I have gone into deep woods in search of Sasquatch contact, but as time goes on I have started to realize that people have had encounters anywhere in the world – urban/rural/ desert / forest/islands and everywhere in between.
I have recently moved to Oregon and interestingly found out we live in the county with the most sightings in the country. Now remember its Oregon and people here are very open to these type of encounters, and I recently learned from a Sasquatch contactee that they love these huge trees that Oregon offers. Word has it they use the extensive root systems of these trees to communicate and even travel. The contactee I am speaking of is my finance and her first Sasquatch contact was in the shower in Albuquerque, telepathy. Her next encounter was in Portland area a suburb call Lake Oswego in the physical an in the house encounter.
My encounters and sighting happened in the deep woods of Northeastern Washington State, which was made up of a couple of prints, hand on my shoulder in tent, a photo and a chorus of hooting Sasquatch. But there are many examples of the big Guys being seen and felt in urban areas around this country.
So let’s look at a few cities around the country that have had recent Sasquatch sightings , first Chicago there is a large forest preserve northwest side of the city , where joggers have gotten glimpses of the hairy folks over the years. In St Louis at their famous River Park there have been several sightings recently by picnickers who said they felt their presence and briefly saw the big guys watching them eat their food. King County/ Seattle 50 reported solid sighting the last 2 years. Miami/ Dade county numerous sightings of the Skunk Apes looking into people’s windows near the Everglades locations. And for many years south of Denver there has been a rash of day and night sightings in the middle of beautiful suburban areas.
So the bottom line here is researchers stay home, save your money they are in your backyard, meditate, look and be patient. If you are a peace loving person with a very open mind, they will contact you just reach out to them in a meditative state, and they will come – that easy.
Sleep tight – the paranormal is a normal state that exists all around you, embrace it and explore it.