Protect, Protect, and more Protection

elia-pellegrini — Photo By

I have been doing research in the strange but real world of UFO and the Paranormal for over 50 years, and one thing I have learned is that you need to practice some serious form of self-protection, especially when doing field research. This is because we are dealing with entities like reptilians, ghosts, forest beings, and dark entities of all shapes and forms and they can harm you physically and mentally.

The problem here is since a researcher is going into various powerful beings’ habitat, it is truly best to put some protection around your physical and energetic body. These entities can attach themselves to the unaware researcher and cause havoc after the person leaves the field research area and re-enters his/her home base.

So what can happen if you are not careful and don’t protect yourself? Here are a few examples. First, many of you have heard of Skinwalker Ranch, a powerful vortex in Utah where strange entities come and go through a portal area on the old ranch. The volume of strangeness became so great that the government took it over to watch over this huge vortex. Back before the government took over, a man came out to meditate on the ranch and to make contact with the alien entities, but through this process, his mind was possessed by frightening beings, and that ended his meditation career, and he was never the same. Rainbow and I also went to the Ranch. It seemed like everything was quite normal with the experience. We smudged before and on the way back home but a couple of strange entities followed us to our house. Rainbow being empathic was able to communicate with the two entities, keeping the diabolical one at bay.

Another personal experience I had, was when I was meditating in my home in Georgia, I received a telepathic warning that entities were on their way. The warning led me to believe they were coming for negative purposes so I prepared myself and was ready. Shortly after I received the warning, three reptilian beings came into my meditation and wanted permission to enter my house and possibly do harm to me and/or my family. I confronted them outside my home and they vanished. Confronting them in a fearless way normally will stop their advances.

All of these bad outcomes could have been avoided with a little extra protection. Researchers should simply clear themselves as they leave their homes, doing both, a clearing mantra and smudging. Also before entering a research area, researchers should ask for permission which can either be granted or reject. If permission is rejected, leave immediately.  Finally, if permission is granted and you are leaving the research area you should thank the entities for allowing you to occupy their space. A final protection could be to recite a mantra before the researcher enters his/her home base stating that no entities may enter your sacred place now or ever. It’s quick and it works.

Sleep tight, you always need to protect your mind and soul, because they have infinite cosmic value. To some entities, it’s like winning the lottery, especially if they can invade a human’s inner- self.


The Witches Castle of Forest Park- Portland

We had heard about this Old Stone structure ( Witches Castle ) in the City Park in Portland. We ventured off over a week ago to see this site for ourselves.

The story goes in the mid-1800s, a man named Mr. D Balch bought a large portion of land around the area while Portland was still in the process of being developed. It was a big enough region, that he had to hire help to clear the area, so he hired a man named Mortimer Stump, who lived in the cabin on the property.

As time went on, Stump and Balch’s daughter Anna, fell in love, and eventually, Stump asked Balch for his Anna’s hand in marriage. Balch refused, resulting in Stump and Anna threatening to elope. Balch became enraged and told Stump that he would murder him if they married. But the couple didn’t listen to the warning and decided to elope in November of 1858.

A few weeks after, Stump and Anna came back to the cabin, and in a fury, Balch shot Stump in the head and killed him. Balch was arrested and he was executed in mid-October of 1859, which became the first legal execution in Oregon.

The Log Cabin was abandoned and the 1950’s Park Service built the stone structure in its place for Ranger offices and visitor restrooms. In the ’60s, it was abandoned by the park service and after that, it has been used as a gathering place (partying and drinking) for teens from around the area and they gave it its name “Witches Castle”.

Rainbow being an empath, did pick up some interesting energy there. Note she declined to walk in or on the upper levels of the structure. making me a little nervous because I highly respect her psychic abilities. As I was climbing all over the structure taking pictures, I did catch an entity hanging out in the lower level of the stone structure. I didn’t feel threatened at the time.

Rainbow felt that there were Dark and Light ceremonies performed there over the years and maybe some type of sacrifices, probably small animal types. The Light Ceremonies were in Pagan nature, honoring Mother Earth. She also felt that portals were opened during certain ceremonies, and closed. This would keep other entities from using the portal to enter this realm and cause havoc.

If you decide to go the Upper Macleay Parking area it’s about a ¾ mile hike from there to the stone house – Witches Castle. If you start from the Pittman Mansion parking lot and go down to it, it’s quite a hard hike back up, as we found out first hand.

