Whitley Speaks — Mind Control -did his Aliens save him ? part 2.

Dying of stress, did close encounters rescue Whitley ? Government groups trying to split the personality, making a Manchurian Candidate ? We are creators , ones with ESP are a major challenge to the controlling party.-The Pentagon – what it all about. Richard Alan Miller check out his books . The Finders group in Washington DC — Strange but true . Secret , secret schools splitting our minds. Still happening — weird and dangerous.
Enjoy — life as we know is truly very short.

1984– An Alternate Reality– Part 2, Mary Muñoz © September 14, 2008

I went home after my classes that day. I was so excited about what I had just seen. Never in my wildest imagination would I have ever believed this could happen to me. Then again if I had not been given the description I would have never known that this was not a normal human being. He looked just like you and I. His only difference would have been considered a disability.
After a brief conversation with my dad I would be given a task, which seemed to be simple; get a picture. At this time in life I am studying in the fields of Commercial Art with a minor in Photography. I just happened to have in my arsenal the camera gear to get this done. I told my dad, “No problem.”
Day 1: The approach
The approach was simple. I would just take random shots of the students going down the hallway in hopes that I could get a clear picture of this guy. With that in mind I positioned myself next to the stairwell. My backpack and camera case sat next to my left leg on the ground. The camera was out, lens cap off, and I was ready to go. The bell rings and the student’s stream down the hallway. Time stood still. My thoughts were racing, my stomach was churning, and excitement was everywhere. And then the final bell rings. The hallway is empty and there was no guy to snap a photo of. I was extremely disappointed.
“Was this a chance sighting? Would I ever see him again?” These thoughts flowed through me as I began to put the camera back in its case. I wasn’t going for a tardy to class, so I picked up the two packs and turned to go down the stairs. I figured I would call it a day and just go home. And then…
…I took the first couple of steps down stairs when I looked out the window that faced the northern parking lot. Holy Shit! In front of me was the guy. I was too stunned, the camera in its case, and then again even if it hadn’t been I don’t know if I could have ever got the shot. I mean it was surreal.
He walks until he is exactly centered in the window and then turns only his head toward me. It was very mechanical and methodical. He then gives me a look and with that look I was overwhelmed with the feelings that he knew what I was up to. It was now a challenge. The look only lasted a couple of seconds when he turned his head back and continued to walk away to the west.
It is then that I gain my senses back and ran down the stairs. I kept thinking to myself. He has nowhere to go. There is an open field in the direction he is headed and a barbed wired fence ropes it off. The only other choice he would have is the road that goes around the campus. “He is toast!” “I will get my picture after all!”
I am running to the main door getting out the camera, pulling off the lens cap, and preparing myself to stop on a dime just to get the shot. I was so excited. Adrenalin was running thru my veins. And then…
…He wasn’t there, “so where in the hell was he?” I went around the building twice walking in and out of it. He couldn’t just disappear that easily I kept thinking. The building sat alone. Other buildings were in the distance, but if he was to go to another one I would have had the advantage to see him at least. It didn’t make sense. Then again how did he know I was there and with a camera? So the games began…I determined more than ever to get a picture of this guy.


The Fairy Swarm and the Hidden Vortex-Is it all True Series #49

Fairies, good folk, wee folk, people of peace, and very fair-skinned beings, are all terms used to describe these amazing small beings that are human in appearance with super natural powers. Some fly, cast spells, and possibly can influence the future. They have been said to shape shift into normal-looking forest animals such as, deer, birds of prey, and squirrels. Their behavior ranges from peaceful, to mischievous and sometimes even evil and devilish. This reportedly devilish behavior came with the invasion of the Christians into the pagan lands throughout Europe. Some pagans worshipped these fairies to the dismay of the new religious sheriffs in town.

In my 40+ years of paranormal study I have come across some lucky people who have seen them. I feel the chances are actually far greater to see a fairy than a Gray alien being. Now I will tell you this, children under five years old are the ones who will see the fairies the most. Why these children? This is because the very young still have very open minds. As we get older our cultures mold our minds to what fits and what is comfortable. I constantly tell parents to listen to their children; they see what they see and it is very real to them. I say don’t discourage their minds, this is some kind of amazing experience. Let them embrace it and not fear it.

