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The Otherside of Darkness and Light
In today’s day and age, it seems like there is so much happening on the ethereal plane that is exploding in our dreams and psyche. Strategic battles for humanity swell being, the battle of wills, and the card game of chance all play upon people’s desire to succeed sometimes bluffing their way through life.
For the most part, we as humans can’t always see the details of specific outcomes because of ethereal negotiations for our very existence that are surreptitious at best in the matrix of agendas.
Could it be, we don’t want to see anything that changes our perceived comfort level of existence? If anything, if we can see our reality, touch it or feel it, it’s palatable at least it seems for most people.
If we think about this palatability, it makes little sense, at least not in the
typical, daily grind kind of way. Do we touch God by holding a bible or pushing open the church doors? Do we feel the brush of Angel’s wings when the wind blows through our hair?
Does incense become the essence of how Heaven smells or does
it helps us know or understand what smells might accompany the presence of God or the Angels?
Religion is humanity’s brick and mortar, the connection to the invisible realms that seems tangible and attainable. Psalms, legendary tales, and religious verses give us the sustenance we crave but to what extent do they jive with today’s world.
I get confused when I hear about the Fallen Angels who I have read are also known as the Annunaki or Nephilim. I know their existence is written about in Sumerian tablets but how close is this similarity? Depending on which religion or culture has inscribed their belief or definition, it’s hard to tell who is closest to the truth or who is fantastical in their storytelling.
So who are the Fallen Ones? There seems to be a continued craze to keep these beings in our mindset sometimes with an almost idiosyncratic enthusiasm that
seems to be based on morbid curiosity.
The Fallen Ones have so many different names that for all intentions and purposes, you can decide on which name fills the blank in the best.
How do these beings enter our lives and create havoc? As an Empath, I have
wondered this very thing especially when I see the pain and sorrow that is caused by their intrusion.
As humans, we are a very unique species because we have something about us that can only be achieved by being born on this planet. We are carried within the womb by our mother’s who themselves were carried in the same way by their mothers. This means that all mothers have one thing in common, which is the earth’s frequency they pass down to their children. We are born with earth’s frequency as our insignia which allows us to live upon her and thrive.
It’s an amazing birthright and one of the greatest gifts given to humankind.
Our bodies are vessels that are a great commodity because we have the ability to feel and express emotions to such soaring heights that we are light shows of epic proportions. I think the Dark ones are intrigued by our ability to feel. This is why they invade or occupy our bodies so they can try to experience this ability for themselves.
Alas, for them, they can never experience what they observe because
Earth’s frequency is in the soul. Even if there is a possession of the body, they still can’t come close to what they see us experience yet even still, they continue to try.
The ethereal world seems connected to our planet by the undying and affixed memories of souls passing away either with a predestined or unexpected ending. It seems Hollywood is fixated on scripts that incorporate a ghoulish or dark spirit coming back for vengeance. We can always count on the unmistakable human giving in to the Dark Agenda that either haunts humans or wants to devour them.
This is why society up to this point has a distorted idea of what the darkness is. If we are always portrayed as losing to the Fallen Ones, then society in a twisted and morbid way ends up with a mindset conscious or unconscious, that is defeated. We become ripe for frightening visitations or worse possession if not in body but also the mind.
The morning light in most movies, signifies hope, the unstoppable brilliant fire that illuminates even the deepest and darkest crevices, allowing for humanity’s escape from the unending pursuit of nightmarish ghouls. This hope is signified in angels but not just any angels, the highest, the right hand of God, the doers of good and his will, the Archangels.
If humanity wins in the end, I guess Hollywood feels there isn’t much more to write about. Yet, even with this very misconstrued ideology in the mainstream consciousness, we as a society are starting to get a hold on what kind of reality we want to live in. Running from ghouls is hard work and to be honest, it’s ridiculous to watch another person run from something we wouldn’t want any part of.
Maybe watching someone else go through a scary plot or circumstance, keeps the line in the sand drawn, movies versus reality.
The desolate darkness is the comatose silence that can be deafening to the
senses, the nonexistence of the illuminating soul. Symbols for light and dark have been a part of human history since the consciousness of man and woman could tell the two apart.
I have often wondered how individual choices affect the connection humans have with the earth. Does a dark journey change the outcome of the Earth frequency insignia a person is born with? What kind of role do the Archangels play in our lives? Are they figments of the imagination, written as hope for humanity, or have people really seen them
throughout history? I ask this question not out of jest but more for contemplative reasons.
