Where is Ufology going in 2010? -Part 1 -Is it all True Series #113

With all this talk about some type of disclosure in 2010, the reality is that UFO/Alien disclosure talk has been going around for as long as I can remember over the past 44 years. Like most prophecies in our infinite universe, eventually they all come true, but most happen hundreds of years after the fact. I will say though through my vortex photography, I believe we are edging closer towards a revelation.

As some would say the veil is thinning or opening up a bit. My photography is showing a variety of shapes, forms and sizes of different beings. The good news is it appears that only one of the Inter- Dimensional Beings (IDBs) was bent on aggressive behavior. The other 9 beings seemed to be fine with my photo work and our presence.

And if a disclosure doesn’t come, how should we (the researchers) proceed? Well, we need to step out of the box so far that we can no longer see it (the box) with the most powerful telescope ever made. This is a concept that few have realized; Strieber, Vallee, and Sagan are the few who have gotten it. We have failed in our quest to understand these IDBs. Our left-brain is quite useless in this journey; actually this linear side is a total hindrance to grasp the complex concept.

Our right brain is our only chance; it uses no words just whole concepts through symbolisms. Think of crop circles, they communicate to us via our right brain plane. To go where neither man nor woman has gone, we need to shutdown the left-brain, (please don’t do this while you are driving). The creative part of our brain is always open to new and amazing information.

In my 40 years of research on abductions, many abductees speak of being shown symbols and pictograms – they create mind impressions through our “right-side portal” which have been known to change the abductee’s whole mindset.

Hard-wired linear scientists will never get the understanding of the IDB concept, for it doesn’t fit into their left-brain paradigm. An artist or a musician will probably be the first of us to really make communication with these otherworldly beings. Also this could be the reason why very young children see wee people, elves, fairies and elementals. For children around the age of 1 thru 4 years old, their left-brains are not yet dominating their minds and they can freely move back and forth between them.

So maybe us left-brainers should go into a child-like state to make real contact.

Sleep Tight – happy right braining.



Can you see them -Three IDBs– use your right-brain

3 Replies to “Where is Ufology going in 2010? -Part 1 -Is it all True Series #113”

  1. It appears that there are vertical beings in the photo. They seem to be in the midst of a movement, whereas a tree would not have that feeling. Why not IDBs. Have you ever heard of Malidoma Some who talks about red beings in Africa called Kontombli. The perceptions we have are because of the inner filter we have. It seems to be the time to expand that viewpoint. Maybe that is why we have so much media available now.

  2. Right Brain = red
    Left Brain= yellow

    when our brains are in equalibrium = blue

    meditative state=purple

    our physical world= orange

    this came into my head one night, I felt that whoever reads this will take my sudden self enlighten and use it well. TOOL is my spark of enlightnment that keeps me believing my beliefs. Listen to their albums, they’ll change your life. sorry if I am seeming like I’m pushing a commercial product, but my first reaction to this forum is sudden reassurence that I am not alone in my right brain dominance . I took a chemistry class in my junior year of high school and saw that I am not cut out for the yellow realm of thinking. Hope you take this into consideration for your beliefs or just read this response.

    Please email me if you can, you seem enlightened.

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