Where is Ufology going in 2010? -Part 2 -Is it all True Series #114

zero point

Dr. Richard Bartlett DC ND has brought to light some amazing stuff about the right brain function. Richard has found a way to collapse quantum waves to reconfigure intent and reorganize reality through right brain formatting. Our right brains open us up to all probabilities of all realities and it does it with little or no drama. The right brain can deal with complex problems and concepts through a visual impression that speeds through our neuron Internet at quantum leaps, so fast that the left-brain is left confused and helpless.

Our left-brain is a slow series processor while the right brain is a multi-processor / parallel portal device. The right brain is the taskmaster of the mind making knowledge at a rate beyond light speed.

What we have to do is shift our reference points and see the other worlds that are present in our same space between the atoms, where a total vastness houses the Zero Point Field.The Zero Point Field is over 99.999999 % of everything in the universe and it is where all truths lie.

I initially never saw any of the beings in the random vortex photos I have taken during the last seven months; they appeared to me after the photos were shot. Of course going to a right brain state is the driving force to open your mind up to perceive these beings. The more the right brain is in charge of the situation the more the universe opens her heart to you. The digital camera is not biased. It picks up whatever it sees, and doesn’t judge or analyze. Where by humans will not see what they cannot perceive. But once it is in the digital matrix our minds, at least some peoples’ minds, can receive the impressions through our right brain.

What is happening in my vortex photography is that they (the IDB’s) can hide between the spaces in-between the atoms (the inter-dimensional place) and wait for an event or reason to reemerge into the physical world of the humans. This right-brain shift is what is needed for the UFO researchers to go forward and truly start understanding this phenomena in 2010.

Please read more from Richard Bartlett – Matrix Energetics, The Matrix Energetics Experience and The Physics of Miracles.

Sleep tight – Remember 02/28/10 is coming, if you say – “What do you mean “? See my special posting on 12/15/09


Did Northwest Flight 188 have a major Blue Fog Encounter? Is it all True Series# 106

Well looks like I will interrupt my David Icke series – to discuss a current event – when you read this over a week has passed since a Northwest flight from San Diego to Minneapolis, had an interesting problem, no contact with the outside world for 78 minutes and worse overshot their destination by 150 miles. Some say the pilots were sleeping, while others say they the pilots were distracted from their duties by an argument they had been having and never noticed the numerous attempts from the outside world to contact them. So as of Friday evening, two days after the event, the first officer denied both the sleeping and the argument.

Wow, well I agree with the first officer, no normal sleeping and no arguing may have been involved – they had missing time – another- world encounter, not a rare as one would think. I have researched missing time encounters for over 40 years.

About 12 years ago I lived in Peachtree City, Georgia just south of the world largest travel airport Atlanta’s Hartsfields Jackson International Airport. Peachtree City, the beautiful suburb of Atlanta, I was told had more per capita pilots than anywhere’s else in the world, which probably explains why I had so many neighbors and friends who were pilots. After hanging out together in PTC I heard many stories of strange events in the skies from the pilots’ viewpoints, and they are very creditable observers. Many lights were observed moving at amazing non – human speeds bouncing around the heavens. I remember one guy saying it was as if his plane was a model –T and the other craft was an Indy type racecar. There were also daylight sightings of huge ships as big as two aircraft carriers connected together. Then there was the Blue Fog events happening during the night where two bright lights would appear one on each side of the plane and then the cabin would fill with a soft blue haze/ fog, and that would be all the crew and the passengers remembered – missing time. Typically during these events there were no interruption of the flight and nobody on the outside world knew anything different. The plane’s crew and the passengers only briefly remembered the fog and feeling a little strange and most quickly forgot, and continued normally onto their destination. Two different pilots recalled the same type of event to me from two separate flights.

Returning back to the events of Flight 188, more evidence that something of high strangeness has occurred has appeared. First the three flight attendants on board the flights were not alerted to the fact there was no prep for a landing as they approached Minneapolis the first time. Also, in the cockpit the displays should have warned the pilots it was time to land. Finally there were the bright city lights of Minneapolis alerting everyone they had reached their destination.

We will never know the real truth behind this very strange event. It may take dozens of similar events to awaken our consciousness to what has been happening for at least 100 years – of missing time. If I could have 10 minutes with each crewmember and passenger I would find the truth.

