I had walked into a room to discuss with a large group of people, my experience the night before with the Grey Alien and my ability to expel energy from the top of my head. They wanted me to recount my experience, word for word. The group was mostly humans but I could feel something else lurking in the midst, but I couldn’t pin point where it was.
There was a long conference table that seated around 30 to 40 people in the middle of the room. Some people were standing, others were sitting. As I began to talk, the conference table began to elevate and spin. People scattered, obviously freaked out by the elevating table. I tried to stand on it, saying prayers to get it to stop but it started to spin faster, so I had to jump off. I was so focused on trying to get it to stop spinning, that I didn’t notice that everybody in the room was one by one slowly falling asleep. I knew in an instant that the room was a set up and that we were all trapped in it. A sense of dread came over me indicating something else was also in the room, hiding. I decided to talk anyways, moving away from the table. As I started to talk to the rest of the people who were still awake, some loud and high pitched noise started to drown out my voice. I had to tell a few people talking close by, to be quiet so I could continue with my story. It seemed whenever I continued or tried to talk, something happened to keep me from getting it out. A bluish Alien to my left, really didn’t want me to continue talking and he would make noise or yell at me to get me to stop. I finally had to tell him to, shut up!
I wanted to leave but I knew I couldn’t get out because the doors to the hallway seemed to disappear. After what seemed like an eternity of trying to talk, I dosed off for a bit, resting on a high counter. I woke up abruptly because I could feel something dark watching me. A hooded demon below me, was staring up at me with horrific eyes and a putrid smell, which seemed to serve as his trade mark to those around him. He grabbed my right hand and started to dig his long talon like nails into the top of my hand. I yelled for help but everybody was having a hard time waking up. I could literally feel his nails go into my hand, tearing the skin as if they were daggers. The ones who did wake up, couldn’t get to me because he made them move in slow motion. The pain was excruciating and I saw blood all over my hand. It felt like he had gone right through my hand, making multiple holes with his nails. It was obvious that he came there to keep me from talking. I knew I was up against something that seemed supernatural and powerful, yet it created in me a strong desire to kick its butt and fight it to the death. I looked back at him with disdain which made him dig into my hand harder.
No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t get him off my hand, his strength was beyond anything I had ever encountered, including the Grey Alien. I knew the only way to get away from him was to immediately wake myself up.
As I did this, I sat up in bed, knowing my right hand was going to be very bloody and I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital. I grabbed my little flashlight by the side of my bed because the pain was still very intense and to my surprise as I looked down, I saw nothing but little marks on the top of my hand. Thank God … no blood was anywhere! I laid back down wondering if I fell back asleep, would I see the same horrid creature again. It took over an hour for me to fall back asleep and when I woke up the next morning, I saw nail marks on the top part of my hand that took the rest of the day to disappear.
Shortly after these two experiences, I had an accident with a long studio mirror that was 10 feet by 5 feet. Out of the blue one night, some strange force pushed it forward and it landed on my bed. If I had been sleeping in my bed at that very moment, I would have been severely hurt or worse. So I have to ask, what two sides was the medium talking about?
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