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A man named Elon – human or Alien – or Comb – from Dimensional Walking
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Coming Home to Egypt
The Unexpected Adventure

My adventure to Egypt changed my life forever. Sometimes lessons are learned when we least expect them or when we aren’t looking for them at all. With this being said, this is my story of the unexpected adventure that turned my life topsy turvy into the realm of the Priestess.
Egypt is the mysterious Mistress of magic and ancient knowledge. She’s the elixir of times not forgotten but kept secret behind closed doors surrounded by sand and desert. Moments in our lives come and go but the memories linger on beyond our lifetime into the next, just as the sands in an hourglass turn over and over again.
I realized the moment I stepped foot on Egypt’s ancient sands, I had truly for the first time in my life, come home. The Priestess in me awakened to the sounds of morning prayer and the belly dancer’s drums, summoning a night of dance. My soul shouted in delight and my spiritual quest began with a vengeance that was foreign and scary all at the same time. It was the first time I was in the presence of Source, the old ways, or as some call them, the Ancient Aliens.
As a dancer, yes, I was in my element but as a Medicine Woman, in some ways, I was in way over my head. Let me explain.
Before I ventured to Cairo, Egypt in 1991, I was told by two of my mentors that Egypt could be dangerous for me because I was open, meaning I was already learning the old ways of ceremony and prayer. As a young Medicine Woman, there were things I was already experiencing that were a bit dark so my teachers stressed that I rethink my plans. The 28-year-old in me didn’t listen and to this day I am forever grateful to her that she didn’t but that doesn’t mean they weren’t right.
My ex-husband, a medicine man named Thunder Bow gave me an amulet to wear to keep me safe and a friend made me a small hand made knife that I hid in my boot in case I needed to protect myself. But how does one protect themselves from an archaic and highly intelligent Source that has been around since the beginning of time? I sensed “them” before I stepped aboard my plane and they made their presence known in subtle ways such as nonsensical dreams and knots in my stomach that seemed to never go away.
My trip started out as a belly dancer’s dream but in actuality, it was a coming home to my Priestess roots. I didn’t know beforehand that I had been a Priestess many lifetimes in Egypt. Past life memories came back to me in vivid dreams, vibrant and emotionally riveting. They came non-stop, a young girl of 14 or a boy of 10 at first. Then my memories flashed and changed to me being a woman of high importance, priestesses surrounding me in the moonlight and a ceremony being performed to the Goddess Isis. Some of the past lives were in interesting times, such as the upheaval of Akhenaten’s priests fighting with soldiers and overtaking the inner sanctum of one of the pyramids. The vengeance of the old Gods was terrifying! I had a flashback of Tutankhamen coming to Luxor for the Sham el Nessim celebration. I was shocked and in awe as these memories flooded into my waking state. It was as if I never left.
I was remembering so much so that I sensed someone or something was not happy that my memories were coming back. Throughout the many months I was in Egypt, 2 attempts were made on my life and the third and last attempt which happened back in New Mexico, almost succeeded.
Double Trouble
The first attempt happened one morning when I was visiting an indoor market underneath an apartment complex. It was probably 20 stories high in a crowded area by Maadi a suburb of Cairo. I had walked in for some groceries and when I bought all I needed, I walked back out into the street. Within seconds, a woman suddenly yelled at me in English, “Watch out!”
An area rug about 10 feet long came crashing down, barely missing me by a few feet. If I hadn’t jumped back, I don’t think I would be telling this story. My legs became weak and I felt as if they were going to collapse under me. I was in utter shock when people came running over to me from all directions. Everyone was asking me if I was okay while I looked up, seeing multiple balconies but no sign of where the rug came from. I pushed my way through the crowd and walked away with shaky legs and somewhere inside of me, I sensed that was a warning.
Later that day in the afternoon, I was walking down a street by the little apartment I rented. I was weary but had calmed myself down from the morning’s close call. The butterflies in my stomach had just left me and I was feeling more assured that it was just a coincidence when all of a sudden, a white van full of people came rushing up behind me and hit me from my left side. My left elbow saved my life because it made me bounce off the van. If I hadn’t bounced off the van, I would have been knocked under it and it’s back wheel would have run me over. It all happened so fast, seemingly in a split second, within a blink of an eye.
