Gary Plapp – wonderful world of Circles – visits New Mexico UFO/Paranormal Forum- Is it all True Series #169

Gary Plapp from the Los Lunas Dowsers Group came up to Albuquerque to give us (New Mexico UFO/Paranormal Forum) his super crop circle show. Gary has traveled in the past to England and said there is nothing like standing in the middle of a new circle and taking in the powerful energy. And many of the circles have the watchful eye look, always checking us out.

Like Gary says, this is a look at the crop circles from a Gary perspective; dowsers can feel the powerful energy that comes from seeing these amazing beautiful images. This year worldwide there were about 100 circles, 60% in southern England and 40% in the rest of the world, with the majority of those being in Italy and Germany. And guess what? Zero in the USA. According to Gary there is too much dark and dangerous energy here (in the USA) for the Circle Makers to deal with. And I totally agree.

Many feel the group of dimensional beings called Arcturians are responsible for the Circles, which are right brain teaching tools. One look at a circle and you are learning a lot through your right brain.
The Circle themes varied this year; three themes dominating were one, “all seeing eye,” two, a look into a new world, and three, it’s all about multi-dimensional worlds (3D). The first recorded circle (image) this year was a symbol looking very much like a Star Wars Galactic Federation symbol. And guess what? The same symbol appeared in the final Crop Image.

I am now using the words Crop Images because there are only a few true circles in the images now days—they are every year getting more and more complex.

Gary Plapp and others who have visited the crop images have made another interesting observation that a Crop Image is a life form; it (the image in the crop) watches its visitors and records their life force. These Images are the Arcturians’ dimensional gateways – to further our wisdom and human growth.
Crop Images are the smoking guns the world agrees to ignore every year. But maybe they are only for the few that can handle their truths.

Sleep tight; the mysteries of life go on.

Gary R. Plapp the Dowser’s look at Crop Circles (The Images) 2010 Is it all True Series #153

I recently spent a delightful Saturday afternoon with a great group of people – the dowser group of Los Lunas, New Mexico. It was Gary’s annual look at the crop from the Circle Makers (2010). He started the show with a brief review of the 2009 crop, set to music (Zenn Rabbit) – very cool.
Like Gary says, this is a look at the crop circles from a Gary perspective; dowsers can feel the powerful energy that comes from seeing these amazing beautiful images. This year worldwide there were about 100 circles, 60% in southern England and 40% in the rest of the world, with the majority of those being in Italy and Germany. And guess what? Zero in the USA. According to Gary there is too much dark and dangerous energy here (in the USA) for the Circle Makers to deal with. And I totally agree.
Many feel the group of dimensional beings called Arcturians are responsible for the Circles, which are right brain teaching tools. One look at a circle and you are learning a lot through your right brain.
The Circle themes varied this year; three themes dominating were one, “all seeing eye,” two, a look into a new world, and three, it’s all about multi-dimensional worlds (3D). The first recorded circle (image) this year was a symbol looking very much like a Star Wars Galactic Federation symbol. And guess what? The same symbol appeared in the final Crop Image.
I am now using the words Crop Images because there are only a few true circles in the images now days—they are every year getting more and more complex.
Gary and others who have visited the crop images have made another interesting observation that a Crop Image is a life form; it (the image in the crop) watches its visitors and records their life force. These Images are the Arcturians’ dimensional gateways – to further our wisdom and human growth.
Crop Images are the smoking guns the world agrees to ignore every year. But maybe they are only for the few that can handle their truths.
Sleep tight; the mysteries of life go on.


Are Crop Marks and Crop Circles related? Is it all True Series #151

Crop Marks recently came to my attention for the first time. At first I thought they were misidentified Crop Circles, but maybe, just maybe, there is a strange relationship between the two different concepts.

First, Crop Marks are lines in fields that appear during unusually dry summers in England, and I suspect in other parts of the world where ancient structures lie under a shallow layer of earth. In England there are many ancient forts and buildings that are now under fields of crops. Planes that were watching for crop circles noticed these similar lines in the crops were actually outlining forts, walls and foundations of these ancient structures. The depth of the moist earth is minimized over the structures so that during dry periods the crops over these areas whither and sometimes die, forming lines, sort of like a Nazca line village.

These crop marks have uncovered a lost beach where archeologists feel the Romans first landed to invade and conquer the British Isles 2000 years ago. Over two hundred ancient important sites have been found through Crop Mark sightings. This year has been an amazing year for these Crop Marks; England has experienced one of the driest summers since 1976, and so has had a bumper “crop” of Crop Marks.

