The Ahau Chronicles Volume 28 – From Jim Turner

We are exactly halfway through the proposed publication run of the newsletter which means less than a year-and-a-half until the end of the Maya calendar on December 23, 2012. I am excited to announce here, on this very special Ahau Day, the discovery of another island monument, this time off the coast of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean, which appears to have a relationship to Palenque and the Robinson Crusoe Island monument that I attribute to the Mayan king Chan Bahlum. Brought to my attention by a viewer of the Apocalypse Island movie, the Brazilian monument is EXACTLY the same distance from the Robinson Crusoe Island monument as the RCI monument is from the exact center of Chan Bahlum’s Cross Group plaza in Palenque. Using powerful Google Earth satellite imagery I was able to measure from the precise locations of the monuments to discover that the comparative distances are accurate to within less than 50 feet over more than 3,600 miles! This mystery never ceases to amaze me.

Great thanks go out to Dr. Melo and Alex Romildo for their persistence in communicating this information to me. It was precisely this type of collaborative effort that I hoped to achieve when I reached out to the world with the History Channel movie.


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The Ahau Chronicles Volume 28Happy Ahau Day,

The Ahau Chronicles Volume 27– Jim Turner

Happy Ahau Day!

Response to the Countdown to 2012 Eclipse Expedition has been healthy and this newsletter explains the proposed itinerary in more detail. We are looking for a group of about 8-15 participants to join the expedition as we investigate the site of the island monument in preparation for the Total Solar Eclipse of 2012. The 2011 expedition team will be given preference for the exciting 2012 Eclipse Expedition which promises to be a spectacular event watched around the world.
After playing again last week on the History Channel, the Apocalypse Island movie continues its multi-cultural outreach, premiering today in its Hebrew translation.
Check all in the blue link below
The Ahau Chronicles Volume 27

Newsletter from Generessa Rose, August 25, 2011 Shamanic Information about Comet Elenin

Dear Friends,

With the proliferation of theories and fear-based chatter on the
internet talking about disaster coming from the approach of comet
Elenin, I decided to find out the truth for myself. On August 12th I
did a shamanic journey targeting information about the comet and its
effect on Earth. Here is what I found:

For this journey I thought I would be viewing the comet from a
distance; however, I find myself feeling like I am in a very tight,
black ball tumbling through space. I am a little dizzy at first.
(Obviously, Spirit took me literally when I set my intention to go to
comet Elenin; I have become comet Elenin.) In the very far distance I
see the Earth hanging in the blackness of space. At this distance
Earth is very small, about ¼ inch in diameter to my eye. Time passes,
and I am closer to Earth which is much bigger now, and then I speed
past it and swiftly shoot out into space. No drama. I did not crash
into the planet.

Part of my curiosity about comet Elenin has been answered by becoming
Elenin, but I also want to know about the effect this comet will have
on Earth as it flies past, so I ask Spirit for that information.

Regarding the physical effect upon the Earth of the Elenin fly-by,
Spirit replies: Barely a flutter, only as much as butterfly wings
disturb the water when a butterfly flies over.

Spirit then elaborates: The wave of consciousness, however, is
another story. There are those whose internal level of disturbance
about this topic is such that it can create, by virtue of the numbers,
a disturbance, a perturbation in the field of consciousness upon
Earth. The fewer who are disturbed, the less is the perturbation of
the field. View this fly-by with the consciousness that you are
watching a beautiful butterfly fly over the still waters of a pond on
a lovely day. That consciousness will be a service to self and to all
. . . and to the Earth herself.

Spirit ends the message: There is much perturbation upon the planetary
field of consciousness. Do what you can in your own life toward a
peaceful heart and mind and body. BE WELL and ENTERTAIN BEAUTY.

A week later, I heart of the theory that a brown dwarf star was
following comet Elenin and would be the thing that would cause havoc
on Earth, so once again I went to Spirit with the question:

Hanging out in space by myself for awhile, I had no sense of impending
doom; it seemed like the neighborhood was operating normally. I
finally asked Spirit for direct information.

Spirit replied: There is no brown dwarf star to come as an enemy to
planet Earth following the comet. It is all made from the mind of
fear and chaotic thinking. The message to all is: Wreak not havoc
upon your own mind. Let well enough be and deal with what truly is.
As was said before, walk with beauty, and keep a wise eye watching the
display. Be the eye of the storm as things change. You are moving
toward extinction of the old in order to make way for the new. Be
aware. Be wise. Be calm. Brightness will prevail. Above all, love
one another.

