Dimensional Walking Rainbow Radaelli, Truth Seeker Forum

Diaries are full of treasures, especially those forgotten over time. As I started to read my diary, page
after page revealed a world I let slip by. I’m going
to share with you just a snippet of a life and time in the
medicine world.

While the Medicine Man ThunderBow wasn’t always
easy to understand, he told me how being aware in the
waking state affected the dream state, which seemed to
make sense. I looked back at my diary and saw that we
had called the dream state “dimensional walking.” It
knocked my socks off, the very fact I had forgotten this
and so many other experiences.

Dimensional walking was introduced to me when I
was just 20. At first it seemed like too much discipline,
and that was the last thing I wanted to do, especially with
just being a few years out of high school. I wanted to
spread my wings and be totally free of any kind of discipline. ThunderBow would just smile as I would give
excuse after excuse as to why that didn’t appeal to me, but
it seemed like he was always a few steps ahead of me, patiently waiting, knowing I would eventually come around.

Something was still coming at me in my dreams. I
would wake up scared, sometimes scream or talk in my
sleep. He would pat my shoulder and let me know everything
was OK. I was safe, and he would mumble a few words
in a prayer and usually, this put me at ease and I would fall
back asleep. It was nerve-racking, and even as the days
were long in the waking state, my nights were just the
same. I could feel something out of reach, out of eyesight,
and out of my understanding ready to pounce on me.

ThunderBow said that whatever this was knew I
was a medicine woman long before I knew or even had
an inkling that this path was even a possibility. I always
wondered why he would smirk because it was never very
funny to me. I would feel as if I was running ahead of
myself in my dreams, and as I would catch up to myself,
I would see a scary monster. There’s nothing scarier than
thinking you are the monster you are running from.

At my wit’s end, I finally decided to follow ThunderBow’s instruction and learn how to do dimensional walking.
It seemed quite weird, and I was out of my element at first.
Meditation is not my strong suite because my mind is a
chatterbox with an endless dialogue to keep itself company.
Sometimes there would seem to be multiple whispers going
on at once whenever I would try to quiet myself. It was as if
they would go on autopilot at the hint of any meditation.

To help me learn how to focus on the “now,” ThunderBow arranged for my first sweat lodge with some
friends. He set up a special ceremony for me so that I could understand the importance of discipline and focus.
This was key to me being able to confront this monster or
the dark entity that wouldn’t leave me alone.

It’s important to note that ThunderBow felt I needed
something a bit extreme to kickstart my apprenticeship
into dimensional walking. With that being said, the sweat
lodge was the start of my medicine path. It was an extreme
introduction into a world of the unknown and mysterious
realm of shadows and magic … and did I say hot!
There’s nothing like feeling like your face is falling off
to get your attention. Yes, it was hotter than Hades, and it
lasted what felt like an eternity, which was really just over
an hour. I crawled in the sweat lodge a bit intimidated,
lost and adrift from reality, and crawled out divergent, as
if something had breathed new life into me. I was ready to
start my tutelage into ThunderBow’s dimensional walking,
or so I thought.

Step one was easier than I thought it would be because all I had to do was look for my hands in my dreams.
Things changed quickly when I achieved this. Then I had
to find large hands or hands wearing gloves or rings, etc.
Then came inanimate objects, like bowls or vases that had
designs painted on them. And then he upped the ante and
asked me to find people in certain clothes and colors. Then
I searched for small landscapes and trees. And the hardest
of all for me was looking at the sky and finding clouds.
I found that I mostly saw color, so ThunderBow said
to choose to see in black and white. I didn’t like this because I felt like I would get stuck dreaming in a black-andwhite world. He assured me that I could turn color on just
by intending it like a switch.

The good thing about all my exploration was the monster seemed to stay at bay and I was able to focus harder
on my research into the realm of dimensional walking.
The idea of dimensional walking has everything to do with
your conscious awareness as you go to sleep. It’s not just a
reminder, but an intention to keep the same awareness in
dream time so that the assemblage point (dream body) can
move about as if you never went to sleep.

It’s also about being aware of what’s happening to
your surroundings as you sleep. Being out of the body
and traversing into unknown dimensions was only part
of it. I had to be aware of my body back in my bed in my
repose position.
It was when I was at the two-year mark that something
quite terrifying happened that changed everything. I can remember to this day how empowered I felt at first, and then
the stark reality hit me of being completely vulnerable and
unprepared for the consequences of what I was doing.

ThunderBow said my next goal was to find a movie
theater. So I went to bed and focused on finding a movie theater. It took a few weeks, but one night within what seemed
minutes of falling asleep, I was sitting in the theater with other
people. I felt the seat, heard the music playing in the background, and I smelled popcorn. The movie hadn’t started
yet, so I was just sitting by myself staring at a huge white
screen. I then remembered to come back to my body, wake
up, and then go back to sleep and go right back to my seat in
the movie theater. I did it and was elated the next morning.

The following night ThunderBow wanted me to find
rocks to walk on and look for a village or small town. I
think he suggested somewhere like the English countryside. I thought that would be quite interesting, so I went
into my place of quietude and ventured onwards. At first
I remembered almost popping into a rocky place and
smelling the dirt. It was almost like I was literally in the
country. I looked around me, and there were large trees
and bushes on a slanting hill.

I was facing a hill full of rocks that seemed easy
enough to climb, so I started putting my hands on the
rocks and pulling myself up. As I was climbing up the
rock incline, I started to feel tingling in my hands and
arms. As I reached the top of the rocky hillside, I saw a
country house in the distance, and that’s when I got a big
whiff of the dirt, flowers, and tiny shrubs up my nose.
I felt the wind on my face, and my hair was blowing to
the side. It was the first time I had ever felt the wind, and
the shock of it and all the smells in my nostrils made me
feel dizzy.