Now let me tell you a modern tale. A friend of mine just came back from a place in northeastern Washington State. He met a nice retired couple who was visiting this same area of the state a year before. Their story goes, they were hiking in a very wooded area and walked in about three miles where the woods were extremely dense. There in the distance was a beautiful clearing; a meadow of sorts and it seemed to have heat waves rising or heavy vapor hanging at the back of this grassy area. Suddenly out of this mirage appeared a swarm of “bees”, but they were bigger than bees, maybe humming birds. As the couple walked closer they stated that every hair on their bodies was standing up. Suddenly they saw a foot-high gorgeous fairy staring straight in their eyes. They did not feel fear but rather a very peaceful feeling befalling upon the couple. A swarm of hundreds maybe thousands of fairies began coming out of their vortex to play, and then they were gone just as quickly as they had appeared.

Is it all true? My friend said the retired couple seemed very sincere, and as they told their tale tears came out of their eyes. I guess I will see for myself because I plan to go to this vortex place next spring to search for the swarm.

Sleep tight, and may your dreams be filled with beautiful fairies.



A swarm from a Fairy Vortex

Whitley Speaks — Electro-Smog, a Mind Control part 2.

The new phone technology , and the new Bio-physics is coming on the scene . Electric- magnetic effects on our body– public health is going down ,down. Ridding the environment of electro-smog is hard very hard. Worry/Stress+ Chemicals+Electro-smog = Bad News for Bio-life.
Whitley as a little boy was exposed to abusive testing between 4 thru 7 years old.– nearly died from stress.

1984 An Alternate Reality Part 1 By Mary Muñoz © September 7, 2008

The meeting….
Actually meeting my first remembered ET would transpire from a conversation that happened over the Christmas vacation of 1983. I had traveled back to New Mexico from Oklahoma where I was going to college.
It was during a visit with my dad that I would be introduced to a theory that was plausible, but not believable in my world. Who am I to see something like this? The entire conversation dealt with beings that were actively involved within colleges and technical schools around the country. A tale was spun that day about an incident that caught my interest, but only that. I took the information and let it set in the back of my mind.
Jump to mid month January 1984. School is back in session and I was taking a political science class. The building where the class happened to be was established in 1901 and with that said; the hallways were huge, the stairwells were expansive of which there were three in this building; one on each end and a third in the middle.
The middle stairwell had at least a 6-foot span across to accommodate students. There was a landing that was located half way up between floors. If you stood on the second floor, as if going down, you would see a huge window facing a parking lot. The parking lot sat on a slope. Just to give one a perspective if you continued north you would see dorms. To the west, though they are not visible by the window, there would be an open field blocked off by a barbed wired fence.
All the events I am going to share today started while I was waiting for the political science class. It was early so I found myself a position across from the classroom, which just happened to be next to the middle stairwell. Finally the bell rang and the hallway became Grand Central Station.
Since students were leaving the various classes I decided to wait out the crowds before attempting to cross the hall. As I stood there I observed the students going by, like one might do at the mall. As I watched I noticed a head that didn’t seem to fit in. Yeah, I know…a head! What could a head have that would not fit in? There are so many varieties of them in this world. Without sounding prejudicial, though it may come across that way, I thought to myself, “Damn what is wrong with that guy!” What I was seeing just didn’t seem right.
Coming down the hallway in the middle of other students was a person; a man, who was bald on top and what appeared to be jet-black hair on the sides. But that wasn’t the uniqueness about him. No it was the bobbing up and down he did as he walked with the crowd of students. My initial thought was he must have some sort of disability, but what? Being curious I kept my eye on him not noticing the others around me.
Within seconds he came into full view. Not a single student separated this view I had of him though he was still walking down the center of the isle. I scanned him up and down as quickly as I could. I focused on his walk first. I noticed his knees were bending backwards. Okay, this explained the bobbing he was doing. He also didn’t step like a normal person. We walk heal-toe, but he was walking toe-heal.
I then quickly scan his face. His facial features were pronounced. There was definite definition in his bone structure with little facial muscle. Though it was 10:00 AM he already had a five o’clock shadow. “It can’t be!”
Without saying or thinking anything else my next reaction was of complete shock, “Oh, shit! He has webbing!” “His ears…they are not normal!” I am now fighting to see as much detail as I can while I roll the tape of my conversation with my dad. As I am doing this he simply disappears in the distance leaving me confused yet excited about the possibilities my dad was right. What were the chances? For me on that day they were high, but before I go jumping to conclusions I needed to make sure I was not seeing things.
The thoughts of that morning stayed with me the rest of the day. Later that evening I would call my dad and would discuss the day’s events. It seems every detail matched the description others were reporting. But the next million dollar question would be, “Was this a onetime event or was there a chance to see him again?”
With that thought stayed tuned for more of 1984: An Alternate Reality next week.

