Whitley Speaks — The Nye Incidents — Part 2

Craig Spector (Co-author of the Nye Incidents ) Craig is outside of this event , he is not afraid , at least for now. Abductions and mutilations — light column in the sky with a body floating in the center. Man goes missing. man’s car is found. Man’s body in the swamp area — body looks strange , maybe mutilated . Bodies dropped from the skies in New Jersey , Some dropped on roofs of buildings –( homeless people ) Is it all True ?

The Three People, who have felt the Alien Mind-Part 1 of 3-Is it all True Series #35

The three people who have felt the Alien Mind are Whitley, Spielberg, and Vallee. We will devote this posting to Steven Spielberg. Steven has “Taken” us on this UFO/alien journey from 1977 to 2002, with out-of-this- world hits such as Close Encounter of the Third Kind, ET the Extraterrestrial and last but not least the 20-hour epic TV series “Taken”.

In 1977 there was Close Encounter of the Third Kind, a movie directed for an adult audience. It was a landmark movie, portraying the aliens as benign, unlike the past movies, which depicted beings who were totally evil and blood thirty. Although the human characters in the film were confused and emotionally upset, it was still a positive ending for the alien and the humans — the Third Encounter was full of celebration in the end.

In 1982 in ET the Extraterrestrial, Spielberg showed us an even softer, gentler side of these beings—we will forever remember the cute little being we all grew to love as he floated through moonlit sky on a bike, eating Reese’s Pieces and drinking Coors beer, so now the Aliens are acting a little human. This positive approach communicated to our kids that maybe abductions and aliens are good things and good guys.

Then in 2002 Steven produced “Taken” – a new view of this phenomenon, from the 1940’s, The War, Roswell and the lives of three families moving through four generations. Some of the humans were victims of the abduction world, while others were chasing the abductees. Life wasn’t good for any of them; a great deal of physical pain and emotional suffering is felt throughout this series.

So what is going on here?? Spielberg’s attitude of the beings has changed from the soft and fuzzy to – OH SHIT. In the end of “Taken” a mother loses her child to the Aliens, of course we are pushed into justifying that this little girl named Allie couldn’t have stayed here because she was part Alien and she can’t deal with us crazy humans. (I am almost buying it.)

I believe that Spielberg’s most current view is the right way to look at alien beings; we as humans know very little about these aliens and their abduction purposes. But I know alien beings and abductions are real, and we must proceed with caution.



Into the Moonlight or into our Mind.


A month has passed quickly since I last posted. I’ve had to take some extra measures for my own safety on the request of a neighbor who is a policeman and who is interested in “my case” and because the assumption is that the “house not home, but house located directly behind my house is a suspect meth house, and arising out of this is these men may feel that I have seen to much and know to much about their on-going situation, therefore they would like to scare me out of my home by instilling the fear into me that I spoke of last month’s posting. They have I believe succeeded in causing great fear, but seemingly my strength to overcome somewhat comes from neighbors who are taking care of me and some very special friends in my life. As I sit at the computer late this evening as in the last two evenings, I hear heavy footsteps on the roof of my home! The walking eventually quits.

Now, I question these frightening scenarios because of recent events. What I have been living through in the last two months are these incidences human or alien caused??

Three days ago when I awoke in the morning even before I dragged myself out of bed, pulling back the sheets and covers and throwing my legs to the side of the bed I noticed a small red needle mark on my left leg that was somewhat painful. Examining the leg closely I found the new needle mark which was put on top of an old “marking” that I had been given some years ago by the Grey’s indicating that I (for a lack of words here)”belong” to the family of Grey’s who come from the Orion star grouping. Within the last two weeks I have also woken up with unusual bruising that fade quickly.

Hmmm okay, now the new needle mark is over the last of the old needle markings. Now what is that supposed to mean? I do not have any memories of a previous abduction on that specific evening, so as I said before they (the alien abductors) are not allowing me to have the memories of the abductions like they allowed me to have for so many years.

I am a woman since my “awakening”( in the late summer of 1988) who had the growing support of her husband who eventually protected her by his understanding, learning and living through this phenomenon with me. The many nights that my husband would hold me tightly and comfort me is no longer here to do that. Having to take care of myself now is a different learning experience through these fearful times and I now can realize the reality of fear and emotions that many of my single alien/milab clients have lived through alone. Its not fun……life can be quite miserable. I understand now the strength that each of my single clients developed within their selves to overcome the threat, fear of being by their selves while experiencing and living through these abductions coming from their alien or milab abductors I commend them so high because of who they are and working through their life struggles by themselves.

