Very Cool – shapeshifting UAP
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Creature X — Revisited
There is strange and deadly stuff out in the world, besides humans, Only a few people up to now have had an encounter with these hellish creatures I call Creature X. So little is known about them except their destruction to living things is beyond comprehension. There have been many credible stories. Here is a summary of one of these stories I received from a couple of reliable sources, one is Phantom and Monsters and the other was very similar to this source.
This story from Phantoms and Monsters is from a US military platoon leader in Afghanistan. They were doing a night patrol and they came upon a small village of 7 buildings. No one answered their knocks so when they entered the buildings there were piles of human bodies, ripped and torn apart like nothing these tough, military types had witnessed. The damage looked like it was from a huge creature, beyond their imagination. As they walked to the end of the village, there it was – a goddamn terrifying monster, (beyond description). All hell broke loose, the platoon focused all their firepower on the thing, 50 cal machine guns, grenade launchers, and high powered automatic weapons. Nothing stopped it, the armored vehicle with several men in it was thrown 700 yards. Everyone was screaming and howling out of their minds, but suddenly it all stopped, the creature was gone. The curious thing though was the area that the creature had stood was not damaged at all, almost like it was surrounded by a protective shield.
There have been more stories directly from my personal sources. One of the stories was from a friend who spoke at my group, N.M. UFO and Paranormal Forum, in New Mexico. He related a story about him and his associate being asked to travel to Northeast Alabama, and investigate the murder of three hunters. When they arrived on the scene, they were met by the Sheriff’s department and they explained what they were about to see was horrific, now my friend had seen some crazy and scary stuff in the past, being in the military and working on an Indian Reservation in the Southwest. But nothing was going to prepare him for what he was about to see. Where the hunters use to stand stood a pile of flesh 4x6x3 feet on the spot. Like someone took a laser and instantly cut the three men into 3-inch slices – head to toe. Remember they were heavily armed hunters. It was a horrific sight, one that my friend, a famous Cryptid researcher would never forget, nor would I. There had been many other stories from Park Rangers and other Law Enforcement who have convened similar stories. Missing people found, high up top trees or somehow put in inaccessible mountain top location, where only skilled mountain climbers could climb with great difficulty, torn and ripped apart.
These are strange and scary stories, that I believe are very true. There are things out in this world, that are truly beyond description. I am not saying — don’t go out and enjoy the beautiful natural country. Just know we live in a complex multi-dimensional world, and sometimes a window or door opens.
Sleep Tight , MWiz.
Check out this amazing website. It’s one of the favorites that we follow daily. Thanks, Lon, for doing such a great job!
Rainbow’s Experience and Encounter Log June 26th, 2014
June 26th (Between 4:30 and 6:00 am in the morning)
I noticed that most of the detailed experiences I’ve been having are in the early morning hours from 4:00 to 7:00 am so these hours seem to be significant to when I am taken or experiencing intense dreams etc.
This particular morning I was experiencing a few things in my encounter, severe situations and conversations pertaining to my leaving New Mexico. One part of my dream that stood out was being in a car that was driving me to a veteran’s hospital. I tried to drive to the hospital in my own car but I was confused, turned around and couldn’t seem to find the right street. All of a sudden, I was being driven to the hospital within the blink of an eye, which felt odd and seemed to make no sense. I was in the back seat and realized I was in a patient’s gown and I was embarrassed wondering where my clothes were.
There were two men in the front seats of the car and I remember saying, “Oh, okay, I know where I am now. I didn’t go far enough around seeing the road circled the hospital.”
As I said this, we drove past some men who were in fatigues and running down the road. They were doing interesting turns and running sideways, singing as we passed them. The fatigues were light brown in color and they had on tee-shirts and caps. One of the men running saw me and started running fast, fast enough to catch up to the car. The car must have had a side railing on it because he jumped on the railing to talk to me as if he knew me well. He asked me how I was doing. It was then that I saw my hospital gown reflected back to me from the window and I realized that I must be sick or something was wrong with me. It was weird to have it on already because I don’t remember putting it on.
He asked me when I was moving from New Mexico and I said when the house sells. He asked me where I was going and I told him Oregon or Washington State. He asked me a weird question. He asked me if I was sure I should leave.
I started to remember that I knew him well and that we were good friends which made me sad that I wouldn’t be seeing him when I moved away. He said good-bye and he put his hand up against the window and I put my hand up against the window in a gesture of good-bye.
Second phase of experience.
