Another Inconvenient TRUTH – " The End Of America -Letter of Warning to a young Patriot "

The Mission statement of this Weblog purposely excluded politics, but I am a true believer in the phrase- all things are connected- everything is connected to a universal matrix. I have great concerns about our democracy staying whole and real. In these times I believe our leaders have acted as if they were being controlled by some other forces. And I will let you judge on what these forces are.

Naomi Wolf , an author and researcher shows in her profound book what is probably happening to our once great country. Enjoy her lecture at University of Washington OCT.11,2007

Please listen and at least talk about with your friends. Talk about what ? – The Blue Print – The 10 steps that close a democracy.

This is our Country and our Constitution— Love them and Protect them.

MWiz , as I always say —sleep tight our Government is watching over us.

One Reply to “Another Inconvenient TRUTH – " The End Of America -Letter of Warning to a young Patriot "”

  1. Great talk. She makes strong arguments for Americans to speak out and hold the government accountable to the people and stop funding a private army and it’s abuses.

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