Our Junk DNA – is it really Junk or much more ? Is it all True Series #443

Over the weekend I finished watching on Netflix the new X-files episodes from last season, it bought back some good old memories of the original series.

Especially the one episode that talked about putting Alien DNA into humans via vaccines or other injectables. Years ago I had written about those same possibilities, and this new X-file continued to explore the real possibility that this could or has happened. It again looked at the Smallpox vaccine as the entry point of enough alien DNA to slightly change some of us and make us different from the vast balance of the human race. This could do two things, protect those from a coming plague or trigger at a critical point the sudden end of the target humans lives who were injected with the Alien- foreign DNA.

This Project/ Agenda could be driven by a group of aliens and or just a mad human group wanting to reduce the ballooning human population. Chances are this agenda is not what the vast majority of humans would consider good for the enhancement of the human race, but who really knows. In the face of over-population, climate change (global warming) and the constant need to create death and mayhem on a vast scale, the future of the human race is not looking bright and the stability of this planet has run past it tipping point.

Assuming for a minute this is an alien project it would make sense for them to try to make some of us more compatible to a hybrid (human/alien) population, a population that has been rumored to have existed for over 70 years. Many of us have something called Junk DNA in our Genes. I believe it’s not junk and these particles of strange proteins will change us at a critical time into either a new Earth Being or a lessor sub-species to serve the Hybrid race.

I think Chris Carter is a deep end experiencer of the Alien ways and his X-files series is providing entertainment and basic truths about our real reality.

Sleep tight – Junk DNA is more than junk and X-files is more than entertainment
