EMERGENCY UPDATE: French government document details (forced ?) mass vaccination plans from September 28th: GPs and hospitals to be excluded. Similar documents believed to be circulating in all WHO member states
Last Updated on Sunday, 30 August 2009 21:03 Sunday, 30 August 2009 17:37
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An internal French government document that outlines detailed plans and orders for the force vaccination of the French population using secure “vaccine†facilities and starting from September 28th has emerged.
The document dated August 21st and signed by the French Health Minister Rosaylne Batchelot-Narquin and the French Minister of Interior, Minister of the Interior, Overseas Territories Brice Hortefeux is addressed to the heads of each of France’s defense zones. the regional prefects in charge of police and the gendamerie, the prefects of departments and the heads of regional health authorities for hospitalization.
The objective of the 19-page document is the systematic vaccination of the entire French population in the period October, November, December 2009 and January 2010.
Secure facilities are to be established in every region that will serve as “vaccination centersâ€.
On page 3 the order is explicitly given that no medical establishments should serve as vaccine centers.
GPs are to play no role in the vaccination programme.
School age children are to be vaccinated by special mobile pandemic vaccination teams in their schools.
The largest vaccination facilities – Centers of Vaccination of a Large Capacity (Centres de vaccination de grande capacite (CVGC) – with added security (fonctionnement renforce) are calculated to vaccinate 2,100 people each day.
Vaccine “teams†are to work in parallel vaccinating people in three 4-hour blocs each day, and the document calculates that two teams operating in this way will allow 184,800 injections to be given to 92,400 people in a center working five days a week for the entire four month period of the mass vaccination campaign.
No explicit mention of forced vaccination is made but the document states that everyone in the country without exception is to be vaccinated.