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The Al Bielek Meeting and the Jump Room– Is it all True Series #270
About 5 years ago, I was sitting in the living room across from a guy named Al Bielek. Yes, the Al Bielek, the guy they call the “walking encyclopedia”. And he was that. Al and his stepbrother, Duncan Cameron, were part of the Philadelphia Experiment and the even stranger reality called the Montauk Project. Al would answer any question under the sun and stars, including but limited to, is there or was there life on Mars. Well that question, which I did ask, started us on the journey through and around the world of Jump Rooms.
At that point I had never heard of Jump Rooms, thought it was just crazy talk. But Al was very convincing that the US Military had obtained the technology from off of a crashed alien ship. Our government had reversed engineered the room; it was a room that looked more like an elevator. And like an elevator it took you from point A to point B, but A to B was across million of miles in the matter of minutes. He explained the probes we sent in the past to Mars were sent just to set up a Jump Room on Mars as you need one on both ends of the transport. The US had been working on the project for over 70 years, since any reverse engineering project is a slow tedious process. Also rumored is that some of the original work was done with the help of the Nazis who would come ashore from their subs at Montauk Point and enter Camp Hero.
Camp hero also housed the famous time machine that Al Bielek’s stepbrother Duncan would travel in, so the story goes. One of the most amazing things Al said about the Jump Rooms was that human mind- consciousness ended up being the power behind the Jump Rooms, and the structures called Jump Rooms were places to sort of mediate your way through space. Al also said something like Jump Rooms were targeting locations to send and receive the conscious impulse. Wow—crazy talk (?)
Sleep Tight, your mind will and can transport you; it is a powerful vehicle.
Montauk Project: New Film Takes On Allegations Of Mind Control, Time Travel And Alien Encounters At Military Base
In a year when a respected investigative journalist suggested that the Roswell UFO scare may have been the handiwork of Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele and Joseph Stalin, along comes another story involving space aliens and outrageous experimentation on a U.S. military base.
Montauk, N.Y. — like Area 51, written about in Annie Jacobsen’s new book — has been the center of an otherworldly conspiracy theory for decades.
Believers say that people were kidnapped at a U.S. Air Force base and subjected to mind control and time travel experiments. And extraterrestrials somehow had a hand in it all.
It’s been dubbed “The Montauk Project,” and is the subject of an upcoming docu-drama, “Montauk Chronicles,” executive produced, directed and written by independent filmmaker Christopher Garetano.
But nobody has been able to actually prove these allegations. And all that’s left of the Montauk facility — currently a state park — are the above-ground remnants of the original Air Force base. According to a document issued by the Air Force Historical Studies office, the Montauk base, known as Camp Hero, was decommissioned in the early 1980s.
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One of several giant bunker doors sealed shut and embedded into a hill, located on the site of Camp Hero, the former Air Force military facility in Montauk, NY.
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Montauk is a small seaside resort town on the tip of Long Island that draws vacationers to its shores every year. Camp Hero, located a short distance outside of Montauk, has roots as far back as the Revolutionary War, during which it was used to test military cannons. Later, during World War II, Camp Hero served as a coastal defense installation against any possible Nazi intrusions into America.
“Montauk Chronicles” follows the story of three men, Alfred Bielek, Stewart Swerdlow and Preston Nichols, who claim that Camp Hero ended up as an underground site for scientific atrocities.
Bielek, a retired electrical engineer, maintains he was part of the mysterious Philadelphia Experiment, where in 1943, the U.S. Navy allegedly tried to make a small destroyer undetectable to radar. The test ended in disastrous results, including the ship disappearing from the Philadelphia Navy yard and — purportedly — traveling through time.
According to Bielek’s story, he was transported ahead in time from Philadelphia, and extraterrestrials were responsible for the technology used in the Philadelphia Experiment. He also maintains he was recruited in 1970 to work on mind control and time travel projects at the Montauk facility.
Swerdlow’s story involves being kidnapped as a teenager from his Long Island, N.Y., home, taken to the Montauk base, and subjected to a variety of experiments.
“Beatings, a lot of torture, electrical shock, burials, near-drownings,” Swerdlow said. “They’d bring you to the point of death, and then they would save you, and the person doing this would be your rescuer or god, and would say, ‘I’m the one that saved you and remember that.’ And that became your handler — your programmer.”
Swerdlow recalls being part of some horrific experiments while at the Montauk facility.
“The walls were very damp, oozing water, so it appeared to be deep underground or even underwater. I was always on this cold, hard table. Sometimes there’d be other people around, either my age or older, and electrodes were put into me and injections.”
