Part 2
What would be the ultimate gain for any entity visiting this planet? Think about it, a visitor’s frequency wouldn’t last long or be capable of enduring the earth’s dominant resonance. Figuring out how to stay here for long periods of time would be the ultimate goal and since most of humanity isn’t worried about being a target, the dark agenda could hover, waiting without the concern of being found out. If humanity isn’t looking for a problem, they won’t see it coming until it’s too late. This is the underlining ulterior motive for such entities because a surprise attack coming out of the blue, usually works the best.
I have often wondered about the Archangels and the role they play in our lives. Are they figments of the imagination, written as a hope for humanity or have people really seen them through out history. I ask this question not out of jest but more for contemplative reasons. Personally, I can attest I have seen Archangel Michael not once but three times as an adult. I wasn’t near death or having an out of body experience. I wasn’t on drugs, or hallucinating, it was three times in my life where I had to make a choice. As a child I believe he came to me but I’m not sure how many times or the circumstances.
Archangel Michael has a different aura about him, he doesn’t allow for second guessing, he comes with a mission and then leaves without a second glance. To me, it was never a, did I really just see him kind of thing; it was sitting back and wondering why he took the time to visit me.
I thought he would be accompanied by more pomp and circumstance but that obviously is for humans, and our desire to one up our importance from each other. I saw his sword, the look in his eyes that didn’t always seem friendly but overtly stern. There was one thing about him that will always stay with me, as much as he was to the point of his mission, he always brought the essence, that smell of Heaven, the all encompassing hope that my soul recognized immediately. I think this is how people can tell the difference between negative entities, demons or Angels. It’s the soul recognition that tells us who is who. If people are disconnected from their souls, how can they possibly know what lurks or stands before them. I have to say, for the hell and damnation types to automatically call anything that shows itself to them or anybody else, a demon, is just about as ridiculous as it sounds. People who live in fear quickly point fingers and assume so much based on their disconnect from themselves and God.
Below the light, the darkness hides and when it comes out, it is because it is invited by those who claim it as their creed, the decadence of their soul that brands them for eternity. These humans are the ones that play with fire and sometimes get consumed by it but the important and necessary message here is because such humans partake in the dark realm rituals, the portals are constantly open and the hovering observers gain entry without having to cross the earth’s borders in disguise. The dark agenda welcomes these entities or demons or whoever else chooses to make their presence known. This is humanities greatest battle because it’s not just good versus evil or light versus dark but tangible entities and demons who take no prisoners and truly seem to devour the soul, claiming it as theirs.
Are demons really so angry at our creation? How many stories are there in religious books about the fallen angels or the Nephilim that state that they rebelled against God because of us? Scholars and theologians write about this ancient war regarding human beings based on our creation by God, and being made in his image. Why would the fallen angels become so jealous and what changed their view on God, thus judging humans so harshly? Are we being told the whole story? If not, where is the rest of the story?
What if humanity could read minds, foresee the impulses of dysfunctional people, whisper in people’s heads the answers to their problems, and find solutions for every environmental problem humankind could ever face? If so, would such entities or demons bother coming here? Would the Angels have an easier time guiding us and would we see them more often than not? Isn’t this really becoming more of our reality then we think? The problem arises based on, if we are gaining a strong foothold on reality by ourselves as a species or if something else is manipulating our existence. Can we ever be a step ahead of the dark agenda?
The dark agenda plays all hands and reads all cards. As humans we can have the upper hand based on just one thing, the ascension of our soul. All we really need to do is reconnect with our higher source, the divinity within. By doing this, we would understand antiquated time, even into the earth’s primordial beginnings. This would be a great advantage when fighting such an archaic entity because if humans can remember time as it was recorded on this planet, we would see how the games were played and understand the dark agenda’s strategy. Humanity would have the upper hand and the ill-fated disappearances of children and their perverse rituals of death, would no longer be the blemish and disgrace of our reality. Innocence is the purest form of God which makes it such an appealing target. The worst and most evil message sent to human kind, is taking the life of innocence and placing the blame on the shoulders of divinity because of a begrudging vendetta.
We have to think about the corrupted souls walking amongst us. A friendly smile, pleasant conversation and the appearance of decency is a preferred cover for darkness. The phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” can have a very complicated and confusing meaning. The soul can’t be deceived once it recognizes the intent and essence of any entity or being it encounters. But title and assumed respectability with the proper etiquette can confuse and place doubt within the mind of any person. Ultimately, the soul has to be the one in charge so that it can pull apart the onion of deception. Once human beings can recognize who they are looking at, these entities or demons won’t be able to hide, they can’t hover, waiting to attack anyone because people will know who they are and where they reside.
We hold the key to illumination in our hands because we have both the light and dark within us. The dark night is just as much apart of us as the light of the day. We are the mysterious, hushed breakthrough, the quiet reflection of the cosmos that allows the shimmering stars to sparkle. Because of this, darkness can’t devour itself or anything apart of it. Darkness can alienate the light from itself but even this action requires an acknowledgement of the existence of light within it.
We can shed light on the dark void with the understanding that we know who we are and where we come from, ultimately knowing that all along God isn’t just around us, but in us. Our souls aren’t for sale; they are the sustenance of divinity from the breath of God. Heaven has always been in us and remembering our heritage is the best way to bring out the light and vindication, by making no apology for our place in the Universe. We can stand strong with the Archangels making our choice known, becoming apart of the battle instead of being the source of its contention.