DMT and the Cosmic Library Card- Is it all True Series #48

Last week I did a posting on DMT, a chemical substance that affects the mind, pushing its limits to the max, and thus providing an ability to be with alien beings. I reviewed this concept with my daughter who is working on her PhD in Clinical Psychology. She presented the view, much like Strassman was speculating, that it could be possible that DMT’s effect on the brain could produce hallucinations that are similar to any substance-induced hallucinations, and that it wouldn’t be unusual for these research participants to experience similar types of visions. Many psychedelic drugs have been shown to evoke similar creatures, so she doubts that this is evidence that points towards actual alien being activity. While my daughter has always been skeptical, she does admit that there are certainly things that cannot currently be explained and that defy scientific reasoning, and states that if people can believe in god, miracles, prophecies, etc, then they should be open to the possibility of other paranormal and extra-terrestrial activities. It is great to have your child think a little like yourself, but in this case maybe the apple fell a little bit further from the tree.

Now let’s talk about the Akashic records and the possible connection with DMT. The Akashic records are the records containing all knowledge of human experience and the massive history of all the Cosmos from the beginning of all time. Others simply call it the universal computer, cosmic mind, or the mind of God. Edgar Cayce (the sleeping prophet) was said to be able to tap into this amazing knowledge. Others claim ancient cultures such as the Atlantians and the ancient Egyptians could draw on this vast knowledge depot to develop amazing technological wonders and see forward and back throughout all dimensional time. Also called the Hall of Record, this knowledge library, may be stored in all our human cells, but how do we access it?

Something important to note in the Strassman experiment is most of the volunteers who were injected with high levels of DMT went to the same place or the same gateway. This gateway I believe may have been the doorway to the Akashic records.

But at the doorway there is a gatekeeper (The Cosmic Librarian) who will only let you in if you possess the key or the “Cosmic library card” – called “Intention”, which is the clear, vision/ thought of your purpose, needs and wants. If your intention is crystal clear you will be allowed to tap into all universal knowledge and all our dreams will be created and met using the Mind of the universe.

It is all within us. DMT within our pineal gland may bring you to the gate and our intention brings us the solutions. It is a true state in our mind that we can all tap into.

By the way, my other daughter is going to school to become a special librarian, go figure.



Enter the Cosmic Library

Whitley Speaks — Electro-Smog, a Mind Control part 1.

A strange signal is coming through from where ? The answer —the cell towers. Coming through our personal electronic devices . Biologically this to some degree is affecting all of us. Its electro- smog . For over 35 years Europe has been forwarding caution to its people. Children may have the most to lose in this wireless world — their lives.

They Can Make You Laugh! By Mary Muñoz © August 31, 2008

What does it take for someone to believe? I wondered that after that night on Interstate 80. I would do my best to convince my ex-partner, Tom that they did, because things were happening at an accelerated rate and I needed to have someone believe that I was not crazy. Then again how could he argue something he too had seen only a month earlier?
His first event would occur when I woke him up, around midnight, to show him in the distance a triangular shaped object. It was huge, but he told me that the lights were playing tricks on our eyes and it had to be an illusion. He just couldn’t believe. Even conversations with my dad did not phase his belief that we are the only beings to exist in the Universe.
Now let us jump to March 1990. Traveling west across southern Arizona along Interstate 10 about an hour or so from Tucson on a clear midday sky we get into another conversation on the subject. This time I was bound and determined to make this man believe.
After about twenty minutes of arguing I got frustrated and leaned forward in my seat to stretch my back and shoulders. I turn my head toward the right looking out the window. I can’t remember how long I stared at it, but just north and back of the tractor trailer was a huge rectangular object which hovered low to the ground. My estimation was that it could have covered several football fields in length and had to be an easy hundred plus feet thick. It appeared dark grey and bulky in composition.
The rest of the event is in slow motion.
I turn to Tom, “Okay tell me I am crazy now!” I state adamantly.
He looked back in my direction and said, “What do you mean?”
“Right out there…” I pointed out the window. “Don’t you see it?”
He looked over and said, “What am I suppose to see?”
I jumped in and stated, “Lean forward, it is back from the window.”
Tom proceeds to lean forward. “And what is it that I am supposed to see?” He questions again.
“The ship! It is right there!” I look back to see nothing but desert and clear skies.
I quietly get up and move to the sleeper. From that moment on I did not share another UFO/ET experience with him.
Was I mad at them for not showing themselves and proving what I had been stating all along? At first yeah, but in time no I wasn’t. Actually I had to laugh at it all. Here they are in plain sight yet he couldn’t see them.
I learned a big lesson from this day. I found that they had their reasons for blinding his sight and it all had to do with what he believed his reality was. Imagine the outcome if he had seen them. He was driving an eighty thousand pound vehicle. He might have lost control and wrecked killing others or us.
So whatever their reason was that day they knew more than I did. They knew on a higher level, so for me I have learned that it is a privilege and a great honor to even have the chance to see what others can’t. But then again who are they? And what is my connection to them?


