As I write this post I am wondering if we will be here tomorrow, so if you are reading this, we have made it, for this is to be posted this weekend. There seemed to be a very active group of sunspots that are moving around the Sun as I write this. When this group was directly on the backside of the Sun it shot off a huge CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) in the direction of Mars.

In 1859 a huge dangerous CME hit the earth called the Carrington Event. It burned telegraph lines, injured telegraph workers and even burned paper in the telegraph offices. Luckily, that was a low-tech era in history. Think if this same event happened in today’s world of massive electric grids, satellites and billions of computers. It would be the end of the western modern world as we know it. Isolated remote areas would survive. It would take years to rebuild and maybe before the rebuilding could start, man would attackman. The world would be a total war, as lawlessness would reign. Not a happy thought. Also, a little known event happened in 2012 when a Kill Shot just missed the earth by two days of orbit time – a truly near- miss.
This Carrington type event is also called the Kill Shot, just like a large Asteroid hitting the earth, it would be the “End Game.”
As the title asks “Will we be evacuated before the Kill Shot “, well not by our government or any human group. They will be too busy trying to save their own selves (put nicely). But an alien group could with their massive fleet of Cosmic ships, hold hundreds of thousands of people, maybe millions, but not billions, not the total earth population. So, who stays and who leaves, that is the question. Also, it is my gut feeling they will have pre-warning of the Kill Shot before we do, so the ships could be on the way as I write this.
There are probably millions of Hybrids living among us and they would go, and maybe the Hybrids would be the judges of those chosen to go. Who is to know, maybe these Aliens don’t care that much about us, remember we are responsible for the mess the earth is in as we speak. but yet, they do love their “Candy Store”.
Sleep tight – it’s only a 10 to 12 % chance it happens in the next 100 years, wow if you think about it that way, that is a pretty good chance —I guess prepare.