Aliens do exist–Do our Astronauts know? Disclosure maybe near–Is it all True Series #42

The answer is yes. And a very Big yes for Astronaut Edgar Dean Mitchell, who together with Alan Shepard, holds the longest moonwalk ever at over 9 hours.

Edgar recently said on July 23rd, 2008 that the Roswell crash was real, that alien beings have been in direct contact with humans at various times and that world governments have covered this up for over 60 years. Edgar goes further to say that UFOs have been the subject of disinformation in order to deflect attention and confusion so that the real truth isn’t known to the masses. He also said the insiders of our government have been studying recovered alien bodies. Plus he said all of our presidents from Kennedy back into the late 40s have known about this UFO/ alien subject. After Kennedy the link to the president was stopped. Considering our present situation that is probably a good thing. Could you see him trying to communicate with these beings, he can hardly communicate with himself. (Just kidding George).

Edgar Mitchell is a scholar with several degrees, one from Carnegie Institute of Tech, an aeronautics degree from the US Naval post-grad school, and a Doctor of Science Degree from MIT. This guy is well qualified to open his mouth. But what is interesting is he has been saying this for several years. So now CNN gives him about a full 5 minutes (which is actually a lot of air time). Something is definitely up. I believe some type of disclosure may be near. See my March 15th posting ” Our new Future”. At the very least a disclosure at the basic physical UFO level, not at the non-human being or abduction level. Something from a government spokesman like “Yes, UFOs are real and are from some unknown place. Keep your eyes open and report anything strange to your local Homeland Security person, they will keep you safe. As they did for the millions of people who were abducted with our government’s knowledge, like that kind of safe. I would rather take my chances with the Aliens.

Well this is going to be exciting- the lid may be coming off or a little light is sneaking into that black box we call the UFO phenomena.

So, sleep tight, Homeland Security is watching over you.


PS. I believe the Nazis called their National Police Force– Homeland Security interesting.


Edgar — has not a Secret to tell.

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