I then saw this auroral glimmer go into my hands and
up my arms. I felt as if I was coming alive with this wash
of scintillating energy, and I knew without a shadow of a
doubt that if I didn’t get out of there, I would have fully
integrated into the very location I was at. It no longer felt
like a dream, but more like an actual place.
I remember thinking to myself, is this dimension like
back home? When I could feel the cool dirt beneath my
hands, I freaked out and pushed away from the rocks.
I started to slide down forgetting that I was on a rocky
slope, yelling and grabbing for branches to slow my fall.

Then I slowly woke up. I knew something weird had happened because there was a little bit of dirt on my sheets
and under my fingernails. This was a first.
I realized that what I had done seemed beyond me,
and when I told ThunderBow what happened, he seemed
pleased but very concerned. We had been working
toward something that once attained was a whole other
He had me take a break from dimensional walking
so I could get my bearings back and try again. I never did
allow myself after that to go as far into another realm. I
held myself back and just couldn’t yield to the dangers of
uncharted territory.

I know the rules here in this reality, but to do the
dimensional walking I realized that there weren’t any
handbooks on what to do if you find yourself lost in
another realm. You can’t get cold feet once you are there,
and getting back in itself could be a wild ride

Last but not least, I did the one thing I needed to do.
Remember the monster hidden in the shadows of my
dreams? Well, I confronted it. ThunderBow had me find
a mirror, and he said to look into it and tell him what I
saw. It took me awhile — I guess because I was avoiding
it — but when I finally was able to find a mirror and look
into it, I saw a hideous face looking back at me. I started
to back away when something weird started to happen. It
slowly morphed into my face. And there I was left looking
at myself, no monster left insight.

As Medicine Man Black Elk once said, “Sometimes
dreams are wiser than waking.” In my case, I had found
that I had been afraid of myself and my potential.
Philosopher Henri-Frédéric Amiel stated, “Dreams
are excursions into the limbo of things, a semi-deliverance
from human prison.” It was evident I had freed
myself, and I realized that there was so much that dimensional walking could help me figure out and remedy. It
was a key to a self-imposed prison. In some ways, I was
the prison guard.

Dimensional walking was an insight into the deeper
pool of who I really was. I unlearned cultural esthetics that
didn’t feel right and had the courage to develop opinions
that were solely mine. I also saw that there is so much
within myself that is basically uncharted territory.
I have continued at a more cautious level with dimensional walking, and I feel it has integrated into my Third
Eye sense of awareness.

I haven’t looked into another
mirror since that impactful experience. I guess if I have
one question today, it would be, what would my reflection
look like now? I guess I’ll have to find another mirror and
find out.


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Protect, Protect, and more Protection

elia-pellegrini — Photo By

I have been doing research in the strange but real world of UFO and the Paranormal for over 50 years, and one thing I have learned is that you need to practice some serious form of self-protection, especially when doing field research. This is because we are dealing with entities like reptilians, ghosts, forest beings, and dark entities of all shapes and forms and they can harm you physically and mentally.

The problem here is since a researcher is going into various powerful beings’ habitat, it is truly best to put some protection around your physical and energetic body. These entities can attach themselves to the unaware researcher and cause havoc after the person leaves the field research area and re-enters his/her home base.

So what can happen if you are not careful and don’t protect yourself? Here are a few examples. First, many of you have heard of Skinwalker Ranch, a powerful vortex in Utah where strange entities come and go through a portal area on the old ranch. The volume of strangeness became so great that the government took it over to watch over this huge vortex. Back before the government took over, a man came out to meditate on the ranch and to make contact with the alien entities, but through this process, his mind was possessed by frightening beings, and that ended his meditation career, and he was never the same. Rainbow and I also went to the Ranch. It seemed like everything was quite normal with the experience. We smudged before and on the way back home but a couple of strange entities followed us to our house. Rainbow being empathic was able to communicate with the two entities, keeping the diabolical one at bay.

Another personal experience I had, was when I was meditating in my home in Georgia, I received a telepathic warning that entities were on their way. The warning led me to believe they were coming for negative purposes so I prepared myself and was ready. Shortly after I received the warning, three reptilian beings came into my meditation and wanted permission to enter my house and possibly do harm to me and/or my family. I confronted them outside my home and they vanished. Confronting them in a fearless way normally will stop their advances.

All of these bad outcomes could have been avoided with a little extra protection. Researchers should simply clear themselves as they leave their homes, doing both, a clearing mantra and smudging. Also before entering a research area, researchers should ask for permission which can either be granted or reject. If permission is rejected, leave immediately.  Finally, if permission is granted and you are leaving the research area you should thank the entities for allowing you to occupy their space. A final protection could be to recite a mantra before the researcher enters his/her home base stating that no entities may enter your sacred place now or ever. It’s quick and it works.

Sleep tight, you always need to protect your mind and soul, because they have infinite cosmic value. To some entities, it’s like winning the lottery, especially if they can invade a human’s inner- self.


Werewolf, Wolfman, Dogman – a Cryptid of different names

The Werewolf And The Nineteenth-Century …atmostfear-entertainment.com

Werewolfs and Wolfman have been known around the world since the beginning when man started to pass down stories of them from Scandinavia. England to India, China, Japan, Brazil, and Russia to name a few areas.

These were scary creatures tall with a wolf-like appearance (with a longer narrower snout than a wolf ), running bi-pedal, with strides four to six feet and more. They are quite a sight, as I will tell you about my personal experience later.

Wolves in Native American vision are magical animals – powerful, very smart, and with a spiritual aura to them. They probably have nothing to do with the Cryptids that have the appearance similarities. Wolves are magnificent creatures, I have seen them in the wild and one to touch from a wolf sanctuary. It’s a must event on your bucket list. That is why I have them at the top of my web page.

A werewolf and wolfman are the mythical versions of the Dogman. They are mythical because these have a man turning in a wolf or a man part of them and I don’t buy it. Man has always tried to make things scarier, so we embellish for maximum effect.

But Dogman is real, we ( Rainbow and I ) have seen one. Back several years ago when we lived in New Mexico we were hiking on the east slope of Sandia Mountain outside of Albuquerque. We parked at the trailhead, Rainbow got out first ( as normal ), and moved toward the trail, I got out and saw a huge bear in front of her and I shouted to watch out. The bear ran and that was that., at least we thought, Then Rainbow noticed a very tall hunched over person gliding across the ridge ahead of us. I saw it too, but it was NOT a person – it was an 8 ft plus Dogman. After catching our breath we decided on a fearless move, follow it.

