Dulce Underground Base Part 1 Episode 11 – Dimensional Walking – a paranormal journey
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THE FIRST DULCE BASE — Big Event – Is it all True Series # 438
June 16, from 10 a.m. at the Studio Center of Santa Fe (formerly known as Warehouse 21, right near the Railrunner station in Santa Fe, New Mexico)
Thomas Costello of Dulce Underground Base— Man of much mystery– Is it all True Series ? #407
Many years ago, I heard about Mr. Costello while reading the wild and crazy Dulce papers. The Dulce papers are amazing stuff based around the premise that the aliens have underground bases in various locations around the world, including one of the most famous ones called the Dulce in far northern New Mexico.
Thomas Costello is most likely a factitious name of a security guard who saw some interesting things as he guarded the underground facility in the Dulce area. He claims Dulce is an underground hub of alien being activity in the western US.
I would probably agree with that statement because of my conversations with construction workers who worked on building tunnels going in various directions out from Sandia Labs, Kirkland AFB and from Los Alamo’s National Lab. These workers have also seen glimpses of strange beings moving about in these tunnel systems.
Thomas has said that Dulce was started in the late 30’s by Army Engineers; I have personally heard that the starting dates were more like the late 40’s because of our atomic bomb activity, and the alien interest in our genie in the bottle release. and the destruction of thousands of human souls. I also believe we had to agree on an underground accommodations for the aliens “or else.”
Costello also talks about tunnels from New Mexico connecting to Mt. Shasta where it is rumored that the mountain is the home or was the home of an Elder/Reptilian race. This statement also seems to hold water, for I have had personal communication through meditation on Mt. Shasta several years ago, with some alien group.
Thomas also talks heavily about Reptilian activity in and around Salt Lake City and possible Mormon connection. Although I agree there is some pretty strange stuff going on in Utah, I worked with Mormons in the Salt Lake area for several years and never felt they (Mormons) had direct involvement with any alien groups. There is a strange mix of activity some normal military and other alien at the Dugway Proving ground and military base.
I have recently had more confirmations from people writing to me about the Dulce Underground existence, some living in Dulce and talking about a consist parade for ships (alien) and airplanes flying into the Archuleta Mountain and Mesa, just north of Dulce.
If Thomas Costello is real or not, he sure told an interesting story of what might be. And I can confirm not all his conversations are sheer folly.
Sleep tight, one path of conspiracy is truth.
Thomas Costello of Dulce base—Real or not , man of much mystery "Is It all True Series" #304
Many years ago, I heard about Mr. Costello while reading the wild and crazy Dulce papers. The Dulce papers are amazing stuff based around the premise that the aliens have underground bases in various locations around the world, including one of the most famous ones called the Dulce in far northern New Mexico.
Thomas Costello is most likely a factitious name of a security guard who saw some interesting things as he guarded the underground facility in the Dulce area. He claims Dulce is an underground hub of alien being activity in the western US.
I would probably agree with that statement because of my conversations with construction workers who worked on building tunnels going in various directions out from Sandia Labs, Kirkland AFB and from Los Alamos National Lab. These workers have also seen glimpses of strange beings moving about in these tunnel systems.
Thomas has said that Dulce was started in the late 30’s by Army Engineers; I have personally heard that the starting dates were more like the late 40’s because of our atomic bomb activity, and the alien interest in our genie in the bottle release. and the destruction of thousands of human souls. I also believe we had to agree on underground accommodations for the aliens “or else.”
Costello also talks about tunnels from New Mexico connecting to Mt. Shasta where it is rumored that the mountain is the home or was the home of an Elder/Reptilian race. This statement also seems to hold water, for I have had personal communication through meditation on Mt. Shasta several years ago, with some alien group.
Thomas also talks heavily about Reptilian activity in and around Salt Lake City and possible Mormon connection. Although I agree there is some pretty strange stuff going on in Utah, I worked with Mormons in the Salt Lake area for several years and never felt they (Mormons) had direct involvement with any alien groups.