(As I am typing this post at this very moment I hear through an open window a man’s voice who is saying my name and I do not understand what else he is telling me. He is talking very softly seemingly from the top of the roof (?) of my home)! Well folks its time to turn off the computer, shut the window quickly and exit this room! Trying to remain as calm as I can be. My prayer is that this human, or extraterrestrial, will find peace in his heart to leave me in peace.

Whitley Speaks — The Nye Incidents — Part 1

Scared Whitley — SCARED WHITLEY — did you hear me ??? So much frightening a story to be told : inspired by true events. The Terror: the Reason: It take place 30 to 40 miles from his famous NY cabin. Very personal event. David Jacobs saw the evil — yes , no – maybe. Whitley : see all this clearly before we judge the Universe. He wrote 34 different versions of this — AMAZING .. His brain can’t get around the story.

Enjoy — sleep tight- only reality can keep you from awakening.

Abduction Families and their Reactions“Is it all True Series #34

I highly recommend Steven Spielberg’s mini- series “Taken” which deals with families of abductees and contactees.

Over the years, during my work with abductees and contactees, I have seen a variety of family reactions. I have divided them into three groups, the in denial group, the getting ready for the straitjacket group, and lastly just the compassionate group.

In the denial group, these family members say things like Aunt Sara is just getting old or a 4 year old Jimmy is just dreaming or his imagination has gone wild. Young kids are usually the ones that suffer in the long run. If their abduction journey starts early, this could go on until their 50’s or beyond. What they need is compassion and a little understanding because this is a frightening process. I typically tell parents to pay attention to your children. Don’t belittle them by denying them their childhood little friends or fears, because they could be very real. If the kids are pushed away, they may not ask for help when they really need it and this could put them into a mental/ emotional decline.

Now the straitjacket group–there has been several people I have talked to whose relatives were moving to put their abductees into an institution for their wild stories. Fortunately, experienced mental health professionals can tell the difference between schizophrenia/ paranoia and an exterior experience.

The last group, the very compassionate relatives- is normally a close loving family who will listen with compassion and not judge. I believe I personally came from this last group(for the most part). Although I am not sure I am an abductee or a contactee, my 40+ years in this UFO/Bigfoot relationship world, makes me a candidate for the close encounter.

When I speak with a group of abductees and their families I always stress to them- you are all in this together; many of us know abductions can be a family affair. I have found that if one person in the family is involved there is about a 75% chance another immediate family member is also an abductee.

So people who live in UFO houses need not throw the proverbial cosmic stones. We are in this together and maybe forever. So total compassion and love are the keys to survive this profound family event.



The Family Affair

Whitley Speaks — Parallel Universe and Uncle Mickey.

Artie Bell interview with Whitley Strieber , Whitley done sighting — 4:53am lying in bed with his wife, looking our window huge drone ship ( no crew compartment). Stand up out of bed – no sign ( the angle dummy) . Lied back down and there it was again moving very slow.

Press- release parallel Universes do exist. – Oxford scientists – by math calculations. They are all around us now. Why has Whitley been taken so often ?? Was it uncle Micky — from Wright Patterson Base ????

The Earthseeker Beings and our Extinction –Is it all True Series #33

Out in the universe there are a group of beings that I call Earth Seekers. They are looking for planets that fit the perfect combination of water, light, temperature, and suitable gases etc. to sustain life for biological entities, like us and them, to live and thrive. I believe they are presently out there, looking for our replacement home.

Are we humans in our 11th hour? There are too many of us using too many resources too fast. Here are a few facts–there are 6.4 billion people here, 50 to 55 thousand species are killed off each year, many as a direct result of mankind. All our eco-systems are declining. We have lost the carry capacity of the earth. We, Americans live in a consumer democracy and because of our desire to have more; we have promoted this serious environmental decline. Now other countries want to join in on this madness, such as population giants India and China.

The 200 plus years of the industrial revolution was the beginning of the end; man unknowingly started the CO2 nightmare. 600,000 years ago the CO2 levels were 250ppm
but they are close to 400ppm now. Of course some will argue the earth goes through CO2 cycles on its own, which is probably true. But for the past 100 years, the CO2 levels have been increasing at unnatural levels. Many scientists are saying the tipping point is near a mere 4 or 5 years away. Critical limits are being reached and for the most part 90% of our world’s population is disengaged – disconnected from our planet’s needs.

