The Connection between Egyptians and the Native Americans – Is it all true # 447

Years ago when I was in Egypt, I realized that the Native Americans and ancient Egyptians had a lot in common especially regarding their awareness of  the unseen world and remembering their antediluvian past and living with this knowledge in their day to day life . What is the most potent aspect of our existence; it’s the chance of a tomorrow. Even though the ancient Egyptians understood the importance of the afterlife, they also realized that their day to day life style had to be symbolic of a learned knowledge, the skills of the ancient ones and the ability to pass on their customs to each generation.

The Khan el-Khalili bazaar in Cairo is definitely one of the most enchanting places I have ever been. Ancient energy mixed in with the modern hustle and bustle of life, created an intoxicating and mystical trance like state that made each step, a bursting renaissance. Perhaps this is what time travel feels like, everything swirling around absorbed into all the senses. The explosion of memories whether they are yours or someone else’s dances alongside every step you take … colliding into tourists and tinkers alike.

Sometimes I felt the wind of time gone by especially around the spice shops. There I saw everything imaginable from claws, bird heads and other sorts of exotic remedies for just about every ailment a person could possibly have. I was repulsed as much as I was intrigued by the raw and unassuming carcasses and objects just a few feet away from me. The smells of all the assortment of spices combined seemed familiar and yet so alien.

There were old shops that had the ambiance of mystical and magical enticements. One shop owner stated that he had a room upstairs that he only showed to his “favorite” customers. I’m sure he said this to everyone but my curiosity got the better of me and I knew I just had to see this room. We walked outside his shop to a creaky and very old door that looked ancient. He said it was many years old which I assumed had to be over 200 years old but my friend Ahmed said I had to think in terms of their history. That made touching it even more special. We walked up a winding staircase from the door that was so narrow that I had to angle myself slightly sideways. The smell of a musky odor filled my nostrils and I wondered if what I was smelling was life back hundreds of years.

The room was dark but when he opened the wooden shutters, light burst in bringing to life a kaleidoscope of color and wondrous and tantalizing treasures. My mouth dropped open and I realized that what I was looking at, very few people were lucky enough to see. There were old assuit dresses, tapestries, old mirrors with painted motifs on them; old jewelry, old relics, furniture and the list went on. The room was small but jam-packed full of everything Egyptian royalty would ever need or at least it seemed.  I felt as if I had passed on and had gone directly into my afterlife with everything I could ever possibly need. I literally felt like an Egyptian princess with a déjà vu feeling coming over me. The old man looked at me and he knew what I was feeling, he pointed a finger at me and said, “Cleopatra is home.”

At various times back home in New Mexico, I have had the chance to visit many of the Reservations, most notably, Acoma Pueblo. The first time I ventured out was twenty years ago and I couldn’t figure out why it seemed so familiar to me even though I knew I hadn’t been there before. I realized after following our guide for awhile, it felt very much like Egypt did. You could have literally put Acoma Pueblo in Egypt and I never would have known the difference. It had the same ancient feeling that resonated within me. All the pottery on the tables outside the homes could have fit perfectly with some of the villages I saw. The connection was mind boggling to me.

Ceremonies for the Egyptians were and still are just as important as they are for the Native Americans. I found that the Egyptians had an appreciation, devotion and anticipation for every aspect of the day and night. The Egyptians seemed to make the most mundane aspects of life look like a spectacular gift from the Gods. Native Americans appreciate and give thanks to the Grandfathers of Time in the same way.

It’s all in the eye of the beholder but in today’s day and age, one of the biggest problem is when appreciation even for the littlest things goes unnoticed. If we can focus on things that remind us to be grateful, I think the world around us would be a better place. This connection that the ancient Egyptians have with the Native Americans is a unique way of always seeing magic and brilliance in everything painted by the antediluvian spirits of old and that of the archaic hands of the Gods. It’s time people came back to their roots and started to appreciate what’s right in front of them instead of pining for what’s on the other side of the fence.

An Egyptian proverb says, “What you are doing does not matter so much as what you are learning from doing it.”   And another quote says, “The more you thank life, the more life gives you to be thankful for.”  We must see what’s around us in order to be grateful for what we have and perhaps this is the greatest gift from both Egyptians and Native Americans, the idea that we always have enough as long as we have ourselves.


