This March the Forum here in Albuquerque hosted a wonderful speaker named Todd Michael. Personally, I feel he did some of the best tying together of the worlds of UFOs, paranormal, and the human race. He had an interesting style of presentation–comforting and peaceful, and his talk resonated with me and many others.
In 2005, Todd had a spiritual awakening that started as a homeless vision quest in Malibu, CA, when he had no money and just a car to sleep in. He began having conversations and relationships with other beings. His encounters became encounters of the close kind. These were life-changing experiences. Todd developed his 8 senses – 4 more than most people believe exists. He developed the ability to shift-shape. He has become an amazing manifester. He believes you have to ask to receive and that includes alien contact. According to Todd, there are many of them out there that want to meet us. There were times when he had 3 to 5 visits per week.
Todd talked about breaking the patterns of our present life to experience a different happier world. Along with that, he spoke of the year 2016, which he said was going to be a year of great profound change. Todd discussed his experiences with a great Bigfoot researcher named Kewaunee. He talked about how a Bigfoot touched him through his tent on Kewaunee’s property in Washington. Then there was the Ancient One encounter he witnessed, the most unique Bigfoot–like being.
Todd demonstrated something quite special that he has never had a bad experience with any of the non-human beings. And finally his story about when he shape-shifted into a whale to help rescue the two stranded whales in Sacramento River in California tugged at your heart.
Sleep Tight – From Todd – (Use with caution): So-Lin-so-La-Ra –say three times with LOVE and they will come.