So we curiously walked toward a situation we were hoping wasn’t a trap. After moving slowly up the trail about 1/2 mile in. about 150 or so feet away. leaning next to a huge tree there it was very still and watching us. Its body seemed to slowly sway back and forth. Huge head, big eyes, multi-colored hair/fur. Then suddenly we felt we needed to back off and go back and leave. We think the pushback was from the Dogman. But we did get a picture as we left -see below.

Dogman – center left of large tree

Sleep tight – Dogman are real – but I sincerely believe they are not dangerous to man as long as one , heeds their warning


Strange sounds that go a Bump in the night.

Photo by Leon Rohrwild on Unsplash

I always remember many years ago in Georgia a peer I worked with had an interesting story. We had been talking for several weeks about Sasquatch up in the north Georgia mountains where I would explore and try to make contact with them.

Shortly after that conversation he had outside wall knocks in the middle of the night in rural Clayton County, he first just thought it was a plank, second time no so sure, because he was able to rush outside to see nothing. The third time he did catch a glimpse of a large brown figure moving toward the woods. Sasquatch maybe, interesting they have an ability to be invisible at times and they may have knocked the first two times and just stand around while my friend just looked around and saw nothing. Wall knocks are quite common in the Sasquatch world, and I have heard several other examples, in my years of research. Why does Sasquatch do it, well for various reasons I believe, mostly for fun, they watch you race out of your house and look silly? But other times I believe it is a warning, like maybe mind your own business or stay out of my home territory.

The next two recent stories are from our present home in Oregon. The first one about two weeks ago. I was watching TV at night at the far end of the house and Rainbow was in the other side writing in her office. Suddenly there was a huge shaking of the house and booming sound on Rainbow’s side, I didn’t hear it, but Rainbow was shaken up. She delayed telling me so I would not rush out of the house to check it out, she (being an empath) felt it was of paranormal in origin. I checked the house out in the light of day. There was no damage to the roof or the exterior walls. Was it a warning?

The next story was last night or early morning – suddenly woken up from a night of deep sleep to hear a crashing sound – like glass without breakage, Rainbow also woke and heard something sliding and falling, but not glass. In the morning we both looked around and nothing out of place. Rainbow did have a sense something was messy with our stuff and after the things fell they/it quickly picked them up and they vanished -gone. I guess just another 2020 bump in the night

Sleep tight – a sudden wake – is mostly no fun.


The Events of a Century have lined up for a Perfect Storm – and another Super Event

Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash

So here we go – so here goes America – Democracy is a wonderful way to govern people because, in theory, they are governing themselves but its downfall, is that it is fragile and relies upon people doing the right thing and making sound decisions, based on truths. And the truth is hard to come by these days.

With that said, let me continue – we as you all know by now are suffering a 100-year Pandemic, a President that has pushed our Constitution to its limits, racial civil unrest as intense as any time in American history, natural climate disasters like never before, and last but not least a national election like no other in American History, that could tear us apart like the Civil War.

 And we have foreign enemies that know very well know how to use propaganda to further weaken our country. We are in a weakened state, no doubt in my mind. Our enemies have never had a better chance to physically attack and seriously damage our democracy. 

So here is what I think, there is another Super event coming  —  when is it coming? at our lowest point of total stress – which I believe is the time frame of now through after the election until someone concedes it and victory for them is agreed upon on a national level.  

The Super event is a terrorist like attack from one or two countries in the form of an EMP – Electromagnetic Pulse on a nationwide level, which will freeze/destroy all things electronic and the repair will take months even years, totally destroying our economy and our democracy as we know it.  I know this is grim and I sincerely hope I am totally wrong, but thinking about it long and hard I believe its probably a (50-50) chance of happening, because our enemies know this opportunity won’t again happen in their lifetimes – they must strike soon. 

Sleep tight — in a few days, I will give some suggestions on how to have a chance to survive.  And many people will survive. 


Coming Home to Egypt

      The Unexpected Adventure

My adventure to Egypt changed my life forever. Sometimes lessons are learned when we least expect them or when we aren’t looking for them at all. With this being said, this is my story of the unexpected adventure that turned my life topsy turvy into the realm of the Priestess.   

      Egypt is the mysterious Mistress of magic and ancient knowledge. She’s the elixir of times not forgotten but kept secret behind closed doors surrounded by sand and desert. Moments in our lives come and go but the memories linger on beyond our lifetime into the next, just as the sands in an hourglass turn over and over again.  

     I realized the moment I stepped foot on Egypt’s ancient sands, I had truly for the first time in my life, come home. The Priestess in me awakened to the sounds of morning prayer and the belly dancer’s drums, summoning a night of dance. My soul shouted in delight and my spiritual quest began with a vengeance that was foreign and scary all at the same time. It was the first time I was in the presence of Source, the old ways, or as some call them, the Ancient Aliens. 

     As a dancer, yes, I was in my element but as a Medicine Woman, in some ways, I was in way over my head. Let me explain. 

     Before I ventured to Cairo, Egypt in 1991, I was told by two of my mentors that Egypt could be dangerous for me because I was open, meaning I was already learning the old ways of ceremony and prayer. As a young Medicine Woman, there were things I was already experiencing that were a bit dark so my teachers stressed that I rethink my plans. The 28-year-old in me didn’t listen and to this day I am forever grateful to her that she didn’t but that doesn’t mean they weren’t right. 

     My ex-husband, a medicine man named Thunder Bow gave me an amulet to wear to keep me safe and a friend made me a small hand made knife that I hid in my boot in case I needed to protect myself. But how does one protect themselves from an archaic and highly intelligent Source that has been around since the beginning of time? I sensed “them” before I stepped aboard my plane and they made their presence known in subtle ways such as nonsensical dreams and knots in my stomach that seemed to never go away. 