Personally, I can attest that I have seen Archangel Michael not once but
three times as an adult. I wasn’t near death or having an out-of-body experience. I wasn’t on drugs or hallucinating, it was three times in my life where I had to make a choice.
Archangel Michael has a very unique aura about him and he doesn’t allow for second-guessing. He comes with a mission and then leaves without a second glance. To me, it was never like, did I really just see him kind of thing; it was sitting back and wondering why he took the time to visit me in the first place.
I thought he would be accompanied by more pomp and circumstance but that obviously is just in movies. I saw his sword, the look in his eyes that didn’t always seem friendly but overtly stern. There was one thing about him that will always stay with me, as much as he was to the point of his mission, he always brought the essence, the smell of Heaven, the all-encompassing hope that my soul recognized immediately. This feeling is how humans can tell the difference between the Fallen
Ones and the Archangels.
It’s the soul’s recognition that can tell who is who.
Below the light, the darkness hides and when it comes out, it is invited by those who claim it as their creed, the decadence of their soul that brands them for eternity. These humans are the ones that play with fire and in the end, get consumed by it. When humans partake in the dark realm of rituals, they open portals for the Fallen Ones who can gain entry without having to cross the earth’s borders in disguise.
The Dark Agenda welcomes them because the ultimate goal is to break down the earth’s dominant resonance. This is humanity’s greatest battle because it’s not just good versus evil or light versus dark, it’s our right to exist as we are. How many stories are there in religious books about the Fallen Ones that state they rebelled against God because of us?
The Dark Agenda plays all hands and reads all cards. As humans, we can have the upper hand based on just one thing, the ascension of our soul. All we really need to do is reconnect with our higher source, the divinity within. By doing this, we would understand all that is or ever was or ever will be.
The dark night is just as much a part of us as the light of day. We are the
mysterious, hushed breakthrough, the quiet reflection of the cosmos that allows the shimmering stars to sparkle.
We can shed light on the dark void with the understanding that we know who we are and where we come from ultimately knowing that all along God isn’t just around us but in us. Our souls aren’t for sale; they are the sustenance of divinity from the breath of God.
We are the other side of darkness and light, the two combined. Remembering that the Heavens are in us, is a way to bring out our light
and vindication by making no apology for our place in the Universe. We can stand strong with the Archangels making our choice known, becoming a part of the sovereign remedy instead of being the source of its contention.
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Paranormal Awareness
Sometimes I listen to paranormal shows and I often wonder what their impact on people is. What are the do’s and don’ts of living in a haunted house? What are the signs that there is a problem and when should a person get professional help? It’s not easy living in a haunted home or for that matter experiencing the paranormal on a daily basis. It usually happens when we least expect it which in a warped way, is the paranormal’s way of showing us; it has a dark sense of humor.
When I was in my early teens, I realized that there were some things I had to learn to do to survive even the slightest hint of anything paranormal. I didn’t have any tools so I did what I could to feel safe. I realized even back then that there were people like me who were experiencing the paranormal but that there wasn’t a specific rule of thumb to go by. Maybe it’s time I wrote about my version of this rule of thumb so to speak and how it helped me get through some dark and tough times. This is obviously based on my experiences so I hope in some manner, large or small the advice I give will help those in search for answers.
Closets From childhood on up to this very day, closets still scare the bejeezus out of me. If a child or young adult tells their parents there is a problem in the closet, in most cases, they won’t be believed. This happened to me and it was really more about my parents didn’t want to deal with something that could possibly be a problem. The door would be shut and if it opened, there was a rational explanation. A closed door that doesn’t usually open on its own isn’t normal. Sounds from a closet are not normal. Things being messed with in a closet isn’t normal. Something coming out of a closet definitely isn’t normal. If any of these things I spoke of are part of a conversation you have with your kids or family members, there’s a problem. The real question is, why would a parent discount what a scared child or young adult tells them?
I believed my daughter when she told me something was in her closet watching her and what was worse, she then proceeded to tell me a voice told her to go to the closet. When she told me this, I immediately knew something was up. I mean, that is not a regular conversation I would usually have with my four years old. First and foremost, believe what your kids and family members are telling you. Secondly, it’s important to go and open the door, look around in the closet and state you are aware it’s there. Claim the closet as part of your house and smudge the inside of it with sage. I would also light either, frankincense and myrrh or dragonsblood incense in the bedroom. I would call my daughters guardian angels into the room and ask them to watch over her. I would also place a piece of tiger eye or serenite in the closet. I also do this for myself.