I yelled at the driver who stopped the van and again people came running towards me to see if I was okay. I looked at the driver and yelled, “Majnoon!” which means crazy in Arabic. The driver had a strange look on his face as he tried to calm me and the crowd down. People were yelling at him and I realized that if I didn’t leave it would have turned into a chaotic scene. I left the crowd, went to my apartment and realized something was either trying to kill me or get my attention.
The bruise on my arm was only the beginning.

The nights were alive with magical scents such as jasmine and other flowering smells that will forever stay with me. But within all of this enchantment there was always a reminder that this is where time truly began, and if I forgot to remember where I was, the ominous silent night constantly reminded me that there were hidden eyes watching … always.
I awoke one night with startled and panicky breathing, like I had been running in my sleep. I was on my stomach with my head turned which wasn’t my normal position because I’m a side sleeper. I realized immediately that I was completely paralyzed accept for my eyes. I was panning the room trying to figure out what to do. I felt pressure on my lower back as if something was holding me down. I tried to turn around but to no avail. I thought I had come down with some weird disease and I started to panic and perspire from my adrenaline and fear kicking in. I was literally wet from head to toe like I had just stepped out of a shower.
I remembered, Thunder Bow teaching me how to focus so I could calm my mind. I knew it was just a matter of remembering where my inner sanctuary was, so I closed my eyes and tried to push off whatever was holding me down. It felt like an eternity but in reality, it was only 10 minutes or a little more to fixate on my 3rd Eye. When I was able to calm myself down, I felt the pressure on my lower back instantly disappear and I turned over literally overcome with relief, and within seconds, I jumped out of bed. I looked all around the room trying to figure out what had just happened and what could have possibly held me down.
I had a hard time going back to sleep but slowly I drifted off and awoke the next morning sore all over, especially in my lower back. I got up and checked my lower back in the mirror and saw about 5 or 6 small brown circles, like burn marks on me scattered around within a 6-inch area. They didn’t hurt at all and within 2 or 3 days, they were gone.
Missing Time
I became friends with a guy I’ll call Jimbo. We were hanging out at a club called Club Thirteen. Out of the blue, Jimbo asked me if I wanted to climb one of the Queen’s Pyramids. Now, it’s forbidden so I don’t recommend anyone doing it but at that time in the early 90’s, they didn’t have as much security around the pyramids as they do now. It was around 12:30 am so I was intrigued and said yes. We hailed a taxi and within 30 minutes we were in an area just below the Queens Pyramids. We got off in this location so we could go in a back way where we wouldn’t be seen. We walked by old burial chambers dug in the side of rocks of the workers who supposedly built the pyramids or so the story goes. It was eerie and I could almost hear them whispering to us, asking us what we were doing there.
Once we walked past the burial chambers which took about 20 or 30 minutes, we found ourselves at the foot of one of the Queen’s Pyramids. I can’t remember which one but it was at night and I was a willing participant partially because I knew it was taboo. Jimbo asked me if I was sure I wanted to climb up and I said, “Absolutely!”
We started our climb and within a short time, we were at the top. I remember clearly the mosquitos, millions or should I say billions of them buzzing around us! I mentioned to Jimbo that I just couldn’t take the mosquitos anymore when all of a sudden, puff, we were gone and then back again! It was like a time glitch had just happened. When we came to, and it was around 6 am because we could hear the morning prayer on all the loudspeakers throughout Cairo. It was eerie to “wake up” to that sound and realize that we had been up there for a long time, at least 2 to 3 hours with no memory of what happened. Interestingly enough, I had no mosquito bites on me at all!
We climbed down the pyramid freaking out that we would be discovered and made a mad dash back towards the small village. We hailed a cab and went to get coffee and breakfast. I was a chatty Kathy and Jimbo was silent and moody. No matter how much I prodded him, he wouldn’t talk about what had just happened to us and after that incident, he never wanted to go out or do anything with me again.