“The Moor, The Mason And The Alien Part II: A Vril Manifesto”


HEADS UP! My newest book, “The Moor, The Mason And The Alien Part II: A Vril Manifesto”, has been reviewed by Phenomena Magazine. It will be published in the upcoming January 2019 edition of the magazine. Remember, this book series makes a great gift for the holidays.

The editor, Brian Allan, recently sent the full review. Here it is:

“This is a remarkable work. Simultaneously apocalyptic and subversive, it’s a bit like what a space-age Che Guevara on acid might have produced. This author does not take prisoners either and the body count steadily mounts as he gets his revolutionary message across. At some points in the text it is difficult to decide if this is a work of fiction or not, because it can be taken that way, but it soon becomes clear that it is very much rooted in reality.

The book pretty much takes up where the first one left off, but this time using the concept of ‘Vril’ (the book is subtitled ‘A Vril Manifesto’) to get his point across. This is a bit risky given the unfortunate connection between Nazi occultism and Vril as a near-limitless source of power. In fact, on page 66 the author talks about ‘Repto-Sirian Fascism’ and Vril in the same paragraph, but this a not what the book is about, far from it. What’s more, the book is packed with refreshing broad humor and one example of this crops up on page 65 under, ‘Our FUBAR definition’. Just in case you do not recognize what this military acronym means, it stands for ‘F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition’ and it raised a smile on the face of this reviewer.

As with the first book politics crops up as well, and the House of Trump unsurprisingly does not fair well, but the comparison is fair and used to get an important point across. The author obviously has a wide knowledge of the paranormal and ufology and he uses this to good effect, as he makes his points about Freemasonry, the Moors, crop circles and occultism in general. Overall, this a refreshing take on a very real enigma and if you have a closed mind then be prepared to have the cobwebs blown away and some light let it. Highly recommended.” – Brian Allan, Editor, Phenomena Magazine, January 2019 Edition,

Remember, this book series makes a great gift for the holidays. Visit today. Use the search phrase “moor mason alien” on Amazon and

A special shout out goes to my family, friends and business associates for your time, effort and interest. None of this would be happening without your support and consideration. It is beyond words and much appreciated.

And the adventure continues…

The thinning of the Veil – Yes Now? Is it all True Series #445


I have been traveling for work over the last couple of weeks and last week a couple quite interesting events happened on my way home. On the return trip back through the airport, I was approaching a Chick- filet restaurant and I was looking at the menu standing in line. I was debating on whether to have cheese on my breakfast sandwich. I was still debating the subject (in my mind) when I was next in line to order when the lady behind the counter said cheese or no cheese? I looked at her and said “what” – I had not ordered an item nor said a word to her at that point. So I asked her – did you read my mind? She just smiled.

I would not have thought much about this, but 20 minutes later a similar event occurred. I was sitting waiting to board the plane and I noticed a seat across from me that would work better when I boarded the plane, (Southwest line-up) my line-up number was on the other side of the numbered posts. As I stood up to make my move, out of the corner of my eye there was a man and his service dog approaching and I heard his wife say there is a couple of seats for us, (one of the same seats I was eyeing). So I sat down and as the man with the dog passed, he smiled and said –“Thank You”. I had never telegraphed my move other than in my mind, I had just stood up. Was he another person who read my mind? I think so.

So the next day I was with my fiancé and we were in a department store and looking for some” hand wipes”, we looked all over with no success. So we decided to look for an employee for some assistance. And there down an aisle was an employee stocking shelves. So we asked him where we could find some “wipes”, he looked a bit confused, but there in his hand were the “wipes”. We had to bring it to his attention, almost like he didn’t realize he had something in his hand, let alone the “wipes” we were looking for.

So three examples of telepathy and manifestation, within a very short time-frame. Why now? Is there a shift coming or is it here. Is humankind regaining its ability to read minds and manifesting its day to day needs- simply as finding hand wipes?

Sleep tight, we are entering an old era, when we won’t afraid to have our minds read and manifestation of our all needs was easy, like having an APP to get an UBER.


A Dogman Experience – Is it all True Series # 444

Cryptids have always been in the background in my life experiences even when I worked cattle or packed up the Continental Divide in Colorado. I knew they existed but I always felt our paths wouldn’t cross at least yet. It wasn’t because I was so ignorant and ignored the reality of them, more so that I just wasn’t in that mindset and I truly believe that what we focus on, we intend into our reality. I guess in my younger days, I was dealing with the Medicine Way and understanding the implications of dealing with dark witches, spells, and shapeshifters.

