Here is an interesting recent development concerning the entire Nevada Test Site:
Nevada Test Site gets new name: Nevada National Security Site
As everybody knows, the government’s so-called operating base at Groom Lake (a.k.a., Area 51) is located right next to the Test Site.
Although Area 51 officially has had no direct relationship to the Test Site for all these years even though it is located right next to it, it is my opinion that things will change in the very near future.
With this new policy and development, my belief is that some of the programs and operations of Area 51 may be extended further west into the Test Site (now officially called National Security Site).
It is apparent that R & D (research and development) and testing of emerging new technologies (in the name of “anti-terrorism” weaponry) will be conducted in the newly designated National Security Site.
If this is the case, Area 51 will expand and definitely benefit from the possible use of much larger space to integrate their own programs in conjunction with the National Security Site.
Let us hope that if this will be the course, that such R & D and testing programs will be conducted without any serious environmental infractions.
Excellent read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was doing a little research on that. I would also encourage everyone to bookmark this page to your favourite service to help spread the word. Thanks
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