Sleep tight – its only blue fog.

Blue Fog
Cabin of Flight 188 ?

MJ-7 September Get-together- Is it all True Series #104

Two weeks ago the group, known for its 200 years of experience in the world of the paranormal, had a get-together in Albuquerque to share their last three months of research and experiences in their very strange world. MJ-7 never disappoints. The following is a brief discussion of some of the sharing. A great variety of subjects were covered.

First, there was the story from the artist in Santa Fe, which had an encounter with a Bigfoot and was inspired to paint a huge painting of that night’s event. Then there was the researcher who had been in the field in Washington State, doing vortex/dimensional photography of strange beings, including a possible Bigfoot. The same person in the last 60 days has been east of Albuquerque and working on a process for direct contact with Sasquatch people and other forest beings, and he shared some of his photos. The 2009 Dulce Base conference came up and there was talk of a possible 2010 part 2 in Dulce next year.

Another researcher helped free the home of a Texas artist of several beings from some other place. The beings were fascinated by the sculptures the artist had made. These sculptures were apparently acting like antennas and drawing the beings into the artist’s home. There was another person who mentioned he recently saw amazing lights, objects and UFOs through special night vision glasses. And a meeting would not be official without something to be said about David Icke – who is coming to Santa Fe on Oct.11th to give one of his famous 7-hour talks. Did I mention it is for a good cause (A Child Miracle Mind)? Finally, MJ-7 is planning a special outing in November to see the movie, based on a true story of abductees in Nome, Alaska, called “The Fourth Kind”.

A lot of the MJ-7 members were drawn to New Mexico, for what no one knows, especially them. They believe they are innocently waiting for something or someone to come and make their group complete. Of course maybe they are only holding the space.
But the MJ-7 members are truly an interesting and mind-bending group.



Seven Wise Ones ( Wise Guys )

Will the Dimensional Beings Show Us There is an Afterlife?— Is it all True Series #101

During my life I have known three people who have had a sudden transition into another dimensional world. They were all very close to me. Their transition was quick and violent, 2 motorcycle accidents and a car encounter with a huge tree. I used the term transition and not passing, dying, or killed. Transition truly describes the process, being a change of state to a light dimension. A very sudden shift from an earth life state to a higher realm is a real challenge for the remaining energy body to form into energy orb. Sometimes, as I have heard the transition, is not complete and the energy doesn’t form into the orb, its stays permanently or temporarily as a ghost-type apparition, caught between the two worlds.

During my many years of research including interviews with contactees, I was told some of the alien beings roam the earth to collect and consolidate fragments of human energy bodies and pull them into a higher dimension. They (aliens) are not always successful and some of these poor souls remain wandering the earth forever. This is especially true of people who died as a result of a nuclear blast; their energy bodies are shattered into billions of minute atoms. This type of event is called soul splitting and that is why nuclear weapons should be banned from the earth forever. These weapons do more than just kill tissue; they also destroy the soul pod. This is one reason I believe there was a 10 fold increase of UFO activity shortly after the first atomic bomb was tested in New Mexico in 1945. The alien beings knew we had made a huge mistake in the creation of the hell weapon on earth.

Now moving on to these inter-dimensional beings and the possibility of them helping us to re-connect with our family members who have transitioned. From past contactee interviews I believe it (re-connection) is being done now in some rare cases. And I believe in the future this process will be more open to the general population of the earth.

During my recent vortex/ portal photography I have seen some interesting beings passing in and out of these areas, and these areas are entryways to a vast inter-dimensional realm where earth energy bodies reside. The question will always be are we really ready for this type of visit; will our mental health survive the trip?

As I boarded a plane to go back home from a memorial service for my dear brother-in law, I remembered a conversation I had with his brother. After the violent accident the brother was driving by the area where the accident had just occurred a few hours before, and there stood his brother staring at him with a look of strange approval. I truly hope he (my brother-in-law) was able to consolidate his energy body so his transition was complete and I will be looking for him during my continued research into inter-dimensional vortexes.

Happy trails to you Dr.D, until we meet again.


Noory Speaks — William Henry – Illuminati and Stargates Part 3

Illuminati – light up the soul from with-in. Secret teachings of Jesus — did the Cathars have this power/ ability? Able to return to the stars. God games on earth between the crazed religions. Religions must be unified for us to all step out of the mud into the stars.