I was in a room and I was tied with my wrists together from a long hook on a door or side of a wall. It was hard to see because I was waking up from being unconscious. I felt blood dripping and coming from between my legs, a lot of blood because I could see it on the floor. I realized that whatever happened to me, a male nurse in the room was not taking care of me. As a matter of fact he was looking at me with disgust and he seemed very disinterested in my compromised position. I somehow got my hand free and realized that I had to call 911 because I was hurt badly. I found a cell phone (thought it was mine for some reason) and found it really hard to get my fingers to work and hit the correct numbers. The male nurse said I didn’t need to call and tried to calm me down just as I was able to hit the last number. I said, I needed and ambulance and that I was bleeding. He made me nervous because I knew somehow he was the one who did this to me or helped others hurt me.
It didn’t take long for the ambulance to get to the building. As a matter of fact what was weird was it seemed like seconds and it was there. I looked out the window and felt relief because I knew I was in danger with whatever was happening to me in the room I was in. I remember the room was all white and I did see the hook I was hung from to bleed out, I can only assume. When the ambulance came in, they had a hard time getting the gurney in the room because there were lots of beds in the way which as I was thinking about it, why was I on a hook and not a bed? They finally got me on the gurney and I started to feel like I would hopefully live through the experience.
Third phase of experience.
Once I was in the hospital, I was placed in a room with two nurses. I saw an ex-ray of my brain and one of the nurses said it wasn’t working properly because I wasn’t raising my eyebrows correctly. I guess I wasn’t engaged enough or taking directions from them the way they thought I should be. I do remember that I was very confused and out of it the entire experience. I did find her statement odd and when I looked more closely at the ex-ray, I saw a black dot over by my right eye socket and I then saw more black dots, one further towards the middle of my brain. They looked like implants.
A blonde nurse was wearing the normal hospital attire which was a top and pants, white in color. I was sitting in a wheelchair facing the two nurses watching them talk to each other about my ex-ray. The blonde nurse turned to look at me and she asked if I had been sick, motioning to her stomach. I said I wasn’t sick in that way but that I was not feeling well obviously because I was bleeding. I told her that I felt foggy and couldn’t focus. There was no mentioning of my bleeding and I was confused because this made no sense. I could feel the blood and wondered if they were going to let me bleed to death.
I also got a hold of another cell phone, I think I saw it somewhere and when I tried to push the buttons, nothing happened, I couldn’t get the screen to work. There was an emblem on the top part of the phone that looked like a Celtic design. The name by the design was something like Selerian, Serenden or close to Selenium.
There were other parts to this experience but these stood out the most because they were very much like a Milab experience more than anything else. It was definitely a military hospital I was taken too and I think the room I woke up it was used to doing torturous things to patients and people like me. It was a very scary experience especially the blood running down my legs. I had a period
Reptilian Influence continued … Is it all True Series #426
Now, back to my experience that happened in October.
My time here in Utah has been hard on my body and mental state. I think the large Granite Mountains by where we live are part of the problem. But for the Reptilians, they thrive here especially in the mountains.
My dreams for quite some time have been almost taken over at times which is something unusual for me. The first time I felt I lost control was because of a female Reptilian. She was tall and very plain looking with a tall body and flat chested. She looked male but I knew she was female. She told me she was my handler and that she has been from an early age.
She was uncomfortably possessive and sexually attracted to me which was totally creepy for me. She stated that she doesn’t like that Michael and I are intimate and made it clear I was hers. Her species are morphodites with both male and female organs which I guess accounts for her being aggressive. I was told it was to their advantage to be given both genitalia considering the variable circumstances they encounter.
She showed me a white book with symbols of circles, rectangles, squares and pyramids. She read the book to me pushing each page slightly forward. The symbols turned into a dialect when she angled the pages. The symbols were like cut outs on each page. She had me trace a rectangle with a blue pen. The page moved as I traced it but I wasn’t skilled at it and looked like a kindergartner because I didn’t have her control.
Black out.
Next I found myself in a pool of really warm water and I realized at that moment that the Reptilians like their water warm basically too hot for humans. It was relaxing at first but I was beyond hot and I knew my body temperature had gone way up. I remember feeling hot under the covers and in the dead of winter threw the covers off me.
The information I gathered from the book and female Reptilian was:
1. They can create energy as hot as the sun.
2. They can control and contain this energy and use it for space craft and other uses.
3. They are considered dangerous because they are more technically advanced than other races. She is part of a rogue faction that rebelled against their leaders. This makes them especially dangerous.
4. They are a ruling class of Saurian’s who travel around looking for better suited planets to subjugate but they seem to be more parasitic especially when dealing with dominating other races.
