the super event that occurred about 11 years ago, the famous lights and objects over Phoenix, Arizona in 1997, known all over the world? No, it was quite probably a hoax. Those were probably flares or maybe a candle lantern or two but remember during the original flap, as per my analysis of the videos and interviews with eyewitnesses back in 1997, I strongly believe part of the sightings was a flare hoax, a military creation to cover-up the “UFO mini-attack” as I called it. Next is a re-post of my original Phoenix lights piece.

My View – Lights over Phoenix March 1997 – Mini- Invasion
Posted on June 30, 2007 by MWiz. Edit.
Categories: UFOs, alien.

For about a 2-week period in March 97, it was a strange world for most of southern Arizona. I was walking out to my car to go to work about 7:00am on a bright sunny day in Tucson and there in the northern sky were at least 7 or so white balls of something moving rapidly east to west. Then several evenings/nights around March 13th the big wave hit the Phoenix area. Lights, huge craft, even strange little beings were reported. The city got crazed and thousands witnessed the event.
Symington, the Governor of Arizona at the time, on the 10-year anniversary of the event admitted he saw the Huge Craft and said, “the craft I saw was enormous, it just felt other-worldly.” At the time the Governor put on a mock news conference about the capture of the alien who caused all of the uproar. One of Symington’s advisors dressed up like a large Grey; it was a lot of fun. But inside he knew different.
In Casa Grande AZ located between Tucson and Phoenix, there was a daylight sighting by several reliable individuals who saw this huge ship the size of several football fields slowly move across the sky; they described it as awesome and very scary at the same time.
And of course there were plenty videos of the event. Some of the objects did truly look like flares lighting up and burning out in a sort of formation, even though the Military denied any aircraft or flares in the area. There were other videos, which were quite amazing, orbs of light moving from the ground to the sky and back. Large craft with no lights blocking out the sky, stars, moon, etc.
Conclusion: The flare lights were military disinformation to cover the main event- something the military couldn’t control but knew it was there. It was a wonderful two-week period I will never forget – lots of light, action and crazy fun. The Mini-Invasion worked. phoenix1997lights.jpg

I personally will never forget the 1997 event. Everyone needs to remember this event’s scope was huge from Nevada to northern Mexico. Thousands of people saw many lights and hundreds of daytime sightings. I personally saw 7 daytime objects and several strange lights over the Catalina Mountains near Tucson.
One interesting fact about the recent 2008 sightings is that on the same night, Phoenix-type sightings were also sighted in Florida and Germany, were they coincidental releases, candles, flares or maybe that mysterious swamp gas? -A Whitley quote.

Enjoy – LIFE is getting very short, but lets still have much JOY!


Whitley Streiber 2012 -War for the Souls–Part 9

Whitley rolling, possible SuperStorm – with England in the middle — super cooling the island.
Gulf Stream weakening, maybe, YES. Scary it could all happen in a very short time.-( within hours) Gamma Rays from a Super Nova.- 40,000 years ago,creating climate change to end the Glacial period, possible.

Shadows floating, in Asia also in Whitley’s Cabin and during his childhood. Light souls float to higher realm, heavier ones stay here and reincarnate and the heaviest go down to the dark realm. All fun stuff – Enjoy.

The Coming Trauma – Now and then can EFT be the Cure?-Is it all True Series #28

In last week’s 04/19/08 Posting, I spoke of an amazing event, that is supposed to occur in December 2012, which could reverse an ancient trauma to humankind. Let’s talk about something that can help you now with many concerns in our daily life.

Some of you may know of this amazing technique called EFT (Emotional-Freedom- Techniques). These techniques have been developed from the knowledge of Gary Craig and Roger Callahan.

There have been major successes with these techniques in areas of the world (Vietnam, Bosnia, Kosovo, and some Africa countries) where major atrocities/genocide have occurred including, murder and rape done in front of other family members.

These techniques, for the most part, are simple and take less than a minute to complete. Simply stated, these techniques re-wire the brain by moving the focus between the right and left spheres, clearing the mind set. This forces the mind to free itself from the impact and the emotion of the traumatic event. This method works on addictions, phobias, stress, anxiety, trauma and much more. Here is a list of the steps that have worked well in my life.
1. First visualize the issue, say it out loud and rate it from 1 to 10, with 1 meaning a minimal issue and 10 meaning a severe issue in your life.
2. Using index and middle finger about an inch below your eye, on either side- tap about ten times.
3. Next tap with the same two fingers below your collarbone – again 10 times
4. Now ten taps on the side of the hand (like a karate chop)
5. Next ten taps on the back of the hand
6. Next eye rotations- three times slowly to the right and than three slowly to the left.
7. Hum a tune (any tune) for 10 to 15 seconds
8. Lastly count backwards from 10 to 1

You are finished and well on your way to feeling better about your life and its many issues.

These steps are a very simple but an effective tapping method, and there are many other excellent resources on the subject. One book I recommend is “Energy Psychology Interactive” by David Feinstein Ph.D.

Also enjoy the following You Tube video on EFT.