Was the paralysis and the missing time connected? I can’t be certain but I have come to realize that with magic and mystery, nothing is a coincidence.
The third attempt on my life happened when I came home.
Uninvited Guest
I’m 5’3, but at that time, I weighed only a hundred pounds when I finally arrived home and my feet touched the New Mexico ground. I was exhausted and tired beyond belief. Interestingly, I ate like a horse and never felt full. I ate as carefully as I could in Egypt so I didn’t venture out into the odd and weird world of exotic foods. I know what you may be thinking, parasites and that was exactly what my family and me thought too but when I went to the doctor, he tested me for a variety of parasites, but didn’t find anything.
I was slowly dying and my ex-husband knew it. He saw a dark, black mass attached to me from my upper right shoulder. I felt off balance and I was walking as if I had injured my back.
Thunder Bow took me to another medicine man named Thomas One Wolf. When I went to meet with him, he sensed that something came back home with me. He told me I had to do a Vision Quest and with his help, he would take care of the “uninvited guest.”
I made sacred tobacco pouches, praying and asking for help as I made each one of them, connecting them together making a circle with twine. They closed me off to the outside world during my Vision Quest so that I could find answers and “see” what this thing was. Three days and three nights became a blur. I mostly remember that I laid in the sun during the day and crawled into my tent at night. I knew instinctively that the sun was going to help heal me. I could feel it’s warmth and somehow I felt its rays go into me, pulsing, targeting this dark mass attached to me. Thomas One Wolf, came and went as if he was a dream, praying and doing ceremony, asking the Ancestors to help. The moment the entity let go of me, I felt as if a ton of bricks had been lifted off of me. I felt light as a feather, light headed and I had to learn to rebalance myself so that I could realign my back and straighten it out. I was no longer hunched back, carrying a weight that was not mine.
Thomas One Wolf said I had only a few months to live when I came to him and that this thing was feeding off my life force. He said it knew I was a medicine woman in this life and that it saw my past lives in Egypt. It was connected to the Djinn and I was lucky I remembered to go to the sun God Ra to help me get rid of it.
The priestess in me came alive and helped me heal and it was with this remembering that my greatest lesson was learned. I brought the memories back to New Mexico with me and with the help of Thomas One Wolf was able to get rid of the attachment.
Egypt is a portal to other worlds that have been apart of our world for a millennium. Did the Ancient Aliens take me somewhere during my lost time on top of the pyramid? How did that black mass find me? Even today, I know something was altered in me during that lost time.
Most importantly, and probably the greatest gift of all, is the fact that all those past lives in Egypt are alive and in me and they are apart of the medicine woman that I am today. Magic is real and when you become apart of it, it lives on in you, reminding you, you are so much more than you think you are. It’s going to sound cliche but to boldly go where no man or woman has gone before, one only has to go to Egypt. There’s no place like home no matter how many life times we live.
An afternoon with Clifford Stone —Is it all True Series # 346
I had the opportunity to spend the afternoon with Clifford Stone during a warm winter afternoon last weekend in a place called Roswell, New Mexico. My girlfriend contacted Clifford and set-up the meeting, so she and I, and another friend of mine, took this three-hour adventure to Roswell and meet Cliff at the Roswell UFO museum. During lunch we talked, well more like Cliff talked, and we tried to keep up. He loves to talk UFOs and anything related to them.
Clifford comes from a 22 year amazing career with the Army. Not the regular Army but an elite force whose mission was to recover crashed UFOs. In these crashed UFOs there were bodies, artifacts, a few live beings, and a bunch of technology. Most of the Tech was beyond our ability to understand and still is. But, as we know, humans don’t give up easily and they have tried for 60 plus years to crack the genie of Alien knowledge.
Unfortunately, the human elite corporations and the military have kept the secrets to a very small group only to occasionally release the fun technology that made them all quite rich. Clifford knows the military’s deepest secrets. Because of this fact he is a bit paranoid and fears for his life and safety of his family.
