Priscilla Wolf -part 3 of Cloud UFOs and my Grandpa Antonio

One Step beyond our imagination. How beautiful how our minds create and except the unknown.
Grandfather use to say; when you see something unknown and you speak about it, there is always those who try to say its not true until it happens to them, this world is full of mysteries. When you except it opens doors to the unknown.
It was Feb-1962- 2 months after Grandfather expired, I had been outside chopping wood, and bringing wood in for our fireplace . I was so exhausted, I joined my grandmother, Mother,and Aunt Frances in the kitchen for a cup of coffee, then I went into the front room to lay on the sofa and rest a bit. I seemed to fall into a deep sleep. It was the most vivid experience, and I can recall it all in enormous detail. There is no way it was a dream. Call it whatever, but I felt I was lifted into this cloud formation with such a force, Suddenly I was in a huge room, but outside was a white cloud. There was no windows- I saw my grandfather Antonio enters the room and greeted me with happiness- We talked a lot about everything at home. He wore a white robe and he glowed, he looked younger and complete in good health.
“He said; my Patricia ” I have bad news for you.
Two of my daughters are very ill and will join me soon. They will die a week apart in March (of 1962.)
Please let them know I’m here for them. he gave me other messages, I felt myself moving down from the sky. until I was back on the sofa. I woke up and walked into the kitchen and Mom asked me if I was ok? I was very pale they said. Did you see a ghost? I sat down and told them, Grandpa just came to visit me. And he had a message for you all. He has came back for two of his daughters . Mom said; I hope its me- I been so sick, Aunt Frances said; he can go to hell, I’m not ready to go. Grandmother made the remark it was just a dream- don’t worry. A week later in March of 1962- My Aunt Frances got very ill and we took her to Alamosa, Colorado hospital. The day they released her, we went to the hospital to get her, I went into her room and she was sound asleep. but she wasn’t asleep she was dead. it was March-12-1962.
Aunt Helen became very ill same month and was taken to Denver Colorado hospital. The day she was released she also died asleep, it was march-23-1962. Aunt Helen never knew her sister Frances had died.
They say death spirits take three, December 29-1962 grandfather expired- and in March 1962 both Aunts expired. Remember chances are you will never know your death time, but you can drop by one step beyond if you dare. In this particular story it may have been because there was a strong bond between grandfather
and grand- daughter where communication was entirely positive, comforting, and reassuring….

From the Desk of Dr. Earp "Little Depressed?"- For your Health Series #2

Are you feeling depressed? Feeling down, tired and fatigued? Well, pardon the pun but don’t feel bad (that is, don’t despair!). Depression is one of the most common maladies affecting persons throughout the world. It is also one of the most highly undiagnosed (i.e., unrecognized) and untreated problems facing all of us.

Depression ranges from very minimal or mild situational depression, such as that stemming from a severe argument with a loved one, the loss of a distant relative or ongoing relationship problems with fellow coworkers to severe, chronic depression with or without suicidal intentions. All of us feel “blue” from time to time but that is not true depression. Also, most folks with depression are helped with 6-8 months of antidepressant therapy plus or minus psychotherapy or counseling. Situational depression and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) are the more common types of depression which are either self-limited or resolve with therapy.
A diagnosis of depression requires that your signs and symptoms be present continuously for at least 2 or more weeks. Review these and see if any hold true for you or someone you know fairly well. Don’t delay diagnosis or treatment as there is always the possibility of worsening making resolution and recovery more difficult.

Your Primary Care Physician may be a good place to start for an evaluation but if this is relegated to a 10 minute visit and a prescription with instructions to return in a month you need to seek better advice and help. Particularly treatment with antidepressants, you need to be monitored closely early on with frequent visits and titration of the medication to a dosage therapeutic for you. Unfortunately, the majority of Family Physicians and Internists are neither trained nor experienced in this; also, precious few have the time to devote to you that you need. Don’t hesitate to see a psychiatrist or a therapist who can refer you to a psychiatrist. Also, read about it as much as you can; insight is sometimes half the battle.

