Well I just got a call from an insider from this Group call MJ-7. Apparently last Saturday they had their monthly meeting. Half the meeting was on their plans for the much anticipated Dulce conference at the end of March. Norio is the lead person developing this project. Several excellent speakers will attend including Gregg Bishop, a local Albuquerque researcher and a past Police Chief of Dulce, who has probably seen it all (whatever that means). The Dulce underground base phenomenon is a true enigma. It sounds like both sides of this controversial subject will be presented at this conference in an open forum-type format, which will hopefully draw in the local native Apaches. Although one of the MJ-7 group members, who herself is an Apache, feels this “opening up†of the locals in Dulce may be a difficult challenge for the group to accomplish. I guess time will tell on that one. Apparently it seems like the tribe has accepted the first conference about their community and the mysteries that may or may not lie under or near their quiet town. Although there was caution in the group because the president of the tribe has not commented yet on this event, so MJ-7 may have to hold their breath. Native tribes work in mysterious ways in their own universe. This could make for an amazing event which the attendees may never forget.
Three weeks ago in Dulce,a TV/ Film company did a film about the town, which will be shown in the U.S. in June 2009. Media coverage of the main event in March is expected as the anticipation is heating up.
Other topics at the meeting included people who seemed to be drawn to New Mexico to live and stay and wait for “something†that may occur in 2012. The Phoenix Project had several members there at the meeting. A famous Native American told interesting stories from her past and how native traditions look at the UFOs and other related phenomena.
Also group attendance is growing at each meeting; the word is spreading and more people from diverse backgrounds are joining in.
The brain trust is growing, so is the Truth far behind?