News from Generessa Rose, Your Cosmic – Travis Walton, Philip Corso & X-Conference Archive

Dear friends,

FIRST, in my conversation with Travis Walton last Friday evening at
the Sedona MUFON meeting, he said that a couple weeks ago he published
a new upgraded version of his book, FIRE IN THE SKY. Having some with
him, I bought one, of course. Prices for the earlier edition of his
book had risen precipitously and so now an affordable version is once
again available. AND it has 25 additional pages. Rather than being
left with the misrepresentations and sensationalism that were in the
movie version, it is certainly better to read about what really
happened from the man himself. The new version is not listed on
Amazon or his web site yet, but I thought you might like a heads-up
about it.

SECOND, a book that is finally available in English, and at no charge,
is the original manuscript by U.S. Army Colonel Philip J. Corso,
titled DAWN OF A NEW AGE, previously only published in Italy.
Executing the orders of General Arthur Trudeau at the Pentagon, Corso
handled technical data and some mysterious components derived from the
alien craft that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, in early July 1947.
Corso had also seen medical reports of the autopsies performed on the
bodies retrieved at the incident site.

People interested in UFOs will be compelled to read this book, because
too much of the information in the bestseller ?The Day After Roswell?
does not stand up to what Corso really wrote in his diary. Open Minds
Production is presenting the Corso manuscript, for the first time in
the U.S., in its original, uncut and unedited English-language
version. The manuscript is available digitally; you can sign up to
get it at no charge at their website:

Kudos and gratitude to Open Minds Production for bringing this to us!

THIRDLY, you can still sign up to view the Archive of presentations at
the X-CONFERENCE 2010 held at the National Press Club in Washington DC
in May. The Archive will be available until June 30th. They had
multiple technical problems with the live streaming, but the Archive
is in good shape (except for cutting off the last two minutes of
George Knapp). All the presentations are well worth watching.

Live with truth and love without fear,

Generessa Rose

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