And so I pass this information along to you, my newsletter readers,
with the great hope that you will, as Spirit said, be well and
entertain beauty during these changing times!

Generessa Rose

Copyright 2011 Generessa Rose. All rights reserved. You have
permission to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that
the content remains complete, full credit is given to the author and
that it is distributed without charge. Thank you for sharing.

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989 S. Main St Suite A #187, Cottonwood, AZ 86326 USA

The Ahau Chronicles Volume 26–From Jim Turner

Happy Ahau Day!

For those of you who survived the end of the world this weekend, I am excited to announce the upcoming “Countdown to 2012 Eclipse Expedition.” This expedition, planned for November of this year, will lay the groundwork for the 2012 Eclipse Expedition to Robinson Crusoe Island. We are still in the planning stages but the logistics are being worked out and this time we invite you to join us!

As described in the newsletter, the expedition will consist of two phases, an island reconnaissance and then an excursion to Antarctica to witness a solar eclipse. Participants can join us on either leg of the expedition or, better yet, both. Let me know if you are interested or have any suggestions that could make the expedition even more spectacular.




The Ahau Chronicles Volume 26

The Ahau Chronicles Volume 25- Jim Turner

The Ahau Chronicles Volume 25Happy Ahau Day!


This volume of the newsletter discusses the prophetic message contained in Palenque’s Temple XIV which predicts the return of Chan Bahlum from the Underworld. The iconography and symbolism of his resurrection hints of a link to the distant island monument and the final Total Solar Eclipse of 2012.



Mayan Calendar: 2012 Event and Beyond- Is it all True Series #188

The New Mexico UFO and Paranormal Forum enjoyed a visit from Eugene Duran. He presented his fascinating view on what connects 2012 and the Mayan Calendar. The stars and the galactic alignment might very well be the key to all the hoopla surrounding this now quite famous year. As Eugene demonstrated, our solar system vacillates right of perpendicular to the Milky Way, but at a point we line up with the flat plane of the center of the Milky Way. This event is considered the end and a beginning of a long cycle and is part of the beginning and end of several of the Mayan calendars. These cycles definitely signal some very big change to our world. This may expose us to the very center of our existence. Chances are there is a powerful force that holds and creates the shape of the great Milky Way.

Now did the Mayans know the great secret that when all mankind and all other living beasts are exposed to this cosmic beam, all life comes to an end? Or the other possibility is this blast from the center of the Milky Way is a re-evolution beam, that changes our cell frequency and thus a nearly instant change from man 2012 to a Super Man 2112 – a 100-year leap to the New Earth and New Human.

Did the Mayans know this and pack up and leave this planet or go deep underground where they still exist in a beautiful sub-terrestrial world? The Mayans may have been the original residents of Mars and as Mars started to over-heat, the Mayans went underground to survive. And after hundreds of years under Mars, they then came to the beautiful blue planet Earth and started over and built the wonderful Pyramids. This amazing culture that developed always had an eye on the stars, because they knew time had powerful cycles. They did everything they could to understand them; they even hoped that human sacrifice would change the natural cycles of this powerful Universe. So I know there is nothing we can do, short of blasting off at the speed of light and hope we can stay ahead of the re-evolution beam. Or we can wait it out, enjoy the possibilities and not fear it, but truly embrace the new us.

Thanks Eugene for sharing- it activates our inner self.

Sleep tight – and bathe in the wonder of tomorrow.


The Ahau Chronicles Volume 24– From Jim Turner

Happy Ahau Day!

This newsletter brings together many strands of evidence from previous volumes into a grand interpretation of the meaning of the Age of Aquarius. Though the reading seems epic in scope it is supported by the evidence and emanates a grandeur of proportion that is appropriate for the occasion. The challenge is to open your eyes wide enough see it.

For those readers who have also checked out my YouTube channel, ApocalypseIsland2012, you will find a new video of my good friend Pedro Niada recounting his harrowing escape from the February 2010 tsunami which destroyed much of the village on Robinson Crusoe Island. I spoke with Pedro last week and he told me they have started to rebuild on the site of his old hostel. See the photos of the reconstruction on the “2010 Tsunami” page of my website. Bravo Pedro and best of luck!


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JimThe Ahau Chronicles Volume 24