1976 was also an amazing crop circle year on sheer volume, though not as complex as they are today, but large and very impressive for that time frame. And Crop Circle and Crop Marks lie close together in quite a few cases. I believe this relationship is because the ancient ones of the British Isles built near the ley-lines, which intersect in vortex areas. These vortex/ley-lines areas have also been drawn through the dimensional veil by the Circle Makers and their beautiful Crop Circle formations.

You can quote me on this: since this year has been a banner year for Crop Marks, this will also be a glorious year for Crop Circles. The messages this year may tell us our immediate future, and we need to see and perceive them through our right brain. So don’t think it – feel it. You will feel hope or despair and you will know if our journey will end or continue here on this little fragile planet.

Sleep tight, the Circle Makers are at work – designing the art form of universal consciousness.


Annoucement–The UFO Watchtower and Colorado MUFON—2010 UFO Conference September 4 and 5

For More Information Please Contact:
Judy Messoline
The UFO Watchtower and Colorado MUFON (The Mutual UFO Network) will host the 2010 UFO Conference September 4 and 5 at the UFO Watchtower, located 22 ½ miles north of Hooper on Highway 17.

Saturday speakers will include: Joe Fex, Sasquatch and Paranormal Investigator;
Gloria Hawker, Hypnotherapist and abductee; Paola Harris, from traditional Ufology to AVATAR, a New World view; Larry Porter, Remote Healing; Charles Hall, Nellis Air Force Base and the Tall Whites.
For the complete list of speakers visit
Activities begin at 8:30 AM with the last speaker at 6:00 PM.

The Sunday speaker lineup includes: Jules Kennedy, Channeler of other worldly sources; Dr. Ardy Clarke, a Professor Emeritus, will share stories related to her by indigenous people in the US, Mexico, Central America, the South Pacific and Australia: Dori Alsop Paden, will speak about the impact of extraterrestrial contact both physical and telepathic; Niara Terela Isley former enlisted Airman in the U.S. Air Force with a 3 month block of missing time.
Speakers begin at 9:00 AM with the last speaker at 4:00 PM.
Cost for the conference is $25 per person. Camping is available at $10 per night.

Friday, September 3, will find a Gathering of Native American Healers beginning at 10:00 AM featuring Native American singers and drummers.
Cost for this event is $15 per person. Camping is available at $10 per night.

Reservations for both of these events may be obtained by calling Judy at

Albuquerque/Rio Rancho- UFO/Paranormal Forum – Bust a Move- Is this all True Series #132

Two weeks ago there was a powerful meeting in Albuquerque, a group of 50+ like-minded truth seekers gathered for their April meeting. An informal survey showed that the group was represented by 26 states, 3 foreign countries and two other planets, couple of NHBEs in the room – (no kidding). The group processed connectiveness and a lot of great energy.

The meeting kicked off with a bang as Norio Hayakawa (the one man Galactic band) played his universal favorites from his cosmic wave’s selection of tunes. The music got the group in a magical, mystical mood.

One of the people who shared a wonderful story was from Peru. She spoke of several abduction like encounters. Some of her abductors looked like small children, but acted like adults. These beings had a shining /glowing quality about them. They (the little ones) took her to a planet that had and looked like New Mexico’s reddest soil. On one trip she saw hybrid type children, small babies. This Peruvian lady has wondered if the children were hers. She also stated she was told that New Mexico would be a safe place in consideration of a future earth changes.

There was another attendee who was a part of a group of women who have a common mission to find some type of truth, which is interwoven in some way with Albuquerque. This is channeled information tells of the rituals and the meeting locations the women are to follow and go. This last meeting was on the highest of the five volcanoes on Albuquerque’s West Mesa, where after the last ritual, a group of small children ascended to the volcano’s peak. There was a strange feeling all around.

Next there was world-famous psychic and founder of “The School of Now”. Her mission is to build a wonderful alternative school to mentor kids who are challenged by the normal world. The school will be state of the art and totally sustainable. This is truly an amazing cause.

It’s looking like Albuquerque/Rio Rancho- UFO/ Paranormal Forum is becoming a force in the UFO/ Paranormal community in the Southwest. At next month’s meeting (May) the topic will be Montauk in 2010 – still the mystery of mysteries. There also will be time for sharing.

See you there.

Sleep tight the truth seekers are seeking for you.


