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Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exist, humanity not ready
This “Galactic Federation” has supposedly been in contact with Israel and the US for years, but are keeping themselves a secret to prevent hysteria until humanity is ready.
NGC 4866, a lenticular galaxy, is shown in this NASA handout provided on July 19, 2013. Situated about 80 million light-years from earth, this image was captured by the Advanced Camera for Surveys, an instrument on the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope(photo credit: REUTERS/EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY/NASA/ESA HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE/HANDOUT VIA REUTERS)AdvertisementHas the State of Israel made contact with aliens?According to retired Israeli general and current professor Haim Eshed, the answer is yes, but this has been kept a secret because “humanity isn’t ready.”Read More Related Articles
Recommended bySpeaking in an interview to Yediot Aharonot, Eshed – who served as the head of Israel’s space security program for nearly 30 years and is a three-time recipient of the Israel Security Award – explained that Israel and the US have both been dealing with aliens for years.And this by no means refers to immigrants, with Eshed clarifying the existence of a “Galactic Federation.”The 87-year-old former space security chief gave further descriptions about exactly what sort of agreements have been made between the aliens and the US, which ostensibly have been made because they wish to research and understand “the fabric of the universe.” This cooperation includes a secret underground base on Mars, where there are American and alien representatives.If true, this would coincide with US President Donald Trump’s creation of the Space Force as the fifth branch of the US armed forces, though it is unclear how long this sort of relationship, if any, has been going on between the US and its reported extraterrestrial allies.But Eshed insists that Trump is aware of them, and that he was “on the verge” of disclosing their existence. However, the Galactic Federation reportedly stopped him from doing so, saying they wished to prevent mass hysteria since they felt humanity needed to “evolve and reach a stage where we will… understand what space and spaceships are,” Yediot Aharonot reported.
READ MOREREAD MOREREAD MOREjavascript:falseSKIP ADAs for why he’s chosen to reveal this information now, Eshed explained that the timing was simply due to how much the academic landscape has changed, and how respected he is in academia.”If I had come up with what I’m saying today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized,” he explained to Yediot.He added that “today, they’re already talking differently. I have nothing to lose. I’ve received my degrees and awards; I am respected in universities abroad, where the trend is also changing.”Eshed provided more information in his newest book, The Universe Beyond the Horizon – conversations with Professor Haim Eshed, along with other details such as how aliens have prevented nuclear apocalypses and “when we can jump in and visit the Men in Black.” The book is available now for NIS 98. While it is unclear if any evidence exists that could support Eshed’s claims, they did come just ahead of a recent announcement by SpaceIL, the group behind Israel’s failed attempt to land a spacecraft on the moon in 2019. Uploaded to social media with the text “Ready to get excited again?,” the announcement contained a 15-second video of the moon with text saying “Back to the Moon,” followed by the date of December 9, 2020. It is likely that this is a follow up to the Beresheet spacecraft, which crashed after engineers lost contact with it just minutes before it was due to land. However, the follow-up project, titled Beresheet 2, is expected to take three years to be ready. But sadly, we may never know the truth.
Slowly the crack – in the NON- human entities cover-up is coming.
Mike Wiz
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“Selected by Extraterrestrials” – A Review – Is it all True Series #412
So I just finished Bill Tompkins’ book – rest of the Title is “My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think tanks and Nordic Secretaries. That “secretary part “is a bit strange but quite important to Bill as you will see if you read his book. For the most part I enjoyed the book and I learned a few new things about UFO etc. even after my 50 years in the business.
Bill by all the sense of the word is a whistleblower, but what is different here is it is like he was given the okay to blow the whistle by elements of the government. If you take Bill’s book as 50 % true it’s amazing and a true disclosure of alien influence in our world. I feel at least 75% of the book is an accurate view of our human existence in an Alien controlled world.
So Bill is painting a picture that some groups of aliens are helping us with technology to protect ourselves against the bad guys (alien groups) and we are giving resources to the white hats for their battles with the Black Hats. I have done business in the aerospace community and I have confirmation about Bill being the real thing and also confirming similar trues about alien cooperation in many fields of human science and medicine.
Though the flow of the book wasn’t the smoothest, the book kept my interest. At times I thought he got too technical with his reading audience. Also at times his near obsession with his Nordic secretaries and sexual beauty got a bit strange, because it would pop up in the middle a whole another idea he was explaining and at times was quite explicit with a strong R – rating.