     My trip started out as a belly dancer’s dream but in actuality, it was a coming home to my Priestess roots.  I didn’t know beforehand that I had been a Priestess many lifetimes in Egypt. Past life memories came back to me in vivid dreams, vibrant and emotionally riveting. They came non-stop, a young girl of 14 or a boy of 10 at first. Then my memories flashed and changed to me being a woman of high importance, priestesses surrounding me in the moonlight and a ceremony being performed to the Goddess Isis. Some of the past lives were in interesting times, such as the upheaval of Akhenaten’s priests fighting with soldiers and overtaking the inner sanctum of one of the pyramids. The vengeance of the old Gods was terrifying!  I had a flashback of Tutankhamen coming to Luxor for the Sham el Nessim celebration. I was shocked and in awe as these memories flooded into my waking state. It was as if I never left. 

     I was remembering so much so that I sensed someone or something was not happy that my memories were coming back. Throughout the many months I was in Egypt, 2 attempts were made on my life and the third and last attempt which happened back in New Mexico, almost succeeded. 

Double Trouble

     The first attempt happened one morning when I was visiting an indoor market underneath an apartment complex. It was probably 20 stories high in a crowded area by Maadi a suburb of Cairo. I had walked in for some groceries and when I bought all I needed, I walked back out into the street. Within seconds, a woman suddenly yelled at me in English, “Watch out!”

     An area rug about 10 feet long came crashing down, barely missing me by a few feet. If I hadn’t jumped back, I don’t think I would be telling this story. My legs became weak and I felt as if they were going to collapse under me. I was in utter shock when people came running over to me from all directions. Everyone was asking me if I was okay while I looked up, seeing multiple balconies but no sign of where the rug came from. I pushed my way through the crowd and walked away with shaky legs and somewhere inside of me, I sensed that was a warning. 

     Later that day in the afternoon, I was walking down a street by the little apartment I rented. I was weary but had calmed myself down from the morning’s close call.  The butterflies in my stomach had just left me and I was feeling more assured that it was just a coincidence when all of a sudden, a white van full of people came rushing up behind me and hit me from my left side. My left elbow saved my life because it made me bounce off the van. If I hadn’t bounced off the van, I would have been knocked under it and it’s back wheel would have run me over.  It all happened so fast, seemingly in a split second, within a blink of an eye. 

     I yelled at the driver who stopped the van and again people came running towards me to see if I was okay. I looked at the driver and yelled, “Majnoon!” which means crazy in Arabic. The driver had a strange look on his face as he tried to calm me and the crowd down. People were yelling at him and I realized that if I didn’t leave it would have turned into a chaotic scene. I left the crowd, went to my apartment and realized something was either trying to kill me or get my attention. 

     The bruise on my arm was only the beginning.


     The nights were alive with magical scents such as jasmine and other flowering smells that will forever stay with me. But within all of this enchantment there was always a reminder that this is where time truly began, and if I forgot to remember where I was, the ominous silent night constantly reminded me that there were hidden eyes watching … always.  

     I awoke one night with startled and panicky breathing, like I had been running in my sleep. I was on my stomach with my head turned which wasn’t my normal position because I’m a side sleeper. I realized immediately that I was completely paralyzed accept for my eyes. I was panning the room trying to figure out what to do. I felt pressure on my lower back as if something was holding me down. I tried to turn around but to no avail. I thought I had come down with some weird disease and I started to panic and perspire from my adrenaline and fear kicking in. I was literally wet from head to toe like I had just stepped out of a shower. 

     I remembered, Thunder Bow teaching me how to focus so I could calm my mind. I knew it was just a matter of remembering where my inner sanctuary was, so I closed my eyes and tried to push off whatever was holding me down. It felt like an eternity but in reality, it was only 10 minutes or a little more to fixate on my 3rd Eye. When I was able to calm myself down, I felt the pressure on my lower back instantly disappear and I turned over literally overcome with relief, and within seconds, I jumped out of bed. I looked all around the room trying to figure out what had just happened and what could have possibly held me down. 

     I had a hard time going back to sleep but slowly I drifted off and awoke the next morning sore all over, especially in my lower back. I got up and checked my lower back in the mirror and saw about 5 or 6 small brown circles, like burn marks on me scattered around within a 6-inch area. They didn’t hurt at all and within 2 or 3 days, they were gone. 

Missing Time

    I became friends with a guy I’ll call Jimbo. We were hanging out at a club called Club Thirteen. Out of the blue, Jimbo asked me if I wanted to climb one of the Queen’s Pyramids. Now, it’s forbidden so I don’t recommend anyone doing it but at that time in the early 90’s, they didn’t have as much security around the pyramids as they do now. It was around 12:30 am so I was intrigued and said yes. We hailed a taxi and within 30 minutes we were in an area just below the Queens Pyramids. We got off in this location so we could go in a back way where we wouldn’t be seen. We walked by old burial chambers dug in the side of rocks of the workers who supposedly built the pyramids or so the story goes. It was eerie and I could almost hear them whispering to us, asking us what we were doing there. 

     Once we walked past the burial chambers which took about 20 or 30 minutes, we found ourselves at the foot of one of the Queen’s Pyramids. I can’t remember which one but it was at night and I was a willing participant partially because I knew it was taboo.  Jimbo asked me if I was sure I wanted to climb up and I said, “Absolutely!”

     We started our climb and within a short time, we were at the top. I remember clearly the mosquitos, millions or should I say billions of them buzzing around us! I mentioned to Jimbo that I just couldn’t take the mosquitos anymore when all of a sudden, puff, we were gone and then back again! It was like a time glitch had just happened. When we came to, and it was around 6 am because we could hear the morning prayer on all the loudspeakers throughout Cairo. It was eerie to “wake up” to that sound and realize that we had been up there for a long time, at least 2 to 3 hours with no memory of what happened. Interestingly enough, I had no mosquito bites on me at all!

     We climbed down the pyramid freaking out that we would be discovered and made a mad dash back towards the small village. We hailed a cab and went to get coffee and breakfast. I was a chatty Kathy and Jimbo was silent and moody. No matter how much I prodded him, he wouldn’t talk about what had just happened to us and after that incident, he never wanted to go out or do anything with me again. 