Abductions and DMT – all a state of mind? Is it all True Series #47

I have been researching the abduction phenomena for about 40 years now and have interviewed well over a thousand abductees. There have been many threads and patterns connecting groups of abductees together. The individuals in the common groups have no common knowledge of each other. In the case of families some of them didn’t know that others in their family have had similar experiences. I am constantly looking for these connections, the key to understanding the phenomena.

I consider myself to be a very open–minded individual, which is quite necessary in this endeavor or you will collapse under the weight of the strangeness. Then came a book called DMT: The Spirit Molecule, by Rick Strassman.

DMT or Dimethlytryptamine is a very potent psychedelic drug found in many plants and in small amounts in the human body although its natural function in humans is presently unknown. DMT-containing plants are used by South American Shamans in a drink called ayahuasca and is used in ritual ceremonies. DMT experiences can include time dilation, visual and auditory illusions and other mind-defying experiences. Also erotic imagery and sexual content can also be present.

Rick Strassman (a psychiatrist at the University of New Mexico) conducted a study in the early 90’s where volunteers were injected with high doses of DMT. They experienced or perceived they experienced being with alien entities, in an otherworldly setting. Also the levels of DMT in the brain seem to promote the visual effects of natural dreaming, maybe near-death experiences, and out of body experiences.

Some, but not all, of Strassman’s subjects had a contact with an Insectoid or Reptilian being during their DMT trip. This aspect of the trip proved to be quite traumatic at times with a wide range of emotions and feelings, such as being probed, tested, manipulated, loved and even raped.

The above experiences are some of the main elements of the typical abduction scenario. Strassman speculates that DMT is produced through and maybe stored in the pineal gland. Could groups of humans have a greater ability/ trait to produce this substance and therefore create abduction experiences, opening a gateway to another world, where these other beings wait for us to visit. Or do they (our visitors) stimulate our pineal glands to cross the veil into their world.

I believe the earliest Egyptians priests may have known the power of DMT and the pineal gland for they were known to smash the skulls of slaves and extract live / fresh pineal glands for immediate consumption so they could visit their Gods.

So is this a connection?

Food for thought, as they say.



A drink– into another World.

Iraq's Nuclear Stockpile Shipped to Canada

The Canadian Press announced the last major remnant of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program, a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium, reached Montreal on Saturday to complete a top-secret U.S. operation. The removal of 550 metric tons of “yellowcake,” the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment, included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a voyage across two oceans. The Iraqi government sold the yellowcake to a Canadian uranium producer, Cameco Corp., in a transaction the official described as worth “tens of millions of dollars.”

A picture that would not transfer over is a landscape picture taken either by satellite or airplane. The picture is of an Orginal Centrifuge Plant, Earth-covered Underground Bidgs 323,000 sq. feet each, a 95,000 sq. ft. Bldg. under construction, a tunnel entrance and Admin. Bldg.

A Cameco spokesman, Lyle Krahn, said the yellowcake will be processed at facilities in Ontario for use in energy-producing reactors. “We are pleased . that we have taken (the yellowcake) from a volatile region into a stable area to produce clean electricity,” Krahn said. U.S. and Iraqi forces have guarded the 9,300-hectare nuclear site since its discovery. The deal culminated more than a year of intense diplomatic and military initiatives – kept hushed in fear of ambushes or attacks once the convoys were under way. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried the cache would reach insurgents or terrorists crossing to Iran to aid its nuclear ambitions. The uranium yellowcake alone is not considered potent enough for a so-called “dirty bomb” – a conventional explosive that disperses radioactive material – it could stir widespread panic if incorporated in a blast.

