also online:
Good News: I now Skype for those of you who live outside the US. You can do a personal session with me, have it recorded and uploaded or mailed on a CD. No overseas phone charge. This last week, I spoke to clients in India, Australia and London. It’s great!
Table of Contents:
The 4th month of the year—April–Mercury Retrograde
Question and Answer
View from the Freeway
Trends of the month
Ponder This
Upcoming Events and Announcements
April—the 4th Month of the Year—a Mercury Retrograde Month
Get out the brooms, clean those closets and do those taxes. The sleeve roll up month is here. The big No. 4 is upon us. Might as well surrender! Not only is this one of the most practical months of the year, we have a Mercury retrograde month where the entire month is in a state of mix ups and dropped messages. There are always many communication problems during this month. The No. 4 represents order, discipline, step- by-step approaches, methodical and practical. Use this month to get your stuff in order. You best not be lazy this month.
In ancient days the No. 4 was considered the depth of the three points that define a flat surface. It takes a fourth to add depth. The square is the symbol of the four. We speak of a square deal, a square meal, being fair and square or even going back to square one. Remember Moses was on Mount Sinai forty days to receive the Ten Commandments. The Israelites spent forty years wandering in the desert. There are 40 days in Lent and at the 40th day of pregnancy, the embryo becomes a fetus.
This time of trial and testing is always in the No. 4. As you are now in it for the next 30 days, here are some helpful hints:
Focus everything on accomplishments
Set a timer to make it easier to complete tasks without distractions
Do not put off anything. Keep your lists and check them each day
Do not start new things in motion this month. Wait until the end of the month.
Since there is a retrograde Mercury, sign contracts later in the month, put off new electronic purchases or repairs until the end of the month.
Double check all communications, flight numbers, transportation etc.
Clean your house and office—NOW
Set up on system that will last past April
Be frugal this month
Postpone looking at property or listing property until the last few days of the month.
Question and Answer
How can we know if we are living under grace after a serious illness?
Many times I am asked esoteric questions regarding how some people make these miraculous recoveries from seemingly impossible odds. Flower Newhouse, in her book “Here Are Your Answers”, states that if medical doctors were of the opinion that a patient was near death and then an unusual and complete healing occurred, the chances are very great that such a one has come under Divine Grace.
Such a person is said to be living on ‘borrowed time’. Grace functions as long as the individual involved lives more highly than he or she ever did before the nearly fatal illness. It is most vital that inner growth is steadfast that such a fortunate person merits continuance in this three-dimensional world.” In other words, continues to evolve and lives in a higher state of awareness and behavior than this person lived prior to the illness.
View from the Freeway
There is much going on right now and the situation changes by the day. Since I last wrote in this column, we have had the new war in Libya and the tsunami in Japan, the dollar keeps dropping in value and the housing market drops in value as well. With all this “good” news going on, maybe we should just pull up the covers and sleep off the next few years. (For a macro picture of the earthquakes and tsunamis and their purpose, please read my recent post.)
I have said that these years from 2008 – 2024 would be upheavals, sudden changes and a large contraction—especially in the United States. We are approaching the “juicy” part where things really begin to heat up. We first had to have the brakes applied and the contraction to take place. This is our current experience. Now we begin the active part—exposure of the problems, outrageous denial and finger pointing, citizen anger acting out, more denial and finger pointing, anger taken to a new level of protest, marches, meetings perhaps even riots. The strongest period should be from 2015 to about 2020.
Bottom Line:
Unemployment is supposedly falling as employers added 230,000 jobs private sector jobs in March. There continues to be 13.5 million Americans, who remain unemployed (not including discouraged workers). At the current rate of job creation, it would take more than 17 years to re-hire these individuals. We must continuously create jobs for the 125,000 to 175,000 new entrants into the labor force each and every month. The recovery will continue to inch along in the right direct but it’s very, very slow.
The Middle East
The Middle East will continue to have its Renaissance during this period. That means more overthrows of oppressive leaders and a change in the way America develops its foreign policy. Remember the Viet Nam war ended in 1975 and we now have them as our trading partner and are creating treaties with them. Viet Nam is a bee hive of capitalism with a central communist government. As things progress, we will see similar arrangements with Middle Eastern countries. Remember, it is always about having a seat at the table and participating in the activities of commerce, education and jobs.