Antiques I’m a sucker for antiques and in some ways, they can be my downfall. There are two things you can do if you want to bring a piece of the past home with you, first, ask the history of the piece, where it came from and who owned it before it came up for sale. Secondly, ask the salesperson if anything strange has happened around it. If you get bad vibes meaning heart racing, headache, stomach tightening or goose-bumps from being around the piece, that’s usually a sign you should not buy it. Remember if something is attached to a piece of furniture, art or lamp, you will feel it. It’s harder for the darkness to hide when the room temperature changes. Beware of cold spots.
Haunted Rooms In a prior post I wrote about a house I lived in, in my early twenties. The room was one of the most haunted spaces I even to this day have come across. Usually haunted rooms or locations occur when a death, natural or unnatural has occurred. This means that perhaps violence and or negative emotions were absorbed into that room. Sometimes spirits like to occupy a space even if they did not live or experience anything there, it just depends on the circumstances. For example, a little boy spirit would peer in my daughter’s room from an outside window when she was young. He didn’t have anything to do with the house but was more attracted to her and her playing in her room. He wanted her to invite him in; I made it clear there would be no uninvited spirit playmates in the house.
Clearing a haunted room isn’t that easy. As a homeowner, it’s important to state it’s your house and that includes those spaces that are apart of your house that is compromised. I have always had an altar in my bedroom anywhere I’ve lived. It’s the one thing that I think people should do in their homes. Once I get my altar set up, I then make it clear that my guardian angels and spirit guides are invited in besides friendly contacts but all others with negative intentions, have to leave. If they don’t like it, I ask my guardian angels to take care of it. The important thing here is to know without a shadow of a doubt that your guardian angels will take care of it. If you doubt this, you take away their ability to get rid of unwanted spirits and you actually empower the unwanted spirit with the fear of uncertainty. Your convictions as a live human and your beliefs are put to the test when you have to get rid of unwanted spirits. They have to know that you have dominion in this reality. If they are mean, it may take some time but when I’ve had my fill of activity, I’m steadfast and stick to my guns in order to get them out.
Attachments Spirits have their own agendas and sometimes figuring out what their agendas are can be like going down a rabbit hole. It’s important to look at yourself as a whole individual with a protective bubble around you. The one-way spirits can attach themselves to people is when they are depressed and unprotected. Think of all the people who take medication for depression, it’s a real problem and a part of this problem is dark energy taking advantage of the low points in people’s emotional lives.
Here’s something that might help, first off, it’s important to have daily goals even habitual routines that are reminders to keep our shields of protection up. All this shield is, is asking your spirit guides or guardian angels or whoever to protect you. Imagine wings around you all day or a wonderful array of lights engulfing you. However, you can imagine your shield around you because it is the most important part of keeping the darkness at bay. Imagining it, feeling it and relaxing in its protection is what makes it real. It’s a daily ritual of asking that reminds us that at certain times within a day, we can become vulnerable. This is when we need help the most.
Dark Shadows Every so often in the various houses I’ve lived in, I have seen dark shadows. I don’t always see them as something apart of the house because I have seen them outside as well. I think they are beings from other dimensions who are fascinated with our energy. I think our vibrations of emotional highs and lows attract the attention of these creatures. Whatever appearance you see them it doesn’t really matter because they all seem to show themselves in whatever image gets the worst scare out of you. I’ve seen black blobs, shadows of men in military uniforms, tall and short figures of people and the list goes on. Whenever I see them, I say out loud, “I see you!” This has always worked in making them leave because for some reason they don’t like for the people to know they are watching them. I can’t say in all cases that if you let them know you see them that they will leave but at least it puts you on an even keel with whatever is looking at you. Awareness is key here.
Paralysis This is a weird one here because I have woken up on my stomach totally paralyzed except for my eyes looking around. I have had a strange dark figure try to pull me off the bed a few times with me paralyzed except for my eyes and a difficult time speaking or should I say screaming! If I focus on my vocal cords and really try to get them to work, I usually can make a sound squeak out and then I can get it louder from there. I think on this one if you can stay focused on your body and not what’s going on around you it helps. It’s important to try to get your mind over matter and focus on what works so that you can go to that inner place within you that is your source of power. This is what I call the sanctuary of the soul where God presides. In my opinion, there is nothing more powerful than this place within a person and if we can learn to focus on it, we usually can free ourselves. I know I did it in Egypt when I woke up paralyzed. The Medicine men and women I studied with showed me how to focus during times of distress.