Sleep Tight – and let your dreams carry you to happy places

Dots Connected – Sometimes it Happens

During our last stay in Utah, we had an adventure where we went to Spanish Fork canyon and around an area called Mill Creek where we found some really cool fossils. Most of them were plant material, but a few snails and bug types. We climbed into the hills and spent several hours doing our thing. It was a good time. But little did we know this was the beginning of an interesting and even profound mystery.

After that, we decided to revisit ( drive through) the same area, since it was a beautiful canyon with a lot of cool features. , the only thing this time as we drove further into the canyon, Rainbow said it’s not feeling right, let’s turn around and go back. Didn’t give it much of a second thought, because since Rainbow is an Empath she keeps us out of trouble and we drove back to home.

About 2 or 3 days later Rainbow has a dream about Red haired giants, most of them over 12 foot tall and some were 20 ft. tall.  Some of the women had long golden braided hair and some of the men had red beards. They were all strong and fit warrior types like giant Vikings. They had beautiful gold and silver armor on them. At the beginning of the dream, they were in a stasis condition in the ground (sleeping beauty). Then they started waking up and coming back to full consciousness. They all knew each other and seemed to be happy and congratulating each other.  This time-frame was very important to them signifying an event that is was going to happen very soon. Rainbow felt it had to do with Nibiru and the awakening time sequence was 2015 to 2017.

So at the time it was just an interesting dream and Rainbow had no idea why she dreamed it, she had not been thinking about Vikings, giants or the like. So we moved on, and six months later moved to Oregon. So fast forward another four months and Rainbow is surfing her computer and an interesting video jumps out at her about Giants in Utah. The person on the video tells a story about Red hair giants being found in various caves around Manti UT and to the south toward Knapp Utah. They were very tall humanoids with the Red hair and beards etc. Crystals were found in some of the sarcophagi’, gold, silver, and jewels were also present and armor was hanging on the walls -as Rainbow saw. So the dots are starting to connect.

So I emailed the gentleman who was on the video named Robert and told him about Rainbow’s dream and low and beholds Robert said the area we were the rock and fossil hunting was just above an area of caverns (Mill Creek) where some of these Giants were found. So its sounds like maybe the powerful energy of the Giants may have activated Rainbow’s dream center and now the Dots are connected.

Sleep tight — Giants are Real as are many other things we think of as folklore.


Utah where the world meets the Edge

This was my second stay in Utah I had worked at the Olympic Games in 2002 and had a wonderful experience, but my second stay not so much. I was luckier than Rainbow since I worked away from home daily and traveled out of state frequently. The strong energy impacts on her physically emotionally and mentally were by far less of a burden on me because I spent less time in its presence. But I did feel it and it was a powerful force.

Being an Empath like Rainbow is extremely hard because they absorb and are forced to process their surrounding energy, this is much different than the other 99% of the population. If these energies are of a dark nature it presence over-time will wear-down the Empath’s core defenses and in extremes cases turn the Empath to the dark-side. Many Empaths understand this principle and protect themselves from this dark invasion. Rainbow knows the potential strength of these beings and protects herself and protects me. I am grateful she has this understanding and it keeps our relationship intact because the interest in power couples by entities both dark and light is great and needs to be kept in check.

Utah is a land of great beauty, great mystery and great caution must be taken toward the dark elements that move through the community consuming innocent victims both Mormon and non- Mormon. The great secrecy of the church and symbols they have put on their religious buildings gives me great pause. The wealth in the Utah Mormon valley and the adjoining mountains is powerful, this power and wealth need to be watched and further understood.

Please understand I have met many people in Utah many interesting and nice, people that I will miss, but I will probably never go back. We have written many posts about our adventures in Utah, each one could make a good chapter in a paranormal bestseller.

Sleep tight – If you live in Utah enjoy the beauty, but sleep with one eye very wide open.

The thinning of the Veil – Yes Now? Is it all True Series #445


I have been traveling for work over the last couple of weeks and last week a couple quite interesting events happened on my way home. On the return trip back through the airport, I was approaching a Chick- filet restaurant and I was looking at the menu standing in line. I was debating on whether to have cheese on my breakfast sandwich. I was still debating the subject (in my mind) when I was next in line to order when the lady behind the counter said cheese or no cheese? I looked at her and said “what” – I had not ordered an item nor said a word to her at that point. So I asked her – did you read my mind? She just smiled.

I would not have thought much about this, but 20 minutes later a similar event occurred. I was sitting waiting to board the plane and I noticed a seat across from me that would work better when I boarded the plane, (Southwest line-up) my line-up number was on the other side of the numbered posts. As I stood up to make my move, out of the corner of my eye there was a man and his service dog approaching and I heard his wife say there is a couple of seats for us, (one of the same seats I was eyeing). So I sat down and as the man with the dog passed, he smiled and said –“Thank You”. I had never telegraphed my move other than in my mind, I had just stood up. Was he another person who read my mind? I think so.