When I met Michael, my fiance, it seemed to be just a matter of time before these creatures started to show themselves. I had an experience with a Sasquatch name Loekey first and then the experience with Tulack, a Dogman who lives in the back area of the Sandia mountains in New Mexico. The day I saw him wasn’t in a secluded area, it was the beginning of a back road that leads to the top of the Sandias.  It was a holiday so there were a lot of people out having picnics or going for family hikes.

Michael and I forgot that it was a holiday but once we started up the winding road leading to the top of the mountains, we decided to stick with our plan to do some vortex photography. I’m sure that in the back of our minds, we never thought in a million years that we would see a Dogman or his companion, a large brown bear. It was just by chance we saw what many have seen in much scarier scenarios.

Our experience started as soon as I got out of the car and started to climb some rocks on the other side of a walkway. I had lost my balance and I was teeter tottering from left to right continually until I got my balance. I was babbling off something to Michael when he yelled,

“Rainbow watch out for that bear!”

I looked in front of me past the road towards a thicket of large bushes and saw massive haunches turning in front of me and the sound of branches being cracked and stepped on as it was running away. I guess almost falling over on the rocks must have scared it. I can only guess.

As I watched the bear run away, out of some trees to the right of it, I saw a very strange and I mean very strange person walking going opposite of the bear. Its stride was like something I’ve never seen especially a normal person do. For every step, it took there must have been 4 to 5 feet in between each step which means that I was looking at something very tall. Its back was hunched over and at first, I thought that maybe he was carrying a backpack. I mean, my mind was going a hundred miles a minute trying to figure out what exactly I was looking at. Then I realized that it wasn’t a backpack but the man’s back. Then I saw how strange the color of the man was. At this point, I had no idea I wasn’t looking at a man. Its color was grey, purple and dark brown. There seemed to be patches of what looked like to me, purple but who knows what I was looking at.

It didn’t turn and look at me but kept at a very fast pace walking down what we eventually saw was a path. I said to Michael how weird this fellow was but he couldn’t see him. I then pointed to the location of where he went and as we walked in that direction, that is when the horrible feeling hit us both in the gut. Something told both of us to stay back. It was a clear message and one I was willing to ignore but not Michael. I wanted to go down the path further but he said it was too dangerous.

I must say, the feeling in our gut was like a slight punch, almost a nauseating feeling. It affected our heart rates and our adrenaline was racing. I could feel my heartbeat all over my body. It was at this point that I decided to take photos in the direction the strange hiker had gone.

It was in one of these photos that we captured what turned out to be a Dogman. He was standing and watching us as we were trying to figure out what to do next. We didn’t smell him at all; he didn’t have an odor any more than the bear did. But I must say, we sure did feel him.

We didn’t know what we had captured until we got home. It was quite the surprise and the beginning of my connection to Tulack, the Dogman.

It’s interesting having a connection with another creature that is not human outside of a Sasquatch. Tulack has relayed interesting information to me, the most obvious is that they don’t think like humans. They understand their place in the forests and they don’t put out their threatening stance to other animals in the forests except when they hunt. As far as how they interact with each other, he stated that they have an understanding with each other. He preferred his solitude and said he particularly didn’t stay with any group but knew where they roamed. He was to me obviously intelligent beyond just a beast in the woods. He distrusted people extremely as do most Cryptids. He didn’t go into more detail than this but I’m pretty sure that what we see on TV with Werewolf movies isn’t even close. Tulack said that he and the large brown bear have been palling around for years. People put human issues and temperaments to other creatures and beings that have nothing to do with them at all.

I think that through the 240 years the USA has been around that Cryptids have had numerous altercations with humans, learning we are a dangerous species. One thing that I want to point out is that a clear mind is better than a pointed gun when walking in the woods. There are those who will say that is ludicrous but I do believe that harmful intent attracts what it focuses on. Cryptids will always be elusive if they know people carry guns, they’ll never see them. It comes down to what kind of interaction a person wants with Cryptids.

As the future unfolds, hopefully, I will have more interactions with both Dogman and Sasquatch.  Time will tell.


