Since the beginning of human time, there has been a group of beings called the Archons. Some say they controlled our reality. I think there are some truths here but I don’t believe every word hook, line and sinker. This group seems to be comprised of the Greys and Reptilians, groups that searched out planets like Earth looking for emotional beings like humans to feed off of.
Let’s go back to the very beginning, a Goddess-like energy call Sophia decided to create Earth, as this beautiful peaceful paradise for her beings (humans and animals, etc.). This sounds similar to the other creation stories we have all heard of. So about 250,000 years ago or so, the Archons showed up and started messing with Sophia’s world. As the Archons started causing chaos among the humans, this heightened the degree of emotional energy the humans produced. Chaos, crisis, wars, and suffering are the fertilizers of emotional acceleration and this is the food source they (Archons) want and need to survive and prosper. Sophia was not able to totally defend the Earth from the Archons, so she decided to make herself a part of the planet as Gaia or Mother Earth, which I believe does exist – this Mother Earth. Gaia, over the thousands of years, has balanced out these Archons and because of this, humans were able to prosper as their numbers grew to the billions. This is a double-edged sword for Gaia, though, because as more humans multiple, the Archons, through their manipulation of man and woman, have polluted Mother Earth to weaken her ability to balance the energy-sucking beings that threaten all ecosystems on Earth.
These Grey/Reptilian groups, who eat our emotions, have been among us, influencing surrogates and mind-controlled humans. These surrogates are humans in high-powered places, among the very elite of our societies. The best way to gain control over a culture is to do it in a stealth fashion because it is so much easier to manipulate and accomplish your agenda. And this is what the Archons have done for thousands of years.
They move about in the old secret societies such as the Illuminati, the Skull and Bones, and the Vatican Elites and there are many other groups that harbor the ones who do the will of the Archons. There are also rogue cells in government agencies such as the US- FBI, CIA, DIA, ATF, DOD, DOE and many others from other western Christian countries. But I must mention that there some good guys in those groups as well who are resisting and fighting the Archons and their surrogates. Now from the corporate world, there are the psychopaths, the leaders of some of our companies who would sell their mother’s soul to make a buck. They would also pollute and destroy their own planet to advance the Archon’s agenda of creating an environment of as much suffering as possible to feed their enormous appetite. Besides the emotional energy, they have a great interest in human souls and try to capture them as they are released at the point of death. I guess we could call them soul catchers. And the energy from the body is said to be the super nectar of human existence.
After 40 years of working with abductees, I heard that Greys and reptilians were very much against the use of nuclear weapons even though nukes do cause amazing suffering, they also cause death to the human soul, which is the caviar/truffle on their plate.
The Archons, as I have stated before, are a cunning and ruthless group with little or no emotional investment in anything they do, especially to mankind. They have been here for probably thousands of years. Their overall influence has varied as their power over the earth has changed and other non-human groups have come and gone during Archon’s occupation of our home.
The first wave to defeat them is to have millions realize they exist and the fact they are sucking our emotional energy. This drain on humanity is so powerful that in time we could very well be a Zombie-type civilization. Just to know they exist gives us a bit of power, a quantum power that can start turning the tide against the energy vamps.
Next, we must be fearless and not fearful, for fear is the nectar they crave. Being fearless will diminish their food source, and slowly starve them out.
And finally, peace and love produce stability, calm and tranquility. Stop world conflicts and the cycle will be broken. The Archons will retreat and we will gain our sanity back. Humans will return from the invisible bondage we have been under for thousands of years. Most of the human race has not been aware of the tremendous weight that has been on their shoulders. A weight that has kept most of us in a stupor about our true nature and our lost ability to become the Universal being that our creator intended us to be. We are creators, we are manifestos and we are God-like as our creator. Made in his-her own image and more. And the Archons are trying to take all this away.
Sleep Tight, now we know, and we can start taking back our reality.
A postscript: Rainbow not reading my post or knowing the title — had a dream about the Archons and that a full frontal invasion of earth would happen 2075 to prevent the total awakening of mankind.
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