Bottom Line
This is very promising news. Do not lose heart with some of the frightening news coverage. Remember the history of our own Civil War. We lost almost 650,000 Americans in our own war. We need to see this in perspective.
Real Estate Market
The real estate market continues to contract. We had excessive housing leading up to the bursting of the housing bubble. Of course, real estate is always local. One part of Los Angeles County, Beverly Hills, would have a very different forecast than would South Los Angeles or Compton. Generally speaking though, CoreLogic and Case Schiller report that prices continue to fall. They are reporting that there is a shadow inventory of 1.8 million units (about a 9 month supply). However, CoreLogic notes that there are nearly 2 million homes that are at least 50% underwater) (the home is worth less than the mortgage outstanding), which in the future are probably going to become shadow inventory and then regular inventory. On top of this there are about 3.5 million existing homes for sale and 180,000 new homes for sale.
Bottom Line
Do not expect the housing market to recover any time soon. My belief is that the banks will be forced to adjust the principal on these loans. Think 2014 for much of the shake out to be completed. Some areas will take 20 years to recover, others ten years. Rentals will rise. Landlords will raise rents. Families will continue to double up.
4) Trend of the Month
Is anybody connecting the dots with the tsunami? Just as Ronald Reagan’s presidency launched changes in the financial structure and a rise in corporate offshore manufacturing, the tsunami marks the return of some of these companies. Gradually as the Chinese prices have risen due to various internal demands, goods coming from China have increased in price. On top of that oil is shooting to the moon and causing higher transportation costs to transporting these goods. Companies had already started considering doing some of their manufacturing back in the United States as wages have stagnated here, quality control and supply control remain high. Technology requires fewer workers to manufacture the product. The United States is looking more attractive. The tsunami has increased the risk of doing business far from home base. Shortage of parts is only part of the equation. Look to see more companies returning.
The dollar is shrinking. It makes our exports cheaper but it is tough on a trip to Europe. Look for China to want its currency to be traded just as the dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling and Japanese Yen are traded now. The power houses of the world have their currency traded and regularly used to direct world trade. In order for China to complete its position in the world I imagine its currency to be traded as the dollar and Yen within 18 months to two years.
For more information on the trends and cycles, attend my workshop on May 7th in Tucson, Arizona. See my Events page for more information and the flyer.
Ponder This:
What to do if you are flat broke, out of work and really discouraged?
Go for a walk and get out of the house. Just walk.
Stop talking about the problem. Guard your mouth like you would your most beloved possession.
Think on paper. Write down your ideas, your talents.
Lean into the unseen world. Begin to communicate with the invisible world.
No begging, pleading or bargaining.
Expect something good to happen for you.
You do not need to know “how” everything is going to happen. You just need to know what you want and get very clear on this.
Do not limit the universe. Stop telling it you will only live in this house, or it has to be this job and it has to be this amount of money.
Don’t tell anyone of your communications with the invisible world. Allow it to work while you do your part.
Receive in small ways and you will soon receive in big ways. Take a job and do a really good job of it without complaining even if it is not the “right” amount, in the right area with the right company etc.
The Universe will move you up and out once it knows you are truly working with it.
Events and Announcements:
First off, if anyone would like me to speak to your group or association regarding our life and times, trends and forecasts, please contact me at It would be my pleasure to speak to your organization.
May 6th
Friday evening, 7 pm
Trends and Forecast Talk
IONS- Tucson Chapter
Suggested Donation $5.00
May 7th
Saturday, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
The Invisible Plan—2011-2024 Trends and Forecasts
Tucson Osteopathic Medical Foundation
Registration: $39
Online registration available (see flyer)
Don’t forget, I post on my website each week. You can leave your comments and get the latest interpretation of current events.
Also, due to special requests from you all, I am providing a short reading, 15 minutes, for those of you who have had a prior reading with me. Check it out on my website under Numerology Readings.
Don’t forget, I use Skype with my overseas clients. No overseas phone costs.
Remember, stay out of denial, think like a warrior, cut through the clutter and get to the heart of the matter. Don’t rosy color glasses anything! Nice clear glasses, objective and truthful. The house is really behind in the payments. What is the wisest thing to do? Stay always at the truth.
Until next month,
I look forward to hearing from you,