Werewolf Encounter Is it all True Series #442



Years ago I can remember stories up in Taos, New Mexico about Cryptids called Werewolves and Dogman.  I can’t say for sure that Werewolves are Cryptids because they seem to be darker in nature, half animal and half human. Are humans Cryptids, obviously not.

The Taos Mountain in many ways became my enchanted forest, the mystery of not only my soul but also that which I couldn’t see but feel. My first Vision Quest happened up in the back mountains of Taos when I was 23. The three day Vision Quest started with prayers and a peaceful repose that lingered within my heart through out the days and nights of mediation. The ending though, was far from serene, more like the scene out of a scary movie.

The difference is this really happened and it happened to me.

I have always felt that trees can hide people from danger, if only they are asked to do so. The trees seemed to shelter me and I felt I was hidden away in my private world of mediation. With the trees as my allies I had a false sense of protection. They after all can only do so much from their high vantage points but I was to find out, they have other ways of at least warning people of possible danger.

Lying down in my tent, I noticed that I had goosebumps on my arms  and then I sat up and felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The dead silence of panic was deafening along with the startling angst in my chest. The dead silence alerted my warning bells and they started to chime unabashedly. The beautiful night’s tranquility had been shattered within the blink of an eye.

A voice, Elemental in nature yelled, “Run!”

It seemed the trees started to creek and moan loudly, waving at me, seemingly throwing branches at my tent. I scrambled out of my tent and started running without a second thought. The moon was full and high within the darkened night sky yet her luminous glow was my beacon leading me in the direction of my family’s campground. With the speed of a scared rabbit, I jumped over sagebrush and knew that even one glance back would be my downfall.

I could hear breathing from far behind me with a slight growl escaping its jaws besides sagebrush and rocks being scattered and trampled. I was running as fast as my feet allowed me and in some strange way, I knew that if I didn’t pick up my pace, I was a gonner. Somehow I just went for it, an all out run, yet this thing was getting closer and closer. I could feel its gaze, penetrating my back, that of an angry predator. To put it bluntly, I felt like a deer or antelope escaping for my life. Somehow my superhuman powers took over and I sprinted home with a speed I didn’t know I was capable of.

I ran into the bus and slammed the door behind me. I could tell it had stopped chasing me a couple yards away. The horses started to get panicky and the dogs growled. Let’s just say I woke up the whole camp, humans and animals alike. That night,  I realized that I was just out of harm’s way by seemingly an arm’s length.

That night I was lucky that the Werewolf backed off.


Part 2 – Walking into Haunted Homes – Is it all true Series — # 441


scary hallway 2

Once that door slammed shut and I knew I didn’t do it, my legs pretty much tried to outrun me and get through the front door of the house.  For a minute there, I thought I was in a bad dream because I felt like I couldn’t keep up with myself. It did a number on my self confidence and I was even more terrified of that room than ever before. Kelly thought it odd that the door slammed shut since the windows were closed (It was Fall by this time) and there was no draft.

He walked into the room and felt how cold it was and to this day I believe he saw something in there because it wasn’t too long after that …  we moved! I’m talking maybe two weeks.

I did find it funny that he didn’t want to talk about that room. After his little visit, the room was off limits which included conversations. The day we left I felt a ton of bricks had been lifted off my shoulders. Kelly put his foot on the gas and we never looked back.

After many years, I have wondered why I felt I couldn’t deal with that spirit or whatever was in that room. I had seen spirits most of my childhood and I found an odd comfort with them, pretty much acquiescing to them being a fact of life for me. But I will tell you this, I did feel that whatever was in that room, at times was trying to high-jack my body. I was obviously too young and in the early stages of my apprenticeship into the Medicine Way. I don’t think I could have come out of that situation unscathed. I shudder to think what could have happened if I had tried to take it on.

Kelly being a Medicine man walked away from that situation because something unnatural and dark happened at that house and it was not our battle to fight. Fighting unknown entities without full knowledge of circumstances can be deadly and life threatening for all involved. Sometimes being a good Medicine man or woman is to realize that you don’t have to take on everything undesirable that comes your way.

One thing I did sense back then and to this day would state as fact, is that a Ouija board was used in that house. They are the unveiling and invitation to dark and unforgiving spirits and once these undesirables are invited in, they never leave even if the house sells or like in our case, is for rent. People unfortunately do stupid things when loved ones die and the most undesirable example of this is the Ouija board.