As Clifford will tell you, this government operation is highly illegal. It is unconstitutional to keep these secrets from the public, in the name of security. These beings have been among us for our entire existence on earth. I am sure they have done some harm, but they have, in my estimation, done more good. And let’s face it; they are our creators, our God, our Gods. We are their children, at least to some of these groups of beings. The others are visitors to our planet doing their agendas, of good and bad, man has little or no control over their movements.
Thanks Clifford for having the courage to come forward and speak the Truth.
Sleep tight – If you want to hear more from Cliff, he will be speaking at my group in Albuquerque end of February, go to NMUPf.blogspot.com
The New Atlantis – Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings
Alexandra Bruce
August 22, 2013
This epic film produced by the Canadian Cutting Edge Productions is about perhaps the greatest “Whodunit” of the past 500 years, taking the mystery out of America’s history.
This video unfolds the fascinating history behind the founding of America, and exposes the esoteric underbelly of its design. Why is Washington D.C. build on the 77th Meridian? Are the Revolutionary War cities really built in perfect alignment with Stonehenge? If America was founded as a Christian nation, why are many of its symbols, buildings, and monuments based on Pagan traditions? There is no doubt that much of America’s national heritage was Christian, but just as a coin has two sides, our national heritage has a second side — one based squarely on occult secret societies and their values.
To find the answer to these questions, we follow the journey of secret societies from England to the New World and learn of their ancient hope: to rebuild the lost empire of Atlantis.
In the 16th century, Sir Francis Bacon was at the helm of the secret societies in England. When Bacon penned his classic work, ‘The New Atlantis’ he believed that America and Atlantis were one and the same. He outlined his vision for the perfect society, and some suggest the program he set forth has been the driving force behind the course of modern history. While he did not originate the concept, it was Bacon who articulated an ancient plan to be carried out by all the secret orders. As Chief of the Rosicrucians and the first Grand Master of modern Freemasonry, Bacon sent his followers to the new world. A 1910 Newfoundland stamp with his image upon it reads, ‘Lord Bacon: the Guiding Spirit in [the] Colonization Scheme.’ Because of his influence, Francis Bacon is considered by some to be ‘the real and true founder of America.’ For centuries, controversy has surrounded this figure who is said to be the illegitimate son of Queen Elizabeth I, and secret author of the Shakespeare plays; the man whom Thomas Jefferson considered one of the three most influential men in history.
Is it possible that Bacon’s vision guides America today?
Where The DaVinci Code meets National Treasure: Learn the incredible secrets of the esoteric traditions, hidden within the manifold layers of signs and symbols in our nation’s infrastructure. Find out why some believe that from ancient times America has been chosen to fulfill a secret destiny.
Cutting Edge has been working on this video for many years, as we are determined that this second coin side of our National Heritage be fully understood. Only when you properly understand our past can you understand where our leaders are taking us today. Only when you properly understand the occult heritage which our Founding Fathers set in place can you understand why America is in Iraq, why we are forcing a strange brand of “democracy” upon the world, and why America has always been in the leadership of the nations of the world in marching steadily towards the NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM (New Order of the Ages – New World Order), the symbol of which is on the back of the American One Dollar Bill.
We have enlisted the aid of a Christian Hollywood film producer (yes, there is one), and a proven Hollywood promoter. The quality of the script writing is superb and the technical quality of the film is superior to “The History Channel” or “The National Geographic”.
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– See more at: http://www.forbiddenknowledgetv.com/videos/history/the-new-atlantis-secret-mysteries-of-americas-beginnings.html#sthash.p9xQaBS0.dpuf
Island Dreaming by Sandy Penny … How Spiritual Guidance is Revealed
8/27/2012: As I wait in Gulfport, MS to see what Isaac will bring, I am reminded of my stormy past on the islands of Bimini in 2002.
I had just returned to Houston from my travels in New Zealand/Norfolk Island when I first dreamed of that tropical island. I saw myself sitting outside a pink stucco building in the shade of coconut palms. I was intently watching some kind of lizards with curled up tails. I thought they might be scorpions, but they were not.
Each night for several nights, I dreamed of that tropical island. There was a man, a shaman, a teacher. He called out to me and said, come, come now. I did not know where or why or how this would happen, but I knew without a doubt that I had to go to that tropical island. I was being called, and I had to find out where it was.
