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Dugway Photos for the Dimensional Walking Episode 12 Youtube video
The YouTube video will be live at 11:00 am PST Wed. 03/17/21 – check out at “Dimensional walking – a paranormal journey”
Photos below:

It was taken on one of our Dugway Utah trips about One mile east of the base. We were looking down into a small valley

Taken in Skull Valley – up against hills east side of main highway

West side main highway driving toward the base
Reptilian Influence continued … Is it all True Series #426
Now, back to my experience that happened in October.
My time here in Utah has been hard on my body and mental state. I think the large Granite Mountains by where we live are part of the problem. But for the Reptilians, they thrive here especially in the mountains.
My dreams for quite some time have been almost taken over at times which is something unusual for me. The first time I felt I lost control was because of a female Reptilian. She was tall and very plain looking with a tall body and flat chested. She looked male but I knew she was female. She told me she was my handler and that she has been from an early age.
She was uncomfortably possessive and sexually attracted to me which was totally creepy for me. She stated that she doesn’t like that Michael and I are intimate and made it clear I was hers. Her species are morphodites with both male and female organs which I guess accounts for her being aggressive. I was told it was to their advantage to be given both genitalia considering the variable circumstances they encounter.
She showed me a white book with symbols of circles, rectangles, squares and pyramids. She read the book to me pushing each page slightly forward. The symbols turned into a dialect when she angled the pages. The symbols were like cut outs on each page. She had me trace a rectangle with a blue pen. The page moved as I traced it but I wasn’t skilled at it and looked like a kindergartner because I didn’t have her control.
Black out.
Next I found myself in a pool of really warm water and I realized at that moment that the Reptilians like their water warm basically too hot for humans. It was relaxing at first but I was beyond hot and I knew my body temperature had gone way up. I remember feeling hot under the covers and in the dead of winter threw the covers off me.
The information I gathered from the book and female Reptilian was:
1. They can create energy as hot as the sun.
2. They can control and contain this energy and use it for space craft and other uses.
3. They are considered dangerous because they are more technically advanced than other races. She is part of a rogue faction that rebelled against their leaders. This makes them especially dangerous.
4. They are a ruling class of Saurian’s who travel around looking for better suited planets to subjugate but they seem to be more parasitic especially when dealing with dominating other races.
She made it clear she considered me property and that I was enslaved to her race based on government contracts going back way before I was born. I don’t necessarily feel enslaved and I think it’s more a mind game than anything. She told me she was around me when I was being taken to bases and other areas such as Los Alamos, NM as a little girl as well as other underground facilities. She also stated that she keeps others away from me. My feeling on this is that when a human has a contract on them, that particular alien race has carte blanche with them until they either die or the interest wears off. It seems to be more so than not, that only death can break the contract.
This is really the only experience I have had with Reptilians. They don’t seem to come around a lot and to be honest; I have no idea why she came around to start with. The only thing I can think of – it’s this location. The Wasatch Mountains are mysterious and they seem to hold secrets. It’s interesting how Michael and I ended up in a location surrounded by mountains, the Great Salt Lake valley and rolling hills.
Coincidence … Rainbow
Dugway — a place far away but in Utah – Is it all True Series #421
This week will be a brief post. Here are a few more photos from our Dugway trip from last year and earlier this year.
I do believe that there are more energy beings coming to the planet.
Utah is definitely different than New Mexico. The Plasma Photon vehicles seem to be attracted to this area. The years we were in NM, I didn’t notice them and they didn’t come out in photographs that Michael or I took.
There is also something else … I saw what appeared to be like a 10 foot wave of energy that gently came towards me, washing over me. I felt it a few weeks ago and noticed that things started changing, blocks opened up and stagnant energy around me not only started to flow, it became a raging river flooding my senses.
Be on the lookout for changes because they are coming in all shapes and sizes, personal, public, natural and man-made.
Reptilian Influence continued Part 2… Is it all True Series # 416
Now, back to my experience that happened in October.
My time here in Utah has been hard on my body and mental state. I think the large Granite Mountains by where we live are part of the problem. But for the Reptilians, they thrive here especially in the mountains.
My dreams for quite some time have been almost taken over at times which is something unusual for me. The first time I felt I lost control was because of a female Reptilian. She was tall and very plain looking with a tall body and flat chested. She looked male but I knew she was female. She told me she was my handler and that she has been from an early age.
She was uncomfortably possessive and sexually attracted to me which was totally creepy for me. She stated that she doesn’t like that Michael and I are intimate and made it clear I was hers. Her species are morphodites with both male and female organs which I guess accounts for her being aggressive. I was told it was to their advantage to be given both genitalia considering the variable circumstances they encounter.