So the next day I was with my fiancé and we were in a department store and looking for some” hand wipes”, we looked all over with no success. So we decided to look for an employee for some assistance. And there down an aisle was an employee stocking shelves. So we asked him where we could find some “wipes”, he looked a bit confused, but there in his hand were the “wipes”. We had to bring it to his attention, almost like he didn’t realize he had something in his hand, let alone the “wipes” we were looking for.

So three examples of telepathy and manifestation, within a very short time-frame. Why now? Is there a shift coming or is it here. Is humankind regaining its ability to read minds and manifesting its day to day needs- simply as finding hand wipes?

Sleep tight, we are entering an old era, when we won’t afraid to have our minds read and manifestation of our all needs was easy, like having an APP to get an UBER.


Part 2 – Walking into Haunted Homes – Is it all true Series — # 441


scary hallway 2

Once that door slammed shut and I knew I didn’t do it, my legs pretty much tried to outrun me and get through the front door of the house.  For a minute there, I thought I was in a bad dream because I felt like I couldn’t keep up with myself. It did a number on my self confidence and I was even more terrified of that room than ever before. Kelly thought it odd that the door slammed shut since the windows were closed (It was Fall by this time) and there was no draft.

He walked into the room and felt how cold it was and to this day I believe he saw something in there because it wasn’t too long after that …  we moved! I’m talking maybe two weeks.

I did find it funny that he didn’t want to talk about that room. After his little visit, the room was off limits which included conversations. The day we left I felt a ton of bricks had been lifted off my shoulders. Kelly put his foot on the gas and we never looked back.

After many years, I have wondered why I felt I couldn’t deal with that spirit or whatever was in that room. I had seen spirits most of my childhood and I found an odd comfort with them, pretty much acquiescing to them being a fact of life for me. But I will tell you this, I did feel that whatever was in that room, at times was trying to high-jack my body. I was obviously too young and in the early stages of my apprenticeship into the Medicine Way. I don’t think I could have come out of that situation unscathed. I shudder to think what could have happened if I had tried to take it on.

Kelly being a Medicine man walked away from that situation because something unnatural and dark happened at that house and it was not our battle to fight. Fighting unknown entities without full knowledge of circumstances can be deadly and life threatening for all involved. Sometimes being a good Medicine man or woman is to realize that you don’t have to take on everything undesirable that comes your way.

One thing I did sense back then and to this day would state as fact, is that a Ouija board was used in that house. They are the unveiling and invitation to dark and unforgiving spirits and once these undesirables are invited in, they never leave even if the house sells or like in our case, is for rent. People unfortunately do stupid things when loved ones die and the most undesirable example of this is the Ouija board.

This was a great lesson that I learned at a young age, never walk into a home that doesn’t feel right. If it can’t be helped or put off, keep your guard up and call your angels and guardians to come and surround you. Focus on the strength of your convictions and become as resolute as your protection. Doubt and fear is the two things that come between people and their faith. Becoming a warrior not only for yourself but for humanity, is knowing that your armor is impenetrable.

haunted guardian

I can become my own haunted story if I’m not careful. This means that a day can’t go by without me acknowledging the help that I get from so many Divine Beings, ghostly friends and hairy Cryptids. Sometimes as I get older it’s nice to see the friends I’ve made along the way even if they are for my eyes only.

As I look back, I sure wish Loekey, my Sasquatch friend would have been with me that fateful day so many years ago when I went into that bedroom. Maybe it wasn’t my fight but as Dimensional Beings go, Loekey would have made sure the outcome would have been in my favor.  Now, this doesn’t mean I push my luck, but I sure do smile knowing who has my back.


The Haunted Age of Memories and Voices Part 2 – Is it all true Series #400

Here are my thoughts on what I believe the two aspects of hearing voices are about.

“A haunted voice is just memories replaying through the doorways of the mind. There are no locks on the doors so walking through a residual thought is just like playing the reruns of a personal existence, whether it be your own or someone else’s.”

“The intelligent voice plays upon the secretive inclinations of the emotional state along with original thoughts, owned by each person. The intelligent voice takes words out of context and confuses the intent of sentences with alien concepts not original to the person in question.”

The difference between the haunted voice and that which is placed within the mind, is the intelligence behind it. A weak echo can’t answer anyone back but an intelligent voice can play havoc with the mind. Understanding these two concepts was vital in me healing from the fear of worrying about schizophrenia or mental illness. Our minds are more powerful than any one is willing to admit, especially those that prey on real or invented diagnosis to make a buck.