     Was the paralysis and the missing time connected? I can’t be certain but I have come to realize that with magic and mystery, nothing is a coincidence. 

      The third attempt on my life happened when I came home.  

Uninvited Guest

     I’m 5’3, but at that time, I weighed only a hundred pounds when I finally arrived home and my feet touched the New Mexico ground.  I was exhausted and tired beyond belief. Interestingly, I ate like a horse and never felt full. I ate as carefully as I could in Egypt so I didn’t venture out into the odd and weird world of exotic foods. I know what you may be thinking, parasites and that was exactly what my family and me thought too but when I went to the doctor, he tested me for a variety of parasites, but didn’t find anything.  

     I was slowly dying and my ex-husband knew it. He saw a dark, black mass attached to me from my upper right shoulder. I felt off balance and I was walking as if I had injured my back. 

     Thunder Bow took  me to another medicine man named Thomas One Wolf. When I went to meet with him, he sensed that something came back home with me. He told me I had to do a Vision Quest and with his help, he would take care of the “uninvited guest.” 

     I made sacred tobacco pouches, praying and asking for help as I made each one of them, connecting them together making a circle with twine. They closed me off to the outside world during my Vision Quest so that I could find answers and “see” what this thing was. Three days and three nights became a blur. I mostly remember that I laid in the sun during the day and crawled into my tent at night. I knew instinctively that the sun was going to help heal me. I could feel it’s warmth and somehow I felt its rays go into me, pulsing, targeting this dark mass attached to me. Thomas One Wolf, came and went as if he was a dream, praying and doing ceremony, asking the Ancestors to help.  The moment the entity let go of me, I felt as if a ton of bricks had been lifted off of me. I felt light as a feather, light headed and I had to learn to rebalance myself so that I could realign my back and straighten it out. I was no longer hunched back, carrying a weight that was not mine.   

     Thomas One Wolf said I had only a few months to live when I came to him and that this thing was feeding off my life force. He said it knew I was a medicine woman in this life and that it saw my  past lives in Egypt. It was connected to the Djinn and I was lucky I remembered to go to the sun God Ra to help me get rid of it. 

     The priestess in me came alive and helped me heal and it was with this remembering that my greatest lesson was learned. I brought the memories back to New Mexico with me and with the help of Thomas One Wolf was able to get rid of the attachment. 

     Egypt is a portal to other worlds that have been apart of our world for a millennium.  Did the Ancient Aliens take me somewhere during my lost time on top of the pyramid? How did that black mass find me? Even today, I know something was altered in me during that lost time. 

    Most importantly, and probably the greatest gift of all, is the fact that all those past lives in Egypt are alive and in me and they are apart of the medicine woman that I am today. Magic is real and when you become apart of it, it lives on in you, reminding you, you are so much more than you think you are. It’s going to sound cliche but to boldly go where no man or woman has gone before, one only has to go to Egypt. There’s no place like home no matter how many life times we live. 

McMenamin’s Edgefield Oregon’s Haunted Gem

Photo by Kevin Butz on Unsplash

Have you ever walked into a place and felt you went back in time instantly,  almost as if you were greeted by a forgotten time yet still alive and well? As each footstep takes you further down the hall, unseen eyes with a whispered greeting welcome you. You turn right and then left but there’s no one there except other guests and passers. Maybe a gentle hand caresses the side of your head making you feel light-headed or within the blink of an eye, you glimpse a shadow walking by. Well, this is how a multitude of people feel when they walk through the front doors of McMenamin’s Edgefield Hotel in Troutdale, Oregon. 

The interesting thing here is, most of those whispered hellos and wispy silhouettes are seemingly friendly even if you can’t see or touch them. From astonishingly beautiful paintings on walls to an ambiance of old-time charm, there is so much to do. Think of a ghost adventure where all the modern conveniences are at your fingertips such as small bars, edible gardens, and an expresso bar. I think of it as ghostbusting at your leisure.   

The charm keeps coming as you choose from, a day at the spa at Ruby’s Spa and Soaking pool, or an evening of live music and if that doesn’t float your boat, you can enjoy a movie after dinner. The best part is there are so many wonderful places to go, you’ll never get bored. But let’s not forget the best part of Edgefield, at least for me, is its history and its lively ghosts. 

Edgefield back in the day was built in 1911 becoming the Multnomah County poor farm which eventually progressed into a nursing home. Today, it is a 74-acre hot spot for its own brewery, vineyards, and distillery. My favorite is their hard cider! 

As an Empath, I find these kinds of locations are the catchup to my fries. You can’t get any better than this outside of literally living in a haunted house. I’m not talking about the spooky kind but those old beloved Victorian or turn of the century homes that kept all the residual memories of all the families that lived within their walls. Edgefield’s energy reminds me of multiple bubbles bobbing up and down with old memories that linger, occasionally touching the living as they move along. 

Are there haunted rooms, you may ask? Of course! The most requested room at Edgefield is room 215, called the Amazing Grace room. Supposedly when they were renovating the property they found animal bones and a pentagram on the ground within the area. I can only assume they did a cleansing of sorts, hence the name. In addition, room 214 also supposedly has paranormal activity in it especially with it being in close proximity to room 215. 

Walking around, I found that it didn’t take much prodding on my part when I asked some of the Edgefield staff who worked there if they had any ghostly experiences. Here are a few that I want to share with you that I feel are great testaments because not everybody who experiences ghostly activity is a believer … at first.  

Imagine, there you are, playing golf on one of Edgefield’s 2 golf courses and you catch a glimpse of a shadowy figure walking by. Perhaps, late at night, you are strolling along the path with snow coming down, footsteps appear out of nowhere. Where they begin or end is anybody’s guess. 

Here is Ryan’s story. He is one of the shift managers at the Black Rabbit Restuarant. 

