Two weeks ago I watched an interesting presentation on the History Channel, called Apocalypse Island. The island’s name I guess came from one side of the 2012 saga, the tragic side. The researcher responsible for this adventure and show is named Jim Turner. Jim has been looking at the 2012 scenario for many years. He has collected Mayan artifacts and went to this island in the Pacific called “ Apocalypse “ which he says is the key to the 2012 mystery in the form of two special monuments.
This island is several hundred miles west of Santiago, Chile. As I was doing some on-line research -wow- a lot of people, some non-academic folks and some trained professionals such as archeologists were crying Boo-who to this documentary. I will agree there were some red flags flying high.
In the documentary there was a lot of time wasted talking about the travel arrangements and showing trivial moments before getting to the island for the real adventure. Most of the verbiage was on the 2012 conspiracy theory stuff we have all heard by now. The island was quite small, but they dragged out the hike to the monuments for three days. It seems that they were filling in time because there was little or no meat. Finally at monument you see brief shots of the monuments and an artistic rendition, but no long looks, again a red flag. And where were the masterful carving from the Mayan culture, which are scattered from Mexico to South America? The Mayan built structures out of stone and they didn’t carve out ridges in mountains as Turner stated here. There were no signs of cut stone, rubble, glyphs or anything that points to something made by man, let alone the Mayans.
Now some thoughts on 2012, some people are now speculating Mayan’s prediction includes the world’s recent latest crisis, economic, political, financial, and environmental as precursors to the bigger 2012 event. I say no to them. 2012 will be a cosmic event. Our solar system will pass through a higher-level vibratory energy, which will elevate us, humans to a new age. It will be quite sudden and only a few will notice. True the Mayan long calendar ends on Dec.21, 2012 at 11:11 am (the time is famous in its own right), but that doesn’t mean the world ends, just a new era begins for mankind and a new Mayan calendar.
Well I am not sure but the History Channel may have been duped. If there is some truth here maybe a team of scientists will venture to the island do an intense investigation of this tale. I am sure the closer we get to 2012 the more postulations, speculations, straight fiction, hoaxes and even some truth will surface- all to keep this coming new age in our consciousness
Sleep tight for conspiracy and speculation makes the world turn, at the very least it makes it fun.
Hi MWiz,
While I would agree with you that the evidence presented in my movie was weak, the reason is that the producers were gaming the rating system. They dragged out the trip to the island and hike to the monument in order to keep viewers tuned in until 75% of the movie was through. That is the point at which the ratings lock. We could have flown to the island airstrip and hiked to the monument all within a single day.
Instead of taking the time necessary to get good footage of the monument, much time was spent filming the dramatic pieces, hiking, climbing, etc. The weather was tricky, the terrain extreme, and the logistics difficult. However, one should not dismiss the validity of the monument on the basis of poor footage or a lame storyline. The tell-tale rubble you are looking for lies alongside the monument, creating a level half-acre terrace in a landscape of steep slopes. The Sun God image and crouching jaguar are mega-glyphs twice the size of the Egyptian Sphinx. Carving the monument out of the existing bedrock was much easier and more durable than quarrying other stone and assembling it at that location.
I agree with you that there will be a shift in consciousness in the next years, undoubtedly related to the 2012 phenomenon. But I think we are unable to predict its true nature given our current mental and spiritual state. It seems many people have expectations for these changes and when their expectations are not met they somehow dismiss the matter entirely. Since you are obviously interested in these issues I would invite you to look closer at my website at and especially peruse the Photo Gallery for better images of the monument. The newsletters also provide additional information that would fail to make sense if the monument was just a natural rock formation and all of my research just bullshit. I think if you approach this material with an open mind you will begin to see the possibilities inherent here. Cheers, Jim Turner
This was a well thought out and interesting show. It’s not everyday that we can witness some real “indiana jones” type searching. I just wish I hadn’t fallen asleep for the last part of the show. Jim Turner is a bright man.
As I look at Google Maps – Juan Fernandez, Isla Robinson Cursoe – I find a settlement of buildings and a dock on the horseshoe cove of the NE side of the island. Google Maps is complete with photos. Please explain why it was so difficlut for the men to find a place to land and why they waited to go when they had only a few days to spend on the island.
I am in posession of a calendar which ends at 12 midnight, December 31, 2010. This however, does not mean the world is ending or anything that dramatic, it just means that is the end of the calendar for this year and I need to obtain a new one. Could not the Mayans have been in the same situation planning out the calendar for many years past the time when they even really needed it? Obviously there are no Mayans around to update their existing calendar which ends in December 2012. They departed this earth abandoning their earthly posessions and need for this earthly calendar long ago.
“Obviously there are no Mayans around to update their existing calendar which ends in December 2012. They departed this earth abandoning their earthly posessions and need for this earthly calendar long ago.”
You couldn’t be more wrong. –
I’m not convinced. The pictures are not very clear. The show left me with a lot of questions. Is it possible? Sure, why not. Has Turner proven anything? No. Even his site’s photo gallery, while interesting, does not prove anything. He needs another field study to the island with intentions of staying longer than just a few days and with a team of professionals to study, document and take detailed pictures on this entire island not just one area.
I thought the History Channels shows historic events but it turns out that they also show fiction. The program claims that the island is uninhabited when there is a town with hundreds of people that live their normal lifes. The program claims that it is hard to reach the island but this is also a lie. There is an airport used by the residents and the many tourists that visit the island. There is also some real archeological work that has been done on the island, but there is no evidence of pre-Columbian cultures settling there for long periods of time.
There are so many places in the world that need archeological research; including many Mayan sites in Central America. Please don’t say that “Jim Turner needs to go there with a team of professionals”. The program was fictional with no substance to support the claims.
Make sure u party the night b4 2012 just in case haha..
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