You have to calm down your breathing, almost feeling your heartbeat, feeling it within your chest beating in a more relaxed manner. Secondly know that you are working from your mind and that what the mind tells the body to do, it does. Its part of the reality of this dimension, our mind is the pilot of our body. Focus on your inner sanctuary where your essence is most comfortable and at home. Between the two, mind and essence, focus on easing yourself from the confines of the paralysis. As it was told to me, all humans need to get used to going within themselves instead of focusing outside themselves. By going within, we make it harder for paralysis and mind control to happen. There’s a vast Universe within us that we never venture into, maybe it’s time you did.
Hope these examples help you. I’ve been dealing with all kinds of things for 50 years. Not much surprises me but there are those exceptions. I’ll talk about those in my next post.
e it harder for paralysis and mind control to happen. There’s a vast Universe within us that we never venture into, maybe it’s time you did.
Hope these examples help you. I’ve been dealing with all kinds of things for 50 years. Not much surprises me but there are those exceptions. I’ll talk about those in my next post.
Richard Boylan — Interesting and far out Stuff, but truth didn’t fall far from his tree
CIA Projects Stargate, Grill Flame, Center Lane, Sunstreak, Scanate, and MK-ULTRA were just the tip of the iceberg. There were many, many other projects, all to do with the intertwined investigation of and experimentation with remote viewing, remote sensing, remote influencing (both mental and physical), mind control, remote mind programming and reprogramming, remote hypnotizing, creation of and utilization of psychic weapons, etc.
Army Lt. General James Channon was one person involved. He developed the First Earth Battalion Operations Manual using psychic warrior concepts. Some details about these are provided in the book (2004) and movie (2009), The Men Who Stare at Goats.
Others involved are/were a whole host of shadowy characters in military, intelligence, civilian mil-intel contract work; and as well as operatives of the Cabal. Just some of the people involved are/were:
Glenn B. Wheaton, retired U.S. Army Special Forces sergeant with 5th SFG; psychic and remote viewer; set Ronson on the trail of the “men who stare at goats”Albert Stubblebine, retired Army major general; career military intelligence officer; proponent of psychic warfare, levitation, spoon-bending and walking through wallsJim Channon, retired Army lieutenant colonel; author of the First Earth Battalion Operations Manual; New Age guru and consultantJohn B. Alexander, retired Army colonel; proponent of non-lethal weapons and of military applications of the paranormal; introduced Channon’s book to Stubblebine Frederick Holmes “Skip” Atwater, retired Army lieutenant; Gen. Stubblebine’s “psychic headhunter”; later president of the Monroe Institute James V. Hardt, research psychologist and expert on the electrophysiological basis of spiritual states; assisted the “men who stare at goats”Steven Halpern, new-age musician consulted by the Army on how to deploy music as a weapon or for mind-control via subliminal messagesGuy Savelli, martial artist and psychic; recruited to work with U.S. Special Forces by Col. Alexander; purportedly “downed” a goat and killed a hamster with his mind alone Pete Brusso, martial artist and psychic; inventor/marketer of a personal self-defense weapon (“the Predator”); Savelli’s rival for U.S. military contract workUri Geller, spoon-bending Israeli celebrity psychic entertainer; self-described consultant to the U.S. military Prof. Courtney Brown, Emory University political scientist and paranormal proponent; allegedly barred from the Art Bell radio show after inspiring the Heaven’s Gate mass suicide Prudence Calabrese, psychic who worked with Courtney Brown; also banned from the Art Bell radio showChristopher Cerf, Sesame Street songwriter; song appropriated by U.S. Army PsyOps soldiers in IraqJamal al-Harith, Jamaican-British convert to Islam; subjected to musical weirdness as GTMO prisonerEdward (“Ed”) A. Dames, retired Army major, intelligence officer and psychic; frequent guest on the Art Bell radio show; known as “Dr Doom”Joseph McMoneagle, retired Army NCO and chief warrant officer; intelligence officer and psychic; now runs a remote viewing business Lyn Buchanan, retired Army intelligence NCO and psychic; unlike several of his colleagues, did not go on to develop a civilian “psychic franchise” Eric Olson, son of Frank Olson; lifelong activist to uncover cause of his father’s mysterious deathBob Ricks, American law enforcement official; incident commander at 1993 Waco siege Norman Cournoyer, Ft. Detrick colleague of Frank Olson; confirmed to Frank’s son Eric that, in his view, his father’s death was a CIA murderMichael Echanis, self-styled “soldier of fortune” and psychic martial artist; “pin up” icon for Special Forces groupies; died in a 1978 accident in Nicaragua