A week or so later, I was doing psychic readings at Borders bookstore in Houston with a group of friends. A man sat down at my table to get a reading, and when I put my hands on top of his to align our energies, a rush of heat flooded my neck and face, and I was startled at the power of it. In the reading I told him I saw him with a red haired woman, and they were happy, getting married. He told me he had always known he would marry a red haired woman named Patty, and that he was still looking for her. I sensed she was coming into his life very soon.
When I finished his reading, he asked, “Do you always get so red in the face when you do a reading?” I was embarrassed, but decided to be honest. “No, I don’t. The energy when we touched was unusually powerful.” “I see,” he said with a sly smile, and I knew he had intentionally run that energy to test my sensitivity. Then he said, “I have a message for you.” I looked into his eyes, and he said, “I see you on a tropical island. It’s important for you to go there.” I laughed. “Yes, well, where is it? What island is it? I have seen it too, but I have no information on where it is.” “Oh, it’ll show up in due time. It always does, doesn’t it?” he smiled, and I knew no answer was necessary.
This was just one more confirmation in a barage of my psychic friends seeing me on that island as well. I was impatient to find out where it was. I felt an urgency to go there. One week later, I introduced Woody to Patty, his red haired woman, and they were married a few months later, but that’s another story.
My friend Sue was getting ready to leave for England, and she invited me to go with her. I thought, well it is an island, albeit not a tropical island. I told her I’d consider it, and began making plans to go with her.
As soon as I started thinking I would go, I started having a new dream. In the dream, I was on my way to a speaking engagement, and Sue asked me to take her to a bookstore. I told her I didn’t have much time, that I needed to get to my engagement. She was perusing the bookstore, and I was looking at my watch, knowing that I was late and that people were waiting for me. I woke up knowing that if I went to England that I would be where Sue needed to be, but not were I needed to be. I told her I couldn’t go. And, as a friend who also follows her guidance, she understood that I had to follow my own knowing.
It so happened that my family was having a family reunion the next week in Illinois, so I decided to go. It was the first time I had returned to my home town in nearly 20 years, since my mother’s funeral. I didn’t have much interest in the grayness of Granite City’s steel mills and railroad tracks, and my childhood memories are not that good. But, I felt it was important for me to go to this event. My brother Curt, only two years older than I, would be there, and I had some issues to resolve with him. My primal issue therapy that I had done in New Zealand had revealed some deep seated issues with him, and I wanted to talk it out.
I discovered that he had changed quite a lot, that his spirit was awakening, and he was having experiences not unlike the ones that I had when I first woke up. It was a good visit, and I felt something had been shifted in our relationship, and in my relationship to my family. In one of our conversations, I told him about the island dream, and he seemed very interested, like he had some kind of connection to it.
A few days after we were both back at home, me in Houston and him in Florida, he called. He sounded very excited as he said, “I was just watching a special on Bimini and the Road to Atlantis, and I think that’s the island you were seeing. I think you need to go there.” A shiver went down my spine and through my whole body. He had said the code words my guides often inspire someone to say when they’re bringing me a message, “I think you need to go there.” In that instant, I knew he was right. It was like all the tumblers on the locks lined up and the door to the safe popped open.
“I think you’re right,” I said in amazement. I was thrilled to have my brother bring me this piece of guidance. “Where is Bimini?” He told me it was just off the coast of Florida, 50 miles east of Miami, at one corner of the Bermuda Triangle. He said, perhaps I could come to visit him, and then he would drive me to where I could catch a plane or boat or however you get to the island. And, that’s how the location of my tropical island dream was revealed to me a step at a time.
Posted by Sandy Penny – WritingMuse – Love and Happiness Coach, Build Your Own Website Instructor at 4:46 PM
New Age myth, the legend of Atlantis- Via Forbiddenknowledgetv.com
If you some time enjoy — all interesting and good — Positive look at maybe our past,our real past.Here is one version of a popular 20th century—New Age myth, the legend of Atlantis.