For our first meeting of the New Mexico UFO/Paranormal forum version 2015, we had this wonderful guy named Richard Smith. Richard is an artist, teacher, writer, musician, alien Contactee, and public speaker. He skillfully blends mainstream history with past, present, and maybe future Alien history. Richard has a unique view of Alien presence on this planet and how they have shaped and controlled all of our reality. Richard speaks the truth and justice of our real reality and history. Some embrace him and other maybe frightened by him. He speaks on why our world politicians are, seemingly, the puppets on tightly held string.
Smith talked about our planet as a place run by corporations whose only major goal is to make money and lots of it, not to be a partner with Mother Earth. This mindset can create short-term wealth for some, but long term disaster for all in the end. And that is what Climate Change will do to this planet and its coming in full force very soon. The tipping point is here, no turning back. “In my opinion, the tipping point is here, no turning back”
Richard talked about these various groups who have been in control since the beginning of time. They include, but are not limited to, the Elite Reptilian Queens, the Greys, the Sisterhood, Dogman, and Sasquatch. Only Sasquatch got high marks as protector of the planet. Smith talks of the Gene of Passion, which is something the bad guys want to suppress in Mankind. This Gene gives humans the power and creativity to resist the ways of the Darkness. The Darkness that has dominated the earth for thousands of years and causes death and destruction on a huge scale. The lack of this Gene increases the powerful and brutal influence of the reptilian part of man’s brain.
Thanks UFO teacher for sharing your education of our cosmology and how our words have so much more meaning and symbolism. For more on Richard Smith, the UFO Teacher, search for his on-line book-“Legions of light – Armies of Darkness.
Sleep tight – for man has always found his way to keep Darkness at bay, but we now need to illuminate what Reality could be, if we were fearless.