We are exactly halfway through the proposed publication run of the newsletter which means less than a year-and-a-half until the end of the Maya calendar on December 23, 2012. I am excited to announce here, on this very special Ahau Day, the discovery of another island monument, this time off the coast of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean, which appears to have a relationship to Palenque and the Robinson Crusoe Island monument that I attribute to the Mayan king Chan Bahlum. Brought to my attention by a viewer of the Apocalypse Island movie, the Brazilian monument is EXACTLY the same distance from the Robinson Crusoe Island monument as the RCI monument is from the exact center of Chan Bahlum’s Cross Group plaza in Palenque. Using powerful Google Earth satellite imagery I was able to measure from the precise locations of the monuments to discover that the comparative distances are accurate to within less than 50 feet over more than 3,600 miles! This mystery never ceases to amaze me.
Great thanks go out to Dr. Melo and Alex Romildo for their persistence in communicating this information to me. It was precisely this type of collaborative effort that I hoped to achieve when I reached out to the world with the History Channel movie.
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The Ahau Chronicles Volume 28Happy Ahau Day,