Gen. Manuel Noriega, superstitious dictator of Panama; exploited sorcery and witchcraft to wield power; nemesis of Gen. Stubblebine
Art Bell, late-night radio host and proponent of all manner of paranormality and conspiracies; mentor to Ed Dames
Tony Robbins, self-help guru and firewalker; mentor to Gen. Stubblebine
Frank Burns, retired Army colonel and Internet pioneer; purportedly coined (with Channon) the Army’s ’80s recruiting slogan “Be All That You Can Be”
Igor Smirnov, Russian psychiatrist; mind-control and thought projection expert; consulted by FBI during the 1993 Waco siege
Frank Olson, American bacteriologist and Army bio-weaponeer; died in 1953 in tragic CIA misadventure
Sidney Gottlieb, American chemist and CIA spymaster; dosed Frank Olson with LSD days before his death
“Dr. Bucha”, U.S. Army scientist who, in the 1950s, investigated tactical uses of helicopter flicker vertigo; may be an urban legend as no one knows his first name
David Koresh, American leader of the Branch Davidians religious sect; subjected to musical weirdness and finally killed during 1993 Waco siege.
Of note too is that there will be CIA involvement when extraterrestrial aliens arrive here on Earth: “The CIA reportedly is also a member of an Incident Response Team to investigate UFO landings, if one should occur.” (Presumably because the CIA could field one or more operatives uber-talented in telepathic communication – the preferred manner of communicating of the Star Visitors.)
After the 9/11 [2001] attack, the NSA also got into the psychic spying/warfare business.
Of interest is that one of the sources who provided information concerning the post-9/11 NSA psychic program given to investigative author Gus Russo claimed that some of the operations to remote-view foreign intelligence targets had been blocked by “an unknown extraterrestrial source,” suggesting the NSA’s psychic research program involves more than psychic perceptions.
The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) also is working in the same psychic research-and-development areas as the CIA and NSA.
When Darth Vader talked about the Dark Side, fiction notwithstanding, there really is a real Dark Side. The behind-the-curtain controllers, The Cabal have mastered [sort-of] all of the above research and experimentation to assemble a formidable armamentarium of psychic warfare instrumentalities. A big part of the Cabal’s power is that can remotely target anyone at any time in any location in the world and psychically or psychotronically “read” and attack them. And leave no fingerprints.
What the Cabal hadn’t reckoned on was the Star Seeds are more powerful than any psychic weapon – (once the Star Seed is aware that he/she is being attacked or remote-influenced by said psychic weapons!)
Wendi, I am in awe of your endurance. As are Star Nations High Council.
Like the Timex slogan goes, you ‘take a licking and keep on ticking.’
After Public Acknowledgment of Star Visitors [soon], there will need to be a globally-televised public assembly, Wendi, at which you are awarded a Distinguished Service and Heroism Award for all you have been through and survived at the hands of the Cabal.
Be well, Wendi-san.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Councillor of Earth
Part 2
What would be the ultimate gain for any entity visiting this planet? Think about it, a visitor’s frequency wouldn’t last long or be capable of enduring the earth’s dominant resonance. Figuring out how to stay here for long periods of time would be the ultimate goal and since most of humanity isn’t worried about being a target, the dark agenda could hover, waiting without the concern of being found out. If humanity isn’t looking for a problem, they won’t see it coming until it’s too late. This is the underlining ulterior motive for such entities because a surprise attack coming out of the blue, usually works the best.
I have often wondered about the Archangels and the role they play in our lives. Are they figments of the imagination, written as a hope for humanity or have people really seen them through out history. I ask this question not out of jest but more for contemplative reasons. Personally, I can attest I have seen Archangel Michael not once but three times as an adult. I wasn’t near death or having an out of body experience. I wasn’t on drugs, or hallucinating, it was three times in my life where I had to make a choice. As a child I believe he came to me but I’m not sure how many times or the circumstances.
