Location. Lynn Valley, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Date: late September 2010 Time: 2330
The witnesses suddenly heard some loud thumping sounds against the plastic garbage bin and
the house. They figured a bear had gotten over their fence (again). They peeked out of their
curtains together and were shocked at what they saw. It was a creature standing on its hind
legs that had dark shaggy fur, but it definitely wasn’t a bear. It looked muscular and thin and
had a snout like a coyote or wolf. It ripped through their garbage—they think for the salmon
bones and carcass inside. It was grunting and growling quite a bit. They were completely
petrified standing at the window. They wanted to look away but at the same time ere morbidly
fascinated at what they were looking at. After about a minute or so, the creature ran to the
back of their yard and jumped over the fence. The witnesses were convinced they had seen
some kind of ‘werewolf’ type creature.
HC addendum
Source: Your True Tales—October 2010