All three men claim to have seen extraterrestrials while at the underground Camp Hero facility.
“Well, there were quite a number of aliens at Montauk,” said Bielek. “Some were there on a semi-permanent basis. A lot of them were just visitors that came in and looked at what they wanted to see and went back home.
“There were little grays there, which I suspected were degenerated humans from out of the future. Large gray aliens (which are a different species) were also at Montauk, and they were highly intelligent.”
Nichols, like Bielek, was an electrical engineer, who says he worked with Bielek in the mind control and psychic aspects of the Montauk Project.
“There were definitely alien beings at Montauk,” Nichols said. “We had the little grays and the larger grays as well as a variety of reptilian beings. The large grays didn’t want anything to do with me because they couldn’t reach me telepathically. When I entered a room they would leave.
“They were the strangest thing that I ever saw. At that point, I was beginning to doubt my own sanity.”
And Swerdlow also saw an alien presence at Montauk. “Most of the time my interaction was with human beings, but I did come into close contact with alien beings.
“I did see, occasionally, intelligent reptilian humanoid beings as well as gray aliens who were once human beings but were physically altered as a result of degeneration and radiation toxins in their system. Most of them communicated with mental telepathy.”
Garetano shot much of his upcoming film at the actual site of Camp Hero.
“When you walk through the area now, you see this giant, imposing radar tower that still stands,” Garetano told AOL Weird News. “The park currently has strange regulations: You’re not supposed to use any radio equipment there and you are cautioned about unexploded ordnance.
“While filming my movie here, I couldn’t understand why people are allowed to walk around a park where there are still unexploded devices or why radio equipment isn’t allowed if the radar tower is now defunct and the entire base is completely non-operational.”
That question may be answered by a brochure issued in 2001 for visitors to Camp Hero which includes a section called “Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Warnings”:
Please follow the following steps if you think you have come across Unexploded Ordnance:
Never transmit radio frequencies (walkie talkies, citizen’s band radio) near UXO.
Never attempt to touch, move or disturb UXO.
Avoid any area where UXO is located.
Garetano thinks it’s “strange that they don’t want you to use radio devices that may set off unexploded bombs, yet they allow the public to walk around a potentially high danger area!”
In addition to the giant abandoned radar tower at the Camp Hero site, there are also huge doors, or bunkers, cemented and sealed into the side of several hills in the forest area.
Also, strewn throughout the wooded park are numerous things that appear to be above-ground manhole covers.
“These are entrances that obviously go down into something,” Garetano said. “There are claims from people that these are entrances to underground tunnel systems that ran beneath the military base that allegedly would take you to the true entrance of the facility.”
Among the bizarre things claimed by the individuals who say they took part in the Montauk events was a device they called the Montauk Chair. Allegedly, a powerful psychic sat in the chair and was able to materialize objects out of thin air — manifesting them into physical reality.
After spending countless hours with the men who are the subjects of his film, Garetano says he didn’t always believe their stories.
“At first I didn’t. These men have not benefited financially — they didn’t gain anything from this. And they’ve endured ridicule as they maintain their story,” Garetano said.
To be sure, this story is filled with allegations, suppositions, unsupported claims and far-out “Stargate 1”-type movie and television science fiction. It certainly describes any typical urban legend.
The Montauk Project shows no signs of going away anytime soon.
Albuquerque/Rio Rancho UFO/Paranormal Forum – Their May Meeting, The Montauk Journey -Is it all True Series #138
Well , the somewhat famous and infamous group of Albuquerque called the Albuquerque/Rio Rancho UFO/Paranormal forum put on their May meeting , most of the Meeting was devoted to an advance look at the always strange world of Montauk.
Celeste , Gloria and Mike did the honors. Celeste did a solid over-view on the subject . Gloria talked in depth about one of the main players -Al Bielek, and Mike walked through a journey of his own personal synchronicities with Montauk.
Please note I had written a fairly extensive piece about this Montauk presentation but like everything else around Montauk, strange things seem to happen. About a week ago I sent the posting to my editor and she sent it back asking if I was using invisible ink.
Of course , I thought she was kidding , but no the article had completely disappeared off the face of the earth. As you computer geeks know once something is saved on a PC it is nearly impossible to completely make it gone. After two hours with my webmaster and two other PC geeks– no one could find the posting. The curse of Montauk had struck . So I have provided below two other past postings on the Montauk subject , be warned reading them just might pull you deep into the rabbit hole – but enjoy
There are four makers of the Montauk synchronicity, there are others, but these are some of the main players. First Hubbard, L. Ron, yes the founder of Scientology, he developed his (religion)- the special club from his Naval career in Naval Intel. Naval Intelligence has been involved in psychiatric
research and L. Ron grabbed on to these cutting edge techniques and formulated his quite famous book- Dianetics. Naval Intel fingerprints are all over Montauk. L.Ron had also researched human implants and how they could control mankind and it has been rumored Camp Hero was also a implant station.