   This happened two winters ago on the property.  He and his wife were walking past one of the golf courses and stopped by the distillery to have a drink to make sure their boss saw them so he wouldn’t call them in to work on their day off because it was snowing. He remembered walking around with their coffee drinks and then walking through the golf course meandering back towards their home. 

Ryan said, “Not that we were following footsteps but we realized there were like footsteps in the snow and within 10 to 15 steps, they just stopped, like into the nothing. They didn’t fade out they didn’t go around the corner. They just stopped.


“Were they human size? Like a man or a woman?”


“They were like a woman or adolescent child. They seemed as fresh as could be. And it was actively snowing at the time. We stood there for about 10 to 15 minutes trying to figure stuff out or trying to make sure nobody was stepping backward, trying to play a prank on us. We couldn’t come up with any other explanation other than something weird was going on.” 


‘Is there anything else?’


‘There have been situations in the distillery where the broom will stand up on its own, like unsupported. I can’t imagine that being done without somebody manipulating it first but just the fact that it stands there for a number of minutes on end without falling over is strange. 

There is somebody who took a video of it and walked all the way around it. The first time I remember it happening recently, whoever came into open the bar that particular day found it already standing. The only logical explanation is the person the night before left it that way and it stayed that way all night. He was a little weirded out and went and did some other stuff after that.”  

Clara’s story:

Clara is a bartender who has been working at the Black Rabbit for 4 years. Here is her story: 

“One morning, it’s 6 am when I first started working here, I was walking down the hallway here and this door was cracked open and there should have been no one in the bar and I turn and I look and standing in the archway over there is a very tall man. We made ghostly eye contact and then I shuffled off and was freaked out.”


“Was it a shadow or full-body apparition?” 


“No, it was a full apparition. And then I’ve seen another one on the other side of the bar, It almost looked like an Asian woman peeking her head around the pole and back and then I never saw her again. I even went around to make sure no one was hiding from me and there was no one there. 

I have also heard twice now, bagpipes off in the distance when we haven’t had any events happening here. One time it was the opening line of Amazing Grace. I was thinking, we shouldn’t have any bagpipers here now. The second time, I heard it and one of our skeptics heard it at the same time so I know it wasn’t just me.    

Christina’s story:

Christina is a bartender and has been working at the Black Rabbit for 7 years. 

“My husband used to work here and he was the bar manager. And a part of his duties was to come in here, once a month and do the inventory which required him to be here at 4 o’clock in the morning. So we just thought let’s spend the night. He could go downstairs to do his thing and then come back up to bed.”  

“I told you I’m a bit of a skeptic  We have a ghost Logue that you can check out at the front desk and read people’s stories. I was always like, people are drunk, whatever, of course, they’re going to see things.”

“ So, there wasn’t much drinking, a little bit but we weren’t drunk and went to bed like normal, everything was good. He got up and went to do his thing and I remember him leaving and I fell back asleep. We were on the second floor in room 214. It’s right next to the room that’s suppose to be really haunted, the Amazing Grace room which is 215. So I remember waking up and looking and seeing a grey cat walking towards my bed. Of course, I’m going through my brain, how a cat got into my room, justifying the purpose and the meaning of this cat being in my room. I feel the cat jump up on the bed. I pet the cat, I feel the cat, I interact with this cat. This is weird. I thought it probably came in through some air vent or something. And then the cat jumps off the bed and I see it walk away.”

“I fall back asleep. The door opens, my husband comes in, sits on the bed. I feel the bed sink in. I feel him move over towards me and put the blanket up over my shoulder like he usually does. I start to tell him about this cat. I turn around and there’s nobody there. I never felt scared or anything like that. So my husband comes back and I ask him, “Have you been to this room? There was a cat in this room.” He said, “No, no.”  So I said, “Cool, listen to my story!”

“I came to work the next day and I’ve been working in this department for 7 years. So I go to one of the night bartenders who have been working here a while too and told him my story. I said, “A little grey cat was in my room and he went, ‘That cat?” He pointed to painting here on the wall. Well, I never noticed ever but there is a little grey cat in the woman’s arms that’s in the tub. You have to actually get up close to see it. There has been a grey cat in the painting the whole time I’ve been working here and yes, that is the grey cat.” 

After hearing everyone’s stories, I decided to walk around the grounds of the hotel, when one thought came to my mind, I could stay here forever! I guess that explains why Edgefield attracts the living as well as the dead. Everybody has a good time and nobody wants to leave!

McMenamins Edgefield is just 15 minutes from the airport and 20 minutes to downtown Portland. It’s become one of my most favorite haunted locations but then, McMenamins does have other supposedly haunted locations that I have yet to visit. You know what that means, I’m going to have a lot of favorites!

Natural Portals, Artificial Portals, and The Traveling Ghost

      What is the difference between a portal and a vortex?  The meaning of a portal is; a doorway, gate, or other entrance, especially a large and imposing one. The meaning of a vortex is; a mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind. If you put the two together, what do you have? The Sasquatch people have a name for it and it’s called the Traveling Ghost

     In 2013, a Sasquatch portal jumper named, Loekey, made contact with me in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I had no understanding or knowledge of portal jumpers prior to his contact nor did I really have much interest in the Sasquatch themselves. I knew of their existence along with other Cryptids but my interests were in another direction. To put it mildly, Loekey pretty much changed my world and pushed me in a direction that I didn’t even know existed!

     At first, I felt like I was on a psychedelic mind-altering trip but without the drugs. In my mind, time and space became a  kaleidoscope of color beyond my wildest dreams or understanding. Loekey guided me with a gentle hand, showing me amazing imagery and it led me on my journey down the rabbit hole, exploring the world of Sasquatch portal jumpers.  The best place to start is in Loekey’s own words and his explanation of what portals are. 

      Put simply, portals are upside down pyramids. The point of the pyramid gains its energy from Middle Earth. Each natural portal has a drop-off point that has the timing. He said that any topography around the portals would give off a distinctive vibration that would affect the senses of anyone within its perimeter. They would feel as if there was a morphed or skewed altering of time. Visually, he said it looks like colors come from all directions and the depth perception of anything within the portal is distorted, almost stretched going in and out of focus. 