If Thomas Costello is real or not, he sure told an interesting story of what might be. And I can confirm not all his conversations are sheer folly.
Sleep tight, one path of conspiracy is truth.
Dulce Base: The Book and the Men – Is it all True Series # 294
At our special August meeting of the NM UFO/ Paranormal Forum, we had Greg Valdez speak about his book on the strange happenings and infamous base in northern New Mexico. Much of Greg’s case files and evidence were obtained from the many years of research and the intense police work done by his late father, Gabe Valdez. I knew Gabe for a few years before he passed away, and he seemed like an honest and hard-working investigator. For quite a few years, Gabe and his family lived in Dulce, where he was a local state police officer and his territory included the Jicarilla Apache reservation. His first adventure into the strange started with the cattle mutilations in the local area in the 60’s. Gabe did very intensive research into the why’s and the what’s of these strange phenomena. Greg, one of Gabe’s sons, was a young kid who loved to go with his dad on these fun investigative adventures in the patrol car, so he witnessed the strange happenings at a young age.
Over the years, Greg has been in the middle of the investigation, which also included a possible secret underground base just northwest of Dulce. The following is list of conclusions I felt Greg relayed to our group at the meeting:
• The cattle mutilations were for the tracking of the nuclear testing that had gone on over the years in the western US. This was a government project and the Dulce Base could have housed the labs to conduct this testing.
• The base seems to be inactive presently.
• In the past, the base was probably a facility similar to Area 51, which could have housed experimental stealth aircraft and was a launching pad for these craft.
• The location of the base is on Mt Archuleta and not Archuleta Mesa.
• Paul Bennewitz (Albuquerque hi-tech contractor), who was also in the middle of all this, had the facts about the base and surrounding strange happenings correct, except for the alien being involvement. Greg stated several times during his talk that he and his dad never found any evidence of alien involvement in either the cattle mutilation or the Dulce base.
Item number five was the subject of an interesting exchange during the question and answer section of Greg’s talk. One of the attendees was upset with Greg’s consistent statements about the absence of alien involvement in the Dulce base. And I say this is what Greg and his father have concluded for many years, and I respect their courage to tell their truth. Yes, even I would love to see a few aliens pop their heads out of the air vents on Mt. Archuleta, but we can’t blame everything on the aliens.
Thank you, Greg, for telling your father’s story–it’s a son’s greatest gift.
Sleep tight, real truth is hard to find, but we should never stop trying. Miz.
The Many Faces of Dulce New Mexico– Is it all True Series # 292
For the last several years, I have had a fascination with Dulce and the Jicarilla Apache Reservation. I have read some wonderful stories about the bizarre events that have occurred on this beautiful land located on the New Mexico and Colorado border. I also attended the Norio Hayakawa Dulce Base conference in March 2009. There I assisted Norio and got to better know the players in this strange game of what is up in Dulce.
There are many components that make up the Dulce Experience. First, it is on the sacred traditional territory of the Jicarilla Apache Reservation, and the Archuleta Mesa is located just north of the town. This area is noted for its UFO sightings and possible underground base. When I was there for the Dulce conference, we noticed the side of the mesa area was lighting up with a glowing effect, and I took a picture of a creature animated at the opening of the mesa cave.
Then there are the cattle mutations; from the 1970’s, 80’s to today, hundreds of cattle in the area have been mutilated. The cause of these deaths is still a mystery, although some reasonable explanations have been forwarded from a group of creditable researchers, and more seen to be leaning towards a government cover-up centered around the nuclear planned explosion called Gas Buggy in 1967. Apparently the radiation caused some long-term effects on the area to humans and animals, which our government has been tracking from the late 60’s.
And it seems like from conversations in Dulce with the Jicarillas, there is also a large population of Bigfoot on their reservation, along with other inter-dimensional beings.
And of course, there is the strange rumors of the underground base, which some still believe is a mixed facility with aliens, who are doing bad stuff to humans and creating multiple species beings. But note it could just be humans doing bad thing to humans in the name of science.
