As we were driving home from Sedona, Arizona to Santa Fe, New Mexico yesterday, I was concerned to see not only the extremely reduced visibility in the sky, but my own respiratory distress in breathing the smoke generated by the ‘out-of-control wild-fires’ in Arizona. I also felt something unnatural about the fires, something being ‘driven’ with a harmful intent. There are many theories regarding what caused these fires, and the bottom line is, it doesn’t matter at this point. We need help to contain them, now.
Several years ago, I and my Sedona, Arizona geobiology team were asked to help contain another out-of-control fire in Arizona, where I was living and working at the time. We had a great degree of success with the following protocol, given to us by the devic realm in our area. I am asking now that as many human beings as possible request assistance of the devic and elemental kingdoms at this time to contain the fires in Arizona. Here is what we were instructed to ask for in 2002, during the fires that were baffling veteran firefighters and sending flames over 500 feet into the air. This situation is far worse than that one, and we need to mobilize as many people as possible to ask for assistance in containing/resolving this environmental emergency, now.
Please, in your own home, or in a group of any size, request the following, with the contingency that no harm is done to any of the elementals or devas involved:
Begin by acknowledging that we, the human community, have had an accident that may have started the fires, and we are requesting the assistance of the devic and angelic communities to co-create addressing the environmental emergency precipitated by our actions.
Please ask for the Earth element to ‘eat’ the fires, using the intense energies of the fires to fructify and fertilize, to strengthen the earth in each affected area. Give thanks for the earth elementals in utilizing their mastery to accomplish this in a way that brings beauty back to all.
Pleas ask the Atmospheric devas to calm the winds in the areas of the fires, or to direct the winds to blow the fires inward onto themselves instead of advancing into more territory. Thank them for participating with us and lending us their mastery in this area.
Please ask for the Water element in each area to bring water up from beneath the ground to assist in humidifying the affected areas, and to magnetize and attract the necessary water, with no harm to neighboring areas, to assist in this project. Thank all water elementals for their help and give your gratitude for the life-giving and preserving quality of water in your personal life as well as for the areas the fires are active in.
Please acknowledge the life-force of the Fires, ask the Fires to contain themselves, to live out their individual destinies, to consume only what they need to accomplish their work, and thank them for the transformational qualities they bring.
Please command the immediate neutralization of any and all unnatural
human-generated controls/interferences in the creation/continuation of these ‘wild-fires’, and give thanks for the restoration of the balance of Nature in all of the affected areas.
Please ask for Devic Transition teams to assist with all of the living beings who have lost their lives in the fires. Make your own prayers for all of the animals, trees, birds, insects, structures, etc…My own prayer is that the Goddess bless, heal and rebirth them when the time is right…do whatever your heart leads you to in this regard.
Then please give your own personal offerings to our Devic and Angelic partners for their help and expertise in carrying out, to the best of their abilities, what you’ve asked them to do. Make an altar in your own space with each element represented and offer songs, prayers, dances, water, fruit, fragrances, whatsoever you feel moved to offer them. This will give them the ‘fuel’ they need from our human community to accomplish what we’ve asked them to do without harm to themselves.
Thank you in advance for anything you do to participate in this event. Please forward these instructions to any friends and relations you feel guided to.
Diana D. James
Devic Communications Specialist
Academie of Sacred Arts & Sciences
Santa Fe, NM