     Within each portal is an octagon mirage that gives off multiple pyramid shapes. Once Loekey jumps into the determined portal, he says he encounters a multitude of pyramids turning in all directions. It’s like an illusion of several endless mirrors, rotating at once. He said it can be very disorienting for humans because most humans haven’t developed their pineal glands beyond what is determined safe. He also said that most human depth perceptions aren’t developed enough to handle the frequency or energy fluctuations. 

     Loekey said that the natural portals affect areas around them within a mile in each direction, which includes up above (the sky) and down below going towards Earth’s center. At certain times of the day, or night, the natural portals rotate, and the octagon pattern shifts. This is because the Earth adjusts for anything that is going in or coming out of the portals. He said the important aspect of the natural portals is that when the pyramids are pulling towards Middle Earth, this very action helps the Earth rotate. 

Natural Portals and the Traveling Ghost Vortex

   To clarify things, Loekey said there are two different types of portals and a very unusual vortex. The first being the natural portals that are located in different locations around the planet. They are stationary but well hidden. The second are the portals that appear for a few days and then disappear. They are still natural portals to the planet but they have a different function. Loekey said they don’t use these portals as much as the stationary ones because their destination points aren’t as easy to calculate. The third kind, in my opinion, is the most unique of them all. They travel along with the planet’s rotation, and the reason they are so unique is that they are sentient. They can be dangerous to a point not because they travel at high speed but because they have a warped and inverted impression to them that pulls in light and sometimes whatever is in their path. The Sasquatch use them only if they are in locations where there are no natural portals. his sentient vortex is called the Traveling Ghost.

     I believe I experienced the Traveling Ghost when I was working cattle in Texas years ago. It was during a Spring round-up early one morning when my ex and I went to go help some ranch friends gather up a large herd of Mexican steers and take them to another pasture where large trucks were waiting to haul them away. I’ll never forget how the cattle were restless and anxious that particular morning like they sensed something wasn’t right. 

     I could smell the electricity in the air and weirdly, I could smell my own blood in my nose. I didn’t have a nose bleed but it smelt as if I did. My ex-husband commented he could smell blood in his nose too. It almost felt like the air was snapping and crackling but you couldn’t pinpoint a direction. Sometimes, it was up in the air and other times behind you. It was just really weird as if something was going over us or around us, slowly and then all of a sudden it was gone, leaving that vertigo feeling like you had no sense of being up or down. If I wouldn’t have been on my horse, I would have fallen over. I can only imagine how my horse felt.

     Well, the very moment we all heard crackling and popping in the air over our heads, all hell broke loose and the cattle took off and before we knew it, we had a stampede on our hands. The cattle went through the fence and out into a huge pasture in the wrong direction at high speed. It took a lot of good cowboying and maneuvering for us to get them under control and about a half-hour later we were all counting our lucky stars no one got hurt. But I have to tell you, it was a bizarre experience and one that a few of the cowboys said they had never experienced before.

The Traveling Ghost Vortex

     The traveling Ghost can be called upon by Sasquatch jumpers and other Elementals for a variety of needs. The one difference to this vortex than the portals is that it has an intelligence to it. The Traveling Ghosts have a connection to each other and they are aware of where each other resides at any given time. 

     The Ancient Ones of the forest say this particular vortex has an energy frequency that is from another planet similar to Earth. I think this other planet has been extinct for a long time and because of this, especially with Earth being so similar to their original home, the Traveling Ghosts reside here now. From what I understand, they came here millennia ago. 

     The Traveling Ghost has a mathematical formula to it that makes them alien in a technological way. From what Loekey says, they are hard to figure out and they change with time just as anything here on this planet does. I think this means the calculations change in how and when to use them, which means that in order to use them, you have to have a connection with them. 

     Loekey showed me in my mind’s eye, a little of what it’s like to be inside a Traveling Ghost and I pretty much got a really bad headache and didn’t like it. It was like being inside a tunnel with me twirling a thousand spins a second with light, air, and something I can’t explain, almost like a loud engine exploding in my ears.  My frequency just couldn’t even come close to what was necessary to connect to that type of intelligence. If I ever get pulled into one of these things, I don’t think I would be sane. It was like my mind turned to mush. 

Artificial Portals

     Think of an artificial portal like a cut or wound on your skin except in this case it’s a tear on Mother Earth that is like an open wound. If an artificial portal is made, this changes the timing of the “natural” portal’s rotation. For instance, if extraterrestrials or interdimensional beings rip through or open up a portal either galactically or dimensionally, this affects the planet. The fabric of time and space has to come from the composition of the original source meaning that the energy and frequency have a pulse that is like a blueprint. All beings who are natural portal jumpers have within their DNA, Earth’s blueprint. This means that if anything happens to the rotation of the portals, it can affect the portal jumpers biologically in a bad way, especially if they are in the portals at the same time an artificial portal is ripping through. I can only assume the octagon mirage and the multiple pyramids can’t function properly with the artificial rip or pull coming from an outside source other than Earth. 

     Interestingly enough, Loekey stated that the Cryptid we call Dogman is considered as an Earth-Keeper. Unfortunately, Dogman is also experiencing the effects of these artificial portals too. Some of the problems happening around the natural portals are frequency changes. The artificial portals tend to change the topography because it’s like a tear that seems like a black hole except it doesn’t pull in things, it just slowly gets bigger because nothing is closing the rip.  Dogman has to be able to sense where the natural portals are at any given time but with the multitude of artificial portals happening, their frequency interferes with that of the natural portals. Dogman’s ability to locate and know where the portals are is vital because they create a  type of road marker, that is essential for beings to be able to calculate where they go in and where they come out when they jump through the portals. 

     Artificial portals allow other dimensional beings in that otherwise would not come through the natural portals. Because the artificial portals are here and have not been closed, we now have problems with biological beings called “bioinerts” who otherwise could not come here. They are like parasites and Loekey said they are very dangerous and destructive. Unfortunately, the artificial portals and the “bioinerts” combined affect the natural process and encoding that the Earth goes through. The question at this point is how to close off the artificial portals once they are open. Since the artificial portals are dangerous to jump into … there is no way to know how to close them off from their point of origin. 

