Starts off with the comment Jacques Vallee is one of the most important thinkers in the world. YES very yes.
The Bell disappeared in a huge Aircraft after the War — to the US or maybe Argentina ( post-war Nazi projects). Nazis had 14 million pool of slaves to do their super secret projects.Kurt Davis ( Nazi? ) in charge of NASA in Florida may have built The Bell. The search for the Bell’s design team was huge. The Bell was a Super Secret — deep , deep secret. The Bell maybe at Kirtland AFB in happy Albuquerque — very close to my dear Lesley’s house (we will see if she reads this)
Yes, I read it. Maybe it is one of those strange objects I sometimes see.
BTW, that was a great interview. I am a big fan of Farrell (and Knapp). I have most of his books except the one that just came out or is coming out.