One final thought – Bill might have been selected, but like his secretaries I had a feeling by the end of the book that he had a few alien genes in his body, going beyond a normal human intelligence capacity.
Sleep tight, knowing “Reality is not what it seems”, will give some of us joy and a little hope.
Abductee/Contactee and their Empathic Abilities- is it all True Series #393
By Michael
After 50 years in this amazing field we call UFOs and Paranormal, I have learned exceedingly cool stuff about humans and beings from other realities. It takes years to understand a very slight concept about dimensional beings but humans are easier to understand and all the elements that make them tick.
After hundreds of interviews with abductees there are some very interesting commonalities between many of them. One is the ability for them to be empathetic and feel people’s emotions. The question I have always asked is, are abductees born empathic with their abilities or are they given their abilities from their encounters with the dimensional beings?
I feel we all have the empathic ability, but only a few realize it. After interviewing hundreds of abductees, many realized their abilities after they knew they had had an encounter with another reality. I believe their encounters are triggering events, opening up many access points to the infinite universe.
Being an empath can be a dangerous business, if they are not careful they can absorb the emotions of hundreds of people just by walking through a Mall. This emotional over-load can throw an empath into a mental crisis and exhaust their bodies, driving the empath into a sleep response for several days. Empaths eventually learn to protect themselves from the flood of human energy by building empirical shields around their bodies.
Some empaths have the amazing ability to make contact with spirits. My partner is one of those people, she can walk into a cemetery and spirits will start communicating with her. When the emotional load becomes too much she must remove herself from the location to recover. She recently had a civil war cemetery experience in the Nashville area. This time she actually felt the physical pain of the soldier who had in theory died 150 years ago. But he was in a limbo reality, and she was able to observe the event. It was very powerful and profound.
Inter-dimensional beings seem not to carry or have many of their own emotions, they love empaths because not only can they feed off the empaths own emotions, but they get the bonus of the other emotions that are flowing through the empaths body from external sources. So triggering a human into becoming empathic is probably a high priority for the inter-dimensional beings.
Sleep- tight , Being empathic – is like looking at glass humans – you get to see everything that makes them tick – but only by controlling the experience with care can you gain wisdom and not madness.
A Possible Resolution to the Artificial Portals Is it all True Series #365
To my chagrin, Loekey awoke me from a deep sleep Tuesday the llth of this month, (Nov.) in the wee hours of the morning and decided to impart vital information to me. The information started to flood into my mind as I tossed and turned in bed. I opened my exhausted eyes and told Loekey that I was too tired and I wasn’t going to go to my computer to type down any information. Unfortunately, information continued to flood my brain for what felt like three hours. I then was able to fall asleep but I lost those vital hours of sleep and I looked tired and haggard the next morning.
This is all the information I can retain at this time. Until Loekey comes back and helps me remember more…this is it.
Loekey told me that the earth has upper and lower transparent frequencies that are connected to the upside down pyramids. These frequencies rotate opposite of each other and because of this; Loekey thinks there might be a chance to use these frequencies to close off the artificial portals. Understanding the science behind the two frequencies is paramount at this point.
Interestingly enough Loekey said there is another frequency they think they can use and this comes from a seismic influx from the sun, we call a solar flare. It is thought that when a solar flare comes towards earth, this can be used along with the earth’s two frequencies, to close up the artificial portals. If all goes well, the first to be closed will be the artificial portals that are opened in the areas where the solar flares converge with the transparent frequencies. It was important for me to understand that because the two transparent frequencies rotate opposite of each other, they are a big part of the equation but Loekey didn’t say why.
The mathematical equation-resolution is coming from an outside source so Loekey said they are waiting for the go ahead, the explanation regarding how it will all work and what their assistance will be.
This is all Greek to me, so obviously Loekey has a better understanding of what is going on then me. I also remembered that he told me something about a gravitational wave but the details have left me. Anybody reading this…please understand that I am the messenger, not a scientist.
Tuesday the 25th, again in the wee hours of the morning, I woke up out of a dead sleep and said out loud, “Sacred Geometry can solve the artificial portal problems.” I said this matter of factly out loud and I told myself to remember what I said and then I immediately fell back asleep.
I woke up the next morning, immediately remembering what I said and wondered what the heck that was all about. Either it was Loekey who woke me up and made me remember the words, Sacred Geometry or for some bizarre reason it was me. (I seriously doubt it was me.)
I then realized that in my dance class the night prior, I was teaching my students about movement within choreography. The design within any movement is just as important as deciding which group of moves fit together. I told the girls that when they are creating choreography from a specific design, they need to follow the pattern and see where it leads them. This is because while they are continuing with the design, no matter what they add in, traveling steps or turns, they will still be connected to the original inspired pattern. The pattern is always an extension of itself and even though in dance at any given time, it can change into another design, it all fits together like a kaleidoscope. None of the beautiful patterns ever take away from each other; they tend to create multiple images of extended patterns that emerge from each other.
After remembering my dance class and talking to Michael about it, he commented that maybe Loekey was somehow aware of my dance class and from my description and explanation to my students, perhaps he got the, “Sacred Geometry,” idea. This might be farfetched but to be honest with you, neither one of us has a rational explanation as to why out of the blue, I woke up and blurted out the words, Sacred Geometry.
I checked out Wikipedia’s description regarding, Sacred Geometry also known as the Flower of Life and this is what it said:
The Flower of Life is the name that gives to a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. This figure forms a flower-like pattern with the symmetrical structure of a hexagon.
A “Flower of Life” figure consists of seven or more overlapping circles,[1] in which the center of each circle is on the circumference of up to six surrounding circles of the same diameter. However, the surrounding circles need not be clearly or completely drawn; in fact, some ancient symbols that are claimed as examples of the Flower of Life contain only a single circle or hexagon.
Drunvalo Melchizedek has called these figures symbols of sacred geometry, asserting that they represent ancient spiritual beliefs, and that they depict fundamental aspects of space and time.[2][3] Melchizedek claims that Metatron’s Cube may be derived from the Flower of Life pattern, and that the Platonic solids within it were “thought to act as a template from which all life springs.”[4][5] Melchizedek has been teaching the Flower of Life at workshops since 1985.
Once I read the description of the Flower of Life, I realized why there could be a possibility of this ancient pattern effectively closing the artificial portals. The pattern and its spheres are identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. The frequency of the tones and half tones in music affect people along with any living being or creature within audible range. Since the artificial portals aren’t apart of the natural pattern created by earths design, they would be vulnerable to her frequency tones which could be considered like seismic waves. If so, with the pattern repeating itself, there is a chance the artificial portals won’t be able to stay open without the blue print of the original hexagonal pattern opening and closing. And let me say, that I am guessing here because at this point any of the above could be a solution or a figment of my imagination.
As a result of my obvious confusion over frequencies, I decided to look into what kind of frequencies come from the earth and found out that there were man made artificial frequencies as well. Here’s a few that I found with a little bit of information to go along with them.
The earth has a resonant frequency which is a natural wave created from lightning storms. It is also called “earth brainwaves,” because it is identical to the frequency spectrum of human brainwaves.
Infrasound which as also known as low-frequency sound, is used by whales, elephants, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, giraffes, and alligators to communicate over long distances. I think most of us know that migrating birds use naturally generated infrasound, from sources such as turbulent airflow over mountain ranges, as a navigational aid.
HAARP(High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) waves produce elf waves which manipulate the ionosphere. When certain areas are targeted, it can create devastating weather changes and also affect people in ways such as mood swings, irritability etc. Unfortunately, this might be a growing problem that interferes with earth’s natural frequency blueprint.
I came across this artificial frequency which I didn’t know much about. GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) transmitters affect the earth’s natural brain rhythm by replacing natural geomagnetic waves coming from the ground with artificially created low frequency (LF) ground waves. I wondered how this is affecting people, animals and the Earth herself.
At this point, I must say that I am beginning to wonder if Sacred Geometry could even work considering the various types of man made artificial interference through out the planet. I can only assume Loekey already knows all of this and this is why they need an outside source to help them close off the artificial portals. Taking it a step further, maybe the interference coming from Haarp and GWEN have played a role in helping the artificial rips stay open and in place. It’s a huge assumption but one that has to be put out there.
To be honest with you, I’m starting to think, Loekey works in mysterious ways and that he wanted me to do some of this research on my own and write about it. I can see the full spectrum of this massive task that has been placed on his and many others shoulders. All I can say is that my respect for him has grown immensely from knowing this.