Our hour, our minute, our microsecond has come. Can we disengage from our Consumer Titanic before we head into our mass extinction?

So lets go back to the Earth Seekers- will they try to save us from ourselves? No, they will not save us. We have the choice; we make our destiny as humans. But I do believe that they will not let us destroy this precious earth – the Blue Beauty as they call it.
They have seen similar things happen to Mars and maybe Venus, and they have learned. They will probably take our DNA and maybe few of the good folks (abductees?) and move them to another similar planet system. Will they quickly eliminate the balance of humans, to save the other species here? It is very possible. Remember 2012 is coming.

There is always the hope that we will wake up in time, and do the right thing. But time is very short and this is truly our greatest challenge – the prevention of our extinction.

At this point let me recommend an amazing and beautiful documentary. Leonardo DiCaprio’s “The 11th Hour” which was made with the intellect of leading scientists, a brain trust of Hope for us all



Earth-Seekers ?????

Whitley Speaks — Communion Letters of evidence- part 1

Mr. Whitley Strieber,
Sony Pictures “the Grays” . Now what up with the Drones ? All computer images of the Drones – were man- made creations, except probably the San Paulo Brazil, many of the still shots of the Drones. UFOs are real and the beings encounters are real and happening alot, a complex human experience. There are thousands of Communion letters of communication with other realms. A recent new Whitley contact experience ( his journal ) — called ” Most Complex Encounter “– on his site Unknowncountry .com

The Group Experience – a re-wire event – of human bonding –Is it all True Series #32

One of the more interesting alien-type encounters is one that is witnessed by several humans at close range (1000 ft or less). The significance of this distance is that it is the tipping point distance where the visual encounter becomes the intimate encounter, and things get real serious.

So lets give you three examples of experiences and their impact on the observer’s reality.
First, about 27 years ago, the head of human resources for a very large fortune 500 company approached me and shared his interesting story. One weekend he and a group of non-related folks were barhopping on snowmobiles. How this works is, you go to the local rural bar and meet other snowmobilers who are up for drinking and then snowmobile to various bars in the countryside on those dark cold winter nights in northern US. (And some people think this is fun, as long as the alcohol flows.) On one of these trips between bars they passed through a golf course and suddenly lights on the ground and in the sky surrounded their group of about 22 people, and there was no noise. They remembered nothing more, but when they got to the next bar they realized an extra 1 hours and 15 minutes had passed, while the normal trip between the two different bars is usually only 10 to 15 minutes. Also several in the group felt odd and even sick to their stomachs and all of them stopped their barhopping and went home for the night. They never really talked about the experience until the next winter season, and then only to a minimal extent.

Next example–about 22 years ago I hired a retired Air Force traffic controller. As I got to know him, he told me this amazing story. He was working at a base in Florida where he was in the tower with six other controllers and a large air cargo plane was out several miles and approaching the base. One of the controllers noticed an object on the radar that was following the plane at extremely close range, within feet of the plane’s tail. It was so close the occupants of the plane could not see it. As the plane came in for it’s landing, all the controllers rushed on to the observation deck attached to the tower, to see if the radar was lying. Much to their amazement, the radar was correct – they all saw a small silver object 15 feet in diameter following right behind the plane. As the plane was landing the UFO shot straight over the men on the observation deck and hovered there for about five minutes and then vanished into thin air. After witnessing this incredible event, the men never said anything in the moment except that they had missed their lunch hour and looked puzzled, but just went back to work.

The last example is about a group of total strangers– four women take a guided trip to Peru to see the sacred sites and the beauty of that part of the world. One of their day trips took them deep into ancient caves and had a “Blue Delta”(as they called it) experience. Something happened there, each experience was profound and life path changing with missing time and visions of strange beings. They also said nothing to each other right after the event and little there after.

I believe that in all these examples these witnesses had powerful mind changing experiences that were so traumatic that their minds were temporarily and maybe permanently re-wired. They now looked at the world with infinite possibilities. They were forever bonded to the others in their group, even though none of them talked much about the event between themselves. They carry this strange powerful cosmic bond and maybe someday they will all meet around the corner and the answer will be there.

In peace and love – MWiz.


ET on a snowmobile

Whitley Streiber 2012 -War for the Souls–Part 12

Whitley’s strange dimensional village in New Jersey 20 miles from where reality was, this reality.

His twilight zone and his 2012 book — and last but not least reptilians are not a happy group.

Signing off on Whitley’s 2012 interesting -a thinking persons book.

Enjoy — MWiz.