This was a great lesson that I learned at a young age, never walk into a home that doesn’t feel right. If it can’t be helped or put off, keep your guard up and call your angels and guardians to come and surround you. Focus on the strength of your convictions and become as resolute as your protection. Doubt and fear is the two things that come between people and their faith. Becoming a warrior not only for yourself but for humanity, is knowing that your armor is impenetrable.

haunted guardian

I can become my own haunted story if I’m not careful. This means that a day can’t go by without me acknowledging the help that I get from so many Divine Beings, ghostly friends and hairy Cryptids. Sometimes as I get older it’s nice to see the friends I’ve made along the way even if they are for my eyes only.

As I look back, I sure wish Loekey, my Sasquatch friend would have been with me that fateful day so many years ago when I went into that bedroom. Maybe it wasn’t my fight but as Dimensional Beings go, Loekey would have made sure the outcome would have been in my favor.  Now, this doesn’t mean I push my luck, but I sure do smile knowing who has my back.


Haunted Houses- Walking into another world —-Is it was True Series #440


haunted house

A while back I received a phone call from a woman who thought she had a poltergeist in her house. I listened to her talk about doors slamming, shadow people walking about and things being moved or disappearing. It affected one child but the rest of the family didn’t seem to be bothered by the activity. This made me think, “Why would a few members of the family be affected but not the rest?”

It seems that the activity followed this woman from one house to another. When I hear this happens, it’s clear to me that either, a person is the one being haunted and not the house or that they are Empathic which opens them up to spirits in and around the house itself.

As I was listening to this woman talk, a few things came to my attention. First, she was laughing about some of the experiences which made me wonder if it was just her way of dealing with stress or did she know something she wasn’t telling me? After about 20 more minutes on the phone, I realized that this woman not only had a secret but I was able to figure out what it was by a few things she said. She said she had a friend who dabbled in the occult. (Lightbulb moment) It came in loud and clear to me that she was had done some sessions with this woman. If you play with Ouija boards, do séances or play with magic spells, the outcome will likely come back and bite you in the booty or as in this case, slam doors and become a daily menace.

Interestingly enough, it was almost as if two voices were speaking through her to me at once, one pleasant and the other a bit darker. I knew at that moment, going to her house was out of the question.

Funny though, as if on cue, she urgently asked to me to come to her house that same day, stating that it was imperative that I help her out. I not only saw a set up but sensed it, but not from this woman, from whatever dark energy was controlling her and her environment. Sometimes, we have to say no to unsafe and undesirable situations.

Being an Empath has its advantages but it can also be a double edged sword especially when our guard is down or as in my case so many years ago, I was naive and green between the ears.

Years back when I was in my early twenties, I rented a house with my ex-husband in Arizona. I can’t quite remember if it was in Flagstaff or Williams but it was large, by a river with lovely views. It only had one problem; there was a bedroom that faced the hallway next to the master bedroom that was strangely odd, foreboding and terrifying. The owner, who was a famous writer and dietitian, was leaving to go abroad. He made a comment about the ominous room which made my skin and hair stand on end. He said, “Don’t go into that bedroom. It’s not welcoming and I don’t think you’ll feel comfortable in it.”

Come to find out, he lost two loved ones in the house. First, his wife and the other I believe was a son. I could only gather from this information that the infamous bedroom was his sons. From the day we moved in, I found it very hard to be anywhere near that bedroom. For instance, at night I would usually wake up to use the bathroom. I would lie in bed and try to get up enough courage to cross the hallway into the bathroom. I had to pass the doorway to “that” bedroom and found that every fiber in my being was yelling at me to stay in bed. My bladder on the other hand was screaming for me to hurry up and pee. What’s a girl to do?

Well … I would smack, roll over or talk loudly to wake up my ex and act like it was an accident. I knew that if he was awake than at least if anything grabbed me, he would be awake to rescue me. It wasn’t fun for him but I at least could make a run for the bathroom, peeing in record time.

Daytime didn’t make things any better. You know those stories on TV about the haunted house being dark even with all the windows open and the blinds up; well this house was exactly like that. The hallway leading to the scary door would always seem longer than it was. I couldn’t be in the house by myself and before long my ex got so exacerbated at me that he told me I had to finally face my fears.