Loekey hasn’t communicated with me in his “non-typical” way since I emphatically told him I wasn’t getting out of bed to type the information he was imparting to me. I understand Loekey works on a vastly different timetable then me. His idea of sharing information is paramount and in the moment, not necessarily when it’s convenient for me to receive it. All I can say is, the next time he contacts me, I’ll get my tired butt up out of bed and I’ll do what I promised him I would do, which is to be a mediary, receiving and imparting his message to who ever wants to read it. This is all for now or until further communication with Loekey resumes.
From Rainbow Radaelli –
The Ones Among Us – Part 1- Is it all True Series #357
My research has shown me that the world isn’t what it seems, but the world is a complex series of strange events created by strange beings and I am not excluding humans, because they truly are a strange lot.
As we walk through our lives, many miss the very odd, because we cannot perceive or see things that don’t conform to our present existence. There are humanoids that are not humans among us and if you pay attention you can, and will, see them. But realize these sightings may be brief and you will probably question your sanity. Sometimes you may only see this strangeness out of the corner of your eye.
So let me tell you a few of my experiences and a few from other people I know involving these being among us. I have had several of my own. The first one, I was having Thanksgiving dinner at a Golden Corral in Tucson. I was with a few people and after filling my plate up and sitting down to enjoy my feast, out of the corner of my eye was sitting an it/he maybe 10 feet from me and staring at me. He was completely focused on me and I was very uncomfortable. As I looked at him I noticed he had a long thin head and a short neck. As I further checked him out, he had solid black, slightly almond shaped eyes. He never took his eyes off of me and never ate one spoon full of his food. As I finished my dinner and got up, his strange eyes followed me out the door. I waited outside in my car, but he never came out and I never went back in.
Next a friend of mine in Albuquerque had a very interesting bus driver experience. His son would take a public bus to school occasionally, on one occasion he noticed the bus driver had very pale skin, long exaggerated face, and strange eyes, and it/he felt very not human. After seeing the same weird driver a few more times he told his Dad, my friend. My friend was curious and into the UFO scene. So the next week he got on the same bus with his daughter to see if he might catch the same driver. And guess what, he did. My friend sat across and behind the driver. As soon as my friend got in the bus the driver noticed him and while the bus was moving forward it/he/she turned and stared at him for about 1 and ½ miles down the street, safely guiding the bus through stop lights, and dropping off and picking up passengers. To top it off, no one else seemed to notice this event on the bus. What the bus driver did was an amazing feat, even for an alien.
Sleep tight, part two will have more experiences to share, and pay attention for you might see the unthinkable or the improbable.
DC Goforth presents @ April meeting NM UFO/Paranormal Forum –Is it all True Series # 323
Denise Goforth is a relative newcomer to the field of High Strangeness, at least as far as presenting her story and her research. Denise is the author of the book “The Awakening into the New Dimension.” Denise studied law, international studies, and history at universities in Arizona and Washington DC. She worked as a lobbyist and did work for Senator John McCain.
The more unusual part of her life story is that she is a lifelong ET and MILAB experiencer. She is also a radio show host and a Nibiru/Anunnaki/ET researcher.
Denise has experienced many non-human encounters over her lifetime. She met tall Nordics, red and blonde haired. She studied the relationship between RH negative blood and alien encounters. To explore her own abductions she worked with Gloria Hawker, the world renowned abduction hypnotist. Through her sessions with Gloria she learned that not only was she abducted, but also that she had MILAB experiences probably as a government asset.
Denise had a tough early life as she never knew her father and it always seemed that her mother was on the run, moving constantly from place to place.
As a possible secret government asset it seems that she was sent to places where world government figures and a few celebs were meeting on a mission to observe and report back to the agency that sent her. She remembers no specifics about her spy detail. But one recent adventure took her to Hawaii where she attended a high level meeting, an experience that she and Gloria were able to verify in great detail. In another mission she was connected with a man from the Vatican who talked to her about Alien beings and Nibiru.
Several years ago she realized she had an alien implant on her right shoulder blade, and after much consideration she had her husband remove it, only to find a new one had replaced the old one in nearly the exact same place. This implant is still with her today.
Sleep tight, for there are a few courageous ones among us who will tell their stories in the name of the truth.