Their Executive Committee – The Wise Seven MJ-7

A Man in Black and the Georgia Mystery celebrates 30 years- Is it all True Series # 128

I lived in Georgia for over 14 years and I frequently visited the Georgia Guidestones about 100 miles northeast of Atlanta near the small town of Elberton, Georgia. Many call these guide- stones America’s Stonehenge. The nearly 20 foot tall slabs were honed from Elberton area, which has blue/ green granite quarries.

First, how did these slabs get to this farm field? The stories vary; I will tell you what I have heard and the more official version. In 1980 a man with, I believe, the alias name of R.C. Christian, came to a small bank in Elberton, talked with the bank agent named Wyatt Martin. R.C., opened an account in the bank with instructions to Wyatt to how the money would be distributed to various contractors who would work on the project. I understand RC met with Wyatt two or three times during the project. R.C. also met with the stoneworkers who would construct his “Age of Reason” monument.
The four vertical slabs had R.C.’s rules of reason such as:
1. Rule the world with tempered reason.
2. Avoid petty laws and useless officials
3. Prize love, truth, and beauty
4. Don’t be a cancer on the earth
5. Leave room for nature
6. Seek harmony with all
7. Call for the limit the population to 500 million people.
I can’t say I disagree with any of the above. Of course people will take this into many directions such as satanic and totalitarian. And others will say its just common sense.

These rules are written in eight different languages and the capstones are written in ancient languages such as Egyptians hieroglyphics, Cuneiform, Sanskrit and Old Greek.
The stones themselves are a cosmic clock using the sun and stars to track time. As I have visited these pillars, I felt a low level vibration from the ground, like its message is being resourced from Mother Earth.

It’s very peaceful to sit by the stone-crop-circles in the middle of a cornfield. On one of my trips to the Guidestones I went into Elberton and talked to the locals about the pillars of stone. One old guy told me that the banker who dealt with the mysterious man named K.C., the banker was caught off guard with the appearance Mr. K.C. He was all dressed in black with white pasty skin and talked a bit mechanical.

So now to my theory, one of my past interests in the UFO field was those crazy guys called men in black and there were even a few female types. But as some know and I believe these MIBs are not human. In my over one thousand interviews with people that had UFO encounters, 1 out of 5 also had a man or women in black contact. But something happened in 1980, MIB contact seemed to stop, that was also the year the Guidestones were built. Could the construction of this monument be the last message of warning from the MIBs before they moving on to another world? This is a interesting concept but speculative, but one thing I do know I would not want to be the person or persons who has been vandalizing the Guidestones because from the contactee information I have gathered over the years the MIBs could really mess with you if you cross them.

So happy 30th – Age of Reason Stones
Sleep tight for the four pillars are still there guiding our journey

MJ-7 January Meeting and a new name and a new beginning– Is it all True Series ? #120

The semi-secret UFO paranormal group called MJ-7 is joining forces with other New Mexico groups to form “Albuquerque UFO/Paranormal Forum”. This will be a larger group whose on-going mission will be to seek the truth in the areas of UFOs and other paranormal realms. The hope is also to grow the group into a real UFO research resource in the Southwest.

The purpose of using Albuquerque, as part of the new name was to elevate Albuquerque to the status of a first rate UFO/Paranormal study community, a status that was lacking in the past.

Some potential projects/events for 2010 that were discussed at the meeting are as follows:

1. Flying over Dulce to take close aerial photos of some anomalies and analyzing the results to better understand this strange area and its phenomena.
2. Taking a trip to Oregon to research Bigfoot and Alien habitats in lava tubes, and also doing Vortex photography.
3. Looking into doing a TV show/talk show devoted to all strange things.
4. Start major planning for a blockbuster underground base conference in Albuquerque, probably in 2011.
5. One of the members, an abductee consultant, is working on a high profile study on the history of the Roswell event.
6. Another member is taking an accredited course at UNM on UFOs (a first in the nation as far as I know).
7. There was a lively discussion about “Jump Rooms,” instant travel ports between two points in the universe. The group could look into one here locally that is said to go from Sandia Labs to Los Alamos Lab in a fraction of a second.

This could be an exciting year for the group, as new ideas, new knowledge and new journeys enter into discussions at their robust gatherings, which are free and open to the public. The wise seven Owls of the original group will always be at the core of this fascinating Cabal (a good cabal, of course – a little secret school)

The next meeting under the new banner will be March 6th 2010, 1:00 to 2:30 pm at the Manzano Multi-Generational Center south of I-40 and Eubank in Albuquerque.