Let’s look at what really happens when an intelligent voice occurs.

One day I was sitting at my desk getting ready to write some choreography text for students. All of a sudden out of the blue and literally in my head, I heard a man and woman converse over what they were going to say to me. I think they forgot somehow that the switch was turned ON and I could hear everything they were saying to each other. I looked at my speakers and thought, “Are they on”? I checked and they weren’t. I looked at my computer to see if I was on the internet without knowing it but I wasn’t. I had actually just sat down to work and hadn’t been on the computer for hours. But the really weird thing was, they were in my head, not outside of me. It was like I had speakers in my head.

It was the one and only time I can remember this kind of thing happening and I laughed outloud, telling them that I didn’t have time for their BS and that I had work to do. Even though I could still hear them, (and yes, they heard me because I heard them become baffled as to the fact that I could hear them,) I focused on what I love to do which is create choreography and their voices literally became whispers and finally within about 10 minutes, they were gone. All that I had in my mind was my creative thoughts. I learned that day that focusing on something else was a great way to dispel the voices. They can’t compete with how our brains function to our own commands. I also rerouted my attention to right and left brain choreography because I work with both sides of the body continuously so creating moves, counting out combinations and steps, outmatched their voices. It didn’t occur to me to be afraid, I was more annoyed at the fact they invaded my body and mind which to me was a total violation of privacy.

Intelligent voice

Spirits, Entities, Unknown Beings or Cryptids talk to me but when they speak, they speak more so at me even though it’s in my head. Sometimes I have heard them in the room with me but most of the time, they will speak directly to my mind. This kind of intelligent voice can feel strange at first but it can be blocked which makes it less invasive. I think as an Empath, the green light is always on for chance communication. We are like a beacon, open day or night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Since I’ve learned to live with this from childhood, I don’t mind asking if communication can happen another day if I don’t want to engage in a conversation at that moment. Also, I’ll block what I don’t want to deal with especially if it’s someone or something I feel is dangerous. Believe me when I say, sometimes with what’s literally out there, I want to be able to block undesirable company .

Adding to the intelligent voice phenomenon, it’s important to know that sometimes entities or deities will wonder within the mind to see what lies hidden, what is feared and what as mortals is our Achilles heel. It’s important to know that whatever information they find is only as important as we make it.

The Voice of Self

There is one aspect to being human that I think is amazing, a true gift that we have at our fingertips which is the knowledge of the innerself. We have thousands upon thousands of years at our fingertips and all we have to do is listen to our gut, our God Connection. A majority of our lives is like living in the dark ages because we live without ever knowing we have this inner source of wealth and knowledge. Mass media, entertainment, politics, and I must include religion here, all want to mediate for us, only allowing a minute amount of information out, literally a drop at a time. We are already created with the ability to access whatever we need, we only need to believe in this and know that our questions are already answered many times over if only we listen to our inner voice, hearing the whisper of the Universe and Gods infinite wisdom.


Abductee/Contactee and their Empathic Abilities- is it all True Series #393

empath-image-2By Michael
After 50 years in this amazing field we call UFOs and Paranormal, I have learned exceedingly cool stuff about humans and beings from other realities. It takes years to understand a very slight concept about dimensional beings but humans are easier to understand and all the elements that make them tick.
After hundreds of interviews with abductees there are some very interesting commonalities between many of them. One is the ability for them to be empathetic and feel people’s emotions. The question I have always asked is, are abductees born empathic with their abilities or are they given their abilities from their encounters with the dimensional beings?

I feel we all have the empathic ability, but only a few realize it. After interviewing hundreds of abductees, many realized their abilities after they knew they had had an encounter with another reality. I believe their encounters are triggering events, opening up many access points to the infinite universe.
Being an empath can be a dangerous business, if they are not careful they can absorb the emotions of hundreds of people just by walking through a Mall. This emotional over-load can throw an empath into a mental crisis and exhaust their bodies, driving the empath into a sleep response for several days. Empaths eventually learn to protect themselves from the flood of human energy by building empirical shields around their bodies.

Some empaths have the amazing ability to make contact with spirits. My partner is one of those people, she can walk into a cemetery and spirits will start communicating with her. When the emotional load becomes too much she must remove herself from the location to recover. She recently had a civil war cemetery experience in the Nashville area. This time she actually felt the physical pain of the soldier who had in theory died 150 years ago. But he was in a limbo reality, and she was able to observe the event. It was very powerful and profound.

