Once that door slammed shut and I knew I didn’t do it, my legs pretty much tried to outrun me and get through the front door of the house. For a minute there, I thought I was in a bad dream because I felt like I couldn’t keep up with myself. It did a number on my self confidence and I was even more terrified of that room than ever before. Kelly thought it odd that the door slammed shut since the windows were closed (It was Fall by this time) and there was no draft.
He walked into the room and felt how cold it was and to this day I believe he saw something in there because it wasn’t too long after that … we moved! I’m talking maybe two weeks.
I did find it funny that he didn’t want to talk about that room. After his little visit, the room was off limits which included conversations. The day we left I felt a ton of bricks had been lifted off my shoulders. Kelly put his foot on the gas and we never looked back.
After many years, I have wondered why I felt I couldn’t deal with that spirit or whatever was in that room. I had seen spirits most of my childhood and I found an odd comfort with them, pretty much acquiescing to them being a fact of life for me. But I will tell you this, I did feel that whatever was in that room, at times was trying to high-jack my body. I was obviously too young and in the early stages of my apprenticeship into the Medicine Way. I don’t think I could have come out of that situation unscathed. I shudder to think what could have happened if I had tried to take it on.
Kelly being a Medicine man walked away from that situation because something unnatural and dark happened at that house and it was not our battle to fight. Fighting unknown entities without full knowledge of circumstances can be deadly and life threatening for all involved. Sometimes being a good Medicine man or woman is to realize that you don’t have to take on everything undesirable that comes your way.
One thing I did sense back then and to this day would state as fact, is that a Ouija board was used in that house. They are the unveiling and invitation to dark and unforgiving spirits and once these undesirables are invited in, they never leave even if the house sells or like in our case, is for rent. People unfortunately do stupid things when loved ones die and the most undesirable example of this is the Ouija board.
This was a great lesson that I learned at a young age, never walk into a home that doesn’t feel right. If it can’t be helped or put off, keep your guard up and call your angels and guardians to come and surround you. Focus on the strength of your convictions and become as resolute as your protection. Doubt and fear is the two things that come between people and their faith. Becoming a warrior not only for yourself but for humanity, is knowing that your armor is impenetrable.
I can become my own haunted story if I’m not careful. This means that a day can’t go by without me acknowledging the help that I get from so many Divine Beings, ghostly friends and hairy Cryptids. Sometimes as I get older it’s nice to see the friends I’ve made along the way even if they are for my eyes only.
As I look back, I sure wish Loekey, my Sasquatch friend would have been with me that fateful day so many years ago when I went into that bedroom. Maybe it wasn’t my fight but as Dimensional Beings go, Loekey would have made sure the outcome would have been in my favor. Now, this doesn’t mean I push my luck, but I sure do smile knowing who has my back.