She showed me a white book with symbols of circles, rectangles, squares and pyramids. She read the book to me pushing each page slightly forward. The symbols turned into a dialect when she angled the pages. The symbols were like cut outs on each page. She had me trace a rectangle with a blue pen. The page moved as I traced it but I wasn’t skilled at it and looked like a kindergartner because I didn’t have her control.
Black out.
Next I found myself in a pool of really warm water and I realized at that moment that the Reptilians like their water warm basically too hot for humans. It was relaxing at first but I was beyond hot and I knew my body temperature had gone way up. I remember feeling hot under the covers and in the dead of winter threw the covers off me.
The information I gathered from the book and female Reptilian was:
1. They can create energy as hot as the sun.
2. They can control and contain this energy and use it for space craft and other uses.
3. They are considered dangerous because they are more technically advanced than other races. She is part of a rogue faction that rebelled against their leaders. This makes them especially dangerous.
4. They are a ruling class of Saurian’s who travel around looking for better suited planets to subjugate but they seem to be more parasitic especially when dealing with dominating other races.
She made it clear she considered me property and that I was enslaved to her race based on government contracts going back way before I was born. I don’t necessarily feel enslaved and I think it’s more a mind game than anything. She told me she was around me when I was being taken to bases and other areas such as Los Alamos, NM as a little girl as well as other underground facilities. She also stated that she keeps others away from me. My feeling on this is that when a human has a contract on them, that particular alien race has carte blanche with them until they either die or the interest wears off. It seems to be more so than not, that only death can break the contract.
This is really the only experience I have had with Reptilians. They don’t seem to come around a lot and to be honest; I have no idea why she came around to start with. The only thing I can think of – it’s this location. The Wasatch Mountains are mysterious and they seem to hold secrets. It’s interesting how Michael and I ended up in a location surrounded by mountains, the Great Salt Lake valley and rolling hills.
Coincidence …?
Reptilian Influence — Is it all True Series #415
Part One
In October of last year I had a very unusual dream that seemed to encompass both this world and the ethereal realm. Most of my blog posts have been about the Greys and a few including the Nordics and Insectoids. This dream/memory I am going to share with you is one of the few Reptilian experiences that I can remember. The fact that it happened here in Utah doesn’t surprise me since there is a huge community living underground here extending through the Salt Lake valley and towards Dugway Proving Grounds.
But to put things in better perspective, let me go back and relay an experience I had in Salt Lake City, 9 or 10 years ago to set the stage. I was at a big convention center for a conference centered around a product that I sold called Nu Skin. The company is based in Provo, Utah and I came out to see firsthand their complete line of products besides the typical pep rallies. I must admit that I did find at the time a very weird energy at the conference and I found some of the people strange for a lack of a better word. Some of them just didn’t fit the typical profile of the entrepreneurial types walking around like myself.
Around the afternoon of the first day, I decided to go outside and walk around since I was tired of sitting and listening to the multitude of speakers lined up. Plus the large crowd was exhausting to navigate through and I’m not a crowd kind of gal. I started to walk towards the large Mormon temple and crossed the street by a big underground car garage. It had a strange energy to it but I thought, well, this is a new city that I’ve never been to before so maybe it was more me than the underground garage. As I was walking I saw a young man in a security guard uniform walk quickly towards me. He told me I needed to go immediately and to walk away from the underground parking garage. I saw a black SUV pull up around the same time he came over and impatiently told me I needed to leave. At first I thought he was being rude and I coldly asked him directions to shops and restaurants and he pointed towards another street. He left in a hurry and I crossed the street and started walking towards the direction he pointed to.
I know now that the SUV I saw could have been my down fall. I am sure at this point that there were Reptilians riding inside and that Security Guard … saved my life.
To be continued ……..
Along the Road to Dugway Proving Grounds … Continued Is it all True Series #410
Michael and I went back to Skull Valley after the snow stopped towards the beginning of February. In my mind, I was eager for the same type of photos and yet at the same time, hoping that our one special day was unique and not repeatable.
My wish came true since the photos didn’t pan out or show any type of images remotely similar to the previous trip. It was kind of a bust in a way but then we did get a few anomalies in some photographs.
Like dutiful researchers we went back but to be honest, nothing seemed to be pulling us to go back there. It was almost like intuitively, we knew the plasma photon vehicles wouldn’t be there. We followed the same steps from our prior trip so I am convinced high strangeness wasn’t in the mix that day. The paranormal equation in some instances has to play a factor to at least effect the outcome of certain experiences or circumstances. It was nowhere to be seen the day we went.
There is one thing that I am interested in though, in the area of the mountains where the summit is along old Lincoln Highway, I always get a sense of an intelligence similar to Sasquatch but much, much different. We are interested in checking out this particular area which is where we got the photograph of the reddish looking plasma photon vehicle. We both feel it’s worth a look to see if we can make some sort of contact in the near future.
Today it snowed, so I think we will be waiting until April to check this area out. When we do and if there is anything to report, we will let you all know.