In April, truck convoys started moving the uranium from Tuwaitha to Baghdad’s international airport. Then, for two weeks in May, it was ferried on 37 flights to Diego Garcia, an British Island the Indian Ocean where the U.S. military maintains a base. On June 3, an American ship left the island for Montreal with 3,500 secure barrels of radioactive nuclear material. Iraqi authorities claimed the more dangerous nuclear material had been shipped to Syria just before US forces launched their military attacks.© The Canadian Press, 2008

I was sent the above article in regards to a written memory that is recorded in “Morning Glory Diary of an Alien Abductee”. On page number 353 titled “CORNBREAD”. I had mentioned several times throughout the Government/Military Abductions section of actual memories dealing with Saddam Hussein. I feel with the release from The Canadian Press which is dated 2008 is a confirmation for me and others who experienced this actual memory that I have recorded in my book. Even though I had the experience on December 6, 1998, is it just possible that the Canadian Government and as well as the United States government found this the appropriate time to release this information?? For those of you who have not yet purchased my book “Morning Glory Diary of an Alien Abductee” below is the segment of what I have recorded.

December 6, 1998
We woke up at 4:00 a.m. Something was wrong with my nose. I felt it and it began to bleed. There was a lot of pain, as well. My right leg (the one that had been affected by post-polio syndrome) was hurting badly. It felt as if I’d done some extensive walking or climbing. Those activities always adversely affect my right leg like that.
Not only did my leg hurt, but my body, as well. I felt tired, as if from working hard, then realized I had not done any hard or heavy type work during the week. The memory came back to me then. I had been abducted by the government that past night.

I was lying on a cool concrete floor inside a large concrete building when I woke up. There were about four other abductees already standing up or in the process of getting up from the floor. I noticed some men dressed in camouflage and others in white lab coats. They were yelling directions at us. Directly in front of us were several rows of stacked yellow boxes. We were instructed to pick up the boxes and carry them carefully. We were told, “Don’t you dare drop any of them! Get them outside to the truck.”
We were not told what was inside the yellow containers. As my vision adjusted, I was pulled up from the floor and told to get my ass moving. I walked close to the first stack of yellow boxes and picked one up, thinking it would be quite heavy. I was amazed to discover that it was very light. The box was about 1 foot by 1 ½ feet. The boxes were not made of cardboard, but of a sponge-like material.
I was yelled at and told to get in line and get those boxes moving and get them into the truck. I was curious as to what was in the containers. We were not to ask what was inside and were told to shut up and not talk.
As we walked in unison, carrying our containers, someone told me to think of cornbread…that we were carrying cornbread. We walked through a doorway large enough for a truck to drive through. I felt a cool breeze hit my body as I walked through the doorway. It was not cold outside, even though it was December.
Parked outside was a large, gray, panel truck with black numbers. I remember some of the numbers being 432. There were no other identifying marks on the truck. Inside the bed of the truck was a large Caucasian man with dark brown hair. I believe his arms had freckles on them.
There were lights on outside. The concrete building looked like a military warehouse. We handed our containers to the man in the truck. He stacked them neatly and tightly in the padded truck. I don’t remember how long we worked, carrying the yellow cornbread containers.
Since we had to be quiet, we were able to hear the men yelling that if they did not hurry, they would be found out and they had to meet the deadline. There was a lot of excitement in their voices. I did not pay much attention to what the men were doing, just remember seeing men running and rushing about.
I recognized some of the other abductees as people I had worked with in the chemical laboratories. I had an idea of what we were carrying. I think we were carrying vials of the green substance that we had analyzed.
I was not sure of the location of the warehouse or where the cornbread containers were being taken. I did not know most of the men I saw that night. We finished our job for the night. I don’t remember much of anything else.
I woke up the next morning in my bed. I could hardly stand up! I felt as if I had worked all night long. I was so tired, my body ached. I had bruises on my arms and legs. I noticed needle marks on my arms. Whenever I am injected with whatever they inject us with, I always have a pounding headache afterward. I felt nauseated and had dizzy spells
It takes awhile to focus on life after one of these episodes.

So where was the location of this facility that we had been taken to? I thought it was in the United States in reality I thought the proximity was actually Sandia/Kirtland Air Force Base here in Albuq. (note: Kirtland AFB is no longer a base here in Albuq.) YellowCake or CornBread?? Is this one and the same? I don’t know what type of containers nuclear products are shipped in. If shipped in small quantities, would it be lightweight or heavy?? The question still remains, did the Corn Bread containers have to do with the green substance or actually by products from nuclear substances?? Oh yes, by coincidence, I did by accident find such a truck with the very same numbers on it. Yes, it was a grey colored military truck. What is your opinion on this I would like to know? Do you have an answer??