Cloning for the Better future

About 6 weeks ago, I was watching a Sixty Minutes Episode about this amazing Polo player and horse breeder named Adolfo Cambiaso from Argentina. He owned Tri-Cloning for the Better future amazing horse – coined the “ best Polo horse in history” – named Aiken Cura.  During a Polo match, Aiken had a very bad accident and before they put him down, Adolfo said his final goodbye, however, he had a curious request: he asked a veterinarian to make a small puncture in the stallion’s neck, put the resulting skin sample into a deep freeze, and store it in a Buenos Aires laboratory. He remembers, “I just thought maybe, someday, I could do something with the cells.”

His hope was not in vain. With the saved skin sample, Cambiasso was able to use cloning technology to bring Aiken Cura back to life. These days, a four-year-old, identical replica of Cambiaso’s star stallion—called Aiken Cura E01—cavorts around a flower-rimmed field in the Argentinean province of Córdoba, where he has begun to breed and train for competition.

Remember in 1996, Dolly the sheep was cloned as the first known animal to survive a cloning process. So 21 years ago, it started and now we can clone fully functional Super Horses, which Adolfo has used to win several Polo Championships.

One hundred plus years before, in 1885, Hans Driesch created two identical sea urchins by jiggling a two-celled urchin embryo until the cells separated and grew into their own creatures. Through much more sophisticated processes, scientists have since cloned pigs, cows, dogs, cats, ferrets, goats, and horses. So cloning in one shape or form has been going on for 133 years go figure.

Now we come to my personal story, I have always felt in the back of my mind that I had a clone somewhere in this present day. One day my Sister, a doctor, called me a little stressed, little amused with a little oddness in her voice. She had just got back from a restaurant in South Carolina where she lived. She said she was sitting at her table having her meal and she heard my voice extremely clear a few tables over. She knew it could not have been me because I lived in Arizona, and she had talked to me earlier in the day on my landline. So after listening for several minutes to the voice, she was compelled to see who this man was. She casually walked by the person and confirmed it definitely sounded like me to the tee with gestures like mine and he looked very similar, a middle aged, balding guy  (handsome of course). It gave her pause, she thought, what the hell was going on. She wanted to confront the man but decided it was too weird. But she said to this day( 25 years ago) she thought it was my doppelganger or clone.

At the end of the 60 Minutes episode, the doctor /scientist who was responsible for the cloning procedure spoke about the past, present, and future of cloning. He said,  “I know that we have come a long way, much longer than most people know.” That is all he said, but it is not hard to read between his words.

So you could save your mind’s thoughts on a super hard drive and probably with a handful of your stem cells, freeze them- for the future you.

Sleep tight , You can come back during a future better time -the possibilities are endless, enjoy now with no fear of death