Next player, the man called the most evil person on earth or the wisest man on earth (your choice)- Aleister Crowley. Aleister besides having direct or indirect relationships with the other Montauk players had bio-rhythmic synchronicities with the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project. His (Crowley) important personal events were linked to dates of the major events in the above projects/experiments.
Next players, The Camerons, Duncan Sr. and Jr., Edward (Al Bielek) and Marjorie, this group was smack in the middle the Philly experiment and the Montauk Project.
First Duncan Jr. occupied the time machine and he was aboard the USS Eldridge as the Tesla field went crazy. #2 Duncan Sr.Naval official who may have been responsible for transporting the Nazis scientists to the US to develop rockets, the A-bomb, zero point energy, strange stuff at Montauk (see our July 14th posting). #3 Al Bielek (half brother of Duncan Jr.) he was also on the Eldridge with Duncan as they jumped over board and forward in time. #4 Marjorie Cameron, a possible relation to the other Camerons (not perfectly calculated yet). She also had a Navy career working directly for the Joint Chief of Staff. But her checkered career ended in a court martial. Her real claim to fame was her marriage to Jack Parson.
#4 Jack Parsons was a genius and a rocket scientist. Jack, L.Ron, and Marjorie inter-acted together and worked on a project call Babalon Working a similar project to Montauk using sexual energy instead of Tesla technology to move on the Time-line.
I mentioned these characters because they were a few of the core players in Montauk and the Philly experiment; a web of synchronicity connected these people. It is very possible they never felt their deep connection in this space and time.
Some have said Montauk is on a corner of the vast vortex called the Atlantis Realm – which may cause the strange events in the area most known as the Bermuda Triangle. This northwest corner is Montauk Point, a place of powerful maybe sacred energy, here is where the Army put their radar base- Camp Hero and after the war an underground facility was built. In a chamber a “time regulator” was developed, in science fiction world it was called “The Time Machine”. In this device people like Duncan Cameron would flow in another direction out 6000 years. Duncan Cameron came from Celtic bloodline and I would not be surprised if somewhere he had Native American mixed-in (see my April 28,2007 posting). Duncan was one of only a few whose mind could handle the madness.
Montauk is one of the most compelling stories on earth infecting a few and touching us all. So a group of military and contractors fused a not so peaceful union to build a machine and play with the dimension of time. At first transients, runaway children and
just lost souls, so basically humans were kidnapped . They were put in this capsule, egg shaped vehicle and pushed on to the time line. Some came back and some were/ are stuck in limbo, sort of frozen in time. As soon this technology was refined, – timeonauts, (time- astronauts) moved along the time-line safely and successfully. Also many of the workers on the Montauk Project lead a strange dual life with only glimpses of the other life. Their dual life is the force which helps to drive the synchronicities they must un-puzzle to keep a little sanity.
This is a vast mystery of profound importance and 99% of the people of this country know nothing of it. We are missing incredible knowledge because we refuse to be engaged in our Universe and not afraid to look into others.
The Montauk web is so powerful just me writing this short posting will create synchronicities for me related to this strange drama.
Enjoy and learn – life is short.
" Montauk " Synchronicity Makers- Part 3
While there are certainly others, there are four main players of the Montauk synchronicity. Hubbard, L. Ron, (yes, the founder of Scientology), developed his (religion)- the special club from his Naval career in Naval Intel. Naval Intelligence has been involved in psychiatric research, and L. Ron grabbed on to these cutting edge techniques and formulated his quite famous book- Dianetics. Naval Intel fingerprints are all over Montauk. L. Ron had also researched human implants and how they could control mankind, and it has been rumored Camp Hero was also an implant station.
The next player is the man called either the most evil person on earth or the wisest man on earth (your choice), Aleister Crowley. Aleister, besides having direct or indirect relationships with the other Montauk players, had bio-rhythmic synchronicities with the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project. Crowley’s important personal events were linked to dates of the major events in the above projects/experiments.