With a knowing and long sigh, I slowly walked down the extremely long hallway with the floor somehow becoming uneven and moving, making me really dizzy besides that upchuck feeling like I was going to puke my brains out.  The door was ominous and as I reached for the handle, it felt extremely cold to the touch, almost like I had grabbed on to an ice cube. The door creaked open and a gust of wind hit me, making me feel like I was in the North Pole. I can’t really explain it; it was like I passed beyond the veil into another world void of emotion, empty, dark  and cold. Did I mention I could see my breath? The more I saw my breath, the more I felt like something was sucking the air out of me like a cinched up corset, way too tight. I felt eyes peering down on me from the moment I walked in. I knew that whoever was waiting and watching was going to pounce on me any second. The fight or flight feeling hit me like a ton of bricks and I flew out of there so fast that I didn’t even bother to close the door. But that didn’t matter because within seconds of me running out of the room,the door slammed shut behind me.



To be continued …

Monsters in our future– Is it all True Series #439

The Island of Dr. Moreau, Brave New World, Frankenstein- movies and books of fiction are being bought to real life by our government through the organization called the NIH (National Institute of Health). Today the federal government announced plans to lift the moratorium on funding experiments that would use human stem cells to create animal embryos that are partly human. So our government is going to be in the business of making alien hybrids. They said the positive side is that these creations would help man understand the inner working of the human body and create human-like parts inside animals for transplants into humans all for the good of humankind. Sounds really good if you had a child who needed a transplant to live.

But there is great danger here, what they are talking about is just a minute away from making monsters who could think like us with the strength of 10 humans but the passion of a fish. Why do I say this? What do I know? What have I seen? Several years ago I helped support a conference in Dulce New Mexico. The conference was on the mysterious underground base, called Dulce underground base on Archuleta Mountain New Mexico on the Jicarilla Apache reservation


The conference was quite wild, with the military showing up and harassing the whole town.

After the conference was over I was approached by several Jicarilla Apaches and they showed me a book of very real photos showing these hybrids – human faces, with gills, scales around their necks and some parts like cowhide. The pictures showed them dead, my only thought was how unhappy it made me feel. Beings that didn’t fit into any one species.

So the NIH’s mission is really in the long run to create new forms of life – monsters in our own image. Aliens and humans have been doing this for years hidden in a mountain (Dulce underground base) out of sight, now coming in plain sight in a city near you.

Sleep tight – I think Donald Trump could support this.


THE FIRST DULCE BASE — Big Event – Is it all True Series # 438

The first conference on this fascinating topic ever to be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, featuring the speakers Greg Bishop, Greg Valdez and Christian Lambright – – and ‘MC’ed by Norio Hayakawa, Director of the Civilian Intelligence News Service.
Each speaker will be given almost two full hours to present their findings:
In my opinion there are only three reliable, reality-based, credible books worthy of reading about the background to the fascinating story of Paul Bennewitz and the alleged Dulce Base of New Mexico. I call these the TRILOGY of Dulce Base books.
They are:
1) Greg Bishop’s “PROJECT BETA – – The Story of Paul Bennewitz, National Security and the Creation of a Modern UFO Myth”
2) Greg Valdez’s “DULCE BASE – – The Truth and Evidence from the Case Files of Gabe Valdez” and
3) Christian Lambright’s “X Descending“.

All three are the best reality-based, no non-sensense authors on this fascinating topic.

It is my great honor to MC this first-time ever conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico (featuring all these three great authors) which will be held on Saturday,
June 16, from 10 a.m. at the Studio Center of Santa Fe (formerly known as Warehouse 21, right near the Railrunner station in Santa Fe, New Mexico)

It will be an in-depth, facts-filled, one-day conference.
The Conference will conclude with Santa Fe’s well-known screen writer and activist Rick Vargas, who will unveil his great Screen Play on the alleged Dulce Base, appropriately titled “Dulce, New Mexico“.

Tentatively suggested ADMISSION FEE: $25
No reservations.
(first come, first seated basis – – doors will open at 9 a.m.)
We are confident that we can accommodate all who show up.

There will be booths set up for the speakers in the large foyer. There will also be a special booth set up for representatives of the Jicarilla Apache Nation where one will be able to purchase the tickets for the 2018 DULCE BASE UFO CONFERENCE which will be held a week later, on June 23 and 24 in Dulce, New Mexico. It will give enough time for folks to go to Dulce, New Mexico a week later……for MORE INFO, CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK: