I remember when the original series came out. Wow, the scales under the human skin were truly a sight to see! Now we will do it again for a new TV watching generation and a show, which is starting to captivate audiences around the country and beyond.
Most of us in a strange way love reptiles, snakes, lizards, and big strange birds. In my 40+ years of abduction research, probably 20% of the abductees see reptilian-type beings but most of their encounters with the scaly ones are very unpleasant. They carry away an abductee to scare the hell out of them and the reptilians seem to enjoy it. As I have said in the past, the sucking of the emotional energy from humans assures their survival on this earth.
Of course we all have a small piece of reptile in all of us- that small base of our human brain– that reptilian nub. So I guess when we see them, our subconscious self thinks of mom and dad, well a very ancient mom and dad. Of course in the show they are portrayed as very good looking humans. But what is so creepy is knowing that there is a body covered in scales right under the human mask.
You would think with that distant ancestral relationship they would treat us humans more kindly-But no. These reptilians are of a totally different frequency that is not human, but they did give us our violence.
The plot of this “V†series developed much quicker then the original series. So we know the players and some of the plots, but always the question remains, who will win the battle for the earth? And now I hope you saw the part where the reptilians are going to save us from a pandemic with their special vaccine (do I need to say more?). Will this vaccine sedate us into suppression, to manipulate, conquer, and enslave us happy humans on our prison planet? People like David Icke say this is a real possibility. The reptilians or snake people as many native tribes call them, say they have been plotting our demise for thousands of years.
So it will be fun to watch this series unwind (again starting March 2010). You should pay attention because there is much truth in this fiction. Is a warning for us humans to wake up and smell the lizard?
Sleep tight and safe until the day they need not disguise their appearance.