Lastly, I would like to mention a new book on Dulce, named “Dulce Base” by Greg Valdez, the son of the famous base and cattle mutilation researcher Gabe Valdez. I believe it is worth the read; it gives a detailed historical look at what happened on the Jicarilla reservation and where we go from here. Greg, a law enforcement investigator, looks at the evidence to develop conclusions and truths about the many faces of Dulce.
Sleep tight, things like Dulce make life worth living and reinforces the statement, “Reality is NOT what it seems.”
Gabe and Greg – Their World and Their Experiences – Is it all True Series #252
Greg Valdez, the son of the late Gabe Valdez, spoke at our September meeting of the NM UFO/ Paranormal Group. Gabe was a man who spent his life seeking the truth, a man after my own heart. Gabe’s police investigator skills made him a precise truth seeker. He investigated cattle mutilations and other strange phenomena including the Dulce, New Mexico underground base. I met Gabe at one of our first UFO meetings; he was a bit standoffish and I didn’t really know how to take him. But as time went on, I realized he had seen and experienced a lot of stuff over his lifetime, and he was very cautious about the information he shared and the people he shared it with. I knew I had gained Gabe’s trust in April 2011 at the Wake Up Now Conference in Albuquerque. Gabe approached me about the Dulce Underground Base and told me he would take me to the vents and entrances to the base. I told him I would think about it and that was the last time we spoke. He died August 7th 2011.
Gabe’s son came to our meeting and did a wonderful job doing a question and answer session about his own experiences and the time he spent exploring with his father. Greg fielded many questions on subjects including Paul Bennewitz, Phil Schneider, Cattle Muts, and UFOs, Dulce Base, Military Helicopters and the famous Gas Buggy event. Greg’s and his father’s bottom line conclusion was that on all of these subjects, government fingerprints were found. But this is not to say there weren’t things that he and his father witnessed that fell into the realm of the paranormal, UFO’s etc.
It looks to me that Greg could be, if he wanted, a great researcher/Truthseeker like his father if he wants to venture out and take the risk. And the risk can be big.
Sleep tight, for the Truthseekers are trying to make this a better place for all.
Anthony Sanchez – Quite interesting – UFO Highway and More
The Secrets of Dulce and more were discussed at the NM UFO /Paranormal Forum #204
The New Mexico UFO Paranormal Forum hosted an excellent speaker for their October meeting. Howard Eliason has a PhD in Education and Curriculum Development from the University of Pennsylvania and was a college professor at Miami Dade College.
Howard did research for five years in the Dulce area. His main focus was on the strangeness that has been part of the area for many years. His research partner was the late Gabe Valdez, also a researcher and state patrolman. They first looked at the Gas-buggy Project in the 60’s. The government version of a nuclear detonation to free-up natural gas reserves didn’t sit well with either Gabe or Howard. Howard states that the explosion could very well have been an attack by the US on an underground alien base located in Mount Archuleta. This atomic blast would have not only destroyed property and lives but the electromagnetic pulse it creates would have destroyed the alien base’s communication system.
Howard and Gabe found a great deal of symbols and drawings on the Archuleta Mesa and the Archuleta Mountain, and some of the drawings had reptilian characteristics. These symbols could have been used to warn or welcome air travelers (hundreds of thousands of years ago) into this area.
Howard also showed us numerous excellent photos of UFOs and strange pictures of life forms in the Dulce area.
One of Howard’s stories I thought was most fascinating was the egg stone. A woman in the Dulce area found an egg-shaped crystal on her property. This stone had some amazing properties. It would change colors and shapes through communication with people in its presence. The problem was the rock may have been trying to communicate with people and possibly brainwash them into doing something sinister, but at the very least it made them feel uncomfortable in its presence. Eventually the woman buried the stone in her yard to protect it from being stolen. These egg-crystals have been found on other Indian reservations around the country.
Thanks again, Howard, for the excellent presentation. You opened a little more of the secret box they call Dulce.
Sleep tight – The mysteries of our universe will be waiting for you in the morning, and these mysteries are infinite, layer upon layer.