     Given that artificial portals are foreign to Earth; their technology is also of unknown origin. If Loekey or any of the numerous portal jumpers decided to take on such a dangerous mission and jump into these artificial portals, there is no telling if any of them would or could come back to Earth.   

Loekey emphatically said that if any life forms come here to visit and they can’t come through the portals naturally, then they don’t need to be here, period!   


It’s here now What?- COVID deaths and little talked about damage

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

Nearly 6 months, this Alien virus – has captured our imagination and our bodies. If you include excessive deaths, the US has over 200,000 COVID deaths and using the same calculus for the World, it is well over 1 million deaths, but in comparison to the Spanish Flu and H1N1 much less in the death category at least so far.

But here is my concern there is a new component – the long-term disability affects, – massive damage to the organs including the brain, kidneys, heart, lungs, and maybe more. Then there is the fatigue – heavy bad fatigue. Living the balance of one’s life with COVID disabilities may rival death itself.

Being a researcher trying to understand Alien influences on Humankind, it has always been a challenge to understand how they think and what their motives and agendas are. So presently I am not sure why they have pushed this strange dangerous monster on us.

Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash

But for now protect yourself from it, mainly because we truly don’t know how it will affect us in the distant future, and who will be the ones most affected.

For it is truly an Alien Virus – and there will be twists and turns I am very certain of that in the future. And as time goes on the vaccine savior will start looking less promising.

There are things I feel strongly can help stave off a virus attack – the normal guidelines are good until more science proves otherwise. General notes – good supplements Vit. C, Vit. D and Zinc with Elderberry reduce Carbs and nearly zero added sugars. Exercise and reduce weight to normal BMI levels, being obese is not a good place to be for many things especially for this Virus.

Sleep tight – be safe rather than sorry


Beyond the Ordinary with the RH-Factor

Photo by jean-toir- Thanks

At various points in my life, I instinctively go back to my Celtic roots. I feel more Irish and Scottish than my Italian and Spanish self is willing to admit. The Celtic music speaks to me in ways that go directly into my fiery core which is like a beckoning light, leading me home.

There are so many questions that I have, it’s almost like I don’t know who I am. Is the negative blood type running through my veins really Alien in nature or am I a different kind of human that is either a forgotten myth or interstellar traveler?

Either one is fine with me, as long as there is some semblance of truth guiding me on my quest for answers. So, I thought I would share some interesting, maybe weird findings with all of you. Life experiences can either be unexpected treasures or the junk of disappointment. Either way, there is always something to be learned.

Belonging Some Place Else

Sometimes I feel very alone, not the self-indulgent, “Woe is me” feeling but more, “okay, where did my people go?”

I have had memories and visions, but I must pause here to fervently state, these are not dreams which are entirely a different ballgame. These are wor that feel so much like home that when I realize I am back here in this reality or dimension, that I almost feel horribly abandoned, lost to my true home. As much as I love this planet, home is not here.

I think many RH negative people feel this way to a certain degree. Do I have proof, no but I have talked to many who feel a calling to someplace else.  We feel a kinship with vast open spaces along with the mountainous regions. I am not a water person by a long shot but the opposite of this is the vast and bottomless ocean. We are kin to one or the other.

Fairy Folk

Michael and I believe in the Fairy folk and other Wee people of purported myth. We search out Cryptids and Beings of old who have not abandoned our forests. As long as they are still here, we truly believe humanity has a chance to correct the chaos and mayhem we created. I feel when humans stray from their true nature; our beloved friends can no longer communicate with them. Humans can become blind and deaf to the ancient ones. The wake-up call is now.


Crowds can become like the definition of a claustrophobic maze. The roads less traveled are more comfortable. It’s a feeling where I become undetectable, hidden from sight which is a much more relaxed feeling. Though I must admit, I still have the weirdest desire to jump into bushes when cars drive by our front yard. It’s so overwhelming that at times, I feel like I will jump out of my skin if I don’t hide. It’s the darndest thing and one that I don’t think I will ever outgrow.

Blood Type Diet

Interestingly, I was introduced to what is called the blood diet years ago. My naturopathic doctor introduced me to it years before I met Michael, who is a big fan of it. There is no distinction between positive and negative blood types. I was left scratching my head when I saw they didn’t differentiate between the two because I feel there is a big difference with the blood types.

Michael didn’t think it would matter but I told him that some of the foods I wasn’t allowed for my blood type didn’t feel right. For example, I feel like crap after weeks of not eating ground beef or beef itself. That kind of meat every so often just keeps me going. How can spinach pasta be bad for me? I like spinach and feel good eating it. I love cashew and pistachio nuts and low and behold, I’m not supposed to have them either. I just go according to what my body says, and she says eat what feels good.


I often wonder if this other realm that RH negatives are from, is underwater only because of how much water we drink. I know I’ve stated this before but it’s a bit bizarre how much water I drink considering the fact that I don’t really like to swim. I often have felt that if I was by the ocean for too long, the mermaids would come looking for me. I wonder if there is a connection between my blood type and the Merpeople. Unless I develop gills any time soon, I’m probably not going to find out.

Peeping Toms

This last bit of sharing is a rather strange one. It doesn’t happen all the time (thank goodness) but when it does, it’s really frightening.  I can be in a room and know if someone is watching me, you know like the invisible peeping toms or the yellow eyes with no face. When I would practice for a show or restaurant gig in my dancing days, the feeling would be so strong that the back of my neck would get all prickly and I would get Spock ears …which usually meant that someone with a dubious and formidable presence was close by. I could also feel people watching me from the ceiling. It was the oddest sensation because either they had to be looking down at me or they were watching from some form of technology that gave the impression they were looking down at me. I could feel people outside my window, and I would peer out and see nothing but I knew they were there.

As an RH negative, I think we are watched every so often. Are we a part of an agenda that very few speak of, only time will tell but until then, I will keep searching for answers even if they are in the weirdest of places and beyond the ordinary.


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