Many theories abound concerning the cause or etiology of depression. While it is borne out in studies and through the use of medications which alter brain chemistry (neurotransmitters), a “chemical imbalance” likely plays a major role in causing depression. Depression is a very real and at times disabling illness. Few persons, including the majority of physicians, who have no personal experience with it have any or little empathy for those affected. However, the phrase has become a politically correct catch-all term to explain depression and de-stigmatize it. Of course, it should never have carried a stigma to begin with.

Unresolved emotions issues, particularly anger and “letting go” of past experiences with significant emotional overlay are frequently at the heart of depression. Just how and when mild depression crosses over to clinically significant and/or chronic depression is not truly known. Sometimes it is helpful to inventory your emotions; don’t label them “bad or good.” Emotions are what they are; they can be helpful or disruptive to your thinking or lifestyle but don’t place a value system on them. They are real and only you are the one to validate them.

Examine in whatever objective manner you can the many emotional and relational aspects of your life and your responses to it. Oftentimes this will reveal one or more anger issues with which you have not effectuated a resolution. Listing these in order of not only importance but magnitude of reaction is helpful to sort through them. Then, one by one, you can start the very slow and sometimes mentally painful process of dealing with them. Give yourself plenty of time, empathy and sympathy. Keep a private journal of your feelings, what you are going through and your reactions to the help and treatment you are receiving. Writing about yourself is very therapeutic in and of itself, particularly when the only reader is you.

While it is very helpful to have loved ones or friends to help you through this oftentimes a therapist and/or psychiatrist is the only means of objectifying the disorder for you and giving you a guiding hand. Do not expect on any level much sympathy or empathy from anyone; it is profoundly difficult for most people, especially those rooted in Western Society, to understand depression as an illness. A broken bone is so much more easily recognized as a form of illness than an aberration of the mind!

Above all else, treat yourself with kindness, empathy and patience. Your physical AND mental health are the most important things about your being.



Food for Thought — 2008— Erich J. Knight

HAPPY NEW 2008 — Maybe a Year of New direction for the USA and the World. This maybe the last chance– lets take it.

Erich J. Knight | | IP:

Here’s the current news and links on Terra Preta (TP)soils and closed-loop pyrolysis of Biomass, this integrated virtuous cycle could sequester 100s of Billions of tons of carbon to the soils. If done in the field this solves many of the transport issues.

Terra Preta Soils Technology To Master the Carbon Cycle

This technology represents the most comprehensive, low cost, and productive approach to long term stewardship and sustainability.Terra Preta Soils a process for Carbon Negative Bio fuels, massive Carbon sequestration, 1/3 Lower CH4 & N2O soil emissions, and 3X Fertility Too.
UN Climate Change Conference: Biochar present at the Bali Conference

SCIAM Article May 15 07;

After many years of reviewing solutions to anthropogenic global warming (AGW) I believe this technology can manage Carbon for the greatest collective benefit at the lowest economic price, on vast scales. It just needs to be seen by ethical globally minded companies.

Could you please consider looking for a champion for this orphaned Terra Preta Carbon Soil Technology.

The main hurtle now is to change the current perspective held by the IPCC that the soil carbon cycle is a wash, to one in which soil can be used as a massive and ubiquitous Carbon sink via Charcoal. Below are the first concrete steps in that direction;

S.1884 – The Salazar Harvesting Energy Act of 2007

A Summary of Biochar Provisions in S.1884:

Carbon-Negative Biomass Energy and Soil Quality Initiative

for the 2007 Farm Bill

Tackling Climate Change in the U.S.

Potential Carbon Emissions Reductions from Biomass by 2030by Ralph P. Overend, Ph.D. and Anelia Milbrandt
National Renewable Energy Laboratory

The organization 25×25 (see 25x’25 – Home) released it’s (first-ever, 55-page )”Action Plan” ; see; http://www.25××25/documents/IP%20Documents/ActionPlanFinalWEB_04-19-07.pdf
On page 29 , as one of four foci for recommended RD&D, the plan lists: “The development of biochar, animal agriculture residues and other non-fossil fuel based fertilizers, toward the end of integrating energy production with enhanced soil quality and carbon sequestration.”
and on p 32, recommended as part of an expanded database aspect of infrastructure: “Information on the application of carbon as fertilizer and existing carbon credit trading systems.”

