This is a question we all ask when the doorbell rings or there is a knock at our door. We think, who is there wanting to bother us? Is it a package, a prank, a neighbor, a salesman, or even a cop? It’s always a question and many times a concern.
But in the paranormal world, the knock or ring can be something much more sinister; a MIB, black-eyed children, or maybe a straight out demon. The one thing they (paranormal entities) all have in common, is, of course, their first objective, convincing you to give them permission to come in. It seems like they get extra leverage or power over you if they are inside your house. But they never seem to push or shove their way in, even if you are a frail elderly person, it’s all about the permission. It’s like the person inside the house is granting the outside entity special privileges, maybe just maybe to the insider’s soul.
It’s like in the vampire movies, the Vampire can never enter without permission, but if it’s granted, Katie bar the door, and the Vampire gains total power over the invitee, and they willfully submit to their every desire.
So, the reason I wrote this piece was that my neighborhood starting having encounters with three aggressive young people trying to get permission to come in her house and clean a carpet free with Dawn soap
It all seemed quite strange. And some of the encounters happened late evening in the dark, unusual time for a normal sales visit, now it became a creepy sales visit.
They became very rude and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Let me note here, how this came to my attention. We have a neighborhood website covering several square miles of neighborhoods and hundreds of neighbors, which allows all of us to keep up with things like this, which I think is great.
Several people on the website started encountering these door to door sales-people, and another aspect of the encounter was the fear and anxiety the homeowners noticed during and after the encounter, like many of the stories of the paranormal entities I mentioned above. Interestingly enough, I believe the fear and anxiety is what saved the homeowners from the outsiders.
Something in the human psyche saves them, even the weak and meek. If not, I truly believe harm would come once permission was given, We will probably never know if the three-door to door sales-people were just aggressive young people, maybe trying to case the house to steal some items or something more sinister.
Sleep tight, your home is your castle – protect your permission to enter to any stranger that feels not right.