Inter-dimensional beings seem not to carry or have many of their own emotions, they love empaths because not only can they feed off the empaths own emotions, but they get the bonus of the other emotions that are flowing through the empaths body from external sources. So triggering a human into becoming empathic is probably a high priority for the inter-dimensional beings.

Sleep- tight , Being empathic – is like looking at glass humans – you get to see everything that makes them tick – but only by controlling the experience with care can you gain wisdom and not madness.

Rainbow's Diary Is it all True Series #392

mother-and-child-human-aliensThese two additions from my diary have always stayed with me through out the years. I decided to share them because I think people need to know that there have been visitors coming here for many years. I feel if people need proof at this point in history then they really are living with their heads in the sand. We all instinctively know what is the truth. In today’s day and age, people are accustom to bury the truth deep within them. The more technology, the more foreign our higher-selves become to us.

The Men in Black memory, is one of many. The Alien-Men in Black taught me when I was a little girl so I tend to have a love-hate relationship with them. The government, Men in Black are just agents who take on the appearance of the initial Men in Black. The only similarity they have is the way they dress, beyond that there is no comparison.

Spacecraft and Children

Written down 9-8-2010
I was invited as a special guest to visit a spacecraft that was positioned close to earth. The human looking visitors were familiar with earth and they often came to visit us from what I was told.

I was standing in an unusually shaped spacecraft that served like a classroom of sorts for various types of curriculum’s being taught to these visitors kids. We were all in very tight corridors so I knew it was a small spacecraft that operated more like a transportation vehicle. I was walking around many children who looked just like children on earth. I had the feeling that the mothership they came from was massive and not far away, though I can’t recall seeing it, I had more a feeling it was not far away.

The light inside was very bright and I was taken aback because the children seemed really excited to see me. For some reason I was compelled to tell the kids that I was from earth and immediately the hostess who was showing me around, anxiously told me not to tell the kids where I was from because I would scare them. This was so odd to me but it was made clear to me to keep quiet. I wondered why they felt this way about earth…

The children seemed to move at a faster speed then me and my mind had a difficult time slowing them down. They were highly intelligent and they obviously exuded a higher frequency then me. A little girl came over to me and started to excitedly talk to me but she was giving me a really bad headache. I immediately felt dizzy as she focused all her attention on me. Her speech sounded like it was on fast forward and I couldn’t keep up with what she was saying.

She was around 9 or 10 and her brain function was so much higher then mine and I could tell she didn’t understand why I couldn’t understand her. She assumed because I looked like her that I was just like her.

I came back from this experience very humbled because the children were just so much more intelligent then not only our kids but most adults here. I remember the hostess telling me that they learn at a very fast rate. In a silly way I almost wished that some of their intelligence would have rubbed off on me. I knew I was human and without a doubt that just wasn’t going to happen.

Men in Black/a Pointed Needle/a Voice behind Me

The year of this experience wasn’t written down but I believe I was in my late 30’s. The first thing I remember was that I was tied down by my wrists and ankles to a large chair that made me look like I was a small child. It reminded me of the electric chairs in years past that they used in prisons. This one must have been for very large people.

There were two Men in Black standing in front of me by a doorway. They weren’t the white skinned Alien type but government agents. None the less, they were dressed completely in black, including sunglasses. I really didn’t like them and my animosity was growing because they seemed to be making fun of me. I lunged forward trying to get at them and realized I was tied down by my wrists and ankles.

A voice from behind me told me to look at my right palm. My wrist was untied and for a minute I thought maybe I could untie myself. The voice told me to take my right palm and place it over a long, pointed needle that was about a foot long and pyramid shaped. I immediately felt uncomfortable and I told the voice emphatically, “No,” and then said they couldn’t make me. The two Men in Black started to laugh and I again instinctively lunged at them which made them laugh even harder.

The voice told me again to place my palm over the needle and I again said “No!” All of a sudden my right arm moved on it’s own which was the weirdest feeling I have ever felt and I immediately knew I couldn’t stop it. I watched as my right palm moved over the sharp point of the long needle and no matter how much I focused, I couldn’t stop my right palm from being pricked by the needle. I blacked out as soon as I felt the tip of the needle prick my palm.

I believe the purpose of the chair was to intimidate me and make me feel like a small child. What I can say is because of the experience, I realized that I acquired a different kind of perception, almost like my frequency was altered, more sensitive.

I saw no cut or prick on my right palm after I remembered the experience happened. There were no marks on my wrists or ankles. My palm in no way felt sore or showed any signs of being messed with. I was agitated beyond belief though, and I honestly think I could have taken those Men in Black on and beat the crap out of them.