These next players are, The Camerons: Duncan Sr. and Jr., Edward (Al Bielek) and Marjorie. This group was smack in the middle the Philly experiment and the Montauk Project. First, Duncan Jr. occupied the time machine, and he was aboard the USS Eldridge as the Tesla field went crazy. Secondly, Duncan Sr. was a Naval official who may have been responsible for transporting the Nazis scientists to the US to develop rockets, the A-bomb, zero point energy, and strange stuff at Montauk (see our July 14th posting). Thirdly, Al Bielek (half brother of Duncan Jr.) was also on the Eldridge with Duncan as they jumped overboard and forward in time. Finally, Marjorie Cameron, a possible relation to the other Camerons (not perfectly calculated yet), also had a Navy career working directly for the Joint Chief of Staff. But her checkered career ended in a court martial. Her real claim to fame was her marriage to Jack Parsons, who was a genius and a rocket scientist. Jack, L. Ron, and Marjorie inter-acted together and worked on a project call Babalon Working, a similar project to Montauk using sexual energy instead of Tesla technology to move on the Time-line.
The Eye
I mentioned these characters because they were a few of the core players in Montauk and the Philly experiment; a web of synchronicity connected these people. It is very possible they never felt their deep connection in this space and time.
This is a vast mystery of profound importance, and 99% of the people of this country know nothing of it. We are missing incredible knowledge because we refuse to be engaged in our Universe and are afraid to look into others.
"Montauk"- Part 1- The Web of Synchronicity
Montauk is a small community at the end of Long Island. An Army Base (Camp Hero), a time machine, small pyramids, and interesting people and events are all part of the Montauk scene. And then there are the people who make up the web of synchronicity, some live on Long Island but many are scattered around the world. I consider myself part of this strange group and I wasn’t asked to join.
In 1997 I was visiting beautiful Mt. Shasta and doing mediations to contact the dimensional beings that have been known to hang out on that mountain.
In the cute town called Mt. Shasta there is a great metaphysical bookstore named- The Golden Braid.
There I was grazing through the books and low and behold a book called “The Montauk Project – experiment in time ” jumped off the shelf into my hand, amazing, I was drawn in instantly and the subject has gripped me ever since.
The synchronicities started, first in Tucson, I bought the second book in the Moon/ Nichols series ( Great books) and as I walked out of the bookstore a huge silvery UFO slowly moved across the sky. Next I met Helga Morrow daughter of scientist Dr. Frederich Kueppers who worked directly on the Montauk project and she shared interesting details, which confirmed some of the stuff in the Montauk books. Next I befriended a gentlemen from New York who worked for the company that built the underground facility at Montauk , but he would not confirm or deny any personal involvement. Next have a dear friend from Atlanta who dated for over a year, the main guy (Duncan Cameron) the man who sat in the time machine at Montauk. Next I met a hypnotherapist that had direct contact with one or more of the “Boys Of Montauk”. And last, but not last was a 2.5 hour meeting with Al Bielek- a Montauk and Philadelphia Experiment direct experiencer- see our posting “The day I met Al Bielek and the Wolf” May 21 2007.
If you feel you maybe part of this wild and crazy Montauk world (and you will know) -Please contact me by sending a comment on this posting. I will not post it without your permission. Understand all comments are held for review , too much spam stuff out there.
More to come — enjoy life is very short.
Amazing beauty – of the mountain called Shasta.
The Day I Met "Al Bielek" and the "Wolf".
My day started out fairly normally with grocery shopping, walking Mr. Shaman and getting gas etc. I was looking forward to the evening when I was planning to go over to a friends house and meet a celebrity of sorts. Al Bielek was a man (maybe not a man) who at the least was from somewhere else or had traveled to somehow else–all sounds complicated and it was. He was a guy who was at the center of the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk experiments in Time (travel) and maybe much more. Al was in town on a movie shoot about Montauk, romance and other-worldly stuff. We sat around with the cast and talked about the days movie shooting, a fairly boring mundane conversation. Then the fragile Bielek stepped into the room. The atmosphere changed, a strange energy moved around the room, it was exciting but unsettling.
The group fired off many questions to Al and he fired back answers. Questions– wow– amazing questions and even more amazing answers,such as ‘What purpose of life and death”?, “How many groups of aliens are on earth?”, “What is it like on Mars”?,and Is the Moon real”? to name just a few.
Al’s answers? (Well maybe another time). Strangely he is a narcoleptic of sorts,and would dose off in the middle of an answer. Sometimes we would anxiously wait for him to finish an answer, but when he came to he wouldn’t miss a beat. As Al spoke,he took us (the group) to other worlds and other dimensions. As we were in this Bielek state of mind, a huge wolf slowly walked among us. Was it real or not real? All minds paused, but it was real. We all froze,as the great wolf’s eyes pierced into the back of our minds. Its breath was slightly sweet and hot.
The wolf and Al made this event,an experience in the surreal. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.