For years we have been riding a huge transformational wave of personal
and planetary energies, conditions, and changes, so the question is:
How can you stay upright on your 2012 surfboard . . . get the most out
of the ride . . . and even enjoy it?
What in the world is going on? How and why are these energies
affecting you personally, physically, emotionally? What are they
doing to your own energetic system? How are they influencing
planetary conditions? What is being birthed? What is the forecast
for the future? How can you best remain empowered and heart-centered
as The Shift continues?
The DVD Package: *EARTH – 2012 and BEYOND: Shamanic Wisdom and
Practical Tools for Changing Times* (including 4 BONUS GIFTS to you)
is chock-full of what you’re looking for!
Warning: If you’re looking for 2012 apocalypse, end-of-the-world doom
and gloom, don’t get this DVD package.
On the other hand, if you’re looking for up-to-date important
information, understandable explanations, enlightened perspectives,
valuable tips, practical techniques and shamanic wisdom so that you
can best navigate and utilize the transformational energies of 2012
and beyond, this DVD is definitely for you!
Filmed recently, this DVD PACKAGE includes:
– Find out valuable information about coming conditions
– Figure out what’s been affecting you and why
– Receive a multitude of practical techniques to help you out
– Learn how to work with changing planetary and cosmic energies
– Boost your peace and confidence in the midst of pressure and change
– Develop tools and abilities that help you navigate challenges
– Discover what shamanic journeys reveal about our changing times
– Increase ownership of your ability to modify problem areas
– Connect and develop right-relationship with Mother Earth
– Upgrade and expand your higher consciousness
– Be treated to uplifting and poignant shamanic wisdom
– Strengthen your internal tranquility and trust in your own Knowing
– Achieve more balance and maintain it with greater ease
– Allow The Shift into an enriched heart, deeper clarity and security
– Avoid drowning in a sea of discordant or draining energy
– Identify and stay out of traps lurking in theories and fear mentality
– Choose and empower the trajectory of your own path
– Handle changing times with a joyful and allowing heart
– Enhance your equilibrium . . . and more
Because I want you to have a full experience and a thorough
understanding of everything in the DVD, I am including 4 FR*EE BONUSES!
But this SPECIAL DVD PACKAGE is only available until 12pm midnight
PST, Sunday, December 18.
At $19.97, this is a really terrific deal I am very happy to offer you!
Go here to get more info & take advantage of my offer:
Namaste . . . and thanks for adding your Light to the world!
With blessings of joy and thanksgiving and beyond