She made it clear she considered me property and that I was enslaved to her race based on government contracts going back way before I was born. I don’t necessarily feel enslaved and I think it’s more a mind game than anything. She told me she was around me when I was being taken to bases and other areas such as Los Alamos, NM as a little girl as well as other underground facilities. She also stated that she keeps others away from me. My feeling on this is that when a human has a contract on them, that particular alien race has carte blanche with them until they either die or the interest wears off. It seems to be more so than not, that only death can break the contract.
This is really the only experience I have had with Reptilians. They don’t seem to come around a lot and to be honest; I have no idea why she came around to start with. The only thing I can think of – it’s this location. The Wasatch Mountains are mysterious and they seem to hold secrets. It’s interesting how Michael and I ended up in a location surrounded by mountains, the Great Salt Lake valley and rolling hills.
Coincidence … Rainbow
The Front-lines from a Researcher and Experiencer- Is it all true Series #405
This might seem more like a diatribe but it has come to my attention of late that an escalating problem is becoming more prevalent with researchers and experiencers just like me. Like most researchers, I hope to find answers to unresolved issues or memories. This is how Michael and I met, looking for the truth to unique and mysterious events that affected us both personally.
Here’s the problem, I have witnessed a really bad trend where people give an opinion based on viewing a video or radio interview just once and deciding right then and there if the person in question is stating the truth or faking the situation, telling tall tales. I call these types of opinions, the shallow void.
Most people have a 9 to 5 job, five days a week and they want to play and have fun on the weekends. Family and responsibilities leave people little time to actually go out and research even if they wanted to. Since a majority of people can’t bite the bullet and explore strange sightings, unidentified creatures or haunted locations as much as they would like to, why be so hard on those who do?
Maybe it’s a jealous thing, you know, someone else is getting to do what deep down inside many others would love to do. Maybe listening to shows and watching videos of the strange and unusual isn’t satisfying the longing of the self proclaimed Fox Mulders and Dana Scullys of today.
How does listening to a multitude of radio shows and videos equate to expert research? Listening to the experts talk about their findings is very important but I think what’s happened for the self proclaimed experts listening in, is they decide if the stated information is palatable based on their limited or non existent research. Maybe I should also include in here the bad habit of taking other people’s research and using it as their own. Sometimes getting your hands dirty is the only way to understand what the experts are talking about. Experiencing the high strangeness of life face to face is the best way to open the mind to all possibilities even those areas we have an aversion to.
I’m not suggesting people go and get into trouble, I suggest that people look around them to see what’s really happening in their world. It doesn’t take much to realize that things aren’t always what they seem to be.
Looking at so many of the comments from so many people who will argue with each other over the validity of information is … well … quite bizarre to say the least. I’m the pot calling the kettle black here because I have done this myself. In a way, isn’t this the matrix way of diverting the issues? It makes people fight over individual opinions of what a limited amount of truth is; getting caught up in being angry at someone else, calling people names, cursing at each other and swearing on line like deranged zombies or lunatics. It takes away from what little truth there is and it serves such a grand purpose, to lead people away from what is really being said.
There are so many hoax experts, critics, finger pointing nay sayers and jokers now that overload any good video or interview. This is the price we pay for free speech. Though I find these characters throwing their overloaded negative agendas into every topic, a royal pain in the ass, it seems they are here to stay.
Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away. Ismail Haniyeh
There is so much hidden from us, how can any one person say they have all the answers or they know the truth. The truth for most humans is like finding a needle in a haystack of needles. It’s the unknowable until we can see it, feel it and understand it for ourselves. Maybe the truth is different for each person who sees it because truth is a life lesson, a personal journey that can only be self fulfilled.
Maybe this is why I feel like I am on the front-lines sometimes because if I post more of my findings, those little bits of truth that to me are gems, who would believe me? What would happen to my research if it’s flooded with defeatist comments? Does it become a raging mudslide full of debris that’s not mine? Why would anyone presenting their view of the truth, have to wear thick skin? Who decided on that rule?
The bottom line is how we present the truth to the world around us, how we wear it, understand it and utilize it, says so much about who we are as a person. Truth is an outfit that is custom designed by each designer. I may not wear another person’s truth, but I can admire how they put their truth together, its design and purpose. Truth is an observation of life, in the moment that can within an instant confuse or confirm a persons assumptions and theories. Searching for the truth broadens our horizons, allowing for a better vantage point in our quest for answers. Once we see the truth, there is no turning back.
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.”