I feel 25×25 is now the premier US advocacy organization for all forms of renewable energy, but way out in front on biomass topics.

There are 24 billion tons of carbon controlled by man in his agriculture and waste stream, all that farm & cellulose waste which is now dumped to rot or digested or combusted and ultimately returned to the atmosphere as GHG should be returned to the Soil.

Even with all the big corporations coming to the GHG negotiation table, like Exxon, Alcoa, .etc, we still need to keep watch as they try to influence how carbon management is legislated in the USA. Carbon must have a fair price, that fair price and the changes in the view of how the soil carbon cycle now can be used as a massive sink verses it now being viewed as a wash, will be of particular value to farmers and a global cool breath of fresh air for us all.

If you have any other questions please feel free to call me or visit the TP web site I’ve been drafted to co-administer.

It has been immensely gratifying to see all the major players join the mail list , Cornell folks, T. Beer of Kings Ford Charcoal (Clorox), Novozyne the M-Roots guys(fungus), chemical engineers, Dr. Danny Day of EPRIDA , Dr. Antal of U. of H., Virginia Tech folks and probably many others who’s back round I don’t know have joined.

Also Here is the Latest BIG Terra Preta Soil news;

The Honolulu Advertiser: “The nation’s leading manufacturer of charcoal has licensed a University of Hawai’i process for turning green waste into barbecue briquets.”


ConocoPhillips Establishes $22.5 Million Pyrolysis Program at Iowa State 04/10/07

Glomalin, the recently discovered soil protien, may be the secret to to TP soils productivity;

Terra Preta — Soil and Solutions from the Gods (?)

What are these super rich, fertile and long lasting mystery soils of South America? Here is a little background; their name is “Terra Preta do Indio” (Amazonian Dark Earths or Indian Black Earth). Named for their very dark color, they were discovered by the white guys during the late 1800’s. The theory is that they may have been created by pre- Columbian Indians 500 to 2500 years ago (a very wide range for any theory).
Another theory was that (TP) was naturally formed from some event related to the Andes volcanoes or a formation created by pond or lake sedimentation. All of these theories are conflicting and leave open the possibilities for new discussions.

These soils have an amazingly high organic matter content, with high levels of black carbon-charcoal in the mix (which may be the key). Terra Preta have very short fallow times, 6 months or less, (the fallow time is needed only because of the weed infestation- super fertile soil grows great weeds). Normal soil takes 8 to 10 years to naturally rejuvenate, without negative additives. It has been reported that these soils (TP) can be under continuous cultivation for at least 40 years, unheard of in the normal agricultural world. Terra Preta would be considered organic farming with no soil additives; the need for pesticides would have to be considered for the final classification (organic or conventional).

Now can these Dark Earths be a factor to reducing global warming? Maybe. The earth’s soil contains a large percentage of the carbon reserves in the world, but most soils are unstable and slowly release their carbon into the atmosphere and add to the CO2 and to the problem. But it seems the (TP) soils are very stable and hold the carbon in the soil and don’t release it into the atmosphere (or at least releases it very, very slowly). Can we create more of this (TP) and cover our farmlands with it?

Was TP a wonderful soil management project of the Ancients or a gift from the GODS (friendly Alien beings)? If so, of course this may have cost the indigenous folks a few sacrifices (Blood for Food Program), not much different for our present Blood/Oil for Food program.

Lastly, can we duplicate the process to make this (TP) soil without paying direct tribute to our Alien friends? Blood is not a just tribute in a moral world.

Sleep Tight – your Government is watching over you.


PS- I encourage you to do further study of (TP) on the Web.


The Lush World of (TP)

Deep and Rich….

“Quantum Success” Sandra Anne Taylor—– III

Consciousness is always a choice. It is the choice to bring your awareness to the present moment, the decision to see and prioritize that which is truly important, that which is genuinely honoring and value enhancing in your life. Your constant question must be: “what am I focusing my consciousness on now?” And the question that follows is: “what might this consciousness be creating for me?”

From Sandra Anne Taylor and her Book “Quantum Success”