13.3 miles of lines were carved into a dry-lake bed in Oregon. What was discovered looked like a Crop Circle in the middle of the Desert…A perfect “Sri Yantra Mandala Formation”.
This ancient symbol was so precise it was flawless…Each line was 10 inches wide and 3 inches deep carved into extremely hard compact dirt that is very difficult to dig in…No cars where seen for miles, no tire tracks were seen for miles…No footprints were seen at the site or anywhere around it…
No apparent signs of tools were used…And no one was seen in the area…I don’t see any dirt from the 13.3 mile long 10 inch wide hole that was carved into the desert at a depth of 3 inches…
There must have been a lot of dirt so it begs the question where is the dirt? The close up photo of the 4 lines looks clean with no extra dirt laying around outside the ditch that was made from each of these lines being dug out of the desert…This happened on Aug 10, 1990…
Comment #1 – “I think they messed up on labelling the right measurements of the lines. you would not be able to see each individual line from 9000 feet if they were 10 inches wide. If the lines were 10 feet/yards/meters wide that would make more sense.”
Comment #2 – “Can’t see it on Google Earth anymore because Google covered it with a Big circular Green radar looking thing. I notice those round radars covering a lot of things now on google. You can still see around where they covered, there are massive lines going in circles. Just go to Steens? mountains Oregon” on google Earth, then go west a little to where you see the first desert area and you will see.” – Full Article Source