Hello – to my Corner

Thank you for stopping by and visiting in my corner of the world. I believe you would not have stopped by if you were not interested in this particular topic of UFO phenomenon which includes alien and military abductions.

I am honored to have been asked to be able to reach out to the populace of the world hoping to help you find the truth. If I cannot answer your questions on a particular subject within this phenomenon I will certainly work hard to find a truthful answer. I feel that I am quite versed with knowledge in the area of alien and military abductions since my true experiences began in 1988. In my “Corner” of this website I will strive to only answer truthful and correct questions, so be as sincere, truthful and honest with your questions or knowledge with your e-mails or written “snail mail” letters. My personal feelings are that seemingly in workshops, conferences within this phenomenon the human who is experiencing alien/military abductions are completely disregarded and left without any helpful “confirming” answers to where or what is happening to the alien/military abductee.

If there are certain topics on this phenomenon that you would like discussed please let me know. If you would like to share your experienced abductions, visual sighting, photos, drawn pictures or knowledge I welcome you to share amongst us. At the beginning of each month I will discuss new topics within the alien abduction experiences or what may be the most important topic that I receive. Whatever your personal stance or knowledge is in regard to if you are “opened minded” or “close minded” in this phenomenon or just an interested person within this field who would like to gain true knowledge.

I was very close minded and lived most of my life believing that extraterrestrial life did not exist. My bizarre and extraordinary experiences with the various aliens began on the night of September 1988. Two of my children and I witnessed an event that would turn our lives upside down and inside-out forever. That night was the beginning of years of fear, anxiety, feelings of insanity. I kept my hellish secret through numerous abductions by these extraterrestrials. Not until 1993 I came to accept the existence of these extraterrestrial beings who share the universe with us.

1996 brought forth a new and different kind of abductions. This source came from within the United States Military and Government. I too needed answers to what was happening in my life and finally sought out help. The help came from top people in this phenomenon. The many gifts of love that were given to me from these people and thus being introduced to many alien/military abductees brought forth this new life and learned knowledge. I felt in return of the daily gifts of love through their knowledge I returned these gifts to help other abductees who were living a “Secret Life” such as I was. In this, “Morning Glory Diary of an Alien Abductee” was published. I have received many letters over the years conveying their gratitude. I also welcome you to read my bio. You may contact me through this website with questions, topics you would like discussed, and your knowledge on this phenomenon at:Gloria@truthseekerforum.com 1998 I became a Certified Hypnotherapist guiding alien/military abductees to their truth. Finding through the many clients there is no diversity of whose lives are affected by this phenomenon. I dare you to read my “Secret Life” story.


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