Come one, come all – Listen, learn, and share.


Seven Wise Truthseekers

The Seven Wise-ones

2009 Crop Circles—Is it all True Series #102

I recently spent a very pleasant Saturday afternoon with Gary the Dowser’s group in Los Lunas, New Mexico, a wonderful group of enlightened people. The main presentation was on the new crop circles – 70+ from the English countryside.

They have become very sophisticated artists of the Cosmos. Every year they top themselves and they never stop coming. They have come back to this area of England since there were crops in the fields, which has been for hundreds of years. As you all probably know that the “Doug and Dave” type circles make up only about 15% of the total world circles. Man can now scientifically prove the manmade ones from the other- world ones by putting a grain stalk under a microscope and looking at the joints/nodes. We look for constant molecular changes, called bursts. The burst signatures could be caused by some type of microwave energy from above and maybe below the surface of the earth. The manmade ones damage the crop. But interesting to note on the Cosmic version in most cases the grains continue to grow and in some cases bend back, although the crop normally is harvested before this can fully happen. The bottom line here is the crops are not harmed by the otherworld formation.

So what are these cosmic messengers trying to tell us about our world and ourselves? As I stated probably 25 years ago when I saw my first crop circle, they (who ever they are) are visually, through DNA cluing, evolving our species through our optic nerve into our brain. After the last 25 years I have also concluded only a small percentage of humans seem to be affected by the circles. The other percentages of humans are clued through another method that better fits their genetic format.

I know they affect me; as I looked at my first circle I truly felt some strange rearranging of my mind. And from then on, it always felt great to look at the new crop of circles, very healing and enlightening. Besides the words healing and enlightening – other words come to my mind and to people like Gary the Dowser, such as balance, hope, completion, change, intensity, love, future, unification, peace, evolution, core essence, harmony, transformation and finally warning.

Now the most amazing circle of all appeared in Netherlands on the 8th of August 2009, near a town in southern Holland called Goes. It was a gigantic butterfly crop circle formation (530 Meters x 450 Meters), the biggest crop circle ever. Some call it the Da Vinci Circle. Bathe your mind in it and refresh your soul.

Could future humans be calling to us through their Cosmic Art?


Chemtrails: The Crop Circles of the Skies? Is it all True Series #68

What is going on here, have regular contrails turned into something very sinister? First, by definition contrails are narrow ice crystal clouds, which disperse quickly and are caused by jet engine exhaust at high altitudes. Chemtrails, on the other hand, are much thicker and cover much more area of the sky. They persist by fanning out into a cirrus-type cloud and can last for hours.

So if the chemtrails are real phenomena, what is the agenda? Here are a few possibilities: 1.) Weather modification– stop global warming by reflecting back to space more of the sun’s warming radiation, 2.) Population reduction– maybe the Illuminati are using them to start reducing world population back to 4 billion by 2050 as per a report made public in 2000, 3.) Something to do with HAAP– the aluminum crystals increasingly being found at high and medium altitudes, could be enhancing HAAP’s performance and maybe increasing Alzheimer’s disease, 4.) Possible aerial vaccination to save the planet from some evil microbe, 5.) Also maybe the aliens, our space buds, are spraying nanotech to enhance us or break us down.

Several independent people have told me if they spend a good part of the day outside when the sky is filled with chemtrails, they quickly get serious flu-like symptoms, such as hacking coughs, pneumonia, extreme fatigue, dizziness, disorientation, headaches and nervous tics.

So let’s run with the alien-being angle for a minute. My friend, Lesley, sees UFO’s when there is a big “X” Chemtrails in the sky, and this happens to her quite consistently. Other people, I hear, see UFOs dart in and out behind the chemtrails. Are they hiding or sampling to see what we are doing to the planet and ourselves?

I have noticed that sometimes the chemtrails appear very suddenly, similar to their ground cousins called “crop circles”, which can appear in the manner of a few minutes. So is this just alien artwork in the sky, telling us something. We have ignored the crop circles; most people have been tricked to believe “Doug and Dave” the two drunks did them all, too many chemtrails on the mind.

The more I think about it, at sunset and sunrise this sky art is quite beautiful, but beyond this I believe there is something to be concerned about. Are we being attacked from all sides? Time will tell. Keep an eye on the sky; it could be telling us something or activating our minds.


Beauty and beast