No question –we are working on worm-holes — black projects, they are 25 years ahead of ” Best Buys” Humble Telescope = Gate to God . Tower of Babalon – destroyed , rebuilt and destroyed again — Is a God coming ???

More Vortex Photos -Is it all True Series #97

As I have stated before, vortex photos are subjective and the eye of the beholder is truly the reality. Our right and left brains perceive visual sightings quite differently from person to person. So as before, if you see something interesting in the photos or even nothing, please send me a comment. Another thing I am starting to realize is that the strange stuff seems to appear only in vortex areas, either known places of strange events or areas that have been dowsed by an expert in that field. I traveled last weekend and hiked in a forested area near Portland, Oregon and shot about 75 random photos, it was a random area, no known vortexes, and guess what, no strange photos of beings, just the normal trees, grass, bushes and a few small animals.

So here are 4 photos with comments from a known vortex area in New Mexico about 35 miles from Albuquerque.

Number 1. – Ghost cat-like creature left center of the photo. Some hazy areas in the photo, not noted when I shot the photo, but quite common in vortexes.

Number 2. – Center – female looking forest being with pretty face and maybe some type of striped head-cover. Others say it looks like a deer lying down?

Number 3. – Center of the photo small artifact – ancient mask in small cave area near the Bigfoot feeding area.

Number 4. – Elf-being – looking around a tree with a cool little smile. (right of center)

I am truly starting to believe that there are inter-dimensional beings hanging near vortexes and they seem to have no problem smiling for the camera. The only trick is to find the vortexes.

So try it, either go to a known place of strange sightings or have your neighborhood dowser find you a few locations, and get your camera out and explore and shoot 100 or more random photos. See if you get a big or small smiling face.


Cool Ghost – Cat


Female forest being – with headress

Artifact in center of fork in the green branch
Center brown – slight right smiling Elf ?

The Second Step to Contact -Is it all True Series #96

Well, two weeks later another team member and myself went back to the hidden lair high in the mountains near Albuquerque. Read my July 25th 2009 posting to catch the beginning of the adventure. So the anticipation builds as we get near our destination, with high hopes the Sasquatch accepted our gifts of food /snacks.

And the short answer is yes, something did take the food. But the burning question is was it a Bigfoot or a bear, a deer or something else. And there were clues, no mess so that leaves out raccoons, deer and squirrels since from my experience and from what others have told me they are quite messy. Our area was quite clean except for a partial wrapper down the hill. Please remember the offerings were not on the ground but on a fairly high ledge. Note we also put out garlic, which was still hanging in the trees, which I personally didn’t know if they (BF) even like. So how about bear–bear go either way sometimes very messy or slightly messy. But the thing that made me think no bear was that we placed the apples and chocolate on a bark plate and it wasn’t moved or disturbed at all, and a bear’s claws would make it extremely hard for it to pick up the apples and the chocolate without flipping the plate over or at least moving it to one side or the other. So there is only one creature left except for Sasquatch who could have taken the food, -humans. The trick for the human would have been sheer chance of finding this area, a fairly difficult climb in a heavy wooded area. And they (humans) have no good nose for the food, as BF does. So maybe BF, maybe not, but it looks promising.

What next? We had more apples and food bars with us. So this time we made it more difficult for whoever or whatever took the original food. We also bought 2 bags so we put apples and food bars into both bags. One we hang in a small but tall tree next to the original site about 8 to 9 ft above the ground; this would eliminate all animals we believe except BF and man. The other bag was hung over a ledge with a 12 to 15 foot drop. The bag was also tied around a rock, again making impossible for any creature but Bigfoot or man, to get the goods. The nose factor gives Bigfoot the decisive edge. Humans in this forested area would have a better chance finding a pot of gold than the stuff we put out.

I meditated for about 15 minutes to let the Bigfoot know what we were up to and hoped that they would give us a sign of their presence. We also left a surprise for them, a fun surprise, and an out-of-the-box surprise. – Hopefully they will like.

So we will wait for another couple of weeks to go back and see if we are a step closer to contact.

Sleep very tight; send out peace and love, maybe the Sasquatch people will send some back to you.
