Part 2: Mountainair- Shaffer- Hotel of Mystery -Is it all True Series # 330

schaffer hotelPlease read part 1 last week for a little more background on thehotel; so let’s continue with the wonderful stories coming from this hotel in Mountainair, New Mexico.

The Jack and Jill rooms, numbers 17 and 18: in 1928 a cowboy was staying in the Shafferwhile attending the Bean and Cattle Auction. Well the bad news is the cowboy was found hung in the bathroom between rooms 17 and 18. Pa Shaffer found the body and not knowing who he was strangely buried his body in an unknown burial site, for the cowboy didn’t sign the hotel register. Those were different times I guess. A couple of years ago a local skeptic on the cowboy hanging stayed in the same room where this incident took place.

The skeptic challenged the cowboy ghost to show himself. Note other past guests to the room had seen out of the corner of their eyes a body lying on the floor in the bathroom. So the skeptic in the middle of the night got up to go to the bathroom and suddenly he was shoved head first into the wall and held there for several minutes. He howled for his kids who were in the adjoining room 17, but they could not move to help their dad; finally he was released from the ghostly hold.But he next found out that all doors to the hall werelocked and after several minutes of struggling to get out, the doors opened freely. The skeptic and his children were found in the hotel lobby at 4am in the morning by the early staff, very shaken,not asking for their money back but just wanting to check out as soon as possible. He vowednever to return to the hotel, which he hasn’t to this day.This event happened just a few years ago.

Part 3 to come and remember to sleep tight, Ghosts and other beings have been among us from the beginning of Human time and probably before.


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