Archangel Michael has a different aura about him, he doesn’t allow for second guessing, he comes with a mission and then leaves without a second glance. To me, it was never a, did I really just see him kind of thing; it was sitting back and wondering why he took the time to visit me.
I thought he would be accompanied by more pomp and circumstance but that obviously is for humans, and our desire to one up our importance from each other. I saw his sword, the look in his eyes that didn’t always seem friendly but overtly stern. There was one thing about him that will always stay with me, as much as he was to the point of his mission, he always brought the essence, that smell of Heaven, the all encompassing hope that my soul recognized immediately. I think this is how people can tell the difference between negative entities, demons or Angels. It’s the soul recognition that tells us who is who. If people are disconnected from their souls, how can they possibly know what lurks or stands before them. I have to say, for the hell and damnation types to automatically call anything that shows itself to them or anybody else, a demon, is just about as ridiculous as it sounds. People who live in fear quickly point fingers and assume so much based on their disconnect from themselves and God.
Below the light, the darkness hides and when it comes out, it is because it is invited by those who claim it as their creed, the decadence of their soul that brands them for eternity. These humans are the ones that play with fire and sometimes get consumed by it but the important and necessary message here is because such humans partake in the dark realm rituals, the portals are constantly open and the hovering observers gain entry without having to cross the earth’s borders in disguise. The dark agenda welcomes these entities or demons or whoever else chooses to make their presence known. This is humanities greatest battle because it’s not just good versus evil or light versus dark but tangible entities and demons who take no prisoners and truly seem to devour the soul, claiming it as theirs.
Are demons really so angry at our creation? How many stories are there in religious books about the fallen angels or the Nephilim that state that they rebelled against God because of us? Scholars and theologians write about this ancient war regarding human beings based on our creation by God, and being made in his image. Why would the fallen angels become so jealous and what changed their view on God, thus judging humans so harshly? Are we being told the whole story? If not, where is the rest of the story?
What if humanity could read minds, foresee the impulses of dysfunctional people, whisper in people’s heads the answers to their problems, and find solutions for every environmental problem humankind could ever face? If so, would such entities or demons bother coming here? Would the Angels have an easier time guiding us and would we see them more often than not? Isn’t this really becoming more of our reality then we think? The problem arises based on, if we are gaining a strong foothold on reality by ourselves as a species or if something else is manipulating our existence. Can we ever be a step ahead of the dark agenda?
The dark agenda plays all hands and reads all cards. As humans we can have the upper hand based on just one thing, the ascension of our soul. All we really need to do is reconnect with our higher source, the divinity within. By doing this, we would understand antiquated time, even into the earth’s primordial beginnings. This would be a great advantage when fighting such an archaic entity because if humans can remember time as it was recorded on this planet, we would see how the games were played and understand the dark agenda’s strategy. Humanity would have the upper hand and the ill-fated disappearances of children and their perverse rituals of death, would no longer be the blemish and disgrace of our reality. Innocence is the purest form of God which makes it such an appealing target. The worst and most evil message sent to human kind, is taking the life of innocence and placing the blame on the shoulders of divinity because of a begrudging vendetta.
We have to think about the corrupted souls walking amongst us. A friendly smile, pleasant conversation and the appearance of decency is a preferred cover for darkness. The phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” can have a very complicated and confusing meaning. The soul can’t be deceived once it recognizes the intent and essence of any entity or being it encounters. But title and assumed respectability with the proper etiquette can confuse and place doubt within the mind of any person. Ultimately, the soul has to be the one in charge so that it can pull apart the onion of deception. Once human beings can recognize who they are looking at, these entities or demons won’t be able to hide, they can’t hover, waiting to attack anyone because people will know who they are and where they reside.
We hold the key to illumination in our hands because we have both the light and dark within us. The dark night is just as much apart of us as the light of the day. We are the mysterious, hushed breakthrough, the quiet reflection of the cosmos that allows the shimmering stars to sparkle. Because of this, darkness can’t devour itself or anything apart of it. Darkness can alienate the light from itself but even this action requires an acknowledgement of the existence of light within it.
We can shed light on the dark void with the understanding that we know who we are and where we come from, ultimately knowing that all along God isn’t just around us, but in us. Our souls aren’t for sale; they are the sustenance of divinity from the breath of God. Heaven has always been in us and remembering our heritage is the best way to bring out the light and vindication, by making no apology for our place in the Universe. We can stand strong with the Archangels making our choice known, becoming apart of the battle instead of being the source of its contention.